;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: HUNCHENTOOT; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/hunchentoot/specials.lisp,v 1.33 2008/04/08 14:39:18 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2004-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :hunchentoot) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel) (defmacro defvar-unbound (name &optional (doc-string "")) "Convenience macro to declare unbound special variables with a documentation string." `(progn (defvar ,name) (setf (documentation ',name 'variable) ,doc-string))) (defvar *http-reason-phrase-map* (make-hash-table) "Used to map numerical return codes to reason phrases.") (defmacro def-http-return-code (name value reason-phrase) "Shortcut to define constants for return codes. NAME is a Lisp symbol, VALUE is the numerical value of the return code, and REASON-PHRASE is the phrase \(a string) to be shown in the server's status line." `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel) (defconstant ,name ,value ,(format nil "HTTP return code \(~A) for '~A'." value reason-phrase)) (setf (gethash ,value *http-reason-phrase-map*) ,reason-phrase)))) (defconstant +crlf+ #.(format nil "~C~C" #\Return #\Linefeed) "A constant string consisting of the two ASCII characters CR and LF.") (def-http-return-code +http-continue+ 100 "Continue") (def-http-return-code +http-switching-protocols+ 101 "Switching Protocols") (def-http-return-code +http-ok+ 200 "OK") (def-http-return-code +http-created+ 201 "Created") (def-http-return-code +http-accepted+ 202 "Accepted") (def-http-return-code +http-non-authoritative-information+ 203 "Non-Authoritative Information") (def-http-return-code +http-no-content+ 204 "No Content") (def-http-return-code +http-reset-content+ 205 "Reset Content") (def-http-return-code +http-partial-content+ 206 "Partial Content") (def-http-return-code +http-multi-status+ 207 "Multi-Status") (def-http-return-code +http-multiple-choices+ 300 "Multiple Choices") (def-http-return-code +http-moved-permanently+ 301 "Moved Permanently") (def-http-return-code +http-moved-temporarily+ 302 "Moved Temporarily") (def-http-return-code +http-see-other+ 303 "See Other") (def-http-return-code +http-not-modified+ 304 "Not Modified") (def-http-return-code +http-use-proxy+ 305 "Use Proxy") (def-http-return-code +http-temporary-redirect+ 307 "Temporary Redirect") (def-http-return-code +http-bad-request+ 400 "Bad Request") (def-http-return-code +http-authorization-required+ 401 "Authorization Required") (def-http-return-code +http-payment-required+ 402 "Payment Required") (def-http-return-code +http-forbidden+ 403 "Forbidden") (def-http-return-code +http-not-found+ 404 "Not Found") (def-http-return-code +http-method-not-allowed+ 405 "Method Not Allowed") (def-http-return-code +http-not-acceptable+ 406 "Not Acceptable") (def-http-return-code +http-proxy-authentication-required+ 407 "Proxy Authentication Required") (def-http-return-code +http-request-time-out+ 408 "Request Time-out") (def-http-return-code +http-conflict+ 409 "Conflict") (def-http-return-code +http-gone+ 410 "Gone") (def-http-return-code +http-length-required+ 411 "Length Required") (def-http-return-code +http-precondition-failed+ 412 "Precondition Failed") (def-http-return-code +http-request-entity-too-large+ 413 "Request Entity Too Large") (def-http-return-code +http-request-uri-too-large+ 414 "Request-URI Too Large") (def-http-return-code +http-unsupported-media-type+ 415 "Unsupported Media Type") (def-http-return-code +http-requested-range-not-satisfiable+ 416 "Requested range not satisfiable") (def-http-return-code +http-expectation-failed+ 417 "Expectation Failed") (def-http-return-code +http-failed-dependency+ 424 "Failed Dependency") (def-http-return-code +http-internal-server-error+ 500 "Internal Server Error") (def-http-return-code +http-not-implemented+ 501 "Not Implemented") (def-http-return-code +http-bad-gateway+ 502 "Bad Gateway") (def-http-return-code +http-service-unavailable+ 503 "Service Unavailable") (def-http-return-code +http-gateway-time-out+ 504 "Gateway Time-out") (def-http-return-code +http-version-not-supported+ 505 "Version not supported") (defvar *approved-return-codes* '(#.+http-ok+ #.+http-no-content+ #.+http-multi-status+ #.