;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: DRAKMA; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/drakma/request.lisp,v 1.57 2008/05/24 03:21:22 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :drakma) (defun determine-body-format (headers external-format-in) "The default function used by Drakma to determine how the content body is to be read. See the docstring of *BODY-FORMAT-FUNCTION* for more info." (handler-case (let ((transfer-encodings (header-value :transfer-encoding headers)) (content-encodings (header-value :content-encoding headers))) (when transfer-encodings (setq transfer-encodings (split-tokens transfer-encodings))) (when content-encodings (setq content-encodings (split-tokens content-encodings))) (multiple-value-bind (type subtype params) (get-content-type headers) (when (and (text-content-type-p type subtype) (null (set-difference transfer-encodings '("chunked" "identity") :test #'equalp)) (null (set-difference content-encodings '("identity") :test #'equalp))) (let* ((charset (parameter-value "charset" params)) (name (cond (charset (as-keyword charset)) (t external-format-in)))) (make-external-format name :eol-style :lf))))) (error (condition) (warn "Problems determining charset \(falling back to binary):~%~A" condition)))) (defun send-content (content stream &optional external-format-out) "Sends CONTENT to the stream STREAM as part of the request body depending on the type of CONTENT." (when content (cond ((stringp content) (setf (flexi-stream-external-format stream) external-format-out) (write-string content stream) (setf (flexi-stream-external-format stream) +latin-1+)) ((or (arrayp content) (listp content)) (write-sequence content stream)) ((and (streamp content) (input-stream-p content) (open-stream-p content) (subtypep (stream-element-type content) 'octet)) (let ((buf (make-array +buffer-size+ :element-type 'octet))) (loop (let ((pos (read-sequence buf content))) (when (zerop pos) (return)) (write-sequence buf stream :end pos))))) ((pathnamep content) (with-open-file (from content :element-type 'octet) ;; calls itself with a stream now (send-content from stream))) ((or (functionp content) (and (symbolp content) (fboundp content))) (funcall content stream)) (t (error "Don't know how to send content ~S to server." content))))) (defun make-form-data-function (parameters boundary) "Creates and returns a closure which can be used as an argument for SEND-CONTENT to send PARAMETERS as a `multipart/form-data' request body using the boundary BOUNDARY." (lambda (stream) (flet ((crlf () "Sends carriage return and linefeed to STREAM." (write-char #\Return stream) (write-char #\Linefeed stream))) (dolist (name/value parameters) (destructuring-bind (name . value) name/value (when (or (pathnamep value) (streamp value) (functionp value)) (setq value (list value))) (format stream "--~A" boundary) (crlf) (format stream "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"~A\"" name) (cond ((stringp value) (crlf) (crlf) (format stream "~A" value)) ((and (listp value) (first value) (not (stringp (first value)))) (let* ((file-source (first value)) (filename (or (if (functionp file-source) "user-closure") (if (streamp file-source) "user-stream") (getf (rest value) :filename) (file-namestring file-source))) (content-type (or (getf (rest value) :content-type) "application/octet-stream"))) (format stream "; filename=\"~A\"" filename) (crlf) (format stream "Content-Type: ~A" content-type) (crlf) (crlf) ;; use SEND-CONTENT to send file as binary data (send-content file-source stream))) (t (error "Don't know what to do with name/value pair (~S . ~S) in multipart/form-data body." name value))) (crlf))) (format stream "--~A--" boundary) (crlf)))) (defun read-body (stream headers must-close textp) "Reads the message body from the HTTP stream STREAM using the information contained in HEADERS \(as produced by HTTP-REQUEST). If TEXTP is true, the body is assumed to be of content type `text' and will be returned as a string. Otherwise an array of octets \(or NIL for an empty body) is returned. Returns the optional `trailer' HTTP headers of the chunked stream \(if any) as a second value." (let ((content-length (ignore-errors (parse-integer (header-value :content-length headers)))) (element-type (if textp #+:lispworks 'lw:simple-char #-:lispworks 'character 'octet)) (chunkedp (chunked-stream-input-chunking-p (flexi-stream-stream stream)))) #+:clisp (setf (flexi-stream-element-type stream) element-type) (multiple-value-prog1 (values (cond ((eql content-length 0) nil) (content-length (when chunkedp ;; see RFC 2616, section 4.4 (error "Got Content-Length header although input chunking is on.")) (let ((result (make-array content-length :element-type element-type :fill-pointer t))) (setf (fill-pointer result) (read-sequence result stream)) result)) ((or chunkedp must-close) ;; no content length, read until EOF (or end of chunking) (let ((buffer (make-array +buffer-size+ :element-type element-type)) (result (make-array 0 :element-type element-type :adjustable t))) (loop for index = 0 then (+ index pos) for pos = (read-sequence buffer stream) do (adjust-array result (+ index pos)) (replace result buffer :start1 index :end2 pos) while (= pos +buffer-size+)) result))) (chunked-input-stream-trailers stream))))) (defun http-request (uri &rest args &key (protocol :http/1.1) (method :get) force-ssl parameters content (content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") (content-length nil content-length-provided-p) form-data cookie-jar basic-authorization (user-agent :drakma) (accept "*/*") proxy proxy-basic-authorization additional-headers (redirect 5) (redirect-methods '(:get :head)) auto-referer keep-alive (close t) (external-format-out *drakma-default-external-format*) (external-format-in *drakma-default-external-format*) force-binary want-stream stream #+:lispworks (connection-timeout 20) #+:lispworks (read-timeout 20) #+(and :lispworks (not :lw-does-not-have-write-timeout)) (write-timeout 20 write-timeout-provided-p)) "Sends an HTTP request to a web server and returns its reply. URI is where the request is sent to, and it is either a string denoting a uniform resource identifier or a PURI:URI object. The scheme of URI must be `http' or `https'. The function returns SEVEN values - the body of the reply \(but see below), the status code as an integer, an alist of the headers sent by the server where for each element the car \(the name of the header) is a keyword and the cdr \(the value of the header) is a string, the URI the reply comes from \(which might be different from the URI the request was sent to in case of redirects), the stream the reply was read from, a generalized boolean which denotes whether the stream should be closed \(and which you can usually ignore), and finally the reason phrase from the status line as a string. PROTOCOL is the HTTP protocol which is going to be used in the request line, it must be one of the keywords :HTTP/1.0 or :HTTP/1.1. METHOD is the method used in the request line, a keyword \(like :GET or :HEAD) denoting a valid HTTP/1.1 or WebDAV request method. Additionally, you can also use the pseudo method :OPTIONS* which is like :OPTIONS but means that an \"OPTIONS *\" request line will be sent, i.e. the URI's path and query parts will be ignored. If FORCE-SSL is true, SSL will be attached to the socket stream which connects Drakma with the web server. Usually, you don't have to provide this argument, as SSL will be attached anyway if the scheme of URI is `https'. PARAMETERS is an alist of name/value pairs \(the car and the cdr each being a string) which denotes the parameters which are added to the query part of the URL or \(in the case of a POST request) comprise the body of the request. (But see CONTENT below.) The name/value pairs are URL-encoded using the FLEXI-STREAMS external format EXTERNAL-FORMAT-OUT before they are sent to the server unless FORM-DATA is true in which case the POST request body is sent as `multipart/form-data' using EXTERNAL-FORMAT-OUT. The values of the PARAMETERS alist can also be pathnames, open binary input streams, unary functions, or lists where the first element is of one of the former types. These values denote files which should be sent as part of the request body, i.e. if files are present in PARAMETERS, the content type of the request is always `multipart/form-data'. If the value is a list, the part of the list behind the first element is treated as