;;; Ultra-simple stepper for lisp-machine. -*-LISP-*- ;;; Wins with multiple values ;;; Does not attempt to win with editor top level ;;; Compile with QC-FILE. ; ** (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ;NOTES: ; The way it decides whether it needs to reprint the form when showing ; you the values is pretty kludgey right now. Can it check the cursorpos ; or ask itself whether it typed anything or something? ; ; Would like to be able to evaluate and/or substitute in atoms and forms ; without having to break first. ; ; Would like to be able to type A and have it stop after evaluating the ; args, before calling the function. ; ; Raid registers ; ; Hook up to DDT? ; ; If an error happens, user should be able to throw back into the stepper. (special step-level ;depth in recursion step-array ;contains pending forms step-max ;max depth at which to type out step-form ;current form, user may change in a breakpoint step-value ;first value, changing this in a bkpt returns it step-values ;list of values, may be changed in a breakpoint evalhook ) ;Main entry point. (defun step (form) (setq step-level -1 step-max 0) (or (boundp 'step-array) (setq step-array (make-array nil 'art-q 200))) (step-eval form)) ;This is for TRACE, mainly. The idea is to do an apply, ;stepping under it but not showing the user the apply itself. (defun step-apply (fcn args &aux (evalhook (function step))) (bind (function-cell-location 'eval) (function evalhook1)) (apply fcn args)) ;Check for macros, they are treated specially. (defun step-macro-p (form) (and (listp form) (symbolp (car form)) (fboundp (car form)) (listp (setq form (car (function-cell-location (car form))))) (eq (car form) 'macro))) ;Print a form, suitably indented, marked, and truncated to one line. (defun step-print-form (form level) (terpri) (do n (* 2 level) (1- n) (= n 0) (tyo #\SP)) (tyo (cond ((step-macro-p form) #/) (t #/))) (tyo #\SP) (print-truncated form 75.)) ;print whatever is necessary, read a command, set special variables ;and return how to proceed: eval (just eval), evalhook (recurse), more options later. ;If calling for eval, step-values is nil, otherwise calling for return. (defun step-cmdr (form values print-form-p) (prog (ch ch1 (standard-input query-io) (standard-output query-io)) (and print-form-p (step-print-form form step-level)) pv (do ((l values (cdr l)) (ch #/ #/)) ((null l)) (terpri-if-insufficient-space 80.) (tyo #\SP) (tyo ch) (tyo #\SP) (print-truncated (car l) 100.)) rd (setq ch1 (funcall standard-input ':tyi)) (setq ch (char-upcase ch1)) (cond ((= ch #\CALL) (break call t)) ((= ch #\SP) (setq step-max step-level) (return 'eval)) ((= ch 525) (setq step-max (max 0 (1- step-level))) (return 'eval)) ((= ch 516) (setq step-max (1+ step-level)) (return 'evalhook)) ((= ch 530) (setq step-max -1) (return 'eval)) ((= ch 502) (break step t) (setq ch 0) (as-1 step-form step-array step-level) (go redis1)) ((= ch 505) (ed) (setq ch 10.) (go redisplay)) ((or (= ch 214) (= ch 514)) (setq ch 10.) (go redisplay)) ((= ch 1114) (setq ch 10.) (go redis1)) ((= ch 1514) (setq ch step-level) (go redisplay)) ((or (= ch 507) (= ch 524)) (setq ch (cond ((= ch 507) (function grind-top-level)) ((function print)))) (cond ((null values) (funcall ch form)) ((do l values (cdr l) (null l) (funcall ch (car l))))) (go rd)) ((memq (logand ch 377) '(#/? #\HELP)) (terpri) (princ (cond ((null