+http-not-modified+) "A list of return codes the server should not treat as an error - see *HANDLE-HTTP-ERRORS-P*.") (defconstant +day-names+ #("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun") "The three-character names of the seven days of the week - needed for cookie date format.") (defconstant +month-names+ #("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec") "The three-character names of the twelve months - needed for cookie date format.") (defvar *session-cookie-name* "hunchentoot-session" "The name of the cookie \(or the GET parameter) which is used to store the session on the client side.") (defvar *rewrite-for-session-urls* t "Whether HTML pages should possibly be rewritten for cookie-less session-management.") (defvar *content-types-for-url-rewrite* '("text/html" "application/xhtml+xml") "The content types for which url-rewriting is OK. See *REWRITE-FOR-SESSION-URLS*.") (defparameter *the-random-state* (make-random-state t) "A fresh random state.") (defvar-unbound *session-secret* "A random value that's used to encode the public session data.") (defvar-unbound *hunchentoot-stream* "The stream representing the socket Hunchentoot is listening on.") (defvar *close-hunchentoot-stream* nil "Will be set to T if the Hunchentoot socket stream has to be closed at the end of the request.") (defvar *headers-sent* nil "Used internally to check whether the reply headers have already been sent for this request.") (defvar *file-upload-hook* nil "If this is not NIL, it should be a unary function which will be called with a pathname for each file which is uploaded to Hunchentoot. The pathname denotes the temporary file to which the uploaded file is written. The hook is called directly before the file is created.") (defvar *session-data* nil "All sessions of all users currently using Hunchentoot. An alist where the car is the session's ID and the cdr is the SESSION object itself.") (defvar *session-max-time* #.(* 30 60) "The default time \(in seconds) after which a session times out.") (defvar *session-gc-frequency* 50 "A session GC \(see function SESSION-GC) will happen every *SESSION-GC-FREQUENCY* requests \(counting only requests which use a session) if this variable is not NIL.") (defvar *use-user-agent-for-sessions* t "Whether the 'User-Agent' header should be encoded into the session string. If this value is true, a session will cease to be accessible if the client sends a different 'User-Agent' header.") (defvar *use-remote-addr-for-sessions* nil "Whether the client's remote IP \(as returned by REAL-REMOTE-ADDR) should be encoded into the session string. If this value is true, a session will cease to be accessible if the client's remote IP changes. This might for example be an issue if the client uses a proxy server which doesn't send correct 'X_FORWARDED_FOR' headers.") (defvar *default-content-type* "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" "The default content-type header which is returned to the client.") (defvar *methods-for-post-parameters* '(:post) "A list of the request method types \(as keywords) for which Hunchentoot will try to compute POST-PARAMETERS.") (defvar *header-stream* nil "If this variable is not NIL, it should be bound to a stream to which incoming and outgoing headers will be written for debugging purposes.") (defvar *show-lisp-errors-p* nil "Whether Lisp errors should be shown in HTML output.") (defvar *show-lisp-backtraces-p* nil "Whether Lisp backtraces should be shown in HTML output when an error occurs. Will only have an effect if *SHOW-LISP-ERRORS-P* is also true.") (defvar *log-lisp-errors-p* t "Whether Lisp errors should be logged.") (defvar *log-lisp-warnings-p* t "Whether Lisp warnings should be logged.") (defvar *log-lisp-backtraces-p* nil "Whether Lisp backtraces should be logged when an error or warning occurs. Will only have an effect if *LOG-LISP-ERRORS-P* or *LOG-LISP-BACKTRACES* are also true.") (defvar *lisp-errors-log-level* :error "Log level for Lisp errors.") (defvar *lisp-warnings-log-level* :warning "Log level for Lisp warnings.") (defvar *show-access-log-messages* t "Whether routine messages about each request should be logged. This will only be done if SERVER-USE-APACHE-LOG-P is NIL.") (defvar *log-file* (load-time-value (let ((tmp-dir #+:allegro (system:temporary-directory) #+:lispworks (pathname (or (lw:environment-variable "TEMP") (lw:environment-variable "TMP") #+:win32 "C:/" #-:win32 "/tmp/")) #-(or :allegro :lispworks) #p"/tmp/")) (merge-pathnames "hunchentoot.log" tmp-dir))) "The log file to use \(unless the Apache log is used).") (defvar *log-file-stream* nil "The stream corresponding to the log file.") (defvar *log-file-lock* (make-lock "log-file-lock") "A lock to prevent two threads from writing to the log file at same time.") (defvar-unbound *session* "The current SESSION object.") (defvar-unbound *request* "The current REQUEST object.") (defvar-unbound *reply* "The current REPLY object.") (defvar *log-prefix* t "The prefix which is