;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; beams.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; BEAMS (declaim (type symbol *auto-beam-mod*)) (defparameter *auto-beam-mod* t) (declaim (inline auto-beam-fun)) (defun auto-beam-fun () (if (truep *auto-beam-mod*) :beams1 *auto-beam-mod*)) (declaim (type boolean *auto-beams*)) (defparameter *auto-beams* t) (declaim (type (member nil t :always) *long-eighth-beams*) (type (integer 1) *long-eighth-beam-count*) (type (integer 1) *comp-long-eighth-beam-count*)) (defparameter *long-eighth-beams* t) ; set to t (half-note under certain conditions), nil (quarter-note) or :always (defparameter *long-eighth-beam-count* #|3 5/9/06|# 3) ; number of 1/8 notes to activate large grouping, if 0, will ALWAYS beam a whole 1/2 note if possible (defparameter *comp-long-eighth-beam-count* 5) ;; decision to group four or six eigth notes together ;; receives all events overlapping into area <= proper duration ;; events are separated into different voices (defun beams-grouplarge (events timesig) (declare (type list events) (type timesig-repl timesig)) (if (timesig-comp timesig) (or (eq *long-eighth-beams* :always) (and *long-eighth-beams* (>= (count-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (and (notep x) (null (event-tupfrac x)) (= (event-writtendur* x timesig) 1/8))) events) *comp-long-eighth-beam-count*))) (or (eq *long-eighth-beams* :always) (and *long-eighth-beams* (>= (count-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (and (notep x) (null (event-tupfrac x)) (= (event-writtendur* x timesig) 1/8))) events) *long-eighth-beam-count*))))) ;; (defun beams-grouplarge (events timesig) ;; (declare (type list events) (type timesig-repl timesig)) ;; (or (eq *long-eighth-beams* :always) ;; (and *long-eighth-beams* ;; (>= (count-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (and (notep x) (null (event-tupfrac x)) (= (event-writtendur* x timesig) 1/8))) events) ;; *long-eighth-beam-count*)))) ;; top level generic rules for dividing/beaming measures ;; input written duration ;; beamdur starts at 1/8, then 1/16, etc. (defun beams-rules (events off writdur beamdur timesig) (declare (type list events) (type (real 0) off) (type (rational (0)) writdur beamdur) (type timesig-repl timesig)) (flet ((fi (wd) (declare (type (rational (0)) wd)) (loop with o = (+ off (/ wd (timesig-beat* timesig))) for e in events when (< (event-off e) o) collect e into r1 when (> (event-endoff e) o) collect e into r2 finally (return (values r1 r2 o))))) (if (timesig-comp timesig) (cond ((and (<= writdur 6/8) (beams-grouplarge events timesig) (>= beamdur (/ (timesig-den timesig)))) (list writdur)) ; 6/8 ((<= writdur 3/8) (list writdur)) ((<= writdur 6/8) (list 3/8 (- writdur 3/8))) (t (multiple-value-bind (e1 e2 off2) (fi 6/8) (nconc (beams-rules e1 off 6/8 beamdur timesig) (when (> writdur 6/8) (beams-rules e2 off2 (- writdur 6/8) beamdur timesig)))))) (cond ((and (<= writdur #|4/8 5/9/06|# 6/8) (beams-grouplarge events timesig)) (list writdur)) ; 4/8 ((<= writdur 2/8) (list writdur)) ((<= writdur 4/8) (list 2/8 (- writdur 2/8))) ((<= writdur 5/8) (list 3/8 (- writdur 3/8))) (t (multiple-value-bind (e1 e2 off2) (fi 4/8) (nconc (beams-rules e1 off 4/8 beamdur timesig) (when (> writdur 4/8) (beams-rules e2 off2 (- writdur 4/8) beamdur timesig))))))))) ;; must be before postproc adds tuplet marks??? (defun beams-standbydiv (meas) (declare (type list meas)) (loop for m of-type meas in meas ;;and debmn from 