;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: HUNCHENTOOT; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/hunchentoot/misc.lisp,v 1.17 2008/03/17 11:40:25 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2004-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :hunchentoot) (let ((scanner-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (defun scanner-for-get-param (param-name) "Returns a CL-PPCRE scanner which matches a GET parameter in a URL. Scanners are memoized in SCANNER-HASH once they are created." (or (gethash param-name scanner-hash) (setf (gethash param-name scanner-hash) (create-scanner `(:alternation ;; session=value at end of URL (:sequence (:char-class #\? #\&) ,param-name #\= (:greedy-repetition 0 nil (:inverted-char-class #\&)) :end-anchor) ;; session=value with other parameters following (:sequence (:register (:char-class #\? #\&)) ,param-name #\= (:greedy-repetition 0 nil (:inverted-char-class #\&)) #\&)))))) (defun add-cookie-value-to-url (url &key (cookie-name *session-cookie-name*) (value (session-cookie-value)) (replace-ampersands-p t)) "Removes all GET parameters named COOKIE-NAME from URL and then adds a new GET parameter with the name COOKIE-NAME and the value VALUE. If REPLACE-AMPERSANDS-P is true all literal ampersands in URL are replaced with '&'. The resulting URL is returned." (unless url ;; see URL-REWRITE:*URL-REWRITE-FILL-TAGS* (setq url (request-uri *request*))) (setq url (regex-replace-all (scanner-for-get-param cookie-name) url "\\1")) (when value (setq url (format nil "~A~:[?~;&~]~A=~A" url (find #\? url) cookie-name (url-encode value)))) (when replace-ampersands-p (setq url (regex-replace-all "&" url "&"))) url)) (defun maybe-rewrite-urls-for-session (html &key (cookie-name *session-cookie-name*) (value (session-cookie-value))) "Rewrites the HTML page HTML such that the name/value pair COOKIE-NAME/COOKIE-VALUE is inserted if the client hasn't sent a cookie of the same name but only if *REWRITE-FOR-SESSION-URLS* is true. See the docs for URL-REWRITE:REWRITE-URLS." (cond ((or (not *rewrite-for-session-urls*) (null value) (cookie-in cookie-name)) html) (t (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* html) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (url-rewrite:rewrite-urls (lambda (url) (add-cookie-value-to-url url :cookie-name cookie-name :value value)))))))) (defmethod dispatch-request (dispatch-table) "Dispatches *REQUEST* based upon rules in the DISPATCH-TABLE. This method provides the default Hunchentoot behavior." (loop for dispatcher in dispatch-table for action = (funcall dispatcher *request*) when action return (funcall action) finally (setf (return-code *reply*) +http-not-found+))) (defun default-dispatcher (request) "Default dispatch function which handles every request with the function stored in *DEFAULT-HANDLER*." (declare (ignore request)) *default-handler*) (defun default-handler () "The handler that is supposed to serve the request if no other handler is called." (log-message :info "Default handler called for script ~A" (script-name)) (format nil "Hunchentoot

Hunchentoot Default Page

This is the Hunchentoot default page. You're most likely seeing it because the server administrator hasn't set up a custom default page yet.

Hunchentoot is a web server written in Common Lisp. More info about Hunchentoot can be found at http://weitz.de/hunchentoot/.


