(in-package :alexandria) (defun required-argument (&optional name) "Signals an error for a missing argument of NAME. Intended for use as an initialization form for structure and class-slots, and a default value for required keyword arguments." (error "Required argument ~@[~S ~]missing." name)) (define-condition simple-style-warning (style-warning simple-warning) ()) (defun simple-style-warning (message &rest args) (warn 'simple-style-warning :format-control message :format-arguments args)) ;; We don't specify a :report for simple-reader-error to let the ;; underlying implementation report the line and column position for ;; us. Unfortunately this way the message from simple-error is not ;; displayed, unless there's special support for that in the ;; implementation. But even then it's still inspectable from the ;; debugger... (define-condition simple-reader-error #-sbcl(reader-error simple-error) #+sbcl(sb-int:simple-reader-error) ()) (defun simple-reader-error (stream message &rest args) (error 'simple-reader-error :stream stream :format-control message :format-arguments args)) (define-condition simple-parse-error (simple-error parse-error) ()) (defun simple-parse-error (message &rest args) (error 'simple-parse-error :format-control message :format-arguments args)) (define-condition simple-program-error (simple-error program-error) ()) (defun simple-program-error (message &rest args) (error 'simple-program-error :format-control message :format-arguments args)) (defmacro ignore-some-conditions ((&rest conditions) &body body) "Similar to CL:IGNORE-ERRORS but the (unevaluated) CONDITIONS list determines which specific conditions are to be ignored." `(handler-case (progn ,@body) ,@(loop for condition in conditions collect `(,condition (c) (values nil c))))) (defmacro unwind-protect-case ((&optional abort-flag) protected-form &body clauses) "Like CL:UNWIND-PROTECT, but you can specify the circumstances that the cleanup CLAUSES are run. clauses ::= (:NORMAL form*)* | (:ABORT form*)* | (:ALWAYS form*)* Clauses can be given in any order, and more than one clause can be given for each circumstance. The clauses whose denoted circumstance occured, are executed in the order the clauses appear. ABORT-FLAG is the name of a variable that will be bound to T in CLAUSES if the PROTECTED-FORM aborted preemptively, and to NIL otherwise. Examples: (unwind-protect-case () (protected-form) (:normal (format t \"This is only evaluated if PROTECTED-FORM executed normally.~%\")) (:abort (format t \"This is only evaluated if PROTECTED-FORM aborted preemptively.~%\")) (:always (format t \"This is evaluated in either case.~%\"))) (unwind-protect-case (aborted-p) (protected-form) (:always (perform-cleanup-if aborted-p))) " (check-type abort-flag (or null symbol)) (let ((gflag (gensym "FLAG+"))) `(let ((,gflag t)) (unwind-protect (multiple-value-prog1 ,protected-form (setf ,gflag nil)) (let ,(and abort-flag `((,abort-flag ,gflag))) ,@(loop for (cleanup-kind . forms) in clauses collect (ecase cleanup-kind (:normal `(when (not ,gflag) ,@forms)) (:abort `(when ,gflag ,@forms)) (:always `(progn ,@forms)))))))))