;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; staves.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; STAVES/CLEFS (declaim (type boolean *auto-staff/clef-changes*)) (defparameter *auto-staff/clef-changes* t) (declaim (type symbol *auto-staff/clefs-mod*)) (defparameter *auto-staff/clefs-mod* t) (declaim (inline auto-clefs-fun)) (defun auto-clefs-fun () (if (truep *auto-staff/clefs-mod*) :staves/clefs1 *auto-staff/clefs-mod*)) (declaim (type (real 0) *clef-force-clef-change-dist*)) (defparameter *clef-force-clef-change-dist* 2) ; 2 can be nil (declaim (type #-allegro (float 0 1) #+allegro float *clef-change-clef-penalty* *clef-change-staff-penalty* *clef-polyphony-perbeat-penalty* *clef-order-perbeat-penalty*)) (defparameter *clef-change-clef-penalty* (float 1)) ; 1 (defparameter *clef-change-staff-penalty* (float 1/2)) ; 1/4 should probably be less than change-clef-penalty (defparameter *clef-polyphony-perbeat-penalty* (float 1/3)) ; 1/16 per beat (defparameter *clef-order-perbeat-penalty* (float 1/8)) ; 1/16 ;; rests should be filtered out before this function is called ;; staff is a number (declaim (type cons *clef-midwhites* *clef-switchthrs* *clef-list*)) (declaim (special *clef-midwhites* *clef-switchthrs* *clef-list*)) (defun clefs-getclef (clef events staff) (declare (type symbol clef) (type list events) (type (integer 0) staff)) (let ((mi (mloop for e of-type noteex in events minimize (event-writtennote e))) ; GUESS WRITTENNOTE (ma (mloop for e of-type noteex in events maximize (event-writtennote e)))) (flet ((cf () ; choose clef--mi and ma assumed to be written notes (let ((m (/ (+ (notetowhite mi) (notetowhite ma)) 2))) (loop-return-argmin (diff (the integer (lookup cl *clef-midwhites*)) m) for cl of-type symbol in *clef-list*)))) (if clef (if (or (null events) (let ((cd (lookup clef *clef-switchthrs*))) (declare (type cons cd)) (let ((u (cdr cd)) (l (car cd))) (declare (type (or integer null) u l)) (and (if l (>= mi l) t) (if u (<= ma u) t))))) clef (cf)) (if events (cf) (or (the symbol (nth staff *clef-list*)) (the symbol (last-element *clef-list*)))))))) (declaim (type (integer 1) *staff-engine-heap*)) (defparameter *staff-engine-heap* 30) (defstruct (clefnode (:copier nil) (:predicate clefnodep)) (sc 0.0 :type #-allegro (float 0) #+allegro float) (lo 0 :type (rational 0)) (lg 0 :type (rational 0)) (ics #() :type (vector symbol)) (cs #() :type (vector symbol)) (lvs #() :type (vector list)) (ret nil :type list) (evs nil :type list) (o 0 :type (rational 0)) (co 0 :type (integer 0))) ; ics is vector of init-clef, cs is vector of clefs, lvs = vector of last voices (defun clefs-bylegscore (events instr name) (let ((nst (instr-staves instr)) (co 0)) (declare (type (integer 0) co)) (labels ((cm (vs al &optional (s 0)) ; all combinations of staff/voice assignmets (list of lists of (staff . voice)) (declare (type list vs) (type list al) (type (integer 0) s)) (when vs (loop for i of-type (integer 0) in (or al (loop for i0 from s below nst collect i0)) nconc (loop for j of-type list in (or (cm (rest vs) al i) '(nil)) collect (cons (cons i (first vs)) j)))))) (flet ((scorefun (no) (declare (type clefnode no)) (cons (clefnode-sc no) (clefnode-co no))) (expandfun (no) (declare (type clefnode no)) (when (> (clefnode-co no) co) ;; progress (setf co (clefnode-co no)) (print-dot)) (let ((o (event-off (first (clefnode-evs no))))) (multiple-value-bind (al es rs vs gd) ; es = events at cur. offset, rs = rest of evs, vs = sorted voices, gd = 0 or effgracedur if grace notes (loop with g = (event-grace (first (clefnode-evs no))) and al for rs on (clefnode-evs no) for e of-type noteex = (first rs) while (and (= (event-off e) o) (eql (event-grace e) g)) collect e into es do (setf al (event-userstaff e)) collect (event-voice* e) into v when g maximize (event-graceeffdur e) into gd finally (return (values al es rs (sort (delete-duplicates v) #'<) #-clisp gd #+clisp (or gd 0)))) (loop with nco = (if (or (null (clefnode-o no)) (> o (clefnode-o no))) (1+ (clefnode-co no)) (clefnode-co no)) for vas of-type cons in (cm vs