;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; util.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; *****COMMENTING...***** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DEBUGGING ;; almost all functions expected everything to be sorted--this checks for that #+debug (defun check-same (list str &key (key #'identity) (test #'eql)) (unless (let ((l (mapcar key list))) (if l (let ((fl (first l))) (every (lambda (x) (funcall test x fl)) (rest l))) t)) (error "CHECK-SAME failed at ~A" str))) #+debug (defun check-order (list str fun) (loop for (e1 e2) on list while e2 unless (or (funcall fun e1 e2) (not (funcall fun e2 e1))) do (error "CHECK-ORDER failed at ~A" str))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; FIND GHOSTVIEW ;; set to postscript viewing application (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter +ghostview-exe+ #+darwin (find-exe "open") #+(and (or linux unix) (not darwin) (not cygwin)) (or (find-exe "ggv") (find-exe "kgv") (find-exe "gv") (find-exe "evince") (find-exe "display") (find-exe "ghostview") "gv") #+(or mswindows win32 cygwin) (or (find-exe "gsview32.exe" "Ghostgum") (find-exe "gv.exe") "gsview.exe")) (defparameter +acroread-exe+ #+darwin (find-exe "open") #+(and (or linux unix) (not darwin) (not cygwin)) (or (find-exe "acroread") (find-exe "gpdf") "acroread") #+(or mswindows win32 cygwin) (or (find-exe "AcroRd32.exe" "Adobe") "AcroRd32.exe"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PROGRESS DOTS, IMMEDIATE OUTPUT ;; print a progress dot only if some certain time interval has elapsed since the last dot (declaim (type (integer 0) +progress-int+)) (defparameter +progress-int+ 5) ; seconds ;; after good progress, reward with a dot! (declaim (inline print-dot)) (defun print-dot () (when (>= *verbose* 1) (progress "."))) ;; wrapper for format--some lisps buffer the output so user can't see progress (defun out (&rest args) (apply #'format t args) (finish-output)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; WHITE NOTE/CHROM NOTE CONVERSION (declaim (type (vector (or (integer 0 6) null)) +note-to-white+) (type (vector integer) +white-to-note+)) (defparameter +note-to-white+ (vector 0 nil 1 nil 2 3 nil 4 nil 5 nil 6)) ; vector of white notes in chromatic scale (defparameter +white-to-note+ (vector 0 2 4 5 7 9 11)) ; vector of chromatic notes given white note index (0 - 6) (declaim (type cons +acc-single+ +acc-double+ +acc-qtones-single+ +acc-qtones-double+)) (defparameter +acc-single+ '(0 -1 1)) ; all possible modifications when only using single flats and sharps (defparameter +acc-double+ '(0 -1 1 -2 2)) ; all possible modifications when using double flats and sharps (defparameter +acc-qtones-single+ '(0 -1 1 (0 . -1/2) (0 . 1/2) (-1 . -1/2) (1 . 1/2))) ; acc-single + quartertones (defparameter +acc-qtones-double+ '(0 -1 1 -2 2 (0 . -1/2) (0 . 1/2) (-1 . -1/2) (1 . 1/2))) ; acc-double + quartertones ;; convert note value (mod 12) into a white-note value (mod 7) ;; expects p to actually be a valid white note (error if it isn't) (defun notetowhite (p) (declare (type integer p)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor p 12) (+ (* o 7) #-debug (svref +note-to-white+ n) #+debug (or (svref +note-to-white+ n) (error "Error in NOTETOWHITE"))))) ;; convert write-note (mod 7) value into a note value (mod 12) (defun whitetonote (w) (declare (type integer w)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor w 7) (+ (* o 12) (svref +white-to-note+ n)))) (declaim (type (vector boolean) +nokey-quality+)) (defparameter +interval-quality+ (vector nil t t nil nil t t)) ; given diatonic interval number as index, contains nil if it can be perfect or t if it's maj/min ;; return white note spelling (0 - 6) or nil if not possible ;; note = note value ;; acc = accidental modification (-2 to 2) (defun notespelling (note acc) (declare (type rational note) (type (integer -2 2) acc)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor (- note acc) 12) (let ((x (svref +note-to-white+ n))) (when x (values x o))))) ;; acc = (-2 to 2) or (-1 . -1/2), etc. (defun qnotespelling (note acc) (declare (type rational note) (type (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) acc)) (multiple-value-bind (o n) (floor (- note (car acc) (cdr acc)) 12) (let ((x (when (integerp n) (svref +note-to-white+ n)))) (when x (values x o))))) ;; converts an accidental value or quartertone to a normalized quartertone format ;; x = (-2 to 2) or (-1 . -1/2), etc. ;; returns: (-2 . 