Changes in svn: writeme Changes in sb-heapdump-05 * x86-64 fixes * PowerPC/cheneygc port * alien fixups Changes in sb-heapdump-04 * s/:supersede/:rename-and-delete/, because SBCL does not, as the spec says, create a *new* file under the old name, but rather overwrites the data in the old file using O_TRUNC! Not a good idea when the file in question is currently mapped into dynamic space! * convenience function DUMP-SYSTEM for ASDF systems * MAKE-EXECUTABLE hack * allow .heap files to be concatenated * don't duplicate SB-IMPL::*PHYSICAL-HOST* Changes in sb-heapdump-03 * support for SAPs * support for weak pointers * avoid recomputing gf dfuns multiple times * mark hash tables for rehashing if a hash value is eq-based * keep an explicit worklist to avoid overflowing the stack for deep graphs * fixed CTORs (ensure-ctor sometimes returns NIL...) * user fixups; removed :PARAMETERS in favour of :CUSTOMIZER * new howto: climacs * relocate heap files manually instead of relying on GC, eliminating the need for a patch to SBCL and allowing files to be mapped without any relocation if the targeted space is free.