1 do (multiple-value-bind (grs evs) (split-list (meas-events m) #'event-grace) (let ((ts (meas-timesig m))) (labels ((spt (evs wd wl &optional dmu (tf 0)) ; return events unsorted in their groups (declare (type cons evs) (type (or (rational (0)) null) wd) (type list wl) (type list dmu) (type (integer 0) tf)) (let ((wll (loop for e of-type (rational (0)) in wl ; is nil for tuplet areas nconc (loop while (> e wd) collect wd into re do (decf e wd) finally (return (nconc re (list e))))))) (flet ((pwd (o) (declare (type (rational 0) o)) (loop while (and wll (>= o (the (rational (0)) (car wll)))) do (decf o (pop wll)) finally (return o)))) (loop with ee = evs and o of-type (rational (0)) = 0 and re and rr ; re and rr should be in reverse order, re is group-list, rr is list of group-lists #-clisp while #-clisp ee for e of-type (or noteex restex) = #-clisp (car ee) #+clisp (if ee (car ee) (loop-finish)) do (if (not (equal (event-tupdurmult e) dmu)) ; different tuplet region (progn (prenconc (let ((xa (when (and re (> o 0)) (copy-event (first re)))) ; oo = t if tuplet section doesn't start on boundary (x (loop ; gather events in tuplet with pr = 0 for ee0 on ee for e0 = (car ee0) do (incf pr (apply #'* (butlast (event-tupfrac e0) tf))) while (<= pr 1) collect e0 do (incf o (event-writtendur e0 ts dmu)) finally (setf ee ee0)))) ; x is in forward order (when re (push re rr) (setf re nil)) ; first of re is the largest offset (let ((xr (spt x nil nil (event-tupdurmult e) (1+ tf)))) (when xa (nconc (last-element xr) (list xa))) ; "prepend" for continuous beaming xr)) rr) (setf o (pwd o)) (when (> o 0) (setf re (list (copy-event (first (first rr))))))) ; "append" copy for continuous beaming (progn (push e re) (incf o (event-writtendur e ts)) (when (and wll (>= o (car wll))) (push re rr) (setf re nil) (setf o (pwd o))) (setf ee (rest ee)))) finally (return (if re (cons re rr) rr))))))) (flet ((bm (evs dv wl) ; dv = number of beams, ad = written beam duration (declare (type cons evs) (type (integer 1) dv) (type cons wl)) (let ((ad (if (= dv 1) 3/4 (expt 1/2 dv)))) ; ad is written division duration (let ((spf (nreverse (mapcar #'nreverse (spt evs ad wl)))) (spb (nreverse (mapcar #'nreverse (spt (reverse evs) ad (nreverse wl)))))) #+debug (check-order spf "BEAMS-STANDBYDIV (1)" (lambda (x y) (<= (event-off (first x)) (event-off (first y))))) #+debug (mapc (lambda (i) (check-order i "BEAMS-STANDBYDIV (2)" (lambda (x y) (<= (event-off x) (event-off y))))) spf) #+debug (check-order spb "BEAMS-STANDBYDIV (3)" (lambda (x y) (>= (event-off (first x)) (event-off (first y))))) #+debug (mapc (lambda (i) (check-order i "BEAMS-STANDBYDIV (4)" (lambda (x y) (>= (event-off x) (event-off y))))) spb) (loop for ee of-type cons in spf do (loop for (e0 e1) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on ee while e1 when (and (notep e0) (notep e1)) do (setf (event-beamlt e1) (min dv (event-nbeams e0 ts) (event-nbeams e1 ts))))) (loop for ee of-type cons in spb do (loop for (e0 e1) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on ee while e1 when (and (notep e0) (notep e1)) do (setf (event-beamrt e1) (min dv (event-nbeams e0 ts) (event-nbeams e1 ts))))) (cons spf spb)))) (fb (spf spb) (declare (type cons spf spb)) (let ((ll nil) (lr nil)) ; fix beams that don't have enough (loop for ee of-type cons in spf do (loop for (e0 e1) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on ee #-clisp while #-clisp e1 for nb = #-clisp (event-nbeams e1 ts) #+clisp (if