;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CHUNGA; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/chunga/read.lisp,v 1.22 2008/05/26 08:18:00 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :chunga) (defun signal-unexpected-chars (last-char expected-chars) "Signals an error that LAST-CHAR was read although one of EXPECTED-CHARS was expected. \(Note that EXPECTED-CHARS, despites its name, can also be a single character instead of a list). Uses *CURRENT-ERROR-MESSAGE* if it's not NIL, or calls *CURRENT-ERROR-FUNCTION* otherwise." (cond (*current-error-function* (funcall *current-error-function* last-char expected-chars)) (*current-error-message* (error "~@[~A~%~]~:[End of file~;Read character ~:*~S~], but expected ~:[a member of ~S~;~S~]." *current-error-message* last-char (atom expected-chars) expected-chars)))) (defun charp (char) "Returns true if the Lisp character CHAR is a CHAR according to RFC 2616." (<= 0 (char-code char) 127)) (defun controlp (char) "Returns true if the Lisp character CHAR is a CTL according to RFC 2616." (or (<= 0 (char-code char) 31) (= (char-code char) 127))) (defun separatorp (char) "Returns true if the Lisp character CHAR is a separator according to RFC 2616." (find char #.(format nil " ()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={}~C" #\Tab) :test #'char=)) (defun whitespacep (char) "Returns true if the Lisp character CHAR is whitespace according to RFC 2616." (member char '(#\Space #\Tab) :test #'char=)) (defun token-char-p (char) "Returns true if the Lisp character CHAR is a token constituent according to RFC 2616." (and (charp char) (not (or (controlp char) (separatorp char))))) (defun assert-char (stream expected-char) "Reads the next character from STREAM and checks if it is the character EXPECTED-CHAR. Signals an error otherwise." (let ((char (read-char* stream))) (unless (and char (char= char expected-char)) (signal-unexpected-chars char expected-char)) char)) (defun assert-crlf (stream) "Reads the next two characters from STREAM and checks if these are a carriage return and a linefeed. Signals an error otherwise." (assert-char stream #\Return) (assert-char stream #\Linefeed)) (defun read-line* (stream &optional log-stream) "Reads and assembles characters from the binary stream STREAM until a carriage return is read. Makes sure that the following character is a linefeed. If *ACCEPT-BOGUS-EOLS* is not NIL, then the function will also accept a lone carriage return or linefeed as an acceptable line break. Returns the string of characters read excluding the line break. Returns NIL if input ends before one character was read. Additionally logs this string to LOG-STREAM if it is not NIL." (let ((result (with-output-to-string (line) (loop for char-seen-p = nil then t for char = (read-char* stream) for is-cr-p = (and char (char= char #\Return)) until (or (null char) is-cr-p (and *accept-bogus-eols* (char= char #\Linefeed))) do (write-char char line) finally (cond ((and (not char-seen-p) (null char)) (return-from read-line* nil)) ((not *accept-bogus-eols*) (assert-char stream #\Linefeed)) (is-cr-p (when (eql (peek-char* stream) #\Linefeed) (read-char* stream)))))))) (when log-stream (write-line result log-stream) (finish-output log-stream)) result)) (defun trim-whitespace (string) "Returns a version of the string STRING where spaces and tab characters are trimmed from the start and the end. Might return STRING." ;; optimized version to replace STRING-TRIM, suggested by Jason Kantz (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 1) (compilation-speed 0) #+:lispworks (hcl:fixnum-safety 0))) (declare (string string)) (let* ((length (length string)) (start (loop for i of-type fixnum from 0 below length while (or (char= #\space (char string i)) (char= #\tab (char string i))) finally (return i))) (end (loop for i of-type fixnum downfrom (1- length) to 0 while (or (char= #\space (char string i)) (char= #\tab (char string i))) finally (return (1+ i))))) (declare (fixnum start end)) (cond ((and (zerop start) (= end length)) string) (t (subseq string start end))))) (defun read-http-headers (stream &optional log-stream) "Reads HTTP header lines from STREAM \(except for the initial status line which is supposed to be read already) and returns a corresponding alist of names and values where the names are keywords and the values are strings. Multiple lines with the same name are combined into one value, the individual values separated by commas. Header lines which are spread across multiple lines are recognized and treated correctly. Additonally logs the header lines to LOG-STREAM if it is not NIL." (let (headers (*current-error-message* "While reading HTTP headers:")) (labels ((read-header-line () "Reads one header line, considering continuations." (with-output-to-string (header-line) (loop (let ((line (trim-whitespace (read-line* stream log-stream)))) (when (zerop (length line)) (return)) (write-sequence