(cl:in-package :py-configparser) ;; The conditions (errors) (define-condition configparser-error (error) ()) ;; Errors for the configuration management side (define-condition config-error (configparser-error) ()) (define-condition no-section-error (config-error) ()) (define-condition duplicate-section-error (config-error) ()) (define-condition no-option-error (config-error) ()) (define-condition interpolation-error (config-error) ()) (define-condition interpolation-depth-error (interpolation-error) ()) (define-condition interpolation-missing-option-error (interpolation-error) ()) (define-condition interpolation-syntax-error (interpolation-error) ()) ;; ;; Configuration storage and management routines ;; ;; The structures ;; Note: because ABCL has issues with its CLOS support ;; (as per 1-1-2008), we use structures below to ;; be maximally portable. (defstruct section name options) (defstruct config (defaults (make-section :name "DEFAULT")) sections (option-name-transform-fn #'string-downcase) (section-name-transform-fn #'identity)) (defun norm-option-name (config option-name) (funcall (config-option-name-transform-fn config) option-name)) (defun norm-section-name (config section-name) (funcall (config-section-name-transform-fn config) section-name)) (defun %validate-section-name (name) (when (or (= 0 (length name)) (find #\] name) (find #\Newline name) (find #\Return name)) (error 'no-section-error)) ;; Invalid section name, signal so. name) (defun %validate-option-name (name) (when (or (= 0 (length name)) (eql (aref name 0) #\[) (find #\Space name) (find #\Tab name) (find #\Return name) (find #\Newline name)) (error 'no-option-error));; No such option error name) ;; non-API (defun %get-section (config section-name) (if (string= "DEFAULT" section-name) (config-defaults config) (let* ((norm-section-name (norm-section-name config section-name)) (section (find norm-section-name (config-sections config) :key #'section-name :test #'string=))) (unless section (error 'no-section-error)) ;; no-such-section error section))) ;; non-API (defun %get-option (config section-name option-name if-does-not-exist) (let* ((section (%get-section config section-name)) (norm-option (norm-option-name config option-name)) (option (assoc norm-option (section-options section) :test #'string=))) (if (null option) (if (eq if-does-not-exist :error) (error 'no-option-error) ;; no such option error (values (car (push (list (%validate-option-name option-name)) (section-options section))) section)) (values option section)))) ;; ;; The API ;; (defun defaults (config) "Returns an alist containing instance wide defaults, where the elements are 2-element dotted lists: the CDR is the value associated with the key." (section-options (config-defaults config))) (defun sections (config) "Returns a list of names of defined sections." (mapcar #'section-name (config-sections config))) (defun has-section-p (config section-name) "Returns `NIL' when the section is not added to the config yet, some other value if it is." (handler-case (%get-section config section-name) (no-section-error () nil))) (defun add-section (config section-name) "Adds a new section to the config. If the section exists, the `duplicate-section-error' is raised." (%validate-section-name section-name) (let ((norm-section-name (funcall (config-section-name-transform-fn config) section-name))) (when (has-section-p config section-name) (error 'duplicate-section-error)) (car (push (make-section :name norm-section-name) (config-sections config))))) (defun options (config section-name) "Returns a list of option names which are defined in the given section." (let ((section (%get-section config section-name))) (mapcar #'first (section-options section)))) (defun has-option-p (config section-name option-name) "Returns a generalised boolean with a value of `NIL' when the specified option does not exist in the specified section and some other value otherwise." (handler-case (%get-option config section-name option-name :error) (no-option-error () nil))) ;; non-API (defun %extract-replacement (option-value) ;; Returns: (VALUES replacement-option start end) or NIL (let ((%-pos (position #\% option-value))) (when (and %-pos (< (+ 3 %-pos) (length option-value)) (eql (aref option-value (1+ %-pos)) #\( )) (let ((paren-pos (position #\) option-value :start %-pos))) (unless (and paren-pos (< (1+ paren-pos) (length option-value)) (eql (aref option-value (1+ paren-pos)) #\s)) (error 'interpolation-syntax-error)) ;; syntax error: %(..)s is minimally required (when (<= 0 (- paren-pos %-pos 