;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; backend_ly.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; LILYPOND VIEWER #+sbcl (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (require :sb-posix)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *lilypond-exe* (or #+(or darwin macos) (find-exe "lilypond" "LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin") #+(or darwin macos) (find-exe "lilypond.sh" "LilyPond.app") #+(or mswindows win32) (find-exe "lilypond.exe" "LilyPond") #-(or mswindows win32) (find-exe "lilypond" "LilyPond") #+(or darwin macos) "lilypond.sh" #+(or mswindows win32) "lilypond.exe" #-(or mswindows win32) "lilypond")) (defparameter *lilypond-view-exe* #-(or mswindows win32) +ghostview-exe+ #+(or mswindows win32) +acroread-exe+)) (defparameter *lilypond-opts* #-(or (or darwin macos) mswindows win32) '("--ps") #+(or (or darwin macos) mswindows win32) '("--pdf")) (defparameter *lilypond-out-ext* #-(or (or darwin macos) mswindows win32) "ps" #+(or (or darwin macos) mswindows win32) "pdf") (defparameter *lilypond-view-opts* #-(or darwin macos) nil #+(or darwin macos) '("/Applications/Preview.app")) (defun view-lilypond (filename options view) (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out (if view ";; Compiling/opening ~S for viewing...~%" ";; Compiling ~S...~%") filename)) (destructuring-bind (&key exe view-exe opts view-opts out-ext &allow-other-keys) options (flet ((er (str) (format t ";; ERROR: Error ~A LilyPond file~%" str) (return-from view-lilypond))) (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*)))) (#+cmu unix:unix-chdir #+sbcl sb-posix:chdir #+openmcl ccl:cwd #+allegro excl:chdir #+lispworks hcl:change-directory #+clisp ext:cd (change-filename filename :name nil :ext nil)) (if #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl) (ignore-errors (#+cmu extensions:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program #+openmcl ccl:run-program (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (append (or opts *lilypond-opts*) (list filename)) :wait t)) #+clisp (eql (ignore-errors (ext:run-program (or exe *lilypond-exe*) :arguments (append (or opts *lilypond-opts*) (list filename)) :output nil :wait t)) 0) #+lispworks (ignore-errors (system:call-system (format nil "~A~{ ~A~}" (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (append (or opts *lilypond-opts*) (list filename)) :wait t))) #+allegro (eql (run-allegro-cmd (apply #'vector (cons (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (cons (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (append (or opts *lilypond-opts*) (list filename)))))) 0) (progn (unless (probe-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*))) (er "compiling")) (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "log"))) (unless (string= (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*) "tex") (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "tex")))) (unless (string= (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*) "dvi") (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "dvi")))) (unless (string= (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*) "ps") (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "ps")))) (unless (string= (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*) "pdf") (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext "pdf")))) (when view (unless #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl) (ignore-errors (#+cmu extensions:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program #+openmcl ccl:run-program (or view-exe *lilypond-view-exe*) (append (or view-opts *lilypond-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*)))) :wait nil)) #+clisp (eql (ignore-errors (ext:run-program (or view-exe *lilypond-view-exe*) :arguments (append (or view-opts *lilypond-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*)))) :output nil :wait nil)) 0) #+lispworks (ignore-errors (system:call-system (format nil "~A~{ ~A~}" (or view-exe *lilypond-view-exe*) (append (or view-opts *lilypond-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*)))) :wait nil))) #+allegro (eql (run-allegro-cmd (apply #'vector (cons (or view-exe *lilypond-view-exe*) (cons (or view-exe *lilypond-view-exe*) (append (or view-opts *lilypond-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext *lilypond-out-ext*))))))) nil nil) 0) (er "viewing")))) (er "compiling"))))) (defparameter *lilypond-version* nil) (defparameter *lilyvers* t) (defparameter +lilypond-defaultver+ '("2.10" . 210)) (defun lilypond-version (options usrv) (let ((v (or usrv *lilypond-version*))) (if v (let ((ve (ignore-errors (+ (* 100 (parse-integer v :junk-allowed t)) (parse-integer v :start (1+ (position #\. v)) :junk-allowed t))))) (if (and (>= ve 204) (<= ve 209)) ve (progn (format t ";; WARNING: Unknown LilyPond version--assuming version ~A~%" (car +lilypond-defaultver+)) (cdr +lilypond-defaultver+)))) (if (truep *lilyvers*) (setf *lilyvers* (destructuring-bind (&key exe &allow-other-keys) options (flet ((er () (format t ";; WARNING: Can't determine LilyPond version--assuming version ~A~%" (car +lilypond-defaultver+)) (cdr +lilypond-defaultver+))) (let ((os #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl lispworks) (make-string-output-stream) #+allegro (nth-value 1 (run-allegro-cmd (vector (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (or exe *lilypond-exe*) "-v"))) #+clisp (ignore-errors (ext:run-program (or exe *lilypond-exe*) :arguments (list "-v") :wait t :output :stream)))) #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl) (ignore-errors (#+cmu extensions:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program #+openmcl ccl:run-program (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (list "-v") :wait t :output os)) #+lispworks (ignore-errors (system:call-system-showing-output (format nil "~A~{ ~A~}" (or exe *lilypond-exe*) (list "-v")) :prefix "" :show-cmd nil :output-stream os :wait t)) (if os (let* ((out #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl lispworks) (get-output-stream-string os) #+(or clisp allegro) (ignore-errors (read-line os))) (p (search "LilyPond " out))) (if p (multiple-value-bind (n1 np) (parse-integer out :start (+ p 9) :junk-allowed t) (+ (* n1 100) (parse-integer out :start (1+ np) :junk-allowed t))) (er))) (er)))))) *lilyvers*)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; LILYPOND BACKEND (defparameter +lilypond-comment+ "% LilyPond score file~%% ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~%") (defparameter +lilypond-vers+ "\\version \"~A.