0), (-1 . 0), (-1 . -1/2), etc. (defun convert-qtone (x) (declare (type (or (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) (integer -2 2)) x)) (if (consp x) x (cons x 0))) ;; finds the diatonic interval between two note/accidental pairs ;; return values: interval number (0 - 6), interval quality (0 = perfect, -1/1 = min./maj., -2/2... = dim./aug., etc.) (defun interval (note1 acc1 note2 acc2) (declare (type rational note1 note2) (type (integer -2 2) acc1 acc2)) (multiple-value-bind (s1 o1) (notespelling note1 acc1) (multiple-value-bind (s2 o2) (notespelling note2 acc2) (multiple-value-bind (sp1 sp2 n1 n2) (let ((p1 (+ s1 (* o1 7))) (p2 (+ s2 (* o2 7)))) (if (= p1 p2) (if (< note1 note2) (values p1 p2 note1 note2) (values p2 p1 note2 note1)) (if (< p1 p2) (values p1 p2 note1 note2) (values p2 p1 note2 note1)))) (let ((b (mod (- sp2 sp1) 7))) (values b (let ((x (- (- n2 n1) (svref +white-to-note+ b) (* (floor (- sp2 sp1) 7) 12)))) (if (svref +interval-quality+ b) (if (>= x 0) (1+ x) x) ; maj./min. (cond ((> x 0) (1+ x)) ; aug./dim. ((< x 0) (1- x)) (t 0)))))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; UTILITY ;; returns: t if num is a power of 2 (ex. 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 8, etc.) (defun expof2 (num) (declare (type rational num)) (loop for n = (if (< num 1) (/ num) num) then (/ n 2) when (= n 1) do (return t) until (< n 1))) ;; returns: list of lowest common denominators (duplicates are removed) ;; examples: (lowmult 5) = (5), (lowmult 6) = (2 3), (lowmult 10) = (2 5), (lowmult 100) = (2 5) (defun lowmult (n) (declare (type rational n)) (loop for i from 2 #-clisp while #-clisp (<= i n) for j = #-clisp (/ n i) #+clisp (if (<= i n) (/ n i) (loop-finish)) when (integerp j) collect i and do (loop do (setf n j j (/ n i)) while (integerp j)))) ;; returns: prime numbers up to ubound excluding 1 ;; (defun primes2 (ubound) ;; (declare (type (integer 2) ubound)) ;; (loop ;; for i from 2 to ubound ;; when (notany (lambda (e) (declare (type (integer 2) e)) (= (mod i e) 0)) pl) ;; collect i into pl ;; finally (return pl))) ;; returns: odd numbers up to ubound (with exception of 2) (defun notdivby2s (ubound) (declare (type (integer 2) ubound)) (cons 2 (loop for i from 3 to ubound unless (integerp (/ i 2)) collect i))) ;; given list of conses representing (possibly overlapping) segments/distances, find all the "holes" in between these segments ;; list = list of conses (start . end) ;; o1 = starting value ;; o2 = end (can be <= o1 if don't care) ;; returns: list of conses (the "holes") (defun get-holes (list o1 o2) (declare (type list list) (type real o1 o2)) (loop with o = o1 for (e1 . e2) of-type (real . real) in list when (< o e1) collect (cons o e1) into r do (setf o e2) finally (return (if (< o o2) (nconc r (list (cons o o2))) r)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PROPERTIES/MARKS ;; use the following functions to access/set properties and marks (declaim (inline addprop)) (defgeneric addprop (obj prop)) (defmethod addprop ((obj meas) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (meas-props obj))) (defmethod addprop ((obj part) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (part-props obj))) (defmethod addprop ((obj mark) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (event-marks obj))) (defmethod addprop ((obj timesig-repl) prop) (declare (type (or symbol cons) prop)) (push prop (timesig-props obj))) (declaim (inline obj-props)) (defgeneric obj-props (obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj meas)) (meas-props obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj part)) (part-props obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj timesig-repl)) (timesig-props obj)) (defmethod obj-props ((obj mark)) (event-marks obj)) (defun getprop (obj propid) (declare (type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) obj) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi))) (find-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi)))) (obj-props obj)))) (defun getprops (obj propid) (declare (type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) obj) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi))) (loop for x of-type (or symbol cons) in (obj-props obj) when (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi))) collect