al) ; iterate over all possible arrangements, vas is a possible combination of (cons staff voice) collect (loop with sc = (clefnode-sc no) ; score and ics = (copy-seq (clefnode-ics no)) ; initial clefs and cs = (copy-seq (clefnode-cs no)) ; current clefs and lvs = (copy-seq (clefnode-lvs no)) ; last voices for sv of-type cons in (split-into-groups vas #'car) ; sv is list of (cons staff voice) for one staff nconc (let* ((vv (mapcar #'cdr sv)) ; vv = voices for this staff (ve (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type noteex x)) (find (event-voice* x) vv)) es))) ; ve = events for this staff (let ((s (car (first sv))) ; s = staff (uc (find-if #'identity ve :key #'event-userclef))) (declare (type (integer 0) s) (type (or note null) uc)) (let ((c0 (svref cs s)) (c (or uc ; override (clefs-getclef nil ve s)))) ; c = new clef (maybe) (if (svref (clefnode-ics no) s) (when (and (not (eq c c0)) ; clef change suggested (or uc ; forced override (eq c (clefs-getclef c0 ve s)) ; supported by necessary change (loop with li and oo of-type (rational 0) and gg ; look ahead to be sure for e of-type noteex in rs when (find (event-voice* e) vv) do (if li (if (and (= (event-off e) oo) (eql (event-grace e) gg)) (push e li) (if (eq c0 (clefs-getclef nil li s)) ; goes back to original clef (return) (if (or (and *clef-force-clef-change-dist* (> (- oo o) *clef-force-clef-change-dist*)) ; going too far (eq c (clefs-getclef c0 li s))) ; finally supported by necessary change (return t) (setf li (list e))))) ; necessary to change (setf oo (event-off e) gg (event-grace e) li (list e))) finally (return (unless (or (null li) (eq c0 (clefs-getclef nil li s))) ; goes back to original clef (or (and *clef-force-clef-change-dist* (> (- oo o) *clef-force-clef-change-dist*)) ; going too far (eq c (clefs-getclef c0 li s)))))))) (setf (svref cs s) c ve (cons (let ((x (copy-event (first ve)))) (addmark x (list :clef c)) x) (rest ve))) (incf sc *clef-change-clef-penalty*)) (setf (svref ics s) c (svref cs s) c))) (mapc (lambda (v) (declare (type (integer 1) v)) (let ((p (position v lvs :test #'find))) ; p = last staff this voice was on (when (or (null p) (/= p s)) (incf sc *clef-change-staff-penalty*) (when p (setf (svref lvs p) (remove v (svref lvs p)))) (push v (svref lvs s))))) vv) (if (> nst 1) (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type noteex x)) (copy-event x :voice (cons (1+ s) (event-voice* x)))) ve) (copy-list ve)))) into ret finally (incf sc (* (+ (* (loop for e across lvs sum (max (1- (length e)) 0)) ; avoid excessive polyphony on one staff *clef-polyphony-perbeat-penalty*) (* (loop ; clef order with xl = (loop for x across cs when x collect (position x +clefs+ :key #'car)) and xh #-clisp while #-clisp xl for e of-type (integer 0) = #-clisp (pop xl) #+clisp (if xl (pop xl) (loop-finish)) count (or (when xh (< (min-list xh) e)) (when xl (> (or (max-list xl) -1) e))) do (push e xh)) *clef-order-perbeat-penalty*)) (max (- o (clefnode-lo no)) (clefnode-lg no)))) (return (make-clefnode :sc sc :lo o :lg gd :ics ics :cs cs :lvs lvs :ret (nconc ret (clefnode-ret no)) :evs rs :o o :co nco))))))) ; ret is out of order (scoregreaterfun (s1 s2) (declare (type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *) s1 s2)) (< (car s1) (car s2))) (remscoregreaterfun (r1 r2) (declare (type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float (integer 0)) r1 r2)) (if (= (cdr r1) (cdr r2)) (> (car r1) (car r2)) (< (cdr r1) (cdr r2)))) (solutfun (no) (declare (type clefnode no)) (null (clefnode-evs no)))) (let ((*clef-list* (force-list (instr-clefs instr)))) (multiple-value-bind (*clef-midwhites* *clef-switchthrs*) ; so = middle whitenotes, sx = switching thresholds (loop with pp and l = (instr-cleflegls instr) for (c . p) of-type (symbol . (or integer null)) in +clefs+ when (find c *clef-list*) do (setf pp (notetowhite p)) and collect (cons c pp) into r and collect (cons c (cons (whitetonote (- pp (* (if (numberp l) l (loop with l0 of-type integer for z of-type (or (integer 1) cons) in l for (e a1 a2) of-type ((or (integer 1) symbol) symbol (or (integer 1) null)) in (force-list z) if (numberp e) do (setf l0 e) else if (and (eq e c) (eq a1 :dn)) do (return a2) finally (return l0))) 2) 5)) (whitetonote (+ pp (* (if (numberp l) l (loop with l0 of-type integer for z of-type (or (integer 1) cons) in l for (e a1 a2) of-type ((or (integer 1) symbol) symbol (or (integer 1) null)) in (force-list z) if (numberp e) do (setf l0 e) else if (and (eq e c) (eq a1 :up)) do (return a2) finally (return l0))) 2) 5)))) into re finally (setf (cadr (first re)) nil (cddr (last-element re)) nil) (return (values r re))) (let ((n (or (let ((*staff-engine-heap* (max (roundint (* *staff-engine-heap* *quality*)) 1))) (bfs*-engine (list (make-clefnode :ics (make-array nst :initial-element nil) :cs (make-array nst :initial-element nil) :lvs (make-array nst :initial-element nil) :evs events)) #'scorefun #'expandfun #'solutfun :heaplim *staff-engine-heap* :scoregreaterfun #'scoregreaterfun :remscoregreaterfun #'remscoregreaterfun)) (error "Cannot find staff/clef assignments for part ~S" name)))) (values (clefnode-ret n) (loop for i from 0 below nst collect (list :clef (or (svref (clefnode-ics n) i) (clefs-getclef nil nil i)) (1+ i))))))))))) (defun clefs (parts) (loop for p of-type partex in parts for ns = (instr-staves (part-instr p)) do (rmprop p :clef) if (is-percussion p) do (loop for i from 1 to ns do (addprop p (list :clef :percussion i))) (get-usermarks (part-events p) :staff :startstaff- :staff- :endstaff- (lambda (e s) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list s)) (when (> ns 1) (setf (event-staff* e) (first s)))) (part-name p)) (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (part-events p) do (rmmark e :clef)) else do (get-usermarks (part-events p) :staff :startstaff- :staff- :endstaff- (lambda (e s) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list s)) (if (notep e) (setf (event-userstaff e) (force-list (first s))) (addmark e (list :userstaff (first s))))) (part-name p)) (multiple-value-bind (no re) (split-list (part-events p) #'notep) (get-usermarks no :clef :startclef- :clef- :endclef- (lambda (e c) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list c)) (setf (event-userclef e) (first c))) (part-name p)) (multiple-value-bind (evs prs) (case (auto-clefs-fun) (:staves/clefs1 (clefs-bylegscore no (part-instr p) (part-name p))) (otherwise (error "Unknown staff/clefs assignment function ~S" *auto-staff/clefs-mod*))) (setf (part-events p) (sort (nconc re evs) #'sort-offdur)) (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type cons x)) (addprop p x)) prs))) (loop ; temporarily assign rests to staves (will become defaults if distr-rests isn't run) for g of-type cons in (split-into-groups (part-events p) #'event-voice*) do (loop with s of-type (or list (integer 1)) for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (sort g #'sort-offdur) if (and (restp e) (null (getmark e :userstaff))) do (if (listp s) (push e s) (setf (event-staff* e) s)) else do (let ((v (if (restp e) (second (popmark e :userstaff)) (event-staff e)))) (when v (when (listp s) (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex x)) (setf (event-staff* x) v)) s)) (setf s v))))))) (defun clefs-generic (parts) (loop for p of-type partex in parts for ns = (instr-staves (part-instr p)) do (get-usermarks (part-events p) :staff :startstaff- :staff- :endstaff- (lambda (e s) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list s)) (when (> ns 1) (setf (event-staff* e) (first s)))) (part-name p)) (loop for ee of-type cons in (split-into-groups (part-events p) #'event-staff) do (get-usermarks (part-events p) :clef :startclef- :clef- :endclef- (lambda (e c) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e) (type list c)) (setf (event-userclef e) (first c))) (part-name p)) (loop with s for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (sort ee #'sort-offdur) unless (eq s (event-userclef e)) do (addmark e :clef) (setf s (event-userclef e)))))) (defun clean-clefs (pts) (loop for p of-type partex in pts do (loop for s from 1 to (instr-staves (part-instr p)) do (loop with x for m of-type meas in (reverse (part-meas p)) do (loop for p = e for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (reverse (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (= (event-staff x) s)) (meas-events m))) when (or (restp e) (and p (< (event-endoff e) (event-off p)))) do (setf x nil) if (and (notep e) (or-list (force-list (event-tielt e)))) do (let ((x0 (popmark e :clef))) (when (and x0 (null x)) (setf x x0))) else if x do (rmmark e :clef) (addmark e x) (setf x nil))) (loop with x for m in (part-meas p) do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (= (event-staff x) s)) (meas-events m)) for m = (getmark e :clef) when m do (if (eq (second m) x) (rmmark e :clef) (setf x (second m)))))) (print-dot))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DISTRIBUTE RESTS (declaim (type (member nil t :some :all) *grandstaff-hide-rests*) (type (real (0)) *min-grandstaff-hide-rests-dur*)) (defparameter *grandstaff-hide-rests* t) ; nil (t or :some) or :all, can override in part properties? (defparameter *min-grandstaff-hide-rests-dur* 1) (declaim (type symbol *auto-distr-rests-mod*)) (defparameter *auto-distr-rests-mod* t) (declaim (inline auto-distr-rests-fun)) (defun auto-distr-rests-fun () (if (truep *auto-distr-rests-mod*) :rests1 *auto-distr-rests-mod*)) ;; call AFTER ass-voices but BEFORE anything else (need to know where the rests are) ;; assigns all rests to staves and hides some rests ;; if other voice in OTHER staff crosses to staff w/ rests & includes notes AND flag set & >= min dur AND region includes beg/end of measure, make rests invisible (do in distr-rests) ;; (if rests hidden at beg. of measure, don't hide rest of measure) (defun distr-rests-byconfl (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop with rl of-type list ; (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) list) and lo = (meas-endoff (last-element (part-meas (first parts)))) ; list of lists of rests to turn invisible for p of-type partex in (remove-if #'is-percussion parts) for sv = (> (instr-staves (part-instr p)) 1) do (loop for v in (loop with v for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (meas-events m) do (pushnew (event-voice* e) v)) finally (return v)) do (loop with s and r and r0 and r1 ; r is rests up to endoff falling even w/ beat, r0 = remaining, r1 = to turn invisible and ae0 = (remove-if-not #'notep (loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) append (meas-events m))) and ae for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) ; all one voice and cm = t and ba = nil do ; cm = intersect or align w/ beg/end of measure, ba = already made some rests invisible this measure (loop with mo = (let ((x (if (meas-div m) (nconc (loop with o = (meas-off m) with d = (- (meas-endoff m) o) for e of-type (rational (0)) in (meas-div m) collect o do (incf o (* e d))) (list (meas-endoff m))) (list (meas-off m) (meas-endoff m))))) (loop for (e n) of-type ((rational 0) (or (rational 0) null)) on x if n nconc (loop for i from e below n collect i) else collect e)) and tu = 0 ; tu = tuplet for e in (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (= (event-voice* x) v)) (meas-events m)) and lt = tu ; lt = last tuplet do (incf tu (apply #'* (event-tupfrac e))) if (restp e) do (if (and (null r) (null r0) s (not (and (integerp lt) (find (event-off e) mo)))) (setf (event-voice e) (if sv (cons s v) v)) ; set it and leave it, can't start group yet (if (and (integerp tu) (find (event-endoff e) mo)) ; at end of group--save it (progn (unless ba (prepend r0 r1) (push e r1)) ; r1 to possibly turn invisible (prenconc r0 r) (push e r) (setf r0 nil)) ; r to put on a staff, r0 is remaining ones (push e r0))) else if (notep e) do (unless s (setf s (event-staff e))) (let ((ss (event-staff e))) ; decide which staff to stick the rests on (if r ; have remaining ones (let ((o1 (event-off (last-element r))) ; o1, o2 offset bounds of r (o2 (event-endoff (first r)))) (setf ae (nconc (delete-if (lambda (x) (declare (type noteex x)) (<= (event-endoff x) o1)) ae) ; ae is all notes in span o1 to o2 