~A\"~%") (defparameter +lilypond-defs+ '("octUp = #(set-octavation 1)" "octReset = #(set-octavation 0)" "octDown = #(set-octavation -1)" "markAccIn = \\once \\override TextScript #'script-priority = #-100" "markOrnIn = \\once \\override Script #'script-priority = #-100")) (defparameter +lilypond-defs-24+ '("beamL = #(def-music-function (loc num) (number?) #{\\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$num #})" "beamR = #(def-music-function (loc num) (number?) #{\\set stemRightBeamCount = #$num #})" "beamLR = #(def-music-function (loc numl numr) (number? number?) #{\\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$numl \\set stemRightBeamCount = #$numr #})" "textSpan = #(def-music-function (loc dir str) (number? string?) #{\\override TextSpanner #'direction = #$dir \\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons $str \"\") #})" "noteHead = #(def-music-function (loc sty) (symbol?) #{\\once \\override NoteHead #'style = #$sty #})" )) (defparameter +lilypond-defs-26+ '("beamL = #(def-music-function (par loc num) (number?) #{\\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$num #})" "beamR = #(def-music-function (par loc num) (number?) #{\\set stemRightBeamCount = #$num #})" "beamLR = #(def-music-function (par loc numl numr) (number? number?) #{\\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$numl \\set stemRightBeamCount = #$numr #})" "textSpan = #(def-music-function (par loc dir str) (number? string?) #{\\override TextSpanner #'direction = #$dir \\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons $str \"\") #})" "noteHead = #(def-music-function (par loc sty) (symbol?) #{\\once \\override NoteHead #'style = #$sty #})" )) (defparameter +lilypond-defs-28+ '("beamL = #(define-music-function (par loc num) (number?) #{\\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$num #})" "beamR = #(define-music-function (par loc num) (number?) #{\\set stemRightBeamCount = #$num #})" "beamLR = #(define-music-function (par loc numl numr) (number? number?) #{\\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$numl \\set stemRightBeamCount = #$numr #})" "textSpan = #(define-music-function (par loc dir str) (number? string?) #{\\override TextSpanner #'direction = #$dir \\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons $str \"\") #})" "noteHead = #(define-music-function (par loc sty) (symbol?) #{\\once \\override NoteHead #'style = #$sty #})" )) (defparameter +lilypond-num-note+ (vector "c" nil "d" nil "e" "f" nil "g" nil "a" nil "b")) (defparameter +lilypond-num-acc+ (vector "eses" "es" "" "is" "isis")) (defparameter +lilypond-num-accq+ (vector (vector nil "eses") (vector "eseh" "es" "eh") (vector "eh" "" "ih") (vector "ih" "is" "isih") (vector nil "isis"))) (defparameter +lilypond-barlines+ '((:single . "|") (:double . "||") (:final . "|.") (:repeatleft . ":|") (:repeatright . "|:") (:repeatleftright . ":|:") (:invisible . ""))) (defparameter +lilypond-marks+ '((:accent . "->") (:marcato . "-^") (:staccatissimo . "-|") (:staccato . "-.") (:tenuto . "--") (:portato . "-_") (:upbow . "\\upbow") (:downbow . "\\downbow") (:thumb . "\\thumb") (:leftheel . "\\lheel") (:rightheel . "\\rheel") (:lefttoe . "\\ltoe") (:righttoe . "\\rtoe") (:open . "\\open") (:stopped . "-+") (:pizz . "^\"pizz.