x))) (defun rmprop-aux (pr propid) (declare (type list pr) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi))) (remove-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi)))) pr))) (declaim (inline rmprop)) (defgeneric rmprop (obj propid)) (defmethod rmprop ((obj meas) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (meas-props obj) (rmprop-aux (meas-props obj) propid))) (defmethod rmprop ((obj part) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (part-props obj) (rmprop-aux (part-props obj) propid))) (defmethod rmprop ((obj timesig-repl) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (timesig-props obj) (rmprop-aux (timesig-props obj) propid))) (defmethod rmprop ((obj mark) propid) (declare (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (setf (event-marks obj) (rmprop-aux (event-marks obj) propid))) (declaim (inline popprop-aux)) (defgeneric popprop-aux (obj props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj meas) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (meas-props obj) props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj part) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (part-props obj) props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj timesig-repl) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (timesig-props obj) props)) (defmethod popprop-aux ((obj mark) props) (declare (type list props)) (setf (event-marks obj) props)) (defun popprop (obj propid) (declare (type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) obj) (type (or symbol cons) propid)) (let* ((mi (force-list propid)) (li (length mi)) (f (find-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (let ((xx (force-list x))) (and (>= (length xx) li) (every #'equal xx mi)))) (obj-props obj)))) (popprop-aux obj (remove f (obj-props obj) :test #'equal)) f)) ;; combine marks/properties in list of objects (measures, parts, timesigs, mark objects), removing duplicates ;; returns: the new marks list (defun combprops (objlist) (declare (type list objlist)) (remove-duplicates (loop for o of-type (or meas part timesig-repl mark) in objlist nconc (copy-list (obj-props o))) :test #'equal)) ;; aliasa for note/rest objects (declaim (inline addmark getmark getmarks rmmark combmarks popmark)) (defun addmark (&rest x) (apply #'addprop x)) (defun getmark (&rest x) (apply #'getprop x)) (defun getmarks (&rest x) (apply #'getprops x)) (defun rmmark (&rest x) (apply #'rmprop x)) (defun combmarks (&rest x) (apply #'combprops x)) (defun popmark (&rest x) (apply #'popprop x)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; EVENTS ;; ts = a timesig objects ;; returns: number of beats in a measure (defun timesig-nbeats (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (/ (timesig-num ts) (* (timesig-den ts) (timesig-beat* ts)))) ;; ts = a timesig object ;; returns: metrical divisions, determined by lookup or a function that returns a reasonable default (defun timesig-div* (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (or (force-list2all (timesig-div ts)) (let ((nb (timesig-nbeats ts))) (or (lookup nb *default-meas-divs*) (lookup nb +default-meas-divs+) (loop with d0 = (denominator nb) for d = 2 then (* d 2) #-clisp until #-clisp (> d d0) for x = #-clisp (let ((bb (* nb d))) (or (lookup bb *default-meas-divs*) (lookup bb +default-meas-divs+))) #+clisp (if (> d d0) (loop-finish) (let ((bb (* nb d))) (or (lookup bb *default-meas-divs*) (lookup bb +default-meas-divs+)))) when x do (return (loop for y of-type list in x collect (mapcar (lambda (z) (declare (type (rational 0) z)) (/ z d)) y)))))))) (declaim (type (rational (0)) *effective-grace-dur-mul*)) (defparameter *effective-grace-dur-mul* 1/2) ; setting--multiplier for effective duration of grace notes--use this in any algorithm that needs a small durational value for grace notes (declaim (inline event-tupfrac)) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; returns: duration/time multiplier for tuplet note/rest (defun event-tupdurmult (ev) (declare (type ex-base ev)) (if (listp (car (event-tup ev))) (cdr (event-tup ev)) (event-tup ev))) ;; returns: the tuplet fraction (portion of the whole tuplet that this event takes up) (defun event-tupfrac (ev) (declare (type ex-base ev)) (car (event-tup ev))) ;; dur = duration ;; dmu = time/duration multipliers (a list representing the multiplier of each nested