;;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;+ Isidorus ;;+ (c) 2008-2009 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Giessmann ;;+ ;;+ Isidorus is freely distributable under the LGPL license. ;;+ You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt. ;;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; (defmacro site (&body lines) ;; `(dolist (line (quote ,lines)) ;; (format t "~a~&" line))) (in-package :atom) (defmacro get-conflist (sym conflines) `(rest (assoc ,sym ,conflines))) (defmacro get-confvalue (sym conflines) `(first (rest (assoc ,sym ,conflines)))) (defmacro build-updatefeed (collection-feed feed feedtype source-locator-prefix) "Helper macro to build an update feed (feedtype: snapshotsfeed or fragmentfeed)" `(let* ((entry (get-conflist ,feedtype (rest ,feed))) (entry-obj (make-instance 'collection-entry :id (get-confvalue 'id entry) :link-type ,feedtype :tm-id (id ,collection-feed) :path (format nil "~a/~a" (path ,collection-feed) (get-confvalue 'relative-path entry)) :title (get-confvalue 'title entry)))) ;(format t "feed: ~a" ,feed) ;(format t "entry: ~a" entry) (register-entry ,collection-feed entry-obj) (register-subfeed ,collection-feed (make-instance ,feedtype :id (get-confvalue 'id entry) :author (author ,collection-feed) :path (format nil "~a/~a" (path ,collection-feed) (get-confvalue 'relative-path entry)) :tm-id (id ,collection-feed) :source-locator-prefix ,source-locator-prefix :title (get-confvalue 'title entry))))) (defmacro defsite (sitename &body conflines) "Macro to encapsulate the definition of feeds for the TMs the engine hosts" (setf *tm-feed* (make-instance 'feed :id (string-downcase sitename) :title (get-confvalue 'title conflines) :path (get-confvalue 'relative-path conflines) :author (get-confvalue 'author conflines))) (dolist (feed (remove-if-not (lambda (elem) (eq elem 'collection-feed)) conflines :key #'first)) (let* ((collection-url (format nil "~a/~a" (get-confvalue 'relative-path conflines) (get-confvalue 'relative-path (rest feed)))) (source-locator-prefix (get-confvalue 'source-locator-prefix (rest feed))) (overview-entry (make-instance 'overview-entry :id (get-confvalue 'id (rest feed)) :title (get-confvalue 'title (rest feed)) :author (get-confvalue 'author (rest feed)) :path collection-url)) (cf (make-instance 'collection-feed :id (get-confvalue 'id (rest feed)) :title (get-confvalue 'title (rest feed)) :source-locator-prefix source-locator-prefix :dependency (get-conflist 'dependency (rest feed)) :author (get-confvalue 'author (rest feed)) :path collection-url))) (register-entry *tm-feed* overview-entry) (register-subfeed *tm-feed* cf) (build-updatefeed cf feed 'fragments-feed source-locator-prefix) (build-updatefeed cf feed 'snapshots-feed source-locator-prefix))))