\"") (:arco . "^\"arco\"") ((:breath :after) . " \\breathe") ((:glissando :after) . "\\glissando") ((:portamento :after) . "\\glissando") ((:fermata :short) . "\\shortfermata") (:fermata . "\\fermata") ((:fermata :long) . "\\longfermata") ((:fermata :verylong) . "\\verylongfermata"))) (defparameter +lilypond-trmarks+ '((:trill . "\\trill") (:startlongtrill- . "\\startTrillSpan") (:prall . "\\prall") (:mordent . "\\mordent"))) (defparameter *lilypond-text-markup* "\\markup{\\italic{~A}}") (defparameter *lilypond-textdyn-markup* "\\markup{\\dynamic{\\italic{\\bold{~A}}}}") (defparameter *lilypond-texttempo-markup* "\\markup{\\bold{\\huge{~A}}}") (defparameter *lilypond-textnote-markup* "\\markup{\\italic{~A}}") (defparameter *lilypond-textacc-markup* "\\markup{\\tiny{~A}}") ;; not user defined yet (defparameter +lilypond-dyns+ `((:pppppp . ,(list (format nil *lilypond-textdyn-markup* "pppppp"))) (:ppppp . ,(list (format nil *lilypond-textdyn-markup* "ppppp"))) (:pppp . "\\pppp") (:ppp . "\\ppp") (:pp . "\\pp") (:p . "\\p") (:mp . "\\mp") (:mf . "\\mf") (:f . "\\f") (:ff . "\\ff") (:fff . "\\fff") (:ffff . "\\ffff") (:fffff . ,(list (format nil *lilypond-textdyn-markup* "fffff"))) (:ffffff . ,(list (format nil *lilypond-textdyn-markup* "ffffff"))) (:fp . "\\fp") (:sf . "\\sf") (:sff . "\\sff") (:sp . "\\sp") (:spp . "\\spp") (:sfz . "\\sfz") (:rfz . "\\rfz"))) (defparameter +lilypond-noteheads+ '((:harmonic . "harmonic") (:diamond . "diamond") (:x . "cross") (:xcircle . "xcircle") (:triangle . "triangle") (:slash . "slash"))) (defparameter +lilypond-clefs+ '((:subbass-8dn . "\"subbass_8\"") (:bass-8dn . "\"bass_8\"") (:c-baritone-8dn . "\"baritone_8\"") (:f-baritone-8dn . "\"varbaritone_8\"") (:tenor-8dn . "\"tenor_8\"") (:subbass . "subbass") (:alto-8dn . "\"alto_8\"") (:bass . "bass") (:mezzosoprano-8dn . "\"mezzosoprano_8\"") (:c-baritone . "baritone") (:f-baritone . "varbaritone") (:soprano-8dn . "\"soprano_8\"") (:tenor . "tenor") (:subbass-8up . "\"subbass^8\"") (:treble-8dn . "\"treble_8\"") (:alto . "alto") (:bass-8up . "\"bass^8\"") (:mezzosoprano . "mezzosoprano") (:c-baritone-8up . "\"baritone^8\"") (:f-baritone-8up . "\"varbaritone^8\"") (:soprano . "soprano") (:tenor-8up . "\"tenor^8\"") (:treble . "treble") (:alto-8up . "\"alto^8\"") (:mezzosoprano-8up . "\"mezzosoprano^8\"") (:soprano-8up . "\"soprano^8\"") (:treble-8up . "\"treble^8\"") (:percussion . "percussion"))) (defparameter +lilypond-keysigs+ '((:cmaj . "c \\major") (:amin . "a \\minor") (:gmaj . "g \\major") (:emin . "e \\minor") (:dmaj . "d \\major") (:bmin . "b \\minor") (:amaj . "a \\major") (:f+min . "fis \\minor") (:emaj . "e \\major") (:c+min . "cis \\minor") (:bmaj . "b \\major") (:g+min . "gis \\minor") (:c-maj . "ces \\major") (:a-min . "aes \\minor") (:f+maj . "fis \\major") (:d+min . "dis \\minor") (:g-maj . "ges \\major") (:e-min . "ees \\minor") (:c+maj . "cis \\major") (:a+min . "ais \\minor") (:d-maj . "des \\major") (:b-min . "bes \\minor") (:a-maj . "aes \\major") (:fmin . "f \\minor") (:e-maj . "ees \\major") (:cmin . "c \\minor") (:b-maj . "bes \\major") (:gmin . "g \\minor") (:fmaj . "f \\major") (:dmin . "d \\minor"))) (defparameter *lilypond-filehead* nil) (defparameter *lilypond-scorehead* nil) (defun lilypond-string-escape (string) (if (position #\# string) (concatenate 'string "\"" string "\"") string)) (defun save-lilypond (parts header filename options process view) (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out ";; Saving LilyPond file ~S...