;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: DRAKMA; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/drakma/cookies.lisp,v 1.15 2008/01/14 01:57:01 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :drakma) (defclass cookie () ((name :initarg :name :initform (error "A cookie must have a name.") :accessor cookie-name :documentation "The name of the cookie.") (value :initarg :value :initform "" :accessor cookie-value :documentation "The cookie's value.") (domain :initarg :domain :initform (error "A cookie must have a domain.") :accessor cookie-domain :documentation "The domain the cookie is valid for.") (path :initarg :path :initform "/" :accessor cookie-path :documentation "The path prefix the cookie is valid for.") (expires :initarg :expires :initform nil :accessor cookie-expires :documentation "When the cookie expires. A Lisp universal time or NIL.") (securep :initarg :securep :initform nil :accessor cookie-securep :documentation "Whether the cookie must only be transmitted over secure connections.") (http-only-p :initarg :http-only-p :initform nil :accessor cookie-http-only-p :documentation "Whether the cookie should not be accessible from Javascript. This is a Microsoft extension that has been implemented in Firefox as well. See .")) (:documentation "Elements of this class represent HTTP cookies.")) (defun render-cookie-date (time) "Returns a string representation of the universal time TIME which can be used for cookie headers." (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year weekday) (decode-universal-time time 0) (format nil "~A, ~2,'0d-~2,'0d-~4,'0d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d GMT" (aref #("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun") weekday) date month year hour minute second))) (defmethod print-object ((cookie cookie) stream) "Prints a representation of COOKIE similar to a `Set-Cookie' header." (print-unreadable-object (cookie stream :type t) (with-slots (name value expires path domain securep http-only-p) cookie (format stream "~A~@[=~A~]~@[; expires=~A~]~@[; path=~A~]~@[; domain=~A~]~@[; secure~]~@[; HttpOnly~]" name (and (plusp (length value)) value) (and expires (render-cookie-date expires)) path domain securep http-only-p)))) (defun normalize-cookie-domain (domain) "Adds a dot at the beginning of the string DOMAIN unless there is already one." (cond ((starts-with-p domain ".") domain) (t (format nil ".~A" domain)))) (defun valid-cookie-domain-p (domain) "Checks if the string DOMAIN contains enough dots to be acceptable." (or (string-equal domain "localhost") (> (count #\. (normalize-cookie-domain domain) :test #'char=) 1))) (defun cookie-domain-matches (domain uri) "Checks if the domain DOMAIN \(a string) matches the \(PURI) URI URI." (ends-with-p (normalize-cookie-domain (uri-host uri)) (normalize-cookie-domain domain))) (defun send-cookie-p (cookie uri force-ssl) "Checks if the cookie COOKIE should be sent to the server depending on the \(PURI) URI URI and the value of FORCE-SSL \(as in HTTP-REQUEST)." (and ;; check domain (cookie-domain-matches (cookie-domain cookie) uri) ;; check path (starts-with-p (uri-path uri) (cookie-path cookie)) ;; check expiry date (let ((expires (cookie-expires cookie))) (or (null expires) (> expires (get-universal-time)))) ;; check if connection must be secure (or (null (cookie-securep cookie)) force-ssl (eq (uri-scheme uri) :https)))) (defun check-cookie (cookie) "Checks if the slots of the COOKIE object COOKIE have valid values and raises a corresponding error otherwise." (with-slots (name value domain path expires) cookie (unless (and (stringp name) (plusp (length name))) (error "Cookie name ~S must be a non-empty string." name)) (unless (stringp value) (error "Cookie value ~S must be a non-empty string." value)) (unless (valid-cookie-domain-p domain) (error "Invalid cookie domain ~S." domain)) (unless (and (stringp path) (plusp (length path))) (error "Cookie path ~S must be a non-empty string." path)) (unless (or (null expires) (and (integerp expires) (plusp expires))) (error "Cookie expiry ~S should have been NIL or a universal time." expires)))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((cookie cookie) &rest initargs) "Check cookie validity after creation." (declare (ignore initargs)) (check-cookie cookie)) (defmethod (setf cookie-name) :after (new-value (cookie cookie)) "Check cookie validity after name change." (declare (ignore new-value)) (check-cookie cookie)) (defmethod (setf cookie-value) :after (new-value (cookie cookie)) "Check cookie validity after value change." (declare (ignore new-value)) (check-cookie cookie)) (defmethod (setf cookie-domain) :after (new-value (cookie cookie)) "Check cookie validity after domain change." (declare (ignore new-value)) (check-cookie cookie)) (defmethod (setf cookie-path) :after (new-value (cookie cookie)) "Check cookie validity after path change." (declare (ignore new-value)) (check-cookie cookie)) (defmethod (setf cookie-expires) :after (new-value (cookie cookie)) "Check cookie validity after expiry change." (declare (ignore new-value)) (check-cookie cookie)) (defun cookie= (cookie1 cookie2) "Returns true if the cookies COOKIE1 and COOKIE2 are equal. Two cookies are considered to be equal if name and path are equal." (and (string= (cookie-name cookie1) (cookie-name cookie2)) (string= (cookie-path cookie1) (cookie-path cookie2)))) (defclass cookie-jar () ((cookies :initarg :cookies :initform nil :accessor cookie-jar-cookies :documentation "A list of the cookies in this cookie jar.")) (:documentation "A COOKIE-JAR object is a collection of cookies.")) (defmethod print-object ((cookie-jar cookie-jar) stream) "Print a cookie jar, showing the number of cookies it contains." (print-unreadable-object (cookie-jar stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "(with ~A cookie~:P)" (length (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar))))) (defun parse-cookie-date (string) "Parses a cookie expiry date and returns it as a Lisp universal time. Currently understands the following formats: \"Wed, 06-Feb-2008 21:01:38 GMT\" \"Wed, 06-Feb-08 21:01:38 GMT\" \"Tue Feb 13 08:00:00 2007 GMT\" \"Wednesday, 07-February-2027 08:55:23 GMT\" \"Wed, 07-02-2017 10:34:45 GMT\" Instead of \"GMT\" time zone abbreviations like \"CEST\" and UTC offsets like \"GMT-01:30\" are also allowed." ;; it seems like everybody and their sister invents their own format ;; for this, so (as there's no real standard for it) we'll have to ;; make this function more flexible once we come across something ;; new; as an alternative we could use net-telent-date, but it also ;; fails to parse some of the stuff you encounter in the wild; or we ;; could try to employ CL-PPCRE, but that'd add a new dependency ;; without making this code much cleaner (handler-case (let* ((last-space-pos (or (position #\Space string :test #'char= :from-end t) (error "Can't parse cookie date ~S, no space found." string))) (time-zone-string (subseq string (1+ last-space-pos))) (time-zone (interpret-as-time-zone time-zone-string)) second minute hour day month year) (dolist (part (rest (split-string (subseq string 0 last-space-pos)))) (when (and day month) (cond ((every #'digit-char-p part) (when year (error "Can't parse cookie date ~S, confused by ~S part." string part)) (setq year (parse-integer part))) ((= (count #\: part :test #'char=) 2) (let ((h-m-s (mapcar #'safe-parse-integer (split-string part ":")))) (setq hour (first h-m-s) minute (second h-m-s) second (third h-m-s)))) (t (error "Can't parse cookie date ~S, confused by ~S part." string part)))) (cond ((null day) (unless (setq day (safe-parse-integer part)) (setq month (interpret-as-month part)))) ((null month) (setq month (interpret-as-month part))))) (unless (and second minute hour day month year) (error "Can't parse cookie date ~S, component missing." string)) (when (< year 100) (setq year (+ year 2000))) (encode-universal-time second minute hour day month year time-zone)) (error (condition) (cond (*ignore-unparseable-cookie-dates-p* (warn "~A" condition) nil) (t (error condition)))))) (defun parse-set-cookie (string) "Parses the `Set-Cookie' header line STRING and returns a list of three-element lists where each one contains the name of the cookie, the value of the cookie, and an attribute/value list for the optional cookie parameters." (with-input-from-string (stream string) (loop with *current-error-message* = (format nil "While parsing cookie header ~S:" string) for first = t then nil for next = (and (skip-whitespace stream) (or first (assert-char stream #\,)) (skip-whitespace stream) (skip-more-commas stream)) for name/value = (and next (read-name-value-pair stream :cookie-syntax t)) for parameters = (and name/value (read-name-value-pairs stream :value-required-p nil :cookie-syntax t)) while name/value collect (list (car name/value) (cdr name/value) parameters)))) (defun get-cookies (headers uri) "Returns a list of COOKIE objects corresponding to the `Set-Cookie' header as found in HEADERS \(an alist as returned by HTTP-REQUEST). Collects only cookies which match the domain of the \(PURI) URI URI." (loop with set-cookie-header = (header-value :set-cookie headers) with parsed-cookies = (and set-cookie-header (parse-set-cookie set-cookie-header)) for (name value parameters) in parsed-cookies for expires = (parameter-value "expires" parameters) for domain = (or (parameter-value "domain" parameters) (uri-host uri)) when (and (valid-cookie-domain-p domain) (cookie-domain-matches domain uri)) collect (make-instance 'cookie :name name :value value :path (or (parameter-value "path" parameters) (uri-path uri) "/") :expires (and expires (plusp (length expires)) (parse-cookie-date expires)) :domain domain :securep (not (not (parameter-present-p "secure" parameters))) :http-only-p (not (not (parameter-present-p "HttpOnly" parameters)))))) (defun update-cookies (new-cookies cookie-jar) "Updates the cookies in COOKIE-JAR by replacing those which are equal to a cookie in \(the list) NEW-COOKIES with the corresponding `new' cookie and adding those which are really new." (setf (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) (let ((updated-cookies (loop for old-cookie in (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) collect (or (find old-cookie new-cookies :test #'cookie=) old-cookie)))) (union updated-cookies (set-difference new-cookies updated-cookies)))) cookie-jar) (defun delete-old-cookies (cookie-jar) "Removes all cookies from COOKIE-JAR which have either expired or which don't have an expiry date." (setf (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) (loop with now = (get-universal-time) for cookie in (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) for expires = (cookie-expires cookie) unless (or (null expires) (< expires now)) collect cookie)) cookie-jar)