step-values) "You are about to evaluate the above form.") (t "You have evaluated a form and are about to return the above values."))) (terpri) (princ "Commands are single characters, usually control, which don't echo:") (terpri) (princ "N to next thing evaled, next thing at same level, U up a level") (terpri) (princ "X up all levels (exit), E escape to editor, T retype in full, G grind") (terpri) (princ "B break: STEP-FORM is the form, STEP-VALUES is the list of values,") (terpri) (princ " STEP-VALUE is the first value. If you change these, it wins.") (terpri) (princ "L or
clear & show last 10., L don't clear, L clear & show all") (terpri) (princ "Just type and it will be read, evaluated, and printed") (terpri) (princ "Magic flags:  form,  macro,  values,  next value") (setq ch 0) (go redis1)) ((< ch 200) (funcall standard-input ':untyi ch1) (princ " Eval: ") (print (eval (read-for-top-level))) (terpri) (setq ch 0) (go redis1)) (t (beep) (go rd))) redisplay (funcall standard-output ':clear-screen) redis1 (do i (max 0 (- step-level ch)) (1+ i) (> i step-level) (step-print-form (ar-1 step-array i) i)) (go pv))) ;This is evalhooked in in place of EVAL. Works by calling step-cmdr ;to let the user see what's going on and say what to do, then continues ;evaluation using either EVAL or EVALHOOK based on what the user typed. ;Has special hair for macros and for atoms. (defun step-eval (step-form) (prog ((step-level (1+ step-level)) step-value step-values tem val) (and (>= step-level (ARRAY-LENGTH step-array)) (adjust-array-size step-array (+ 100 step-level))) mc (as-1 step-form step-array step-level) (cond ((nlistp step-form) (setq step-values (list (eval step-form))) (setq tem 'atom) (go rl)) ((<= step-level step-max) (setq tem (step-cmdr step-form nil t))) (t (setq tem 'eval))) (cond ((step-macro-p step-form) (setq step-form (funcall (cdar (function-cell-location (car step-form))) step-form)) (go mc)) ((eq tem 'eval) (setq step-values (multiple-value-list (eval step-form)))) ((eq tem 'evalhook) (setq step-values (multiple-value-list (evalhook step-form (function step-eval))))) ((ferror nil "Unknown function ~S" tem))) rl (setq step-value (setq val (car step-values))) (cond ((<= step-level step-max) (setq tem (step-cmdr step-form step-values (neq tem 'eval)))) (t (setq tem 'eval))) (and (neq step-value val) (return step-value)) rt (cond ((null (cdr step-values)) (return (car step-values))) (t (return-next-value (car step-values)) (setq step-values (cdr step-values)) (go rt))))) ;PRINT abbreviated spacewise rather than listwise (SPECIAL PRINT-TRUNCATED) ;YECH (DEFUN TERPRI-IF-INSUFFICIENT-SPACE (PERCENT-WIDTH) (LET ((X (// (* PERCENT-WIDTH (FUNCALL STANDARD-OUTPUT ':INSIDE-SIZE)) 100.))) (AND ( (FUNCALL STANDARD-OUTPUT ':READ-CURSORPOS ':PIXEL) X) (TERPRI)))) (DEFUN PRINT-TRUNCATED (SEXP PERCENT-WIDTH) (LET ((PRINT-TRUNCATED (// (* PERCENT-WIDTH (FUNCALL STANDARD-OUTPUT ':INSIDE-SIZE)) 100.))) (*CATCH 'PRINT-TRUNCATED (PRIN1 SEXP (CLOSURE '(PRINT-TRUNCATED STANDARD-OUTPUT) (FUNCTION PRINT-TRUNCATED-STREAM)))))) (DEFUN PRINT-TRUNCATED-STREAM (OP &OPTIONAL ARG1 &REST REST) (SELECTQ OP (:TYO (COND (( (FUNCALL STANDARD-OUTPUT ':READ-CURSORPOS ':PIXEL) PRINT-TRUNCATED) (*THROW 'PRINT-TRUNCATED NIL)) (T (FUNCALL STANDARD-OUTPUT ':TYO ARG1)))) (:WHICH-OPERATIONS '(:TYO)) (OTHERWISE (STREAM-DEFAULT-HANDLER 'PRINT-TRUNCATED-STREAM OP ARG1 REST))))