on all staves (one voice) (loop for x0 on ae0 for x of-type noteex = (first x0) while (< (event-off x) o2) when (> (event-endoff x) o1) collect x finally (setf ae0 x0)))) #+debug (check-order ae "DISTR-RESTS-BYCONFL" #'sort-offdur) (flet ((td (s) ; total duration of notes (declare (type (integer 1) s)) (multiple-value-bind (gr no) (split-list (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type noteex x)) (= (event-staff x) s)) ae) #'event-grace) (max (mloop for e of-type noteex in gr maximize (event-graceeffdur e)) (loop for (a . b) of-type ((rational 0) . (rational 0)) in (merge-linear (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type noteex x)) (cons (max (event-off x) o1) (min (event-endoff x) o2))) no) (lambda (x y) (declare (type (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) x y)) (when (<= (car y) (cdr x)) (cons (car x) (cdr y))))) sum (- b a))))) (iv (ts) ; make rests in r1 invisible (when (and (or (eq *grandstaff-hide-rests* :all) (and *grandstaff-hide-rests* (> ts 0))) ; ts > 0 means some conflict w/ notes cm (not ba) r1 (or (null *min-grandstaff-hide-rests-dur*) (>= (- o2 o1) *min-grandstaff-hide-rests-dur*))) ; 4/1/06 r1 (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex x)) (setf (event-inv x) t)) r1) (push (cons (cons (event-off (last-element r1)) o2) r1) rl) ; rl = list of ((o1 . o2) . inv-rests) (setf ba t)))) ; already made rests inv this measure (let ((ts1 nil) (ts2 nil)) (if (and (/= s ss) (> (setf ts1 (td s)) (setf ts2 (td ss)))) ; amount of conflict with staves of first/last note--s is staff of last note before e (progn (setf s ss) (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex r)) (setf (event-voice x) (if sv (cons s v) v))) r) (iv ts2)) ; go with staff of last note (progn (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex r)) (setf (event-voice x) (if sv (cons s v) v))) r) (setf s ss) (iv (or ts1 (td s)))))))) (setf s ss))) ; go with staff of first note (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex r)) (setf (event-voice x) (if sv (cons s v) v))) r0) ; set rest of the rests (setf r nil r0 nil r1 nil cm nil)) (print-dot) finally (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex r)) (setf (event-voice x) (if sv (cons (or s 1) v) v))) (nconc r0 r)))) (loop with ee do (loop ; find the holes and plug them for e in (setf ee (get-holes (merge-linear (mapcan (lambda (m) (declare (type meas m)) (loop for y of-type (or noteex restex) in (meas-events m) unless (and (restp y) (event-inv y)) collect (cons (event-off y) (event-endoff y)))) (part-meas p)) (lambda (x y) (declare (type (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) x y)) (when (<= (car y) (cdr x)) (cons (car x) (cdr y))))) 0 lo)) for m = (loop-return-argmin (event-voice* (first (cdr i))) ; first voice for i of-type (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) *) in (loop-return-argmins (cdar i) for i of-type (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) *) in (loop-return-argmins (caar i) ; earliest one for i of-type (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) *) in (loop-return-argmins (- (cdar i) (caar i)) ; smallest one for i of-type (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) *) in (let ((o1 (car e)) (o2 (cdr e))) (declare (type (rational 0) o1 o2)) (or (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) *) x)) (and (<= (caar x) o1) (>= (cdar x) o2))) rl) ; complete fit (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (declare (type (cons (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) *) x)) (and (< (caar x) o2) (> (cdar x) o1))) rl))))))) ; partial fit #+debug unless #+debug m #+debug do #+debug (error "Error in DISTR-RESTS-BYCONFL") do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type restex x)) (setf (event-inv x) nil)) (cdr m)) ; turn back to visible (setf rl (delete m rl :test #'equal)) (print-dot)) while ee))) (defun distr-rests (parts) (case (auto-distr-rests-fun) (:rests1 (distr-rests-byconfl parts)) (otherwise (error "Unknown rest to staves distribution function ~S" *auto-distr-rests-mod*))))