;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; util.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; *****COMMENTING...***** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DEBUGGING ;; almost all functions expected everything to be sorted--this checks for that #+debug (defun check-same (list str &key (key #'identity) (test #'eql)) (unless (let ((l (mapcar key list))) (if l (let ((fl (first l))) (every (lambda (x) (funcall test x fl)) (rest l))) t)) (error "CHECK-SAME failed at ~A" str))) #+debug (defun check-order (list str fun) (loop for (e1 e2) on list while e2 unless (or (funcall fun e1 e2) (not (funcall fun e2 e1))) do (error "CHECK-ORDER failed at ~A" str))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; FIND GHOSTVIEW ;; set to postscript viewing application (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter +ghostview-exe+ #+(or darwin macos) (find-exe "open") #+(and (or linux unix) (not (or darwin macos)) (not cygwin)) (or (find-exe "ggv") (find-exe "kgv") (find-exe "gv") (find-exe "evince") (find-exe "display") (find-exe "ghostview") "gv") #+(or mswindows win32 cygwin) (or (find-exe "gsview32.exe" "Ghostgum") (find-exe "gv.exe") "gsview.exe")) (defparameter +acroread-exe+ #+(or darwin macos) (find-exe "open") #+(and (or linux unix) (not (or darwin macos)) (not cygwin)) (or (find-exe "acroread") (find-exe "gpdf") "acroread") #+(or mswindows win32 cygwin) (or (find-exe "AcroRd32.exe" "Adobe") "AcroRd32.exe"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PROGRESS DOTS, IMMEDIATE OUTPUT ;; print a progress dot only if some certain time interval has elapsed since the last dot (declaim (type (integer 0) +progress-int+)) (defparameter +progress-int+ 5) ; seconds ;; after good progress, reward with a dot! (declaim (inline print-dot)) (defun print-dot () (when (>= *verbose* 1) (progress "."))) ;; wrapper for format--some lisps buffer the output so user can't see progress (defun out (&rest args) (apply #'format t args) (finish-output)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; WHITE NOTE/CHROM NOTE CONVERSION (declaim (type (vector (or (integer 0 6) null)) +note-to-white+) (type (vector integer) +white-to-note+)) (defparameter +note-to-white+ (vector 0 nil 1 nil 2 3 nil 4 nil 5 nil 6)) ; vector of white notes in chromatic scale (defparameter +white-to-note+ (vector 0 2 4 5 7 9 11)) ; vector of chromatic notes given white note index (0 - 6) (declaim (type cons +acc-single+ +acc-double+ +acc-qtones-single+ +acc-qtones-double+)) (defparameter +acc-single+ '(0 -1 1)) ; all possible modifications when only using single flats and sharps (defparameter +acc-double+ '(0 -1 1 -2 2)) ; all possible modifications when using double flats and sharps (defparameter +acc-qtones-single+ '(0 -1 1 (0 . -1/2) (0 . 1/2) (-1 . -1/2) (1 . 1/2))) ; acc-single + quartertones (defparameter +acc-qtones-double+ '(0 -1 1 -2 2 (0 . -1/2) (0 . 1/2) (-1 . -1/2) (1 . 1/2))) ; acc-double + quartertones ;; convert note value (mod 12) into a white-note value (mod 7) ;; expects p to actually be a valid white note (error if it isn't) (defun notetowhite (p) (declare (type integer p)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor p 12) (+ (* o 7) #-debug (svref +note-to-white+ n) #+debug (or (svref +note-to-white+ n) (error "Error in NOTETOWHITE"))))) ;; convert write-note (mod 7) value into a note value (mod 12) (defun whitetonote (w) (declare (type integer w)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor w 7) (+ (* o 12) (svref +white-to-note+ n)))) (declaim (type (vector boolean) +nokey-quality+)) (defparameter +interval-quality+ (vector nil t t nil nil t t)) ; given diatonic interval number as index, contains nil if it can be perfect or t if it's maj/min ;; return white note spelling (0 - 6) or nil if not possible ;; note = note value ;; acc = accidental modification (-2 to 2) (defun notespelling (note acc) (declare (type rational note) (type (integer -2 2) acc)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor (- note acc) 12) (let ((x (svref +note-to-white+ n))) (when x (values x o))))) ;; acc = (-2 to 2) or (-1 . -1/2), etc. (defun qnotespelling (note acc) (declare (type rational note) (type (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) acc)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor (- note (car acc) (cdr acc)) 12) (let ((x (when (integerp n) (svref +note-to-white+ n)))) (when x (values x o))))) ;; converts an accidental value or quartertone to a normalized quartertone format ;; x = (-2 to 2) or (-1 . -1/2), etc. ;; returns: (-2 . 0), (-1 . 0), (-1 . -1/2), etc. (defun convert-qtone (x) (declare (type (or (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) (integer -2 2)) x)) (if (consp x) x (cons x 0))) ;; finds the diatonic interval between two note/accidental pairs ;; return values: interval number (0 - 6), interval quality (0 = perfect, -1/1 = min./maj., -2/2... = dim./aug., etc.) (defun interval (note1 acc1 note2 acc2) (declare (type rational note1 note2) (type (integer -2 2) acc1 acc2)) (multiple-value-bind (s1 o1) (notespelling note1 acc1) (multiple-value-bind (s2 o2) (notespelling note2 acc2) (multiple-value-bind (sp1 sp2 n1 n2) (let ((p1 (+ s1 (* o1 7))) (p2 (+ s2 (* o2 7)))) (if (= p1 p2) (if (< note1 note2) (values p1 p2 note1 note2) (values p2 p1 note2 note1)) (if (< p1 p2) (values p1 p2 note1 note2) (values p2 p1 note2 note1)))) (let ((b (mod (- sp2 sp1) 7))) (values b (let ((x (- (- n2 n1) (svref +white-to-note+ b) (* (floor (- sp2 sp1) 7) 12)))) (if (svref +interval-quality+ b) (if (>= x 0) (1+ x) x) ; maj./min. (cond ((> x 0) (1+ x)) ; aug./dim. ((< x 0) (1- x)) (t 0)))))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; UTILITY ;; returns: t if num is a power of 2 (ex. 