a plist which can be used to specify a content type and/or a filename for the file, i.e. such a value could look like, e.g., \(#p\"/tmp/my_file.doc\" :content-type \"application/msword\" :filename \"upload.doc\"). CONTENT, if not NIL, is used as the request body - PARAMETERS is ignored in this case. CONTENT can be a string, a sequence of octets, a pathname, an open binary input stream, or a function designator. If CONTENT is a sequence, it will be directly sent to the server \(using EXTERNAL-FORMAT-OUT in the case of strings). If CONTENT is a pathname, the binary contents of the corresponding file will be sent to the server. If CONTENT is a stream, everything that can be read from the stream until EOF will be sent to the server. If CONTENT is a function designator, the corresponding function will be called with one argument, the stream to the server, to which it should send data. Finally, CONTENT can also be the keyword :CONTINUATION in which case HTTP-REQUEST returns only one value - a `continuation' function. This function has one required argument and one optional argument. The first argument will be interpreted like CONTENT above \(but it cannot be a keyword), i.e. it will be sent to the server according to its type. If the second argument is true, the continuation function can be called again to send more content, if it is NIL the continuation function returns what HTTP-REQUEST would have returned. If CONTENT is a sequence, Drakma will use LENGTH to determine its length and will use the result for the `Content-Length' header sent to the server. You can overwrite this with the CONTENT-LENGTH parameter \(a non-negative integer) which you can also use for the cases where Drakma can't or won't determine the content length itself. You can also explicitly provide a CONTENT-LENGTH argument of NIL which will imply that no `Content-Length' header will be sent in any case. If no `Content-Length' header is sent, Drakma will use chunked encoding to send the content body. Note that this will not work with older web servers. A non-NIL CONTENT-LENGTH argument means that Drakma /must/ build the request body in RAM and compute the content length even if it would have otherwise used chunked encoding, for example in the case of file uploads. A special case is the value T for CONTENT-LENGTH which means that Drakma should compute the content length after building the request body. CONTENT-TYPE is the corresponding `Content-Type' header to be sent and will be ignored unless CONTENT is provided as well. Note that a query already contained in URI will always be sent with the request line anyway in addition to other parameters sent by Drakma. COOKIE-JAR is a cookie jar containing cookies which will potentially be sent to the server \(if the domain matches, if they haven't expired, etc.) - this cookie jar will be modified according to the `Set-Cookie' header\(s) sent back by the server. BASIC-AUTHORIZATION, if not NIL, should be a list of two strings \(username and password) which will be sent to the server for basic authorization. USER-AGENT, if not NIL, denotes which `User-Agent' header will be sent with the request. It can be one of the keywords :DRAKMA, :FIREFOX, :EXPLORER, :OPERA, or :SAFARI which denote the current version of Drakma or, in the latter four cases, a fixed string corresponding to a more or less recent \(as of August 2006) version of the corresponding browser. Or it can be a string which is used directly. ACCEPT, if not NIL, is the `Accept' header sent. If PROXY is not NIL, it should be a string denoting a proxy server through which the request should be sent. Or it can be a list of two values - a string denoting the proxy server and an integer denoting the port to use \(which will default to 80 otherwise). PROXY-BASIC-AUTHORIZATION is used like BASIC-AUTHORIZATION, but for the proxy, and only if PROXY is true. ADDITIONAL-HEADERS is a name/value alist \(like PARAMETERS) of additional HTTP headers which should be sent with the request. If REDIRECT is not NIL, it must be a non-negative integer or T. If REDIRECT is true, Drakma will follow redirects \(return codes 301, 302, 303, or 307) unless REDIRECT is 0. If REDIRECT is an integer, it will be decreased by 1 with each