~%" filename)) (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (destructuring-bind (&key filehead scorehead text-markup textdyn-markup texttempo-markup textnote-markup textacc-markup version &allow-other-keys) options (let ((ve (lilypond-version options version))) (format f "~A" header) (format f +lilypond-vers+ (floor ve 100) (mod ve 100)) (let ((fh (or filehead *lilypond-filehead*))) (when fh (loop for e in (force-list fh) do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%")))) ;; user header (loop for e in (append +lilypond-defs+ (cond ((>= ve 207) +lilypond-defs-28+) ((>= ve 205) +lilypond-defs-26+) (t +lilypond-defs-24+))) do (format f "~A~%" e) finally (format f "~%")) ;; definitions (let ((de 0) (nms nil) (twrn nil)) (flet ((lynote (wnum acc1 acc2 caut show) (let ((rs (let ((g (- (truncate wnum 12) 4))) (cond ((< g 0) (make-string (- g) :initial-element #\,)) ((> g 0) (make-string g :initial-element #\')) (t ""))))) (if *quartertones* (conc-strings (svref +lilypond-num-note+ (mod wnum 12)) (svref (svref +lilypond-num-accq+ (+ acc1 2)) (1+ (* acc2 2))) rs (when caut "?") (when show "!")) (conc-strings (svref +lilypond-num-note+ (mod wnum 12)) (svref +lilypond-num-acc+ (+ acc1 2)) rs (when caut "?") (when show "!"))))) (lyname (p) (incf de) (conc-strings (string-downcase (conc-stringlist (when (part-name p) (loop for x across (part-name p) when (alpha-char-p x) collect (string x))))) (string (code-char (+ 64 de))))) (lyclef (c) (lookup c +lilypond-clefs+))) (loop for p in parts do (destructuring-bind (&key (lily-partname (lyname p)) lily-parthead ;; extra header information for part (list of strings) &allow-other-keys) (part-opts p) (let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p)))) (push lily-partname nms) (format f "~A = {~%" lily-partname) (when (part-name p) (format f (if (> ve 209) " \\set Staff.instrumentName = ~S~%" " \\set Staff.instrument = ~S~%") (part-name p))) (when (part-abbrev p) (format f (if (> ve 209) " \\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = ~S~%" " \\set Staff.instr = ~S~%") (part-abbrev p))) (when (or (null *timesig-style*) (eq *timesig-style* :fraction)) (if (> ns 1) (loop for s from 1 to ns do (format f " \\change Staff = ~A \\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()~%" (code-char (+ 64 s)))) (format f " \\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()~%"))) (if (>= ve 209) (when (eq *tuplet-style* :ratio) (format f " \\override TupletNumber #'text = #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text~%")) (when (eq *tuplet-style* :ratio) (format f " \\set tupletNumberFormatFunction = #fraction-tuplet-formatter~%"))) (format f " \\autoBeamOff~%") (if *acc-throughout-meas* (format f " #(set-accidental-style 'default)~%") (format f " #(set-accidental-style 'forget)~%")) (if (> ns 1) (loop for (xxx cl s) in (sort (getprops p :clef) #'< :key #'third) do (format f " ~A\\clef ~A~%" (format nil "\\change Staff = ~A " (code-char (+ 64 s))) (lyclef cl))) (format f " \\clef ~A~%" (lyclef (second (getprop p :clef))))) (loop for e in lily-parthead do (format f " ~A~%" e)) (format f "~%") (loop with nvce = (mloop for e in (part-meas p) maximize (length (meas-voices e))) initially (format f " << ") for vce from 0 below nvce do (format f "{") (loop with cdi = :u for (m . nxm) on (part-meas p) and mn from 1 for ts = (meas-timesig m) do (when (getprop m :startkey) (let ((x (lookup (second (getprop ts :keysig)) +lilypond-keysigs+))) (when x (if (> ns 1) (loop for s from 1 to ns do (format f "\\change Staff = ~A \\key ~A " (code-char (+ 64 s)) x)) (format f "\\key ~A " x))))) (when (getprop m :startsig) (format f "\\time ~A/~A " (timesig-num ts) (timesig-den ts))) (loop for (pre e nxe) on (cons nil (or (nth vce (meas-voices m)) (list (make-restex nil :inv t :off (meas-off m) :dur (- (meas-endoff m) (meas-off m)) :marks '(:measrest))))) while e do (let ((fm (getmark e :measrest)) (trf (and (>= (or (nth-value 1 (event-writtendur* e ts)) 0) 2) (< ve 209)))) (when (getmark e '(:starttext- 2)) (setf twrn t)) (format f "~A " (conc-strings (let ((m (getmark e '(:voice :ord1324)))) (if (and m (null (fourth m))) (case (third m) (1 (setf cdi :u) "\\voiceOne ") (2 (setf cdi :d) "\\voiceTwo ") (3 (setf cdi :u) "\\voiceThree ") (4 (setf cdi :d) "\\voiceFour ") (otherwise (setf cdi :u) "\\oneVoice ")) "")) (let ((m (getmark e '(:staff :voice)))) (if (and m (> ns 1) (null (fourth m))) (format nil "\\change Staff = ~A " (code-char (+ 64 (third m)))) "")) (let ((c (getmark e :clef))) (if (and c (null (fourth c))) (format nil "\\clef ~A " (lyclef (second c))) "")) (cond ((or (getmark e :start8up-) (getmark e :8up)) "\\octUp ") ((or (getmark e :start8down-) (getmark e :8down)) "\\octDown ")) (let ((m (getmark e '(:starttext- 1)))) ; can't have more than one at once (if m (format nil "\\textSpan #~A #\"~A \" " (ecase (third m) (:up 1) (:down -1)) (fourth m)) "")) (let ((uu (sort (getmarks e :starttup) #'< :key #'second))) (conc-stringlist (loop for u in uu for r = (third u) collect (format nil "\\times ~A/~A {" (cdr r) (car r))))) (let ((z (getmark e :notehead))) (if z (let ((y (lookup (second z) +lilypond-noteheads+))) (if y (format nil "\\noteHead #'~A " y) "")) "")) (let ((g (event-grace e))) (if g (let ((g1 (getmark e :startgrace)) (gs (getmark e :startgraceslur-))) (cond ((and g1 (getmark e :endgrace)) (if (and gs (not (or (getmark e :slur-) (getmark e :startslur-)))) (if (< g 0) "\\acciaccatura " "\\appoggiatura ") "\\grace ")) (g1 (if (and gs (not (or (getmark e :slur-) (getmark e :startslur-)))) (if (< g 0) "\\acciaccatura {" "\\appoggiatura {") "\\grace {")))) "")) (cond ((getmark e '(:arpeggio :up)) "\\arpeggioUp ") ((getmark e '(:arpeggio :down)) "\\arpeggioDown ") ((getmark e :arpeggio) "\\arpeggioNeutral ") (t "")) (if (some (lambda (aa) (let ((x (getmarks e (car aa)))) (some (lambda (z) (and z (listp z) (if (member (first z) +marks-long+) (fifth z) (third z)))) x))) +lilypond-trmarks+) (if (eq cdi :d) "\\markAccIn " "\\markOrnIn ") "") (let ((l (and (notep e) (notep pre) (> (event-beamlt e) 0) (/= (min (event-nbeams e ts) (event-nbeams pre ts)) (event-beamlt e)))) (r (and (notep e) (notep nxe) (> (event-beamrt e) 0) (/= (min (event-nbeams e ts) (event-nbeams nxe ts)) (event-beamrt e))))) (cond ((and l r) (format nil "\\beamLR #~A #~A " (event-beamlt e) (event-beamrt e))) (l (format nil "\\beamL #~A " (event-beamlt e))) (r (format nil "\\beamR #~A " (event-beamrt e))) (t ""))) (let ((m (or (getmark e :tremolo) (getmark e :starttremolo)))) ;; (format nil "\\markup{~A}" (conc-stringlist (loop repeat (second m) collect "/"))) (if (and m (not trf)) (format nil "\\repeat \"tremolo\" ~A ~A" (second m) (if (eq (first m) :tremolo) "" "{")) "")) ; stuff before (if (notep e) (if (chordp e) (format nil "<~A>" (conc-stringlist (loop for (n nn) on (event-notes* e) and w in (event-writtennotes e) and a in (event-accs e) and a2 in (event-addaccs e) for ha = (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n)) and hs = (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n)) collect (lynote w a a2 (getmark e (list :cautacc n)) (getmark e (list :showacc n))) when ha collect "\\harmonic" when hs collect "^\\flageolet" when nn collect " "))) (lynote (event-writtennote e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) ; 