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 8, etc.) (defun expof2 (num) (declare (type rational num)) (loop for n = (if (< num 1) (/ num) num) then (/ n 2) when (= n 1) do (return t) until (< n 1))) ;; returns: list of lowest common denominators (duplicates are removed) ;; examples: (lowmult 5) = (5), (lowmult 6) = (2 3), (lowmult 10) = (2 5), (lowmult 100) = (2 5) (defun lowmult (n) (declare (type rational n)) (loop for i from 2 #-clisp while #-clisp (<= i n) for j = #-clisp (/ n i) #+clisp (if (<= i n) (/ n i) (loop-finish)) when (integerp j) collect i and do (loop do (setf n j j (/ n i)) while (integerp j)))) ;; returns: prime numbers up to ubound excluding 1 ;; (defun primes2 (ubound) ;; (declare (type (integer 2) ubound)) ;; (loop ;; for i from 2 to ubound ;; when (notany (lambda (e) (declare (type (integer 2) e)) (= (mod i e) 0)) pl) ;; collect i into pl ;; finally (return pl))) ;; returns: odd numbers up to ubound (with exception of 2) (defun notdivby2s (ubound) (declare (type (integer 2) ubound)) (cons 2 (loop for i from 3 to ubound unless (integerp (/ i 2)) collect i))) ;; given list of conses representing (possibly overlapping) segments/distances, find all the "holes" in between these segments ;; list = list of conses (start . end) ;; o1 = starting value ;; o2 = end (can be <= o1 if don't care) ;; returns: list of conses (the "holes") (defun get-holes (list o1 o2) (declare (type list list) (type real o1 o2)) (loop with o = o1 for (e1 . e2) of-type (real . real) in list when (< o e1) collect (cons o e1) into r do (setf o e2) finally (return (if (< o o2) (nconc r (list (cons o o2))) r)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PROPERTIES/MARKS ;; use the following functions to access/set properties and marks (declaim (inline addprop)) (defgeneric addprop (obj prop)) (defmethod addprop ((obj meas) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (meas-props obj))) (defmethod addprop ((obj part) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (part-props obj))) (defmethod addprop ((obj mark) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (event-marks obj))) (defmethod addprop ((obj timesig-repl) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (timesig-props obj))) (declaim (inline obj-props)) (defgeneric obj-props (obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj meas)) (meas-props obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj part)) (part-props obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj timesig-repl)) (timesig-props obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj mark)) (event-marks obj)) (defun getprop (obj propid) (declare (type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) obj) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi))) (find-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi)))) (obj-props obj)))) (defun getprops (obj propid) (declare (type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) obj) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi))) (loop for x of-type (or symbol cons) in (obj-props obj) when (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi))) collect x))) (defun rmprop-aux (pr propid) (declare (type list pr) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi))) (remove-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi)))) pr))) (declaim (inline rmprop)) (defgeneric rmprop (obj propid)) (defmethod rmprop ((obj meas) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (meas-props obj) (rmprop-aux (meas-props obj) propid))) (defmethod rmprop ((obj part) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (part-props obj) (rmprop-aux (part-props obj) propid))) (defmethod rmprop ((obj timesig-repl) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (timesig-props obj) (rmprop-aux (timesig-props obj) propid))) (defmethod rmprop ((obj mark) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (event-marks obj) (rmprop-aux (event-marks obj) propid))) (declaim (inline popprop-aux)) (defgeneric popprop-aux (obj props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj meas) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (meas-props obj) props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj part) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (part-props obj) props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj timesig-repl) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (timesig-props obj) props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj mark) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (event-marks obj) props)) (defun popprop (obj propid) (declare (type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) obj) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi)) (f (find-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi)))) (obj-props obj)))) (popprop-aux obj (remove f (obj-props obj) :test #'equal)) f)) ;; combine marks/properties in list of objects (measures, parts, timesigs, mark objects), removing duplicates ;; returns: the new marks list (defun combprops (objlist) (declare (type list objlist)) (remove-duplicates (loop for o of-type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) in objlist nconc (copy-list (obj-props o))) :test #'equal)) ;; aliasa for note/rest objects (declaim (inline addmark getmark getmarks rmmark combmarks popmark)) (defun addmark (&rest x) (apply #'addprop x)) (defun getmark (&rest x) (apply #'getprop x)) (defun getmarks (&rest x) (apply #'getprops x)) (defun rmmark (&rest x) (apply #'rmprop x)) (defun combmarks (&rest x) (apply #'combprops x)) (defun popmark (&rest x) (apply #'popprop x)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; EVENTS ;; ts = a timesig objects ;; returns: number of beats in a measure (defun timesig-nbeats (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (/ (timesig-num ts) (* (timesig-den ts) (timesig-beat* ts)))) ;; ts = a timesig object ;; returns: metrical divisions, determined by lookup or a function that returns a reasonable default (defun timesig-div* (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (or (force-list2all (timesig-div ts)) (let ((nb (timesig-nbeats ts))) (or (lookup nb *default-meas-divs*) (lookup nb +default-meas-divs+) (loop with d0 = (denominator nb) for d = 2 then (* d 2) #-clisp until #-clisp (> d d0) for x = #-clisp (let ((bb (* nb d))) (or (lookup bb *default-meas-divs*) (lookup bb +default-meas-divs+))) #+clisp (if (> d d0) (loop-finish) (let ((bb (* nb d))) (or (lookup bb *default-meas-divs*) (lookup bb +default-meas-divs+)))) when x do (return (loop for y of-type list in x collect (mapcar (lambda (z) (declare (type (rational 0) z)) (/ z d)) y)))))))) (declaim (type (rational (0)) *effective-grace-dur-mul*)) (defparameter *effective-grace-dur-mul* 1/2) ; setting--multiplier for effective duration of grace notes--use this in any algorithm that needs a small durational value for grace notes (declaim (inline event-tupfrac)) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; returns: duration/time multiplier for tuplet note/rest (defun event-tupdurmult (ev) (declare (type ex-base