;;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;+ Isidorus ;;+ (c) 2008-2010 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Georgieff ;;+ ;;+ Isidorus is freely distributable under the LLGPL license. ;;+ You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LLGPL-LICENSE.txt and ;;+ trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt. ;;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (in-package :TM-SPARQL) (defun parse-closed-value(query-string query-object &key (open "<") (close ">")) "A helper function that checks the value of a statement within two brackets, i.e. . A list of the form (:next-query string :value string) is returned." (declare (String query-string open close) (SPARQL-Query query-object)) (let ((trimmed-string (cut-comment query-string))) (if (string-starts-with trimmed-string open) (let* ((pref-url (string-until (string-after trimmed-string open) close)) (next-query-str (string-after trimmed-string close))) (unless next-query-str (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-string (original-query query-object) close))) (list :next-query next-query-str :value pref-url)) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-string (original-query query-object) close))))) (defun cut-comment (query-string) "Returns the given string back. If the query starts with a # or space # the characters until the nextline are removed." (declare (String query-string)) (let ((trimmed-str (trim-whitespace-left query-string))) (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "#") (let ((next-query (string-after trimmed-str (string #\newline)))) (if next-query (let ((cleaned-next-query (cut-comment next-query))) (if (string= next-query cleaned-next-query) next-query (cut-comment next-query))) "")) trimmed-str))) (defgeneric parser-start(construct query-string) (:documentation "The entry point of the SPARQL-parser.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let ((trimmed-query-string (cut-comment query-string))) (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-query-string "SELECT") (parse-select construct (string-after trimmed-query-string "SELECT"))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-query-string "PREFIX") (parse-prefixes construct (string-after trimmed-query-string "PREFIX"))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-query-string "BASE") (parse-base construct (string-after trimmed-query-string "BASE") #'parser-start)) ((= (length trimmed-query-string) 0) ;; If there is only a BASE and/or PREFIX statement return a ;; query-object with the result nil construct) (t (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-query-string (original-query construct) (format nil "SELECT, PREFIX or BASE, but found: ~a..." (subseq trimmed-query-string 0 10))))))))) (defgeneric parse-select (construct query-string) (:documentation "The entry-point of the parsing of the select - where statement.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (next-query (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "WHERE") trimmed-str (parse-variables construct trimmed-str)))) (unless (string-starts-with next-query "WHERE") (error (make-sparql-parser-condition next-query (original-query construct) "WHERE"))) (let* ((triples (string-after next-query "WHERE")) (query-tail (parse-where construct triples))) (when (> (length query-tail) 0) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition query-tail (original-query construct) "The end of the query. Solution sequence modifiers are not supported yet."))) construct)))) (defgeneric parse-where (construct query-string) (:documentation "The entry-point for the parsing of the WHERE statement.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))) (unless (string-starts-with trimmed-str "{") (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "{"))) (let ((query-tail (parse-group construct (subseq trimmed-str 1)))) (when (> (length (trim-whitespace query-tail)) 0) (make-sparql-parser-condition query-tail (original-query construct) "end of query, solution sequences and modifiers are not supported")) query-tail)))) (defgeneric parse-group (construct query-string &key last-subject) (:documentation "The entry-point for the parsing of a {} statement.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) &key (last-subject nil)) (declare (type (or Null SPARQL-Triple-Elem) last-subject)) (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))) (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "BASE") (parse-base construct (string-after trimmed-str "BASE") #'(lambda(constr query-str) (parse-group constr query-str :last-subject last-subject)))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "{") (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "FILTER, BASE, or triple. Grouping is currently no implemented."))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "FILTER") (parse-filter construct (string-after trimmed-str "FILTER"))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "OPTIONAL") (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "FILTER, BASE, or triple. Grouping is currently no implemented."))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "UNION") (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "FILTER, BASE, or triple. Grouping is currently no implemented."))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "}") ;ending of this group (subseq trimmed-str 1)) (t (parse-triple construct trimmed-str :last-subject last-subject)))))) (defgeneric parse-triple-elem (construct query-string &key literal-allowed) (:documentation "A helper function to parse a subject or predicate of an RDF triple.