;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: TV; Base: 8 -*- ;;; ** (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ;This file is loaded after the kernel of the window system and ;before any windows are instantiated. It contains the combined ;methods and such. SHEET and SCREEN have been done already. ;WINDOW because those methods will get shared then, and ;because it may even be instantiated itself. Plus all the ;types of windows used in code loaded up til now. (COMPILE-FLAVOR-METHODS WINDOW LISP-LISTENER LISP-INTERACTOR BACKGROUND-LISP-INTERACTOR POP-UP-TEXT-WINDOW POP-UP-NOTIFICATION-WINDOW TRUNCATING-POP-UP-TEXT-WINDOW) ;Later modules generally have their own COMPILE-FLAVOR-METHODS at the ;end of their own file. This file exists for bootstrapping reasons. ;;; Resources ;;; These resources are intended so that it's easy to get a menu/pop up window for ;;; very short-term use. Since they may be on any superior, it is advisable to do ;;; a :SET-SUPERIOR before you use them (DEFRESOURCE MOMENTARY-MENU-RESOURCE (WINDOW-CREATE 'MOMENTARY-MENU ':HEIGHT (// (SHEET-HEIGHT MOUSE-SHEET) 4.))) (DEFRESOURCE POP-UP-TEXT-WINDOW-RESOURCE (WINDOW-CREATE 'POP-UP-TEXT-WINDOW ':HEIGHT (// (SHEET-HEIGHT MOUSE-SHEET) 4.))) (OR (BOUNDP 'POP-UP-FINGER-WINDOW) (SETQ POP-UP-FINGER-WINDOW (WINDOW-CREATE 'TRUNCATING-POP-UP-TEXT-WINDOW))) (DEFRESOURCE BACKGROUND-LISP-INTERACTORS (WINDOW-CREATE 'BACKGROUND-LISP-INTERACTOR ':PROCESS CURRENT-PROCESS ':SUPERIOR DEFAULT-SCREEN ':HEIGHT (// (SHEET-HEIGHT DEFAULT-SCREEN) 3))) ; It is now time to initialize the window system, which will create and expose ; the initial-lisp-listener and turn on blinkers. (ADD-INITIALIZATION "WINDOW" '(WINDOW-INITIALIZE) '(:SYSTEM))