ev)) (if (listp (car (event-tup ev))) (cdr (event-tup ev)) (event-tup ev))) ;; returns: the tuplet fraction (portion of the whole tuplet that this event takes up) (defun event-tupfrac (ev) (declare (type ex-base ev)) (car (event-tup ev))) ;; dur = duration ;; dmu = time/duration multipliers (a list representing the multiplier of each nested level) ;; returns: actual duration taking tuplet time modification into account (declaim (inline event-effectdur event-writtendur* event-writtennote)) (defun effectdur (dur dmu) (declare (type (rational (0)) dur) (type list dmu)) (loop with d = dur for e of-type (rational (0)) in dmu do (setf d (* d e)) finally (return d))) ;; dmu = dmu argument override, needed by some functions ;; returns: effective duration of an event (taking tuplets into account) (defun event-effectdur (ev &optional (dmu t)) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type (or boolean list) dmu)) (effectdur (event-dur* ev) (if (truep dmu) (event-tupdurmult ev) dmu))) ;; returns: grace note duration multiplied by effective-grace-dur-mul setting (defun event-graceeffdur (ev) (declare (type dur-base ev)) (let ((gd (event-gracedur ev))) (when gd (* gd *effective-grace-dur-mul*)))) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; ts = timesig object ;; dmu = dmu argument override, needed by some functions ;; returns: written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.) (defun event-writtendur (ev ts &optional (dmu t)) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type (or timesig-repl (rational (0))) ts) (type (or boolean list) dmu)) (* (or (event-gracedur ev) (event-effectdur ev dmu)) (if (timesigp ts) (timesig-beat* ts) ts))) ;; figures out if dots are needed ;; w = written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.) ;; return values: base written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.), number of dots (defun writtendur* (w) (declare (type (rational (0)) w)) (if (expof2 w) (values w 0) (let ((w1 (* w 2/3))) (if (expof2 w1) (values w1 1) (let ((w2 (* w 4/7))) (if (expof2 w2) (values w2 2) #+debug (error "Error in WRITTENDUR*"))))))) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; ts = timesig object ;; return values: base written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.), number of dots (defun event-writtendur* (ev ts) ; returns values writtendur, number-of-dots (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type timesig-repl ts)) (writtendur* (event-writtendur ev ts))) ;; ev = note event ;; returns: notated note (ex.: g-natural, g-sharp and g-flat all return the note value for g-natural) (defun event-writtennote (ev) (declare (type noteex ev)) (- (event-note* ev) (event-acc ev) (event-addacc ev))) ;; ev = note event (containing a chord) ;; returns: list of notated notes in chord (defun event-writtennotes (ev) (declare (type noteex ev)) (loop for e of-type rational in (event-notes* ev) and a of-type rational in (event-accs ev) and a2 of-type rational in (event-addaccs ev) collect (- e a a2))) ;; ev = notes/rest event ;; ts = timesig object ;; ext = extra number of beams to subtract from actual value (useful for a few functions) ;; returns: number of beams belonging to note (rests have 0 beams) (defun event-nbeams (ev ts &optional (ext 0)) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type timesig-repl ts)) (if (notep ev) (max (- (roundint (log (event-writtendur* ev ts) 1/2)) 2 ext) 0) 0)) ;; dur = given duration of entire tuplet ;; dmu = time/duration multipliers (a list representing the multiplier of each nested level) ;; ts = timesig object ;; returns: unit of tuplet (1/8 = eighth note, etc.) (defun unitwritdur (dur dmu ts) ; ndmu = the level that applies (declare (type (rational (0)) dur) (type list dmu) (type timesig-repl ts)) (/ (* (effectdur dur dmu) (timesig-beat* ts)) ; written dur w/o dots info of entire tuplet (numerator (first dmu)))) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; returns: whether or note event represents a chord (declaim (inline chordp)) (defun chordp (ev) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev)) (and (notep ev) (consp (event-tielt ev)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SORTING ;; all-purpose sorter ;; sorts by (more or less): offset, gracep, voice num., staff num., duration, notep/restp, notes ;; pass to sort function (defun sort-offdur (x y) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x y)) (if (= (event-off x) (event-off y)) (let ((gx (event-grace x)) (gy (event-grace y))) (if (eql gx gy) (multiple-value-bind (sx vx) (let ((z (event-voice* x))) (if (numberp z) (values (event-staff x) z) (values 0 0))) (multiple-value-bind (sy vy) (let ((z (event-voice* y))) (if (numberp z) (values (event-staff y) z) (values 0 0))) (if (= vx vy) (if (= sx sy) (let ((dx (or (event-gracedur x) (event-dur* x))) (dy (or (event-gracedur y) (event-dur* y)))) (if (= dx dy) (cond ((and (restp x) (notep y)) nil) ((restp y) t) (t (let ((nx (remove-if #'symbolp (if (chordp x) (event-notes* x) (list (event-note* x))))) ; at this point, should only be notes (ny (remove-if #'symbolp (if (chordp y) (event-notes* y) (list (event-note* y)))))) (loop for ex of-type real in nx and ey of-type real in ny when (< ex ey) do (return t) finally (return (< (length nx) (length ny))))))) (< dx dy))) (< sx sy)) (< vx vy)))) (cond ((null gy) t) ((null gx) nil) (t (< gx gy))))) (< (event-off x) (event-off y)))) ;; generic property list sorter ;; use to guarantee property lists/mark lists can be compared for equality w/ equal ;; props = property list ;; returns: sorted property/marks list (defun sort-props (props) (declare (type list props)) (labels ((xx (x y) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x y)) (flet ((ty (a) (declare (type (or symbol real string list) a)) (etypecase a (keyword 0) (symbol 1) (string 2) (integer 3) (rational 4) (float 5) (list 6)))) (loop for ee1 on (force-list x) and ee2 on (force-list y) for e1 of-type (or symbol real string list) = (first ee1) and e2 of-type (or symbol real string list) = (first ee2) for t1 = (ty e1) and t2 = (ty e2) when (/= t1 t2) do (return (< t1 t2)) when (listp e1) do (return (xx e1 e2)) else when (if (numberp e1) (/= e1 e2) (string/= e1 e2)) do (return (if (numberp e1) (< e1 e2) (string< e1 e2))) finally (< (length ee1) (length ee2)))))) (sort (copy-list props) #'xx))) ;; alias for marks (declaim (inline sort-marks)) (defun sort-marks (marks) (declare (type list marks)) (sort-props marks)) ;; remove all marks that aren't specific things that appear in the score ;; marks = marks list ;; returns: another marks list (declaim (inline important-marks)) (defun important-marks (marks) (declare (type list marks)) (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (find (first (force-list x)) +marks-important+)) marks)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CHORDS/SPLITTING ;; accepts events of same offset/duration to assemble into a chord ;; list = sorted list of events of same offset/duration ;; rests are discarded, function is destructive on mark-lists--assumes throwing away note-events to make chord-event ;; returns: note event (containing multiple notes) (defun make-chord (list &optional voice) (declare (type list list) (type (or null (integer 1)) voice)) (multiple-value-bind (n r) (split-list (sort list #'sort-offdur) #'notep) (if n (let ((x (sort (loop ; make more efficient? for e of-type noteex in n if (chordp e) append (event-note* e) into r1 and append (event-note e) into r2 and append (event-tielt e) into r3 and append (event-tiert e) into r4 else collect (event-note* e) into r1 and collect (event-note e) into r2 and collect (event-tielt e) into r3 and collect (event-tiert e) into r4 finally (return (mapcar (lambda (y1 y2 y3 y4) (cons (cons y1 y2) (cons y3 y4))) r1 r2 r3 r4))) #'< :key #'caar))) (copy-event (first n) :voice (or voice (event-voice (first n))) :marks (combmarks n) :note (mapcar #'cdar x) :tielt (mapcar #'cadr x) :tiert (mapcar #'cddr x))) (copy-event (first r) :marks (combmarks r))))) ;; splits an event into two events (possibly tied), given an offset split point ;; event = note/rest event ;; off = split point ;; tup/dmu = a tuplet fraction/a tuplet duration multiplier to add (used by note-splitting function to create tuplets as necessary) ;; returns: cons of two events (defun split-event (event off &optional tup dmu) (declare (type (or noteex restex) event) (type (rational 0) off) (type list tup dmu)) (let ((eo (event-endoff event)) (o (event-off event))) (cond ((<= eo off) (cons (copy-event event :tup (cons tup dmu)) nil)) ((<= off o) (cons nil (copy-event event))) (t (etypecase event (note (cons (copy-event event :dur (- off o) ; shouldn't be dealing with grace note :tiert (if (chordp event) (make-list (length (event-tiert event)) :initial-element (not (event-autodur event))) (not (event-autodur event))) :tup (cons (when tup (cons (* (first tup) (/ (- off o) (- eo o))) (rest tup))) #|tup|# dmu)) (if (event-autodur event) (make-restex nil :off off :dur (- eo off) :voice (event-voice event) :tup (event-tup event)) (copy-event event :off off :dur (- eo off) :tielt (if (chordp event) (make-list (length (event-tielt event)) :initial-element t) t))))) (rest (cons (copy-event event :dur (- off o) :tup (cons (when tup (cons (* (first tup) (/ (- off o) (- eo o))) (rest tup))) #|tup|# dmu) :marks (if (event-marks event) (cons :splitlt (event-marks event)))) (copy-event event :off off :dur (- eo off) :marks (if (event-marks event) (cons :splitrt (event-marks event))))))))))) ;; splits events--retains tuplet information from the original event ;; event = note/rest event ;; off = split point ;; returns: cons of two events (defun split-event2 (event off) (declare (type noteex event) (type (rational 0) off)) (let ((u (car (event-tup event))) (d (cdr (event-tup event)))) (let ((re (split-event event off u d))) (setf (event-tup (cdr re)) (cons (cons (- (first u) (first (event-tupfrac (car re)))) (rest u)) d)) re))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; USER MARKS ;; *****COMMENT POINT***** ;; passes all events between and intersecting with startsyms and endsyms ;; events sent to fun aren't in order (defun get-usermarks (events sym startsym contsym endsym fun name) ; extrasort distinguishes between :staff 1, :staff 2, etc. (declare (type list events) (type symbol sym startsym contsym endsym) (type (function ((or noteex restex) list) t) fun) (type (or string null) name)) (loop for ((o1 . me) (o2)) of-type (((rational 0) . list) . (rational 0)) on (mapcar #'cdr (let ((xx (merge-linear (loop for e of-type cons in (sort (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (reverse events) for me = (let ((o1 (popmark e endsym)) (o2 (popmark e contsym))) (or o1 o2)) and ms = (popmark e startsym) and my = (popmark e sym) when me collect (cons :e (list (event-endoff e))) when ms collect (cons :s (cons (event-off e) (force-list ms))) when my collect (cons :o (cons (event-off e) (cons (event-endoff e) (force-list my))))) (lambda (x y) (declare (type cons x y)) (let ((xx (second x)) (yy (second y))) (declare (type (rational 0) xx yy)) (if (= xx yy) (< (ecase (car x) (:e 0) (:o 1) (:s 2)) (ecase (car y) (:e 0) (:o 1) (:s 2))) (< xx yy))))) if (eq (car e) :o) collect (cons :s (cons (cadr e) (cdddr e))) and collect (cons :e (cddr e)) else collect e) (lambda (x y) (declare (type cons x y)) (when (eq (car x) (car y)) (if (eq (car x) :s) x y)))))) (unless (or (null xx) (eq (car (first xx)) :s)) (error "Missing starting mark ~S in part ~S" startsym name)) xx)) by #'cddr do (map nil (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (funcall fun x (rest me))) (remove-if-not (lambda (e) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e)) (and (> (event-endoff e) o1) (or (null o2) (< (event-off e) o2)))) events)))) ;; clean ;; deletes marks at incorrect places in tied notes/chords ;; expects measures and chords (defun clean-ties (pts) (declare (type list pts)) (loop for p of-type partex in pts do (loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (meas-events m) when (and (notep e) (or (and (event-tielt e) (and-list (force-list (event-tielt e)))) (getmark e :endtremolo))) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-first-tie+) when (and (notep e) (or (and (event-tiert e) (and-list (force-list (event-tiert e)))) (getmark e :starttremolo))) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-last-tie+) when (and (restp e) (popmark e :splitrt)) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-first-rest+) when (and (restp e) (popmark e :splitlt)) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-last-rest+) do (loop for sp in (list +marks-spanner-voices+ +marks-spanner-staves+) do (loop for (startsym contsym endsym) of-type (symbol symbol symbol) in sp do (loop for n in (getmarks e startsym) do (rmmark e (list contsym (second (force-list n))))) do (loop for n in (getmarks e endsym) do (rmmark e (list contsym (second (force-list n))))))))) (print-dot))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; STAVES (defun sep-staves (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type partex in parts if (part-events p) nconc (mapcar (lambda (e) (declare (type cons e)) (copy-part p :events (sort e #'sort-offdur))) (split-into-groups (part-events p) #'event-staff)) else collect p do (print-dot))) ;; separates before measures exist (defun sep-voices (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type partex in parts if (part-events p) nconc (mapcar (lambda (e) (declare (type cons e)) (copy-part p :events (sort e #'sort-offdur))) (split-into-groups (part-events p) #'event-voice*)) else collect p do (print-dot))) ;; reassembles after measures exist (defun assemble-parts (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type cons in (split-into-groups parts #'part-userord) for f of-type partex = (first p) when (list>1p p) do (setf (part-events f) (if (measp (first (part-events f))) (apply #'mapcar (lambda (&rest ms) (let ((m (first ms))) (declare (type meas m)) (setf (meas-events m) (sort (mapcan #'meas-events ms) #'sort-offdur)) m)) ; same part, measures are copies of each other (mapcar #'part-meas p)) (sort (mapcan #'part-events p) #'sort-offdur)) (part-props f) (combprops p)) collect f do (print-dot))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TIMESIGS ;; divs to use in a replacement time-signature ;; to is number of beats in measure (defun repl-divs (divs to) (declare (type list divs) (type (rational (0)) to)) (delete-duplicates (loop for e of-type cons in divs collect (loop with s = 0 for x of-type (rational (0)) in e until (>= (+ s x) to) collect x into xx do (incf s x) finally (return (nconc xx (list (- to s)))))) :test #'equal)) ;; minimum automatic measure (before timesig change) ;; in number of beats (declaim (type (rational (0)) *min-auto-timesig-dur*) (type boolean *auto-override-timesigs*)) (defparameter *min-auto-timesig-dur* 2) (defparameter *auto-override-timesigs* t) ;; return sorted timesigs that match up with part (declaim (type timesig-repl *default-timesig*)) (defparameter *default-timesig* (make-timesig-repl)) (defun get-timesigs-aux (timesigs parts fun) (declare (type list timesigs parts) (type (function (part timesig-repl (rational 0) (rational 0)) t) fun)) (let ((mx 0) (mxo (mloop for p of-type part in parts maximize (mloop for e of-type dur-base in (part-events p) maximize (event-endoff e))))) (flet ((ut (si p eo1 lo) (declare (type timesig si) (type part p) (type (or (rational 0) null) eo1 lo)) (loop with eo0 = (when eo1 (- eo1 (or *min-auto-timesig-dur* 0))) ; eo0 = adjusted end-offset (for auto-meas) for o = (or lo 0) then and #-clisp while #-clisp (if eo1 (< o eo1) (or (<= o 0) (< o mxo))) ; loop creating measures for nb = #-clisp (timesig-nbeats si) #+clisp (if (if eo1 (< o eo1) (or (<= o 0) (< o mxo))) (timesig-nbeats si) (loop-finish)) for nd = (+ o nb) ; nd = next downbeat, loop and create measures for and = (if (and eo0 (> nd eo0)) eo1 nd) ; and = actual next downbeat (>= nd) for at = (if (/= nb (- and o)) ; at = actual time-signature (let ((x (find (- and o) (force-list (timesig-repl si)) :key #'timesig-nbeats))) (if x (copy-timesig x :off o :div (or (timesig-div x) (repl-divs (timesig-div si) (- and o))) :parts (timesig-partids si) :repl nil :props nil) (let ((n (* (/ (- and o) (timesig-nbeats si)) (timesig-num si)))) (copy-timesig si :off o :time (cons (numerator n) (* (denominator n) (timesig-den si))) :div (repl-divs (timesig-div si) (- and o)) :repl nil :props nil)))) si) when (> and mx) do (setf mx and) do (funcall fun p at o and) ; part, timesig, o1, o2 finally (return (when and (cons and at)))))) (loop with dts = (make-timesigex* *default-timesig*) for p in parts and (lo . at) in (loop for p of-type part in parts collect (loop with at for (ts nx) of-type (timesig (or timesig null)) on (let ((z (let ((x (merge-linear (sort (delete-if-not (lambda (x) (or (null (timesig-partids x)) (find (part-partid p) (timesig-partids x)))) (copy-list timesigs)) ; ts = current time sig, n = next group #'< :key #'timesig-off) (lambda (x y) (if (= (timesig-off x) (timesig-off y)) (cond ((and (null (timesig-partids x)) (timesig-partids y)) y) ((and (timesig-partids x) (null (timesig-partids y))) x) (t (error "Conflicting time signature/part IDs assignment at offset ~S, part ~S" (timesig-foff x) (part-name p))))))))) (if (or (null x) (> (timesig-off (first x)) 0)) (cons (copy-timesig dts :off 0 :props nil) x) x)))) (if *auto-override-timesigs* (loop for (e1 e2) of-type (timesig (or timesig null)) on z when (or (<= (timesig-off e1) 0) (null e2) (>= (- (timesig-off e2) (timesig-off e1)) (or *min-auto-timesig-dur* 0))) collect e1) z)) do (let ((x (ut ts p (when nx (timesig-off nx)) (car at)))) (when x (setf at x))) ; (print-dot) finally (return at))) do (ut at p mx lo) #|(print-dot)|#)))) ;; return hash-table of reverse-order timesig lists (no repeats) indexed by part objects (defun get-timesigs (timesigs parts) (declare (type list timesigs parts)) (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (get-timesigs-aux timesigs parts (lambda (p ts o1 o2) (declare (type part p) (type timesig ts) (ignore o1 o2)) (let ((i (gethash p h))) (declare (type list i)) (unless (eq ts (first i)) (setf (gethash p h) (cons ts i)))))) h)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; MISCELLANEOUS (declaim (inline is-percussion)) (defun is-percussion (part) (declare (type partex part)) (or (eq (instr-sym (part-instr part)) :percussion) (eq (instr-clefs (part-instr part)) :percussion))) (defun get-dur (ev ts) (declare (type dur-base ev) (type timesig-repl ts)) (let ((g (when (consp (event-dur ev)) (second (event-dur ev))))) (if g (cons (dur-to-num (first (event-dur ev)) (timesig-beat ts)) g) (dur-to-num (event-dur ev) (timesig-beat ts))))) (defun beat-division (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (if (listp *beat-division*) (if (timesig-comp ts) (second *beat-division*) (first *beat-division*)) (if (timesig-comp ts) (* *beat-division* 3/2) *beat-division*))) (defun tuplet-division (tup) (declare (type (integer 2) tup)) (or (lookup tup *default-tuplet-divs* #|:test #'equal|#) (lookup tup +default-tuplet-divs+ #|:test #'equal|#) (delete-duplicates (loop for i in '(2 1) thereis (loop for tu from i to (ceiling tup 2) when (expof2 tu) collect (list tu (- tup tu)) and collect (list (- tup tu) tu))) :test #'equal))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CHECK SETTINGS (defun check-setting-types () (loop for (sy ty er) in +settings+ do (let ((v (symbol-value (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name sy) "*") :fomus)))) (or (check-type* v ty) (error "Found ~S, expected ~A in setting ~S" v (or er ty) sy))))) (defun check-settings () (loop for d of-type cons in *default-meas-divs* do (loop with n of-type (rational (0)) = (first d) for r of-type cons in (rest d) unless (= (apply #'+ r) n) do (error "Invalid divisions ~S in setting :DEFAULT-MEAS-DIVS" d))) (loop for d of-type cons in *default-tuplet-divs* do (loop with n of-type (integer 1) = (first d) for r of-type cons in (rest d) unless (= (apply #'+ r) n) do (error "Invalid divisions ~S in setting :DEFAULT-TUPLET-DIVS" d))) (unless (and (if (listp *default-beat*) (and (expof2 (car *default-beat*)) (expof2 (* (cdr *default-beat*) 2/3))) (expof2 *default-beat*))) (error "Invalid value ~S in setting :DEFAULT-BEAT" *default-beat*)) (when (< *min-tuplet-dur* (/ *beat-division*)) (format t "~&;; WARNING: Value ~S of setting :MIN-TUPLET-DUR is too small for beat-division of ~S--changing to ~S" *min-tuplet-dur* *beat-division* (setf *min-tuplet-dur* (/ *beat-division*)))) (when (< *max-tuplet-dur* *min-tuplet-dur*) (format t "~&;; WARNING: Value ~S of setting :MAX-TUPLET-DUR is smaller than value of setting :MIN-TUPLET-DUR--changing to ~S" *max-tuplet-dur* (setf *max-tuplet-dur* *min-tuplet-dur*)))) (defmacro set-instruments (&body forms) `(let ((*instruments* (loop for e of-type (or instr cons) in *instruments* if (consp e) collect (apply #'copy-instr (find (first e) +instruments+ :key #'instr-sym) (rest e)) else collect e)) (*percussion* (loop for e of-type (or perc cons) in *percussion* if (consp e) collect (apply #'copy-perc (find (first e) +percussion+ :key #'perc-sym) (rest e)) else collect e))) ,@forms)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; INTERNAL OBJECT CONSTRUCTORS ;; make functions (declaim (inline make-eventex*)) (defgeneric make-eventex* (ev ts pa)) (defmethod make-eventex* ((ev note) ts pa) (declare (type timesig-repl ts) (type partex pa)) (make-noteex ev :id (obj-id ev) :partid (event-partid ev) :off (event-off ev) :dur (get-dur ev ts) :marks (event-marks ev) :voice (event-voice ev) :note (if (is-percussion pa) (event-note ev) (parse-usernote (event-note ev))))) (defmethod make-eventex* ((ev rest) ts pa) (declare (type timesig-repl ts) (ignore pa)) (make-restex ev :id (obj-id ev) :partid (event-partid ev) :off (event-off ev) :dur (get-dur ev ts) :marks (event-marks ev) :voice (event-voice ev))) ; rest ;; ts is reverse list of timesigs for this part (defun make-partex* (part userord evs ts) ; destroys evs (declare (type part part) (type (integer 0) userord) (type list evs ts)) (let ((pp (make-partex part :name (part-name part) ; part :abbrev (part-abbrev part) :opts (part-opts part) :instr (flet ((er (s) (error "Invalid instrument ~S in part ~S" s (part-name part)))) (flet ((gi (s) (declare (type (or symbol (integer 0 127)) s)) (if (symbolp s) (or (find s *instruments* :key #'instr-sym) (find s +instruments+ :key #'instr-sym) (er s)) (or (find s *instruments* :test (lambda (k i) (declare (type (integer 0 127) k) (type instr i)) (find k (force-list (instr-midiprgch-im i))))) (find s +instruments+ :test (lambda (k i) (declare (type (integer 0 127) k) (type instr i)) (find k (force-list (instr-midiprgch-im i))))) (er s))))) (make-instrex* (typecase (part-instr part) (null *default-instr*) (instr (part-instr part)) ((or symbol number) (gi (part-instr part))) (list (let ((z (apply #'copy-instr (gi (first (part-instr part))) (rest (part-instr part))))) (check-type* z +instr-type+) z)) (otherwise (er (part-instr part)))) part))) :props (part-props part) :partid (part-partid part) :userord userord))) (setf (part-events pp) (sort (mapcar (lambda (e) (declare (type (or note rest) e)) (make-eventex* e (loop for s of-type timesig in ts until (<= (timesig-off s) (event-off e)) finally (return s)) pp)) (nconc evs (part-events part))) #'sort-offdur)) pp)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TIMESIG FUNCTIONS (declaim (type boolean *auto-timesig-comp*)) (defparameter *auto-timesig-comp* t) (defun timesig-check (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (flet ((er () (error "Invalid beat ~S in BEAT slot of TIMESIG at offset ~S" (timesig-beat ts) (timesig-foff ts)))) (when (timesig-beat ts) (if (timesig-comp ts) (unless (= (timesig-beat ts) (/ 3 (timesig-den ts))) (er)) (unless (or (= (timesig-beat ts) 0) (expof2 (timesig-beat ts))) (er))))) (loop with nb = (timesig-nbeats ts) for d of-type cons in (timesig-div ts) unless (= (apply #'+ d) nb) do (error "Invalid division ~S in DIV slot of TIMESIG at offset ~S" (timesig-div ts) (timesig-foff ts)))) (defgeneric make-timesigex* (ts)) (defmethod make-timesigex* ((ts timesig)) (let ((nt (copy-timesig ts :comp (if (eq (timesig-comp ts) 'default) (when *auto-timesig-comp* (let ((x (/ (car (timesig-time ts)) 3))) (when (and (integerp x) (> x 1)) t))) (timesig-comp ts)) :partids (force-list (timesig-partids ts)) :off (roundto (timesig-off ts) (/ (beat-division ts))) :div (force-list2all (timesig-div ts)) :time (cons (first (timesig-time ts)) (second (timesig-time ts))) :repl (let ((x (mapcar #'make-timesigex* (force-list (timesig-repl ts))))) (if (list1p x) (first x) x))))) (timesig-check nt) (when *old-objects* (setf (gethash nt *old-objects*) ts)) nt)) (defmethod make-timesigex* ((ts timesig-repl)) (let ((nt (copy-timesig-repl ts :comp (if (eq (timesig-comp ts) 'default) (when *auto-timesig-comp* (let ((x (/ (car (timesig-time ts)) 3))) (when (and (integerp x) (> x 1)) t))) (timesig-comp ts)) :div (force-list2all (timesig-div ts)) :time (cons (first (timesig-time ts)) (second (timesig-time ts))) :props (copy-tree (timesig-props ts))))) (timesig-check nt) nt)) (defun keysig-accs (li) (declare (type list li)) (loop for (a . b) of-type ((integer 0 11) . (integer -1 1)) in (loop for e of-type symbol in li append (ecase e ((:cmaj :amin) nil) ((:gmaj :emin) '((6 . 1))) ((:dmaj :bmin) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1))) ((:amaj :f+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1))) ((:emaj :c+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1))) ((:bmaj :g+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1) (10 . 