(defpackage #:py-configparser-tests (:use (#:cl #:py-configparser #:rt))) (in-package :py-configparser-tests) ;; test 1 ;; should succeed (deftest basic.parser (typep (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s ") (read-stream (make-config) s)) 'config) T) (deftest basic.get-option.1 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s and some more ") (equal (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" "z") "q and some more")) T) (deftest basic.get-option.2 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q delta=%(gamma)s z=%(p)s and some more ") (equal (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" "delta" :defaults '(("gamma" . "the gamma value"))) "the gamma value")) T) (deftest basic.get-option.3 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=15 delta=%(gamma)s z=%(p)s and some more ") (equal (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" "p" :type :number) 15)) T) (deftest basic.get-option.4 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=yes delta=%(gamma)s z=%(p)s and some more ") (equal (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" "p" :type :boolean) T)) T) (deftest basic.get-option.5 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q delta=%(gamma)s z=%(p)s and some more [DEFAULT] gamma=the gamma value ") (equal (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" "delta") "the gamma value")) T) (deftest basic.sections (with-input-from-string (s "[n] post-section header gunk ignored p=q z=%(p)s ") (equal (sections (read-stream (make-config) s)) '("n"))) T) (deftest basic.comments-only (typep (with-input-from-string (s "#comments only ") (read-stream (make-config) s)) 'config) T) (deftest basic.no-newline (typep (with-input-from-string (s "#comments without trailing \#Newline") (read-stream (make-config) s)) 'config) T) (deftest basic.with-defaults (equal (with-input-from-string (s "[DEFAULT] def-option = options without trailing newline") (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "DEFAULT" "def-option")) "options without trailing newline") T) ;; newlines only (deftest basic.newlines-only (with-input-from-string (s " ") (typep (get-option read-stream (make-config) s) 'config)) T) ;; options (deftest basic.options (equal (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s ") (options (read-stream (make-config) s) "n")) '("z" "p")) T) ;; items (deftest basic.items.1 (equal (with-inputfrom-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s ") (items (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" :expand nil)) '(("z" "%(p)s") ("p" . "q"))) T) (deftest basic.items.2 (equal (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s ") (items (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" :expand t)) '(("z" . "q") ("p" . "q"))) T) (deftest basic.items.3 (equal (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q delta=%(gamma)s z=%(p)s ") (items (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" :expand t :defaults '(("gamma" . "the gamma")))) '(("z" . "q") ("delta" . "the gamma") ("p" . "q"))) T) ;; sections (deftest basic.sections.1 (equal (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [v] [t] ") (sections (read-stream (make-config) s))) '("t" "v" "n")) T) (deftest basic.sections.2 (equal (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [v] [t] [DEFAULT] p=t ") (sections (read-stream (make-config) s))) '("t" "v" "n")) T) ;; add-section (deftest basic.add-section (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [t] ") (let ((c (read-stream (make-config) s))) (unless (has-section-p c "v") (add-section c "v") (not (null (has-section-p c "v")))))) T) ;; set-option (deftest basic.set-option.1 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [t] ") (let ((c (read-stream (make-config) s))) (unless (has-option-p c "t" "b") (set-option c "t" "b" "ok") (equal (get-option c "t" "b") "ok")))) T) (deftest basic.set-option.2 (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [t] ") (let ((c (read-stream (make-config) s))) (set-option c "n" "p" "ok") (equal (get-option c "n" "p") "ok"))) T) ;; remove-option (deftest basic.remove-option (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [t] ") (let ((c (read-stream (make-config) s))) (when (has-option-p c "n" "p") (remove-option c "n" "p") (null (has-option-p c "n" "p"))))) T) ;; remove-section (deftest basic.remove-section (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=q z=%(p)s [t] ") (let ((c (read-stream (make-config) s))) (when (has-section-p c "t") (remove-section c "t") (null (has-section-p c "t"))))) T) ;; now the tests that fail (deftest failures.no-header (with-input-from-string (s "option-before = section [header]") (handler-case (progn (read-stream (make-config) s) nil) (missing-section-header-error () T))) T) (deftest failures.no-spaced-option-names (with-input-from-string (s "[n] option with space = not allowed ") (handler-case (progn (read-stream (make-config) s) nil) (parsing-error () T))) T) (deftest failures.recursion (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=%(z)s z=%(p)s ") (handler-case (get-option (read-stream (make-config) s) "n" ;; section "p" ;; option :expand t) (interpolation-depth-error () T))) T) ;; non-erroring non-parsing tests (deftest miscelaneous (with-input-from-string (s "[n] p=%(__name__)s q=%(z)s z=hello ") (let ((p (read-stream (make-config) s))) (unless (string= (get-option p "n" "p" :expand t) "n") (error "Unexpected output")) (unless (string= (get-option p "n" "q" :expand nil) "%(z)s") (error "Unexpected output")) (unless (string= (get-option p "n" "q" :expand t) "hello") (error "Unexpected output")) (unless (string= (get-option p "n" "z") "hello") (error "Unexpected output")) NIL)) NIL)