redirect. Furthermore, if AUTO-REFERER is true when following redirects, Drakma will populate the `Referer' header with the URI that triggered the redirection, overwriting an existing `Referer' header (in ADDITIONAL-HEADERS) if necessary. If KEEP-ALIVE is T, the server will be asked to keep the connection alive, i.e. not to close it after the reply has been sent. \(Note that this not necessary if both the client and the server use HTTP 1.1.) If CLOSE is T, the server is explicitly asked to close the connection after the reply has been sent. KEEP-ALIVE and CLOSE are obviously mutually exclusive. If the message body sent by the server has a text content type, Drakma will try to return it as a Lisp string. It'll first check if the `Content-Type' header denotes an encoding to be used, or otherwise it will use the EXTERNAL-FORMAT-IN argument. The body is decoded using FLEXI-STREAMS. If FLEXI-STREAMS doesn't know the external format, the body is returned as an array of octets. If the message body doesn't have a text content type or if FORCE-BINARY is true, the body is always returned as an array of octets. If WANT-STREAM is true, the message body is NOT read and instead the \(open) socket stream is returned as the first return value. If the sixth value of HTTP-REQUEST is true, the stream should be closed \(and not be re-used) after the body has been read. The stream returned is a flexi stream \(see http://weitz.de/flexi-streams/) with a chunked stream \(see http://weitz.de/chunga/) as its underlying stream. If you want to read binary data from this stream, read from the underlying stream which you can get with FLEXI-STREAM-STREAM. Drakma will usually create a new socket connection for each HTTP request. However, you can use the STREAM argument to provide an open socket stream which should be re-used. STREAM MUST be a stream returned by a previous invocation of HTTP-REQUEST where the sixth return value wasn't true. Obviously, it must also be connected to the correct server and at the right position \(i.e. the message body, if any, must have been read). Drakma will NEVER attach SSL to a stream provided as the STREAM argument. CONNECTION-TIMEOUT is the time \(in seconds) Drakma will wait until it considers an attempt to connect to a server as a failure. READ-TIMEOUT and WRITE-TIMEOUT are the read and write timeouts \(in seconds) for the socket stream to the server. All three timeout arguments can also be NIL \(meaning no timeout), and they don't apply if an existing stream is re-used. All timeout keyword arguments are only available for LispWorks, WRITE-TIMEOUT is only available for LispWorks 5.0 or higher." (unless (member protocol '(:http/1.0 :http/1.1) :test #'eq) (error "Don't know how to handle protocol ~S." protocol)) (setq uri (cond ((uri-p uri) (copy-uri uri)) (t (parse-uri uri)))) (unless (member method +known-methods+ :test #'eq) (error "Don't know how to handle method ~S." method)) (unless (member (uri-scheme uri) '(:http :https) :test #'eq) (error "Don't know how to handle scheme ~S." (uri-scheme uri))) (when (and close keep-alive) (error "CLOSE and KEEP-ALIVE must not be both true.")) (when (and (eq content :continuation) content-length) (error "CONTENT-LENGTH must be NIL if CONTENT is :CONTINUATION.")) (when (and form-data (not (eq method :post))) (error "FORM-DATA makes only sense with POST requests.")) ;; convert PROXY argument to canonical form (when proxy (when (atom proxy) (setq proxy (list proxy 80)))) ;; make sure we don't get :CRLF on Windows (let ((*default-eol-style* :lf) (file-parameters-p (find-if-not #'stringp parameters :key #'cdr)) parameters-used-p) (when (and file-parameters-p (not (eq method :post))) (error "Don't know how to handle parameters in ~S, as this is not a POST request." parameters)) (when (eq method :post) ;; create content body for POST unless it was provided (unless content ;; mark PARAMETERS argument as used up, so we don't use it ;; again below (setq parameters-used-p t) (cond ((or form-data file-parameters-p) (let ((boundary (format nil "----------~A" (make-random-string)))) (setq content (make-form-data-function parameters boundary) content-type (format nil "multipart/form-data; boundary=~A" boundary))) (unless (or file-parameters-p