;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base: 8 -*- ;;; ** (c) Copyright 1981 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ;;; Chaosnet peek functions (TV:DEFINE-PEEK-MODE PEEK-HOSTAT #/H "Hostat" T) (DEFUN PEEK-HOSTAT (&REST IGNORE) (HOSTAT)) (DEFUN PEEK-CHAOS-PACKET-ITEM (PKT &OPTIONAL (INDENT 0)) "Returns an item that describes a chaosnet packet. Mouseable subfields are: The host: Left: Causes info about the host to displayed inferior to the packet. Middle: Causes a static hostat to be displayed inferior to the packet. Right (menu): Typeout Hostat, Supdup, Telnet, Qsend Sample output: Pkt [to ! from] (number){, transmitted times (at