" (address-string))) (defun create-prefix-dispatcher (prefix page-function) "Creates a dispatch function which will dispatch to the function denoted by PAGE-FUNCTION if the file name of the current request starts with the string PREFIX." (lambda (request) (let ((mismatch (mismatch (script-name request) prefix :test #'char=))) (and (or (null mismatch) (>= mismatch (length prefix))) page-function)))) (defun create-regex-dispatcher (regex page-function) "Creates a dispatch function which will dispatch to the function denoted by PAGE-FUNCTION if the file name of the current request matches the CL-PPCRE regular expression REGEX." (let ((scanner (create-scanner regex))) (lambda (request) (and (scan scanner (script-name request)) page-function)))) (defun handle-static-file (path &optional content-type) "A function which acts like a Hunchentoot handler for the file denoted by PATH. Send a content type header corresponding to CONTENT-TYPE or \(if that is NIL) tries to determine the content type via the file's suffix." (unless (and (fad:file-exists-p path) (not (fad:directory-exists-p path))) ;; does not exist (setf (return-code) +http-not-found+) (throw 'handler-done nil)) (let ((time (or (file-write-date path) (get-universal-time)))) (setf (content-type) (or content-type (mime-type path) "application/octet-stream")) (handle-if-modified-since time) (with-open-file (file path :direction :input :element-type 'octet :if-does-not-exist nil) (setf (header-out "Last-Modified") (rfc-1123-date time) (content-length) (file-length file)) (let ((out (send-headers))) #+:clisp (setf (flexi-stream-element-type *hunchentoot-stream*) 'octet) (loop with buf = (make-array +buffer-length+ :element-type 'octet) for pos = (read-sequence buf file) until (zerop pos) do (write-sequence buf out :end pos) (finish-output out)))))) (defun create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler (uri path &optional content-type) "Creates and returns a dispatch function which will dispatch to a handler function which emits the file denoted by the pathname designator PATH with content type CONTENT-TYPE if the SCRIPT-NAME of the request matches the string URI. If CONTENT-TYPE is NIL tries to determine the content type via the file's suffix." ;; the dispatcher (lambda (request) (when (equal (script-name request) uri) ;; the handler (lambda () (handle-static-file path content-type))))) (defun enough-url (url url-prefix) "Returns the relative portion of URL relative to URL-PREFIX, similar to what ENOUGH-NAMESTRING does for pathnames." (subseq url (or (mismatch url url-prefix) (length url-prefix)))) (defun create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler (uri-prefix base-path &optional content-type) "Creates and returns a dispatch function which will dispatch to a handler function which emits the file relative to BASE-PATH that is denoted by the URI of the request relative to URI-PREFIX. URI-PREFIX must be a string ending with a slash, BASE-PATH must be a pathname designator for an existing directory. If CONTENT-TYPE is not NIL, it'll be the content type used for all files in the folder." (unless (and (stringp uri-prefix) (plusp (length uri-prefix)) (char= (char uri-prefix (1- (length uri-prefix))) #\/)) (error "~S must be string ending with a slash." uri-prefix)) (when (or (pathname-name base-path) (pathname-type base-path)) (error "~S is supposed to denote a directory." base-path)) (flet ((handler () (let* ((script-name (url-decode (script-name))) (script-path (enough-url (regex-replace-all "\\\\" script-name "/") uri-prefix)) (script-path-directory (pathname-directory script-path))) (unless (or (stringp script-path-directory) (null script-path-directory) (and (listp script-path-directory) (eq (first script-path-directory) :relative) (loop for component in (rest script-path-directory) always (stringp component)))) (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+) (throw 'handler-done nil)) (handle-static-file (merge-pathnames script-path base-path) content-type)))) (create-prefix-dispatcher uri-prefix #'handler))) (defun no-cache () "Adds appropriate headers to completely prevent caching on most browsers." (setf (header-out "Expires") "Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" (header-out "Cache-Control") "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" (header-out "Pragma") "no-cache" (header-out "Last-Modified") (rfc-1123-date)) (values)) (defun ssl-p () "Whether the current connection to the client is secure." (cond ((server-mod-lisp-p *server*) (ssl-session-id *request*)) (t #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (server-ssl-certificate-file *server*) #+:hunchentoot-no-ssl nil))) (defun redirect (target &key (host (host *request*) host-provided-p) port (protocol (if (ssl-p) :https :http)) (add-session-id (not (or host-provided-p (starts-with-scheme-p target) (cookie-in *session-cookie-name*)))) code) "Redirects the browser to TARGET which should be a string. If TARGET is a full URL starting with a scheme, HOST, PORT and PROTOCOL are ignored. Otherwise, TARGET should denote the path part of a URL, PROTOCOL must be one of the keywords :HTTP or :HTTPS, and the URL to redirect to will be constructed from HOST, PORT, PROTOCOL, and TARGET. Adds a session ID if ADD-SESSION-ID is true. If CODE is a 3xx redirection code, it will be sent as status code. In case of NIL, a 302 status code will be sent to the client." (setf code (or code +http-moved-temporarily+)) (check-type code (integer 300 399)) (let ((url (if (starts-with-scheme-p target) target (format nil "~A://~A~@[:~A~]~A" (ecase protocol ((:http) "http") ((:https) "https")) (if port (first (ppcre:split ":" (or host ""))) host) port target)))) (when add-session-id (setq url (add-cookie-value-to-url url :replace-ampersands-p nil))) (setf (header-out :location) url (return-code *reply*) code) (throw 'handler-done nil))) (defun require-authorization (&optional (realm "Hunchentoot")) "Sends back appropriate headers to require basic HTTP authentication \(see RFC 2617) for the realm REALM." (setf (header-out "WWW-Authenticate") (format nil "Basic realm=\"~A\"" (quote-string realm)) (return-code *reply*) +http-authorization-required+) (throw 'handler-done nil))