content-length-provided-p) (setq content-length (or content-length t)))) (t (setq content (alist-to-url-encoded-string parameters external-format-out) content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))))) (let (http-stream must-close done) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((host (or (and proxy (first proxy)) (uri-host uri))) (port (cond (proxy (second proxy)) ((uri-port uri)) (t (default-port uri)))) (use-ssl (or force-ssl (eq (uri-scheme uri) :https)))) #+(and :lispworks5.0 :mswindows (not :lw-does-not-have-write-timeout)) (when use-ssl (when (and write-timeout write-timeout-provided-p) (warn "Disabling WRITE-TIMEOUT because it doesn't mix well with SSL.")) (setq write-timeout nil)) (setq http-stream (or stream #+:lispworks (comm:open-tcp-stream host port :element-type 'octet :timeout connection-timeout :read-timeout read-timeout #-:lw-does-not-have-write-timeout #-:lw-does-not-have-write-timeout :write-timeout write-timeout :errorp t) #-:lispworks (usocket:socket-stream (usocket:socket-connect host port :element-type 'octet)))) (when (and use-ssl ;; don't attach SSL to existing streams (not stream)) #+:lispworks (comm:attach-ssl http-stream :ssl-side :client) #-:lispworks (setq http-stream #+:allegro (socket:make-ssl-client-stream http-stream) #-:allegro (let ((s http-stream)) (cl+ssl:make-ssl-client-stream (cl+ssl:stream-fd s) :close-callback (lambda () (close s))))))) (cond (stream (setf (flexi-stream-element-type http-stream) #+:lispworks 'lw:simple-char #-:lispworks 'character (flexi-stream-external-format http-stream) +latin-1+)) (t (setq http-stream (make-flexi-stream (make-chunked-stream http-stream) :external-format +latin-1+)))) (labels ((write-http-line (fmt &rest args) (when *header-stream* (format *header-stream* "~?~%" fmt args)) (format http-stream "~?~C~C" fmt args #\Return #\Linefeed)) (write-header (name value-fmt &rest value-args) (write-http-line "~A: ~?" name value-fmt value-args))) (when (and (not parameters-used-p) parameters) (setf (uri-query uri) ;; append parameters to existing query of URI (format nil "~@[~A~]~:*~:[~;&~]~A" (uri-query uri) (alist-to-url-encoded-string parameters external-format-out)))) (when (eq method :options*) ;; special pseudo-method (setf method :options (uri-path uri) "*" (uri-query uri) nil)) (write-http-line "~A ~A ~A" (string-upcase method) (cond (proxy (render-uri uri nil)) (t (format nil "~A~@[?~A~]" (or (uri-path uri) "/") (uri-query uri)))) (string-upcase protocol)) (write-header "Host" "~A~@[:~A~]" (uri-host uri) (non-default-port uri)) (when user-agent (write-header "User-Agent" (user-agent-string user-agent))) (when basic-authorization (write-header "Authorization" "Basic ~A" (base64:string-to-base64-string (format nil "~A:~A" (first basic-authorization) (second basic-authorization))))) (when (and proxy proxy-basic-authorization) (write-header "Proxy-Authorization" "Basic ~A" (base64:string-to-base64-string (format nil "~A:~A" (first proxy-basic-authorization) (second proxy-basic-authorization))))) (when accept (write-header "Accept" "~A" accept)) (when cookie-jar ;; write all cookies in one fell swoop, so even Sun's ;; web server has a change to get it (when-let (cookies (loop for cookie in (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) when (send-cookie-p cookie uri force-ssl) collect (cookie-name cookie) and collect (cookie-value cookie))) (write-header "Cookie" "~{~A=~A~^; ~}" cookies))) (when keep-alive (write-header "Connection" "Keep-Alive")) (when close (setq must-close close) (write-header "Connection" "close")) (loop for (name . value) in additional-headers do (write-header name "~A" value)) (when content (when content-type (write-header "Content-Type" "~A" content-type)) (when (and content-length (not (or (arrayp content) (listp content) (eq content :continuation)))) ;; CONTENT-LENGTH forces us to compute request body ;; in RAM (setq content (with-output-to-sequence (bin-out) (let ((out (make-flexi-stream bin-out :external-format +latin-1+))) (send-content content out))))) (when (and (or (not content-length-provided-p) (eq content-length t)) (or (arrayp content) (listp content))) (setq content-length (length content))) (cond (content-length (write-header "Content-Length" "~D" content-length)) (t (write-header "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked")))) ;; end of request headers (when *header-stream* (terpri *header-stream*)) (format http-stream "~C~C" #\Return #\Linefeed) (force-output http-stream) (when (and content (null content-length)) (setf (chunked-stream-output-chunking-p (flexi-stream-stream http-stream)) t)) (labels ((finish-request (content &optional continuep) (send-content content http-stream external-format-out) (when continuep (force-output http-stream) (return-from finish-request)) (setf (chunked-stream-output-chunking-p (flexi-stream-stream http-stream)) nil) (finish-output http-stream) (with-character-stream-semantics (multiple-value-bind (server-protocol status-code status-text) ;; loop until status is NOT 100 (loop for (server-protocol status-code status-text) = (read-status-line http-stream *header-stream*) when (= status-code 100) ;; ignore headers sent until non-100 status is seen do (read-http-headers http-stream *header-stream*) until (/= status-code 100) finally (return (values server-protocol status-code status-text))) (let ((headers (read-http-headers http-stream *header-stream*)) body external-format-body) (let ((connections (header-value :connection headers))) (when connections (setq connections (split-tokens connections))) (when (or (member "close" connections :test #'string-equal) (not (or (and (eq protocol :http/1.1) (eq server-protocol :http/1.1)) (member "Keep-Alive" connections :test #'string-equal)))) (setq must-close t))) (when cookie-jar (update-cookies (get-cookies headers uri) cookie-jar)) (when (and redirect (member status-code +redirect-codes+) (member method redirect-methods)) (unless (or (eq redirect t) (and (integerp redirect) (plusp redirect))) (cerror "Continue anyway." "Status code was ~A, but ~ ~:[REDIRECT is ~S~;redirection limit has been exceeded~]." status-code (integerp redirect) redirect)) (when auto-referer (setq additional-headers (set-referer uri additional-headers))) (let* ((location (header-value :location headers)) (new-uri (merge-uris (cond ((or (null location) (zerop (length location))) (warn "Empty `Location' header, assuming \"/\".") "/") (t location)) uri)) ;; can we re-use the stream? (old-server-p (and (string= (uri-host new-uri) (uri-host uri)) (eql (uri-port new-uri) (uri-port uri)) (eq (uri-scheme new-uri) (uri-scheme uri))))) (unless old-server-p (setq must-close t want-stream nil)) ;; try to re-use the stream, but only ;; if the user hasn't opted for a ;; connection which is always secure (let ((re-use-stream (and old-server-p (not must-close) (not force-ssl)))) ;; close stream if we can't re-use it (unless re-use-stream (ignore-errors (close http-stream))) (setq done t) (return-from http-request (apply #'http-request new-uri :redirect (cond ((integerp redirect) (1- redirect)) (t redirect)) :stream (and re-use-stream http-stream) :additional-headers additional-headers args))))) (let ((transfer-encodings (header-value :transfer-encoding headers))) (when transfer-encodings (setq transfer-encodings (split-tokens transfer-encodings))) (when (member "chunked" transfer-encodings :test #'equalp) (setf (chunked-stream-input-chunking-p (flexi-stream-stream http-stream)) t))) (when (setq external-format-body (and (not force-binary) (funcall *body-format-function* headers external-format-in))) (setf (flexi-stream-external-format http-stream) external-format-body)) (when force-binary (setf (flexi-stream-element-type http-stream) 'octet)) (unless (or want-stream (eq method :head)) (let (trailers) (multiple-value-setq (body trailers) (read-body http-stream headers must-close external-format-body)) (when trailers (warn "Adding trailers from chunked encoding to HTTP headers.") (setq headers (nconc headers trailers))))) (setq done t) (values (cond (want-stream http-stream) (t body)) status-code headers uri http-stream must-close status-text)))))) (when (eq content :continuation) (return-from http-request #'finish-request)) (finish-request content)))) ;; the cleanup form of the UNWIND-PROTECT above (when (and http-stream (or (not done) (and must-close (not want-stream))) (not (eq content :continuation))) (ignore-errors (close http-stream)))))))