line header-line) (let ((next (peek-char* stream))) (unless (whitespacep next) (return))) ;; we've seen whitespace starting a continutation, ;; so we loop (write-char #\Space header-line))))) (split-header (line) "Splits line at colon and converts it into a cons. Returns NIL if LINE consists solely of whitespace." (unless (zerop (length (trim-whitespace line))) (let ((colon-pos (or (position #\: line :test #'char=) (error "Couldn't find colon in header line ~S." line)))) (cons (as-keyword (subseq line 0 colon-pos)) (trim-whitespace (subseq line (1+ colon-pos))))))) (add-header (pair) "Adds the name/value cons PAIR to HEADERS. Takes care of multiple headers with the same name." (let* ((name (car pair)) (existing-header (assoc name headers :test #'eq)) (existing-value (cdr existing-header))) (cond (existing-header (setf (cdr existing-header) (format nil "~A~:[,~;~]~A" existing-value (and *treat-semicolon-as-continuation* (eq name :set-cookie) (ends-with-p (trim-whitespace existing-value) ";")) (cdr pair)))) (t (push pair headers)))))) (loop for header-pair = (split-header (read-header-line)) while header-pair do (add-header header-pair))) (nreverse headers))) (defun skip-whitespace (stream) "Consume characters from STREAM until an END-OF-FILE is encountered or a non-whitespace \(according to RFC 2616) characters is seen. This character is returned \(or NIL in case of END-OF-FILE)." (loop for char = (peek-char* stream nil) while (and char (whitespacep char)) do (read-char* stream) finally (return char))) (defun read-token (stream) "Read characters from STREAM while they are token constituents \(according to RFC 2616). It is assumed that there's a token character at the current position. The token read is returned as a string. Doesn't signal an error \(but simply stops reading) if END-OF-FILE is encountered after the first character." (with-output-to-string (out) (loop for first = t then nil for char = (if first (peek-char* stream) (or (peek-char* stream nil) (return))) while (token-char-p char) do (write-char (read-char* stream) out)))) (defun read-quoted-string (stream) "Reads a quoted string \(according to RFC 2616). It is assumed that the character at the current position is the opening quote character. Returns the string read without quotes and escape characters." (read-char* stream) (with-output-to-string (out) (loop for char = (read-char* stream) until (char= char #\") do (case char (#\\ (write-char (read-char* stream) out)) (#\Return (assert-char stream #\Linefeed) (let ((char (read-char* stream))) (unless (whitespacep char) (signal-unexpected-chars char '(#\Space #\Tab))))) (otherwise (write-char char out)))))) (defun read-cookie-value (stream &key name separators) "Reads a cookie parameter value from STREAM which is returned as a string. Simply reads until a comma or a semicolon is seen \(or an element of SEPARATORS)." (when (eql #\, (peek-char* stream nil)) (return-from read-cookie-value "")) (trim-whitespace (with-output-to-string (out) ;; special case for the `Expires' parameter - maybe skip the first comma (loop with separators% = (cond (separators) ((equalp name "Expires") ";") (t ",;")) for char = (peek-char* stream nil) until (or (null char) (find char separators% :test #'char=)) when (and (null separators) (or (char= char #\,) (digit-char-p char))) do (setq separators% '(#\, #\;)) do (write-char (read-char* stream) out))))) (defun read-name-value-pair (stream &key (value-required-p t) cookie-syntax) "Reads a typical \(in RFC 2616) name/value or attribute/value combination from STREAM - a token followed by a #\\= character and another token or a quoted string. Returns a cons of name and value, both as strings. If VALUE-REQUIRED-P is NIL, the #\\= sign and the value are optional. If COOKIE-SYNTAX is true, uses READ-COOKIE-VALUE internally." (skip-whitespace stream) (let ((name (if cookie-syntax (read-cookie-value stream :separators "=,") (read-token stream)))) (skip-whitespace stream) (cons name (when (or value-required-p (eql (peek-char* stream nil) #\=)) (assert-char stream #\=) (skip-whitespace stream) (cond (cookie-syntax (read-cookie-value stream :name name)) ((char= (peek-char* stream) #\") (read-quoted-string stream)) (t (read-token stream))))))) (defun read-name-value-pairs (stream &key (value-required-p t) cookie-syntax) "Uses READ-NAME-VALUE-PAIR to read and return an alist of name/value pairs from STREAM. It is assumed that the pairs are separated by semicolons and that the first char read \(except for whitespace) will be a semicolon. The parameters are used as in READ-NAME-VALUE-PAIR. Stops reading in case of END-OF-FILE \(instead of signaling an error)." (loop for char = (skip-whitespace stream) while (and char (char= char #\;)) do (read-char* stream) ;; guard against a stray semicolon at the end when (skip-whitespace stream) collect (read-name-value-pair stream :value-required-p value-required-p :cookie-syntax cookie-syntax)))