1))) ((:f+maj :d+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1) (10 . 1) (5 . 1))) ((:c+maj :a+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1) (10 . 1) (5 . 1) (0 . 1))) ((:c-maj :a-min) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1) (6 . -1) (11 . -1) (4 . -1))) ((:g-maj :e-min) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1) (6 . -1) (11 . -1))) ((:d-maj :b-min) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1) (6 . -1))) ((:a-maj :fmin) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1))) ((:e-maj :cmin) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1))) ((:b-maj :gmin) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1))) ((:fmaj :dmin) '((10 . -1))) (:c+ '((1 . 1))) (:d- '((1 . -1))) (:d+ '((3 . 1))) (:e- '((3 . -1))) (:f+ '((6 . 1))) (:g- '((6 . -1))) (:g+ '((8 . 1))) (:a- '((8 . -1))) (:a+ '((10 . 1))) (:b- '((10 . -1))))) nconc (loop for i from 0 below 128 by 12 collect (cons (+ i a) b)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; USER UTILITIES (defun list-fomus-settings () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's current default settings and values" (let* ((tc (+ 2 (max (1+ (mloop for x in +settings+ maximize (length (symbol-name (first x))))) 4))) (tl (+ tc 1 (max (mloop for (xxx t1 t2) in +settings+ maximize (length (or t2 (princ-to-string t1)))) 4)))) (format t "; NAME~VTTYPE~VTDEFAULT VALUE~%~%" tc tl) (loop for (sy t1 t2) in +settings+ unless (find sy +deprecated-repl+ :key #'car) do (format t "; ~A~VT~A~VT~A~%" sy tc (or t2 t1) tl (remove-newlines (prin1-to-string (symbol-value (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name sy) "*") :fomus)))))))) (defun list-fomus-instruments () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's instruments and their definitions" (set-instruments (loop with li = (remove-duplicates (append *instruments* +instruments+) :key #'instr-sym :from-end t) with c = (+ (mloop for e in li maximize (length (symbol-name (instr-sym e)))) 3) for e in li do (format t "; ~A~VT~A~%" (instr-sym e) c (conc-stringlist (loop for (s sn) on (rest +instr-keys+) collect (format nil (if sn "~A: ~S " "~A: ~S") (string-downcase s) (slot-value e (intern (symbol-name s) :fomus))))))))) (defun get-instr-syms () "Utility function: Returns symbol IDs for all of FOMUS's instruments" (set-instruments (mapcar #'instr-sym (remove-duplicates (append *instruments* +instruments+) :key #'instr-sym :from-end t)))) (defun list-fomus-percussion () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's percussion instruments and their definitions" (set-instruments (loop with li = (remove-duplicates (append *percussion* +percussion+) :key #'perc-sym :from-end t) with c = (+ (mloop for e in li maximize (length (symbol-name (perc-sym e)))) 3) for e in li do (format t "; ~A~VT~A~%" (perc-sym e) c (conc-stringlist (loop for (s sn) on (rest +perc-keys+) collect (format nil (if sn "~A: ~S " "~A: ~S") (string-downcase s) (slot-value e (intern (symbol-name s) :fomus))))))))) (defun get-perc-syms () "Utility function: Returns symbol IDs for all of FOMUS's percussion instruments" (set-instruments (mapcar #'perc-sym (remove-duplicates (append *percussion* +percussion+) :key #'perc-sym :from-end t)))) (defun list-fomus-clefs () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's clefs" (loop for e in +clefs+ do (format t "; ~A~%" (symbol-name (car e))))) (defun list-fomus-instrgroups (&key (format t)) "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's instrument groups and their arrangements" (let ((ss (remove-duplicates (append *instr-groups* +instr-groups+) :key #'first :from-end t))) (if format (labels ((aux (li ta) (let ((br (first li))) (format t "~A" (case br (:group "[ ") (:grandstaff "{ ") (:choirgroup "| ") (otherwise " "))) (loop for (e en) on (rest li) if (consp e) do (aux e (+ ta 2)) (if en (format t "~%;~VT" ta) (format t "~A" (case br (:group " ]") (:grandstaff " }") ((nil) " |") (otherwise "")))) else do (if en (format t "~A~%;~VT" e ta) (format t "~A~A" e (case br (:group " ]") (:grandstaff " }") (:choirgroup " |") (otherwise "")))))))) (loop for (e en) on ss do (format t "; ~A~%~%;" (first e)) (aux e 3) when en do (format t "~%~%"))) (loop for e in ss do (format t "~S~%" e))))) (defun list-fomus-meas-divs () "Info function: Lists all of the points at which FOMUS tries to divide measures (splitting and tying notes inside them)" (loop for (s . r) in (sort (copy-list (remove-duplicates (append *default-meas-divs* +default-meas-divs+) :key #'first :from-end t)) #'< :key #'first) do (format t "; ~A~5T~{ ~A~}~%" s r))) (defun list-fomus-tuplet-divs () "Info function: Lists all of the points at which FOMUS tries to divide tuplets (splitting and tying notes inside them)" (loop for (s . r) in (sort (copy-list (remove-duplicates (append *default-tuplet-divs* +default-tuplet-divs+) :key #'first :from-end t)) #'< :key #'first) do (format t "; ~A~5T~{ ~A~}~%" s r))) (defun get-midi-instr (prog &key (default *default-instr*)) "Utility function: Returns an INSTR object given a MIDI program change number" (set-instruments (or (find prog *instruments* :key #'instr-midiprgch-im :test (lambda (x p) (find x (force-list p)))) (find prog +instruments+ :key #'instr-midiprgch-im :test (lambda (x p) (find x (force-list p)))) default))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; REGISTER PLUGINS (declaim (type cons *backendexts*)) (defparameter *backendexts* '((:data . "fms") (:fomus . "fms") (:raw . "fmr") #-fomus-nolilypond (:lilypond . "ly") #-fomus-nomusicxml (:musicxml . "xml") #-fomus-nomusicxml (:musicxml-finale . "xml") #-fomus-nomusicxml (:musicxml-sibelius . "xml") #-fomus-nocmn (:cmn . "cmn") #-fomus-nomidi (:midi . "mid"))) (defun module-package (key) (let ((p (symbol-name key))) (if (string= "FOMUS-" p :end2 6) p (conc-strings "FOMUS-" p)))) (defmacro deffomusmodule (&rest args) (destructuring-bind (&key type keyname initfun entryfun preload filename-ext &allow-other-keys) (loop for e in args collect (first e) collect (rest e)) (declare (ignore type)) `(progn ,@(when preload (list `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) ,(first preload)))) ; forms for loading dependencies (defpackage ,(module-package (first keyname)) (:use "FOMUS" "COMMON-LISP") (:export ,(first initfun) ,(first entryfun)) ,@(loop