INSTALLING FUNDS The latest version of funds is available at Funds is designed to be loaded with asdf, available from*checkout*/cclan/asdf/asdf.lisp. Make a symbolic link to the file funds/src/funds.asd somewhere visible to asdf. On linux, the command would be: prompt $ cd /somewhere/in/*central-registry* prompt $ ln -s /path/to/funds/src/funds.asd . LOADING FUNDS To load the system, type at a lisp prompt: > (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'funds) To see the publicly exported symbols in package "FUNDS," look at the file funds/src/package.lisp. SEEING THE EXAMPLES Make a symbolic link to the file funds/examples/funds-examples.asd visible to asdf. Type (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'funds-examples). Now try (solve p1) to see a functional sudoku solver at work.