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) &key (literal-allowed nil)) (declare (Boolean literal-allowed)) (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))) (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "a ") ;;rdf:type (list :next-query (cut-comment (subseq trimmed-str 1)) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'IRI :value *type-psi*))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "<") (let ((result (parse-base-suffix-pair construct trimmed-str))) (if (and (not (variable-p (getf result :value))) (string= (value (getf result :value)) *rdf-type*)) (list :next-query (getf result :next-query) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'IRI :value *type-psi*)) result))) ((or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "?") (string-starts-with trimmed-str "$")) (let ((result (parse-variable-name construct trimmed-str :additional-delimiters (list "}")))) (list :next-query (cut-comment (getf result :next-query)) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'VARIABLE :value (getf result :value))))) (t (if (or (string-starts-with-digit trimmed-str) (string-starts-with trimmed-str "\"") (string-starts-with trimmed-str "true") (string-starts-with trimmed-str "false") (string-starts-with trimmed-str "'")) (progn (unless literal-allowed (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "an IRI of the form prefix:suffix or but found a literal."))) (parse-literal-elem construct trimmed-str)) (let ((result (parse-prefix-suffix-pair construct trimmed-str))) (if (and (not (variable-p (getf result :value))) (string= (value (getf result :value)) *rdf-type*)) (list :next-query (getf result :next-query) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'IRI :value *type-psi*)) result)))))))) (defgeneric parse-literal-elem (construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper-function that returns a literal vaue of the form (:value (:value object :literal-type string :literal-lang string :type <'LITERAL>) :next-query string).") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (value-type-lang-query (cond ((or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "\"") (string-starts-with trimmed-str "'")) (parse-literal-string-value construct trimmed-str)) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "true") (list :value t :type *xml-boolean* :next-query (subseq trimmed-str (length "true")))) ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "false") (list :value nil :type *xml-boolean* :next-query (subseq trimmed-str (length "false")))) ((string-starts-with-digit trimmed-str) (parse-literal-number-value construct trimmed-str))))) (list :next-query (getf value-type-lang-query :next-query) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'LITERAL :value (getf value-type-lang-query :value) :literal-lang (getf value-type-lang-query :lang) :literal-datatype (getf value-type-lang-query :type)))))) (defgeneric parse-literal-string-value (construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper function that parses a string that is a literal. The return value is of the form (list :value object :type string :lang string :next-query string).") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (result-1 (separate-literal-value construct trimmed-str)) (after-literal-value (getf result-1 :next-query)) (l-value (getf result-1 :literal)) (result-2 (separate-literal-lang-or-type construct after-literal-value)) (l-type (if (getf result-2 :type) (getf result-2 :type) *xml-string*)) (l-lang (getf result-2 :lang)) (next-query (getf result-2 :next-query))) (list :next-query next-query :lang l-lang :type l-type :value (cast-literal l-value l-type :back-as-string-when-unsupported t))))) (defgeneric separate-literal-lang-or-type (construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper function that returns (:next-query string :lang string :type string). Only one of :lang and :type can be set, the other element is set to nil. The query string must be the string direct after the closing literal bounding.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let ((delimiters-1 (list "." ";" "}" " " (string #\tab) (string #\newline))) (delimiters-2 (list " ." ". " ";" "}" " " (string #\tab) (string #\newline) (concat "." (string #\newline)) (concat "." (string #\tab))))) (cond ((string-starts-with query-string "@") (let ((end-pos (search-first delimiters-1 (subseq query-string 1)))) (unless end-pos (error (make-sparql-parser-condition query-string (original-query construct) "'.', ';', '}', ' ', '\t', or '\n'"))) (list :next-query (subseq (subseq query-string 1) end-pos) :lang (subseq (subseq query-string 1) 0 end-pos) :type nil))) ((string-starts-with query-string "^^") (let ((end-pos (search-first delimiters-2 (subseq query-string 2)))) (unless end-pos (error (make-sparql-parser-condition query-string (original-query construct) "'. ', ,' .', ';', '}', ' ', '\t', or '\n'"))) (let* ((type-str (subseq (subseq query-string 2) 0 end-pos)) (next-query (subseq (subseq query-string 2) end-pos)) (final-type (if (get-prefix construct type-str) (get-prefix construct type-str) type-str))) (list :next-query (cut-comment next-query) :type final-type :lang nil)))) (t (list :next-query (cut-comment query-string) :type nil :lang nil)))))) (defgeneric separate-literal-value (construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper function that returns (:next-query string :literal string). The literal string contains the pure literal value.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (delimiter (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "\"") "\"") ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "'''") "'''") ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "'") "'") (t (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "a literal starting with ', ''', or \""))))) (literal-end (find-literal-end (subseq trimmed-str (length delimiter)) delimiter 0))) (list :next-query (subseq trimmed-str (+ literal-end (length delimiter))) :literal (subseq trimmed-str (length delimiter) literal-end))))) (defgeneric parse-literal-number-value (construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper function that parses any number that is a literal. The return value is of the form (list :value nil :type string :next-query string.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (triple-delimiters (list ". " ";" " " (string #\tab) (string #\newline) "}")) (end-pos (search-first triple-delimiters trimmed-str))) (unless end-pos (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "'. ', , ';' ' ', '\\t', '\\n' or '}'"))) (let* ((literal-number (read-from-string (let ((str-value (subseq trimmed-str 0 end-pos))) (if (string-ends-with str-value ".") (progn (decf end-pos) (subseq str-value 0 (1- (length str-value)))) str-value)))) (number-type (if (search "." (subseq trimmed-str 0 end-pos)) *xml-double* ;could also be an xml:decimal, since the double has ;a bigger range it shouldn't matter *xml-integer*))) (unless (numberp literal-number) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "a valid number of the form '1', '1.3', 1.0e6'"))) (list :value literal-number :type number-type :next-query (subseq trimmed-str end-pos)))))) (defgeneric parse-base-suffix-pair (construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper function that returns a list of the form (list :next-query string :value (:value uri :type 'IRI)).") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (result (parse-closed-value trimmed-str construct)) (result-uri (if (or (absolute-uri-p (getf result :value)) (not (base-value construct))) (getf result :value) (concatenate-uri (base-value construct) (getf result :value)))) (next-query (getf result :next-query))) (list :next-query (cut-comment next-query) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'IRI :value result-uri))))) (defgeneric parse-prefix-suffix-pair(construct query-string) (:documentation "A helper function that returns a list of the form (list :next-query string :value (:value uri :type 'IRI)).") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (delimiters (list "." ";" "}" "<" " " (string #\newline) (string #\tab))) ; "#")) (end-pos (search-first delimiters trimmed-str)) (elem-str (when end-pos (subseq trimmed-str 0 end-pos))) (prefix (when elem-str (string-until elem-str ":"))) (suffix (when prefix (string-after elem-str ":"))) (full-url (when (and suffix prefix) (get-prefix construct (concat prefix ":" suffix))))) (unless (and end-pos prefix suffix) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "An IRI of the form prefix:suffix"))) (unless full-url (error (make-condition 'sparql-parser-error :message (format nil "The prefix in \"~a:~a\" is not registered" prefix suffix)))) (list :next-query (cut-comment (string-after trimmed-str (concat prefix ":" suffix))) :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem :elem-type 'IRI :value full-url))))) (defgeneric parse-triple (construct query-string &key last-subject) (:documentation "Parses a triple within a trippel group.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) &key (last-subject nil)) (declare (type (or Null SPARQL-Triple-Elem) last-subject)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (subject-result (if last-subject ;;is used after a ";" last-subject (parse-triple-elem construct trimmed-str))) (predicate-result (parse-triple-elem construct (if last-subject trimmed-str (getf subject-result :next-query)))) (object-result (parse-triple-elem construct (getf predicate-result :next-query) :literal-allowed t))) (add-triple construct (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple :subject (if last-subject last-subject (getf subject-result :value)) :predicate (getf predicate-result :value) :object (getf object-result :value))) (let ((tr-str (cut-comment (getf object-result :next-query)))) (cond ((string-starts-with tr-str ";") (parse-group construct (subseq tr-str 1) :last-subject (getf subject-result :value))) ((string-starts-with tr-str ".") (parse-group construct (subseq tr-str 1))) ((string-starts-with tr-str "}") (parse-group construct tr-str))))))) (defgeneric parse-variables (construct query-string) (:documentation "Parses the variables of the SELECT statement and adds them to the passed construct.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))) (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "WHERE") trimmed-str (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "*") (progn (add-variable construct "*") (parse-variables construct (string-after trimmed-str "*"))) (let ((result (parse-variable-name construct trimmed-str))) (add-variable construct (trim-whitespace-right (getf result :value))) (parse-variables construct (getf result :next-query)))))))) (defgeneric parse-variable-name (construct query-string &key additional-delimiters) (:documentation "A helper function that parses the first non-whitespace character in the query. since it must be a variable, it must be prefixed by a ? or $. The return value is of the form (:next-query string :value string).") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) &key (additional-delimiters)) (declare (List additional-delimiters)) (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (delimiters (append (list " " "?" "$" "." (string #\newline) (string #\tab)) additional-delimiters))) (unless (or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "?") (string-starts-with trimmed-str "$")) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "? or $"))) (let* ((var-name-end (search-first delimiters (subseq trimmed-str 1))) (var-name (if var-name-end (subseq trimmed-str 0 (+ 1 var-name-end)) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str (original-query construct) "space, newline, tab, ?, ., $ or WHERE")))) (next-query (string-after trimmed-str var-name)) (normalized-var-name (if (<= (length var-name) 1) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition next-query (original-query construct) "a variable name")) (subseq var-name 1)))) (list :next-query next-query :value normalized-var-name))))) (defgeneric parse-base (construct query-string next-fun) (:documentation "Parses the Base statment and sets the corresponding attribute in the query-construct. Since the BASE statement may appear in different states the next-fun defines the next call function that calls the next transitions and states.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) (next-fun Function)) (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)) (result (parse-closed-value trimmed-str construct))) (setf (base-value construct) (getf result :value)) (funcall next-fun construct (getf result :next-query))))) (defgeneric parse-prefixes (construct query-string) (:documentation "Sets the correponding prefix-tuples in the passed object.") (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String)) (let ((trimmed-string (cut-comment query-string))) (if (string-starts-with trimmed-string ":") (let ((results (parse-closed-value (subseq trimmed-string 1) construct))) (add-prefix construct *empty-label* (getf results :value)) (parser-start construct (getf results :next-query))) (let* ((label-name (trim-whitespace-right (string-until trimmed-string ":"))) (next-query-str (trim-whitespace-left (string-after trimmed-string ":"))) (results (parse-closed-value next-query-str construct))) (when (string= label-name trimmed-string) (error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-string (original-query construct) ":"))) (add-prefix construct label-name (getf results :value)) (parser-start construct (getf results :next-query)))))))