for e in args unless (find (first e) '(:type :keyname :initfun :entryfun :preload :filename-ext :import-from-fomus)) collect e)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel) (provide ,(module-package (first keyname))) ,@(when (first filename-ext) `((pushnew (cons ,(first keyname) (remove #\. ,(first filename-ext) :test #'char=)) *backendexts* :test #'equal)))) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (in-package ,(module-package (first keyname))))))) (defstruct (module (:copier nil) (:predicate nil)) (type nil :type symbol) (file "" :type string) (pack "" :type string) (initfun nil :type symbol) (entryfun nil :type symbol) (desc "" :type string) ;; should fomus take care of compiling/loading this module? (compile-p t :type boolean)) (defparameter *fomus-modules* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defparameter +module-types+ '(:accidentals :voices :staves/clefs :splitrules :quantize :backend)) (defparameter +module-defaults+ `(:acc1 :voices1 :staves/clefs1 :split1 :quantize1-rmse ,(remove-if (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (member x '(:fomus :raw))) (mapcar #'car *backendexts*)))) (defun compile-module-if-needed (lisp-file fasl-file keyname) "Compile LISP-FILE into FASL-FILE, if needed. Returns FASL-FILE or NIL, if nothing happened." (when (or (not (probe-file fasl-file)) (>= (file-write-date lisp-file) (file-write-date fasl-file))) (when (and (numberp *verbose*) (>= *verbose* 2)) (format t "~&;; Compiling module ~S..." keyname)) (compile-file lisp-file :print nil :verbose nil :output-file fasl-file))) (defun module-outname (lisp-file backend) "Return `compile-file-pathname' for LISP-FILE, dealing with asdf, if available and taking care for an additional `backends' sub-directory, if it is a BACKEND. Directories are created as needed." (declare (ignorable backend)) #+asdf (let ((fasl-proto-path (ignore-errors (first (asdf:output-files (make-instance 'asdf:compile-op) (asdf:find-component (asdf:find-system :fomus) "package")))))) (if fasl-proto-path (let* ((z (change-filename fasl-proto-path :name nil :ext nil)) (f (change-filename fasl-proto-path :dir (if backend (conc-strings z "/modules/backends/") (conc-strings z "/modules/")) :name (pathname-name lisp-file)))) ;; experienced weird problems w/ wildcards (esp. w/ cmucl)-- ;; if fomus was compiled then fasl-proto-path should exist anyways (should be "package.fasl" or whatever)-- ;; seems much simpler (unless (or (probe-file fasl-proto-path) (probe-file (change-filename fasl-proto-path :ext "lisp"))) (error "FOMUS compile directory ~S doesn't exist (this is a bug)" z)) ; small sanity check (ignore-errors (ensure-directories-exist f)) f) (compile-file-pathname lisp-file))) ;; fallback to normal... #-asdf (compile-file-pathname lisp-file)) ;; user fun ;; also called by REGISTER-PLUGINS at fomus startup ;; for every *.lisp file found in modules/ and modules/backends (defun register-fomus-module (filename &key load) (destructuring-bind (&key type keyname initfun entryfun (documentation '("(none)")) filename-ext &allow-other-keys) (let ((*package* (find-package :fomus))) ; make sure the user can call this from another package (with-open-file (f filename :direction :input) (let ((d (read f))) (unless (string= (symbol-name (first d)) "DEFFOMUSMODULE") (error "DEFFOMUSMODULE declaration not found")) (loop for e in (rest d) collect (first e) collect (rest e))))) ;; make sure all the right values are stored so error doesn't happen later (unless (member (first type) +module-types+) (error "~S is not a valid module type" (first type))) (let ((x (first keyname))) (check-type x keyword)) (check-type filename (or pathname string)) (let ((x (first initfun))) (check-type x symbol)) (let ((x (first entryfun))) (check-type x symbol)) (let ((x (first documentation))) (check-type x string)) (when (and (first filename-ext) (not (eq (first type) :backend))) (error "Non-backend shouldn't declare a filename extension")) (let ((pk (module-package (first keyname))) (cf (module-outname filename (eq (first type) :backend)))) (compile-module-if-needed filename cf (first keyname)) ; make sure it compiles (setf (gethash (first keyname) *fomus-modules*) (make-module :type (first type) :file filename :pack pk :initfun (first initfun) :entryfun (first entryfun) :desc (first documentation)))) (when load (load-fomus-module (first keyname)))) t) ;; user fun (defun list-fomus-modules (&rest type) (let ((ty (or type +module-types+))) (loop for l in (sort (split-into-groups (loop for h being each hash-key in *fomus-modules* using (hash-value v) when (member (module-type v) ty) collect (cons h v)) (lambda (x) (module-type (cdr x)))) #'< :key (lambda (x) (position (module-type (cdar x)) +module-types+))) for nx = nil then t do (format t "~:[~;~%~];; ----Type: ~67,1,,'-A~%~{~%; Key: :~A File: ~A~%; ~A~%~}" nx (symbol-name (module-type (cdr (first l)))) (nconc (loop with bc = (eq (module-type (cdr (first l))) :backend) for e in (force-list (lookup (module-type (cdr (first l))) (pairlis +module-types+ +module-defaults+))) and fi = nil then t nconc (list e "(internal)" (format nil "FOMUS ~:[default ~;~]internal ~:[~;backend ~]function" (or fi bc) bc))) (loop for e in (sort l #'string< :key (lambda (x) (symbol-name (car x)))) collect (symbol-name (car e)) collect (module-file (cdr e)) collect (commentify (module-desc (cdr e)) 1))))))) ;; user fun (defun load-fomus-module (keyname) (flet ((module-provided-p (module) (find (module-pack module) *modules* :test #'string=))) (let* ((module (or (gethash keyname *fomus-modules*) (error "Module ~S is not registered or does not exist" keyname))) (fasl-path (module-outname (module-file module) (eq (module-type module) :backend)))) (when (or (and (module-compile-p module) ; default is T (compile-module-if-needed (module-file module) fasl-path keyname)) (not (module-provided-p module))) (when (and (numberp *verbose*) (>= *verbose* 2)) (format t "~&;; Loading module ~S..." keyname)) (load fasl-path :verbose nil :print nil) (when (module-initfun module) (funcall (find-symbol (symbol-name (module-initfun module)) (find-package (module-pack module)))))) t))) (declaim (inline call-module)) (defun call-module (keyname err &rest args) ; assume it's been loaded (let ((pl (gethash keyname *fomus-modules*))) (if pl (apply (find-symbol (symbol-name (module-entryfun pl)) (find-package (module-pack pl))) args) (apply #'error err))))