8/9/06 (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-note* e))) (getmark e (list :showacc (event-note* e)))) #|(conc-strings ; 8/9/06 (lynote (event-writtennote e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-note* e))) (getmark e (list :showacc (event-note* e)))) (let ((ha (getmark e :harmonic))) (when ha (ecase (second ha) (:touched "\\harmonic") (:sounding "^\\flageolet")))))|#) (if fm (if (event-inv e) "\\skip " "R") (if (event-inv e) "s" "r"))) (if fm (format nil "1*~A/~A" (timesig-num ts) (timesig-den ts)) (multiple-value-bind (wd ds) (let ((m (or (getmark e :tremolo) (getmark e :starttremolo) (getmark e :endtremolo)))) (if (and m (not trf)) (values (third m) 0) (event-writtendur* e ts))) (let ((du (case wd (2 "\\breve") (4 "\\longa") (otherwise (/ wd))))) (ecase ds (0 (format nil "~A" du)) (1 (format nil "~A." du)) (2 (format nil "~A.." du)))))) (if (chordp e) "" ; 8/9/06 (let ((ha (getmark e :harmonic))) (or (when ha (ecase (second ha) (:touched "\\harmonic") (:sounding "^\\flageolet"))) ""))) (if (getmark e :arpeggio) "\\arpeggio" "") (conc-stringlist (loop for xxx in (delete-if (lambda (x) (/= (second x) 2)) (getmarks e :startslur-)) collect "\\(")) (conc-stringlist (loop for xxx in (delete-if (lambda (x) (/= (second x) 1)) (getmarks e :startslur-)) collect "(")) (conc-stringlist (loop for xxx in (delete-if (lambda (x) (/= (second x) 1)) (getmarks e :endslur-)) collect ")")) (conc-stringlist (loop for xxx in (delete-if (lambda (x) (/= (second x) 2)) (getmarks e :endslur-)) collect "\\)")) (if (and (notep e) (= (event-beamlt e) 0) (> (event-beamrt e) 0)) "[" "") (if (and (notep e) (> (event-beamlt e) 0) (= (event-beamrt e) 0)) "]" "") (if (and (notep e) (or-list (force-list (event-tiert e)))) "\~" "") (conc-stringlist (loop for i in (sort (delete-duplicates (loop for (a1 . a2) in +lilypond-marks+ nconc (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons a2 (force-list x))) (getmarks e a1))) :key #'cdr :test #'equal) (lambda (x y) (cond ((find (cadr x) +marks-withacc+) nil) ((find (cadr y) +marks-withacc+) t) (t (let ((x2 (caddr x)) (y2 (caddr y))) (cond ((and (numberp x2) (numberp y2)) (< x2 y2)) (x2 t))))))) collect (car i))) (conc-stringlist (loop for i in (delete-duplicates (loop for (a1 . a2) in +lilypond-trmarks+ nconc (mapcar (lambda (x) (let ((f (force-list x))) (cons a2 (if (member (first f) +marks-long+) (fifth f) (third f))))) (getmarks e a1))) :key #'cdr :test #'equal) when (eq cdi :u) collect "^" and collect (car i) when (cdr i) collect (ecase cdi (:u "^") (:d "_")) and collect (format nil (or textacc-markup *lilypond-textacc-markup*) (ecase (cdr i) (-2 "\\doubleflat") (-3/2 "\\sesquiflat") (-1 "\\flat") (-1/2 "\\semiflat") (0 "\\natural") (1/2 "\\semisharp") (1 "\\sharp") (3/2 "\\sesquisharp") (2 "\\doublesharp"))) when (eq cdi :d) collect "_" and collect (car i))) (cond ((or (getmark e :endwedge<) (getmark e :endwedge>)) "\\!") (t "")) (conc-stringlist (loop for i in (loop for a in +lilypond-dyns+ nconc (mapcar #'force-list (getmarks e (car a)))) for l = (lookup (first i) +lilypond-dyns+) if (listp l) collect (conc-strings (if (<= nvce 1) "_" (ecase vce ((0 2) "^") ((1 3) "_"))) (car l)) else collect l)) (cond ((getmark e :startwedge<) "\\< ") ((getmark e :startwedge>) "\\> ") (t "")) (conc-stringlist (loop for x in '(:text :textdyn :texttempo :textnote) and m in (list (or text-markup *lilypond-text-markup*) (or textdyn-markup *lilypond-textdyn-markup*) (or texttempo-markup *lilypond-texttempo-markup*) (or textnote-markup *lilypond-textnote-markup*)) nconc (loop for (xxx di str) in (getmarks e x) collect (conc-strings (ecase di (:up "^") (:down "_")) (format nil m (lilypond-string-escape str)))))) (let ((m (getmark e '(:starttext- 1)))) (if m "\\startTextSpan" "")) (let ((m (getmark e '(:endtext- 1)))) (if m "\\stopTextSpan" "")) ; the actual note w/ attachments (let ((m (getmark e '(:endlongtrill- 1)))) (if m "\\stopTrillSpan" "")) (let ((m (or (getmark e :tremolo) (getmark e :starttremolo)))) ;; (if (and m trf) (format nil "^\\markup{\"~A~A\"}" (conc-stringlist (loop repeat (- (roundint (log (third m) 1/2)) 2) collect "/")) (if (getmark e :starttremolo) "-" "")) "")) (if (and (getmark e :endtremolo) (not trf)) "}" "") (if (and (event-grace e) (getmark e :endgrace) (not (getmark e :startgrace))) "}" "") (let ((uu (getmarks e :endtup))) (conc-stringlist (loop repeat (length uu) collect "}"))) (cond ((or (getmark e :end8up-) (getmark e :8up)) " \\octReset") ((or (getmark e :end8down-) (getmark e :8down)) " \\octReset")))))) (let ((b (getprop m :barline))) (when b (format f "\\bar \"~A\" " (lookup (second b) +lilypond-barlines+)))) (format f "| %~A~% ~A" mn (if nxm " " ""))) (if (< vce (1- nvce)) (format f "} \\\\~% ") (format f "}~% >>~%"))) (format f "}~%~%") (if (> ns 1) (format f "~A = {~% ~A~%}~%~%" (conc-strings lily-partname "S") (conc-stringlist (loop with nu = 0 for n = nil then (timesig-num (meas-timesig m)) and d = nil then (timesig-den (meas-timesig m)) for m in (part-meas p) when (and (getprop m :startsig) (> nu 0)) collect (format nil "\\skip 1*~A/~A*~A " n d nu) into re and do (setf nu 0) do (incf nu) finally (return (nconc re (list (format nil "\\skip 1*~A/~A*~A" n d nu))))))))))) ;) (when (or *title* *subtitle* *composer*) (format f "\\header {~%") (when *title* (format f " title = ~S~%" *title*)) (when *subtitle* (format f " subtitle = ~S~%" *subtitle*)) (when *composer* (format f " composer = ~S~%" *composer*)) (format f "}~%~%")) (format f "\\score {~%") ;; score block (loop for e in (force-list (or scorehead *lilypond-scorehead*)) do (format f " ~A~%" e)) (loop with in = 2 for p in parts and nm in (nreverse nms) do (loop for (xxx nu ty) in (sort (getprops p :startgroup) #'< :key #'second) do (if ty (ecase ty ((:group :choirgroup) (format f "~A\\new ~A <<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) (ecase ty (:group (if (<= nu 1) "StaffGroup" "InnerStaffGroup")) (:choirgroup (if (<= nu 1) "ChoirStaff" "InnerChoirStaff"))))) (:grandstaff (format f "~A\\new PianoStaff <<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space)))) (format f "~A<<~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space))) (incf in 2)) (let ((ns (instr-staves (part-instr p)))) (if (<= ns 1) (format f "~A\\new Staff \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) nm) (progn (loop for s from 1 to ns do (format f "~A\\context Staff = ~A \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) (code-char (+ 64 s)) (conc-strings nm "S"))) (format f "~A\\context Staff = A \\new Voice \\~A~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space) nm)))) (loop for xxx in (getprops p :endgroup) do (decf in 2) (format f "~A>>~%" (make-string in :initial-element #\space)))) (format f "}~%")) (when twrn (format t ";; WARNING: Some string spanners are excluded~%")))))) (when process (view-lilypond filename options view)))