FOMUS Lisp music notation formatter See file "COPYING" for terms of use and distribution. Fomus is alpha software, and still has a lot of testing and bug fixing to go before all of its features are useable. Not all features that appear in the documentation are implemented or working yet. The program is available via anonymous CVS. To download it, type the following: cd path_to_install_directory cvs -z3 -d co fomus See the file "fomus.html" in the doc directory for instructions on how to use the program. The following command loads FOMUS into lisp: (load "path_to_fomus_directory/load.lisp") (use-package :fm) The program is being developed in CMUCL, but should also compile in SBCL and OpenMCL. It will eventually run in Allegro Common Lisp and CLISP. If you wish to report a bug, make FOMUS generate a debug file (the default filename is "/tmp/fomus.dbg") and send it to dpsenick(at)uiuc(dot)edu. See the DEBUG-FILENAME setting in the FOMUS documentation for more information.