;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: User; Base: 10.; Patch-File: T -*- ;;; Patch directory for ZMail version 38 ;;; Written 12/23/81 14:44:52 by Matson, ;;; while running on Retriever from band 5 ;;; with System 78.28, ZMail 38.4, Symbolics 8.7, Tape 6.3, LMFS 21.18, Canon 9.4, microcode 841. (RELEASED ((0 "ZMail Loaded" "rg") (1 "Profile bugs from compilation in wrong environment" "MMcM") (2 "Fix (MOUSE-SENSITIVE-MODE-LINE-WINDOW :MOUSE-MOVES) for 78.13" "MMcM") (3 "Fix some toplevel comtabs" "MMcM") (4 "More of 38.1" "MMcM") (5 "Bug in change to SETUP-ZMAIL-PROFILE" "MMcM") ))