;;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;+ Isidorus ;;+ (c) 2008-2009 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Giessmann ;;+ ;;+ Isidorus is freely distributable under the LGPL license. ;;+ You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt. ;;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (in-package :datamodel) (defun get-all-revisions () "Returns an ordered set of the start dates of all revisions in the engine" ;TODO: this is a very inefficient implementation... it would equally ;be possible to have a separate object that stored all such ;revisions and only make the search from the latest version that's ;stored their (let ((revision-set)) (dolist (vi (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VersionInfoC)) (pushnew (start-revision vi) revision-set)) (sort revision-set #'<))) (defun get-all-revisions-for-tm (tm-id) "Returns an ordered set of the start dates of all revisions in the engine for this Topic Map" (let* ((tm (get-item-by-item-identifier tm-id :revision 0)) (tops-and-assocs (when tm (union (topics tm) (associations tm)))) (revision-set nil)) (dolist (vi (mapcan #'versions tops-and-assocs)) (pushnew (start-revision vi) revision-set)) (sort revision-set #'<))) (defgeneric find-all-associations (instance &key revision) (:documentation "Finds all associations for a topic.") (:method ((instance TopicC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)) (declare (type (or integer null) revision)) (remove-duplicates (map 'list #'(lambda(role) (parent role :revision revision)) (player-in-roles instance :revision revision))))) (defgeneric find-associations (instance &key revision) (:documentation "Finds all associations of this topic except type-instance-associations.") (:method ((instance TopicC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)) (declare (type (or integer null) revision)) (let ((type-instance-topic (d:identified-construct (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'PersistentIdC 'uri *type-instance-psi*)))) (remove-if #'(lambda(assoc) (eql (instance-of assoc :revision revision) type-instance-topic)) (find-all-associations instance :revision revision))))) (defgeneric find-referenced-topics (construct &key revision) (:documentation "find all the topics that are references from this construct as type, scope or player, as the case may be")) (defmethod find-referenced-topics ((characteristic CharacteristicC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)) "characteristics are scopable + typable + reifiable" (append (when (reifier characteristic :revision revision) (list (reifier characteristic :revision revision))) (themes characteristic :revision revision) (when (instance-of characteristic :revision revision) (list (instance-of characteristic :revision revision))) (when (and (typep characteristic 'NameC) (variants characteristic :revision revision)) (remove-if #'null (loop for var in (variants characteristic :revision revision) append (find-referenced-topics var :revision revision)))) (when (and (typep characteristic 'OccurrenceC) (> (length (charvalue characteristic)) 0) (eq #\# (elt (charvalue characteristic) 0))) (list (get-item-by-id (subseq (charvalue characteristic) 1) :revision revision))))) (defmethod find-referenced-topics ((role RoleC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)) (append (when (reifier role :revision revision) (list (reifier role :revision revision))) (list (instance-of role :revision revision)) (list (player role :revision revision)))) (defmethod find-referenced-topics ((association AssociationC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)) "associations are scopable + typable" (append (when (reifier association :revision revision) (list (reifier association :revision revision))) (list (instance-of association :revision revision)) (themes association :revision revision) (mapcan #'(lambda(role) (find-referenced-topics role :revision revision)) (roles association :revision revision)))) (defmethod find-referenced-topics ((top TopicC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)) "Part 1b of the eGov-Share spec states: # for each topicname in T export a topic stub for each scope topic # for each occurrence in T export a topic stub for the occurrence type (if it exists) # for each occurrence in T export a topic stub for each scope topic # for each association A in which T plays a role export the association # for each association A export a topic stub for the association type # for each association A export a topic stub for each topic scope topic # for each role R in A export a topic stub for the role type and one for the role player UNLESS the role player is T" (remove-duplicates (remove top (append (list-instanceOf top :revision revision) (mapcan #'(lambda(name) (find-referenced-topics name :revision revision)) (names top :revision revision)) (mapcan #'(lambda(variant) (find-referenced-topics variant :revision revision)) (mapcan #'variants (names top :revision revision))) (mapcan #'(lambda(occ) (find-referenced-topics occ :revision revision)) (occurrences top :revision revision)) (mapcan #'(lambda(assoc) (find-referenced-topics assoc :revision revision)) (find-associations top :revision revision)))))) (defgeneric initial-version-p (version-info) (:documentation "A helper function for changed-p that returns the passed version-info object if it is the initial version-info object, i.e. it owns the smallest start-revsion of the version-construct.") (:method ((version-info VersionInfoC)) (unless (find-if #'(lambda(vi) (< (start-revision vi) (start-revision version-info))) (versions (versioned-construct version-info))) version-info))) (defgeneric changed-p (construct revision) (:documentation "Has the topic map construct changed in a given revision? 