;;; -*-mode:lisp; package:system-internals; lowercase:t-*- ;This binds STANDARD-OUTPUT and STANDARD-INPUT and enters a new read-eval-print ;loop. SETQ'ing them would be global for all processes and would leave you ;totally shafted if the file connection broke. (defun dribble-start (filename &optional editor-p) "Copy input and output to a file, or an editor buffer with second arg of T" (let* ((standard-input (make-dribble-stream terminal-io (if (not editor-p) (open filename '(:write)) (zwei:make-file-buffer-stream filename)))) (standard-output standard-input)) (*catch 'dribble-end (lisp-top-level1 terminal-io)))) (defun dribble-end () (*throw 'dribble-end (funcall standard-input ':dribble-end))) (local-declare ((special *unrchf* *tv-stream* *file-stream* *rubout-handler-buffer*)) (defun make-dribble-stream (*tv-stream* *file-stream*) (let ((*unrchf* nil) (*rubout-handler-buffer* (make-array nil 'art-string 100. nil '(0)))) (closure '(*unrchf* *tv-stream* *file-stream* *rubout-handler-buffer*) 'dribble-stream-io))) (defun dribble-stream-io (op &rest args) (selectq op ((:tyo :string-out :line-out :fresh-line) (lexpr-funcall *tv-stream* op args) (lexpr-funcall *file-stream* op args)) (:tyi (if *unrchf* (prog1 *unrchf* (setq *unrchf* nil)) (prog () (*catch (if rubout-handler 'rubout-handler 'dummy-tag) (let ((ch (funcall *tv-stream* op))) (and rubout-handler (array-push-extend *rubout-handler-buffer* ch)) (return ch))) ;;get here if someone threw to rubout-handler ;;reset our buffer and continue the throw (store-array-leader 0 *rubout-handler-buffer* 0) (*throw 'rubout-handler nil)))) (:untyi (setq *unrchf* (car args))) (:listen (or *unrchf* (funcall *tv-stream* op))) (:rubout-handler (store-array-leader 0 *rubout-handler-buffer* 0) ;reset the buffer (prog (vals) (setq vals (multiple-value-list (lexpr-funcall *tv-stream* op args))) (funcall *file-stream* ':string-out *rubout-handler-buffer*) (return-list vals))) (:dribble-end (close *file-stream*) (and (memq ':get (funcall *file-stream* ':which-operations)) (funcall *file-stream* ':get ':unique-id))) (otherwise (lexpr-funcall *tv-stream* op args)))) );local-declare