2)) (let ((replacement-name (make-array (- paren-pos %-pos 2) :element-type (array-element-type option-value) :displaced-to option-value :displaced-index-offset (+ 2 %-pos)))) (when (= 0 (length replacement-name)) ;; some preconditions on replacement-name (error 'interpolation-syntax-error)) (values replacement-name %-pos (1+ paren-pos)))))))) ;; non-API (defun %option-value (config section option-name &key defaults) (if (string= option-name "__name__") (section-name section) (let* ((norm-option-name (norm-option-name config option-name)) (option (has-option-p config (section-name section) option-name))) (if option (cdr option) (labels ((get-value (repositories) (when (null repositories) (error 'interpolation-missing-option-error)) ;; no such option error (let ((value (assoc norm-option-name (car repositories) :test #'string=))) (if value (cdr value) (get-value (cdr repositories)))))) (get-value (list (section-options section) defaults (defaults config)))))))) ;; non-API (defun %expand-option-value (config section option-value defaults &optional dependees) (multiple-value-bind (replacement-name start end) (%extract-replacement option-value) (unless replacement-name ;; nothing to do here... (return-from %expand-option-value option-value)) (let ((norm-replacement (norm-option-name config replacement-name)) (replacement-value (%option-value config section replacement-name :defaults defaults))) (when (member norm-replacement dependees :test #'string=) (error 'interpolation-depth-error)) ;; recursive dependency... (%expand-option-value config section (concatenate 'string (subseq option-value 0 start) (%expand-option-value config section replacement-value defaults (cons norm-replacement dependees)) (subseq option-value (1+ end) (length option-value))) defaults dependees)))) (defun get-option (config section-name option-name &key (expand t) defaults type) "Returns the value of the specified option in the specified section. If `expand' is `NIL', any options which depend on other options won't be expanded and the raw configuration value is returned. When `defaults' is an alist of which the elements are dotted lists of key/value pairs, these values are used in the expansion of option values. `type' may be one of `:boolean', `:number' or it may remain unspecified." (multiple-value-bind (option section) (%get-option config section-name option-name :error) (flet ((convert-boolean (v) (cond ((member v '("1" "yes" "true" "on") :test #'string=) T) ((member v '("0" "no" "false" "off") :test #'string=) NIL) (t (error 'not-a-boolean)))) (convert-number (v) (parse-number:parse-number v))) (let ((string-value (if expand (%expand-option-value config section (cdr option) defaults (list option-name)) (cdr option)))) (cond ((eq type :boolean) (convert-boolean string-value)) ((eq type :number) (convert-number string-value)) ((null type) string-value) (t (error "Illegal `type' parameter value."))))))) (defun set-option (config section-name option-name value) "Sets the value of the specified option in the specified section. If the section does not exist, a `no-section-error' is raised. If the option does not exist, it is created." (let ((option (%get-option config section-name option-name :create))) (setf (cdr option) value))) (defun items (config section-name &key (expand t) defaults) "Returns an alist of which the items are dotted lists of key/value pairs being the option names and values specified in the given section. When `expand' is `NIL', options are returned in raw form. Otherwise option values are expanded. The definition of `defaults' is the same as for `get-option'." (let ((section (%get-section config section-name))) (if expand (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (car x) (get-option config section-name (car x) ;; option-name :expand t :defaults defaults))) (section-options section)) (section-options section)))) (defun remove-option (config section-name option-name) "Remove the specified option from the given section." (multiple-value-bind (option section) (%get-option config section-name option-name :error) (setf (section-options section) (remove option (section-options section))))) (defun remove-section (config section-name) "Remove the specified section. In case the section name equals the magic name `DEFAULT', an error is raised, since this section can't be removed." (when (string= section-name "DEFAULT") (error 'no-section-error)) ;; no such section error (let ((section (%get-section config section-name))) (setf (config-sections config) (remove section (config-sections config)))))