'Changed' can mean: * newly created * deletion of an element * modified through the addition or removal of identifiers * (for associations) modified through the addition or removal of identifiers in the association or one of its roles * (for topics) modified through the addition or removal of identifiers or characteristics * (for topics) modified through the addition or removal of an association in which it is first player")) (defmethod changed-p ((construct TopicMapConstructC) (revision integer)) "changed-p returns nil for TopicMapConstructCs that are not specified more detailed. The actual algorithm is processed for all VersionedConstructCs." (declare (ignorable revision)) nil) (defmethod changed-p ((construct PointerC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if the PointerC was added to a construct the first time in the passed revision" (let ((version-info (some #'(lambda(pointer-association) (changed-p pointer-association revision)) (slot-p construct 'identified-construct)))) (when version-info (initial-version-p version-info)))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct VersionedConstructC) (revision integer)) "changed-p returns t if there exist a VersionInfoC with the given start-revision." (let ((version-info (find revision (versions construct) :test #'= :key #'start-revision))) (when version-info (initial-version-p version-info)))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct CharacteristicC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if the CharacteristicC was added to a construct in the passed revision or if changed." (or (call-next-method) (let ((version-info (some #'(lambda(characteristic-association) (changed-p characteristic-association revision)) (slot-p construct 'parent)))) (when version-info (initial-version-p version-info))))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct RoleC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if the RoleC was added to a construct in the passed revision or if changed." (or (call-next-method) (let ((version-info (some #'(lambda(role-association) (changed-p role-association revision)) (slot-p construct 'parent)))) (when version-info (initial-version-p version-info))))) (defgeneric end-revision-p (construct revision) (:documentation "A helper function for changed-p. It returns the latest version-info if the passed versioned-construct was marked-as-deleted in the version that is given.") (:method ((construct VersionedConstructC) (revision integer)) (let ((version-info (find revision (versions construct) :key #'end-revision :test #'=))) (when (and version-info (not (find-if #'(lambda(vi) (or (> (end-revision vi) (end-revision version-info)) (= (end-revision vi) 0))) (versions construct)))) version-info)))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct ReifiableConstructC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if a ReifiableConstructC changed in the given version, i.e. an item-identifier or reifier was added to the construct itself." (or (some #'(lambda(vc) (changed-p vc revision)) (union (item-identifiers construct :revision revision) (let ((reifier-top (reifier construct :revision revision))) (when reifier-top (list reifier-top))))) (some #'(lambda(vc) (end-revision-p vc revision)) (union (slot-p construct 'item-identifiers) (slot-p construct 'reifier))))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct NameC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if the passed NameC changed in the given version, i.e. the characteristics or the variants changed." (or (call-next-method) (some #'(lambda(var) (changed-p var revision)) (variants construct :revision revision)) (some #'(lambda(vc) (end-revision-p vc revision)) (slot-p construct 'variants)))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct TopicC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if the passed TopicC changed in the given version, i.e. the , , , , , or the reified-construct changed." (or (call-next-method) (some #'(lambda(vc) (changed-p vc revision)) (union (union (union (psis construct :revision revision) (locators construct :revision revision)) (union (names construct :revision revision) (occurrences construct :revision revision))) (remove-if-not (lambda (assoc) (eq (player (first (roles assoc :revision revision)) :revision revision) construct)) (find-all-associations