* HT-AJAX ChangeLog ** Version 0.0.7 <2007-03-08> **** Fixed bug in jsmin.lisp ** Version 0.0.6 <2007-02-20> **** Added unexport function **** Added the "virtual .js file" feature **** Code reorganization **** Changed the JS-FILE-URI parameter to JS-FILE-URIS **** Added support for Yahoo UI library **** Support for returning complex objects to Javascript with JSON ** Version 0.0.5 /unreleased/ **** Added error calbacks to the public interface **** Added the option to compress the generated Javascript to minimize the download size **** Processor for Dojo Toolkit ( http://dojotoolkit.org/ ) ** Version 0.0.4 <2007-02-09> **** Applied patch by Pierre THIERRY for better control over Javascript debugging **** Code & documentation cleanups ** Version 0.0.3 <2007-02-05> **** Added Prototype processor