This README contains some information for developing modules DEFMODULE Put this declaration at the top of the module file (it needs to be at the top) to define the module. FOMUS will automatically scan the module directory and use these headers to register, compile and load them. DEFMODULE is a wrapper for DEFPACKAGE and accepts the following keywords: fomus-specific: type keyname use initfun entryfun description preload filename-ext arguments passed to defpackage: shadowing-import-from package-name import-from intern size export type = one of :accidentals :voices :staves/clefs :splitrules :quantize or :backend for now keyname = keyword ID for this module initfun = callback initialization function w/ no arguments (not really necessary in Lisp, but it's included anyways) entryfun = function to replace fomus's default function (arguments differ depending on context) documentation = passed to defpackage and also printed out when list-fomus-modules is called preload = form that is executed before anything else (for loading dependencies) filename-ext = string such as "xml" or "ly" added to output filename--only use w/ backends (optional--without this, the base filename is passed to the module function) (all other arguments) = same as equivalent args in defpackage (deffomusmodule acts as an extension to defpackage) DEFMODULE takes care of defining the package, also adds a FOMUS-MODULENAME module to the *MODULES* list (FOMUS uses this) It also adds an (in-package ...) Example: (deffomusmodule (:keyname :nokey2) (:type :accidentals) (:entryfun acc-nokey2) (:use :iterate) ; automatically uses common-lisp and fomus packages (:export #:make-int-var-from-to #:make-int-var-domain #:post #:ads #:example #:acc-nokey2) (:preload (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :iterate)) (:documentation "(Experimental) Note-spelling algorithm by Kilian Sprotte using an adaptive search approach")) CALLBACK FUNCTION There needs to be a callback function, specified by the :entryfun argument to DEFFOMUSMODULE. The API is different for each module type and might have to change depending on module requirements. DATA Some data that can be imported from the fomus package that might be useful (things will be added as I go through the code to clean things up & add comments): (defparameter +nokey-niceints1+ (vector '(0) '(-1 1) '(-1 1) '(0 2) '(-2 0) '(-1 1) '(-1 1))) ; best spellings from unison to 7th (0 = perfect, -1/1 = min/maj, -2/2 = dim/aug) (defparameter +nokey-niceints2+ (vector '(-2 2) '(-2 2) '(-2 2) '(-2) '(2) '(-2 2) '(-2 2))) ; 2nd best spellings (defparameter +nokey-penalty+ (vector '(1) '(-1 1) '(-1) '(1) '(-1 1) '(-1 1) '(-1))) ; for ea. white key, location of neighboring black keys (1/2 step lower or higher) (defparameter +nokey-harmints+ (vector 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6)) ; when two notes are "linked", required interval given the chromatic distance *verbose* ; the verbosity level (usually only print something if *verbose* >= 2) FUNCTIONS See "misc.lisp" for general miscellaneous things and "util.lisp" for fomus-specific functions An important one is print-dot in util.lisp--prints a progress dot only if some number of seconds has elapsed since the last one (insert this somewhere in your code)