printed in front of Apache log messages. This should be a string or T \(for \"Hunchentoot\", the default) or NIL \(meaning no prefix).") (defconstant +implementation-link+ #+:cmu "http://www.cons.org/cmucl/" #+:sbcl "http://www.sbcl.org/" #+:allegro "http://www.franz.com/products/allegrocl/" #+:lispworks "http://www.lispworks.com/" #+:openmcl "http://openmcl.clozure.com/" "A link to the website of the underlying Lisp implementation.") (defvar *dispatch-table* (list 'default-dispatcher) "A list of dispatch functions - see *META-DISPATCHER*.") (defvar *default-handler* 'default-handler "The name of the function which is always returned by DEFAULT-DISPATCHER.") (defvar *easy-handler-alist* nil "An alist of \(URI server-names function) lists defined by DEFINE-EASY-HANDLER.") (defvar *http-error-handler* nil "Contains NIL \(the default) or a function of one argument which is called if the content handler has set a return code which is not in *APPROVED-RETURN-CODES* and *HANDLE-HTTP-ERRORS* is true.") (defvar *handle-http-errors-p* t "A generalized boolean that determines whether return codes which are not in *APPROVED-HEADERS* are treated specially. When its value is true \(the default), either a default body for the return code or the result of calling *HTTP-ERROR-HANDLER* is used. When the value is NIL, no special action is taken and you are expected to supply your own response body to describe the error.") (defvar *default-log-level* nil "The default log level for LOG-MESSAGE*.") (defvar *session-data-lock* (make-lock "session-data-lock") "A lock to prevent two threads from modifying *SESSION-DATA* at the same time.") (defvar *session-removal-hook* (constantly nil) "A function of one argument \(a session object) which is called whenever a session is garbage-collected.") (defvar *tmp-directory* #+(or :win32 :mswindows) "c:\\hunchentoot-temp\\" #-(or :win32 :mswindows) "/tmp/hunchentoot/" "Directory for temporary files created by MAKE-TMP-FILE-NAME.") (defvar *tmp-files* nil "A list of temporary files created while a request was handled.") (defconstant +latin-1+ (make-external-format :latin1 :eol-style :lf) "A FLEXI-STREAMS external format used for `faithful' input and output of binary data.") (defconstant +utf-8+ (make-external-format :utf8 :eol-style :lf) "A FLEXI-STREAMS external format used internally for logging and to encode cookie values.") (defvar *hunchentoot-default-external-format* +latin-1+ "The external format used to compute the REQUEST object.") (defconstant +buffer-length+ 8192 "Length of buffers used for internal purposes.") (defvar-unbound *server* "During the execution of dispatchers and handlers this variable is bound to the SERVER object which processes the request.") (defvar *meta-dispatcher* (lambda (server) (declare (ignore server)) *dispatch-table*) "The value of this variable should be a function of one argument. It is called with the current Hunchentoot server instance \(unless the server has its own dispatch table) and must return a suitable dispatch table. The initial value is a function which always unconditionally returns *DISPATCH-TABLE*.") (defvar *server-counter* 0 "Internal counter used to generate meaningful names for listener threads.") (defvar *worker-counter* 0 "Internal counter used to generate meaningful names for worker threads.") (defvar *default-read-timeout* 20 "The default read-timeout used when a Hunchentoot server is reading from a socket stream.") (defvar *default-write-timeout* 20 "The default write-timeout used when a Hunchentoot server is writing to a socket stream.") (defvar *cleanup-interval* 100 "Should be NIL or a positive integer. The system calls *CLEANUP-FUNCTION* whenever *CLEANUP-INTERVAL* new worker threads have been created unless the value is NIL.") (defvar *cleanup-function* 'cleanup-function "The function which is called if *CLEANUP-INTERVAL* is not NIL.") (defvar-unbound *local-host* "Bound to a string denoting the address at which the current request arrived.") (defvar-unbound *remote-host* "Bound to a string denoting the address the current request originated from.") (defvar-unbound *remote-port* "Bound to an integer denoting the port the current request originated from.") (pushnew :hunchentoot *features*) ;; stuff for Nikodemus Siivola's HYPERDOC ;; see ;; and (defvar *hyperdoc-base-uri* "http://weitz.de/hunchentoot/") (let ((exported-symbols-alist (loop for symbol being the external-symbols of :hunchentoot collect (cons symbol (concatenate 'string "#" (string-downcase symbol)))))) (defun hyperdoc-lookup (symbol type) (declare (ignore type)) (cdr (assoc symbol exported-symbols-alist :test #'eq))))