;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: User; Base: 10.; Patch-File: T -*- ;;; Patch directory for LMFS version 21 ;;; Written 1/11/82 13:30:45 by BSG, ;;; while running on Beagle from band 4 ;;; with System 78.45, ZMail 38.5, Tape 6.5, LMFS 21.33, Symbolics 8.12, microcode 841, Distribution copy. (RELEASED ((0 "LMFS Loaded" "LISPM") (1 "Fsedit lossages -BSG." "BEE") (2 "Backup: goes to end of extant tape when appropriate." "BSG") (3 "/"Link transparencies/" in FSEdit was busted." "BSG") (4 "Assume current userid, no password, when chaosfiling to Lispm host." "BSG") (5 "Print-disk-label-any in FSMaint." "BSG") (6 "FSEdit menus will remember last selection." "BSG") (7 "Server FILEPOS didn't work." "BSG") (8 "(lmfs:find-backup-copies ....)" "BSG") (9 "WRONG-TYPE-ARG in server data connection closeout." "BSG") (10 "(lmfs:print-server-lossages) to get at error log nicely." "BSG") (11 "The strings /"newest/" and /"oldest/" accepted as file versions." "BSG") (12 "21.11 blowage" "BSG") (13 ":NEWEST//OLDEST suppressed in :STRING-FOR-EDITOR." "BSG") (14 "Server: Chaos closings in control connection not to be considered errors." "BSG") (15 "Suppress NEWEST in wholine." "BSG") (16 "NEWEST out of string-for-printing, hosts put in string-for-wholine." "BSG") (17 "Bad scoping in server-dataproc-hack-directory." "BSG") (18 "Better server unwind protect; server PEEK features." "BSG") (20 "NIL user name problem." "BSG") (21 "Backup: CHVV to assume /"append to tape/" if can, less useless info in maps." "BSG") (22 "Bumb priority of control connection process a little" "HIC") (23 "Backup operation improvements. /"^@^@^@^@^@/" bug /"therein/" trounced." "BSG") (24 "Do disk I//O properly. Also don't swap in read buffers." "Moon") (25 "Use :reset instead of :kill on server data processes." "BSG") (26 "Fix interaction of completion with file types" "Moon") (27 "NIL length for output openings (fixes garbage in wholine)." "BSG") (28 "Dump map format and NIL-reporting problems." "BSG") (29 "UNDATA bugs, server sync errors, better :DELETE-to-opening handling." "BSG") (30 "Server trace facility; Byte size  8 on chars opening now /"usage error/"." "BSG") (31 "Backup: don't /"RE/"-set dates, close map earlier, dumper openings in peek work." "BSG") (32 "Gross sync lossage (/"FileFinish/" multifile problem) in server CLOSE." "BSG") (33 "Backup: Write EOFs after EOT (interim kludge)." "BSG") (34 "(lmfs:local-lmfs-pathname :get-extended-property//plist), optional efficiency bums." "BSG") ))