construct :revision revision)))) (let ((rc (reified-construct construct :revision revision))) (when rc (let ((ra (find-if #'(lambda(reifier-assoc) (eql (reifiable-construct reifier-assoc) rc)) (slot-p construct 'reified-construct)))) (changed-p ra revision)))) (some #'(lambda(vc) (end-revision-p vc revision)) (union (union (union (slot-p construct 'psis) (slot-p construct 'locators)) (union (slot-p construct 'names) (slot-p construct 'occurrences))) (slot-p construct 'reified-construct))))) (defmethod changed-p ((construct AssociationC) (revision integer)) "Returns t if the passed AssociationC changed in the given version, i.e. the or the changed." (or (call-next-method) (some #'(lambda(role) (changed-p role revision)) (roles construct :revision revision)) (some #'(lambda(vc) (end-revision-p vc revision)) (slot-p construct 'roles)))) (defpclass FragmentC () ((revision :type integer :initarg :revision :accessor revision :index t :documentation "revision in question") (unique-id :initarg :unique-id :accessor unique-id :index t :documentation "a unique id for this fragment. for now just its OID, but may become a true UUID in the future") (topic :type TopicC :initarg :topic :accessor topic :index t :documentation "changed topic (topicSI in Atom") (referenced-topics :type list :initarg :referenced-topics :accessor referenced-topics :documentation "list of topics that this topic references somehow (through associations, types, scopes in the characteristics etc.") (associations :type list :initarg :associations :accessor associations :documentation "list of association that this topic is a player in"))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((fragment FragmentC) &key) "initialze the unique id of the fragment ot some suitable value" (setf (slot-value fragment 'unique-id) (elephant::oid fragment))) (defun get-fragments (revision) "Gets the list of all fragments for a given revision. Returns a list of FragmentC objects" (declare (integer revision)) (let ((cached-fragments (elephant:get-instances-by-value 'FragmentC 'revision revision))) (if cached-fragments cached-fragments (remove nil (map 'list (lambda (top) (when (changed-p top revision) (make-instance 'FragmentC :revision revision :associations (find-associations top :revision revision) ;TODO: this quite probably introduces ;code duplication with query: Check! :referenced-topics (find-referenced-topics top :revision revision) :topic top))) (get-all-topics revision)))))) (defun get-fragment (unique-id) "get a fragment by its unique id" (declare (integer unique-id)) (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'FragmentC 'unique-id unique-id)) (defgeneric add-source-locator (construct &key source-locator revision) (:documentation "adds an item identifier to a given construct based on the source locator and an internally generated id (ideally a uuid)")) (defmethod add-source-locator ((construct ReifiableConstructC) &key source-locator revision) (declare (integer revision)) (unless (some (lambda (ii) (string-starts-with (uri ii) source-locator)) (item-identifiers construct :revision revision)) (let ((ii-uri (format nil "~a/~d" source-locator (internal-id construct)))) (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri ii-uri :identified-construct construct :start-revision revision)))) (defmethod add-source-locator ((top TopicC) &key source-locator revision) ;topics already have the source locator in (at least) one PSI, so we ;do not need to add an extra item identifier to them. However, we ;need to do that for all their characteristics + associations (mapc (lambda (name) (add-source-locator name :revision revision :source-locator source-locator)) (names top :revision revision)) (mapc (lambda (occ) (add-source-locator occ :revision revision :source-locator source-locator)) (occurrences top :revision revision)) (mapc (lambda (ass) (add-source-locator ass :revision revision :source-locator source-locator)) (find-associations top :revision revision))) (defun create-latest-fragment-of-topic (topic-psi) "Returns the latest fragment of the passed topic-psi" (declare (string topic-psi)) (let ((topic (get-latest-topic-by-psi topic-psi))) (when topic (let ((start-revision (start-revision (find-if #'(lambda(x) (when (= 0 (end-revision x)) t)) (versions topic))))) (let ((existing-fragment (find-if #'(lambda(x) (when (eq topic (topic x)) t)) (get-fragments start-revision)))) (if existing-fragment existing-fragment (make-instance 'FragmentC :revision start-revision :associations (find-associations topic :revision start-revision) :referenced-topics (find-referenced-topics topic :revision start-revision) :topic topic))))))) (defun get-latest-fragment-of-topic (topic-psi) "Returns the latest existing fragment of the passed topic-psi." (declare (string topic-psi)) (let ((topic (get-latest-topic-by-psi topic-psi))) (when topic (let ((existing-fragments (elephant:get-instances-by-value 'FragmentC 'topic topic))) (when existing-fragments (first (sort existing-fragments #'(lambda(frg-1 frg-2) (> (revision frg-1) (revision frg-2))))))))))