e1 (event-nbeams e1 ts) (loop-finish)) when (and (notep e0) (notep e1) (> (event-beamrt e0) 0) ; (event-nbeams e0 ts) (and (< (event-beamlt e1) nb) (< (event-beamrt e1) nb))) do (push (cons (event-nbeams e1 ts) e1) ll))) (loop for ee of-type cons in spb do (loop for (e0 e1) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on ee #-clisp while #-clisp e1 for nb = #-clisp (event-nbeams e1 ts) #+clisp (if e1 (event-nbeams e1 ts) (loop-finish)) when (and (notep e0) (notep e1) (> (event-beamlt e0) 0) ; (event-nbeams e0 ts) (and (< (event-beamlt e1) nb) (< (event-beamrt e1) nb))) do (push (cons (event-nbeams e1 ts) e1) lr))) (loop for (nb . e) of-type ((integer 0) . noteex) in ll do (setf (event-beamlt e) nb)) (loop for (nb . e) of-type ((integer 0) . noteex) in lr do (setf (event-beamrt e) nb))))) (loop with dv = (let ((nb (timesig-nbeats ts))) (or (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type (rational (0)) x)) (* x nb)) (meas-div m)) (list nb))) for i from 1 to (mloop for e in evs maximize (event-nbeams e ts)) collect (bm evs i (loop for x of-type (rational (0)) in dv and d0 = (meas-off m) then d1 for d1 = (+ (meas-off m) x) then (+ d1 x) nconc (beams-rules (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in evs when (and (> (event-endoff e) d0) (< (event-off e) d1)) collect e) d0 (* x (timesig-beat* ts)) (/ 1/4 (expt 2 i)) ts))) into ag finally (loop for (f . b) of-type (cons . cons) in (nreverse ag) do (fb f b)) (fb (list evs) (list (reverse evs)))))) (let ((gg (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type cons x)) (sort x #'sort-offdur)) (split-into-groups grs #'event-off)))) (loop for gr of-type cons in gg do (loop for (e1 e2) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on gr #-clisp while #-clisp e2 for nb = #-clisp (event-nbeams e1 ts) #+clisp (if e2 (event-nbeams e1 ts) (loop-finish)) when (and (notep e1) (notep e2)) do (let ((x (min (event-nbeams e2 ts) nb))) (setf (event-beamrt e1) x (event-beamlt e2) x)))) (let ((ll nil) (lr nil)) ; fix beams that don't have enough (loop for ee of-type cons in gg do (loop for (e0 e1) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on ee #-clisp while #-clisp e1 for nb = #-clisp (event-nbeams e1 ts) #+clisp (if e1 (event-nbeams e1 ts) (loop-finish)) when (and (notep e0) (notep e1) (> (event-nbeams e0 ts) 0) (and (< (event-beamlt e1) nb) (< (event-beamrt e1) nb))) do (push (cons nb e1) ll))) (loop for ee of-type cons in gg do (loop for (e1 e2) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on ee #-clisp while #-clisp e2 for nb = #-clisp (event-nbeams e1 ts) #+clisp (if e2 (event-nbeams e1 ts) (loop-finish)) when (and (notep e1) (notep e2) (> (event-nbeams e2 ts) 0) (and (< (event-beamlt e1) nb) (< (event-beamrt e1) nb))) do (push (cons nb e1) lr))) (loop for (nb . e) of-type ((integer 0) . noteex) in ll do (setf (event-beamlt e) nb)) (loop for (nb . e) of-type ((integer 0) . noteex) in lr do (setf (event-beamrt e) nb))))) (setf (meas-events m) (sort (nconc grs evs) #'sort-offdur)) #+debug (loop for e in (meas-events m) when (and (notep e) (or (> (event-beamlt e) 0) (> (event-beamrt e) 0)) (/= (max (event-beamlt e) (event-beamrt e)) (event-nbeams e (meas-timesig m)))) do (error "Error in BEAMS-STANDBYDIV (5)"))) (print-dot))) (defun beams (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type partex in parts do (case (auto-beam-fun) (:beams1 (beams-standbydiv (part-meas p))) (otherwise (error "Unknown auto-beam function ~S" *auto-beam-mod*)))))