level) ;; returns: actual duration taking tuplet time modification into account (declaim (inline event-effectdur event-writtendur* event-writtennote)) (defun effectdur (dur dmu) (declare (type (rational (0)) dur) (type list dmu)) (loop with d = dur for e of-type (rational (0)) in dmu do (setf d (* d e)) finally (return d))) ;; dmu = dmu argument override, needed by some functions ;; returns: effective duration of an event (taking tuplets into account) (defun event-effectdur (ev &optional (dmu t)) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type (or boolean list) dmu)) (effectdur (event-dur* ev) (if (truep dmu) (event-tupdurmult ev) dmu))) ;; returns: grace note duration multiplied by effective-grace-dur-mul setting (defun event-graceeffdur (ev) (declare (type dur-base ev)) (let ((gd (event-gracedur ev))) (when gd (* gd *effective-grace-dur-mul*)))) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; ts = timesig object ;; dmu = dmu argument override, needed by some functions ;; returns: written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.) (defun event-writtendur (ev ts &optional (dmu t)) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type (or timesig-repl (rational (0))) ts) (type (or boolean list) dmu)) (* (or (event-gracedur ev) (event-effectdur ev dmu)) (if (timesigp ts) (timesig-beat* ts) ts))) ;; figures out if dots are needed ;; w = written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.) ;; return values: base written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.), number of dots (defun writtendur* (w) (declare (type (rational (0)) w)) (if (expof2 w) (values w 0) (let ((w1 (* w 2/3))) (if (expof2 w1) (values w1 1) (let ((w2 (* w 4/7))) (if (expof2 w2) (values w2 2) #+debug (error "Error in WRITTENDUR*"))))))) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; ts = timesig object ;; return values: base written duration (1/4 = quarter, 1/8 = eighth, 3/8 = dotted quarter, etc.), number of dots (defun event-writtendur* (ev ts) ; returns values writtendur, number-of-dots (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type timesig-repl ts)) (writtendur* (event-writtendur ev ts))) ;; ev = note event ;; returns: notated note (ex.: g-natural, g-sharp and g-flat all return the note value for g-natural) (defun event-writtennote (ev) (declare (type noteex ev)) (- (event-note* ev) (event-acc ev) (event-addacc ev))) ;; ev = note event (containing a chord) ;; returns: list of notated notes in chord (defun event-writtennotes (ev) (declare (type noteex ev)) (loop for e of-type rational in (event-notes* ev) and a of-type rational in (event-accs ev) and a2 of-type rational in (event-addaccs ev) collect (- e a a2))) ;; ev = notes/rest event ;; ts = timesig object ;; ext = extra number of beams to subtract from actual value (useful for a few functions) ;; returns: number of beams belonging to note (rests have 0 beams) (defun event-nbeams (ev ts &optional (ext 0)) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev) (type timesig-repl ts)) (if (notep ev) (max (- (roundint (log (event-writtendur* ev ts) 1/2)) 2 ext) 0) 0)) ;; dur = given duration of entire tuplet ;; dmu = time/duration multipliers (a list representing the multiplier of each nested level) ;; ts = timesig object ;; returns: unit of tuplet (1/8 = eighth note, etc.) (defun unitwritdur (dur dmu ts) ; ndmu = the level that applies (declare (type (rational (0)) dur) (type list dmu) (type timesig-repl ts)) (/ (* (effectdur dur dmu) (timesig-beat* ts)) ; written dur w/o dots info of entire tuplet (numerator (first dmu)))) ;; ev = note/rest event ;; returns: whether or note event represents a chord (declaim (inline chordp)) (defun chordp (ev) (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev)) (and (notep ev) (consp (event-tielt ev)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SORTING ;; all-purpose sorter ;; sorts by (more or less): offset, gracep, voice num., staff num., duration, notep/restp, notes ;; pass to sort function (defun sort-offdur (x y) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x y)) (if (= (event-off x) (event-off y)) (let ((gx (event-grace x)) (gy (event-grace y))) (if (eql gx gy) (multiple-value-bind (sx vx) (let ((z (event-voice* x))) (if (numberp z) (values (event-staff x) z) (values 0 0))) (multiple-value-bind (sy vy) (let ((z (event-voice* y))) (if (numberp z) (values (event-staff y) z) (values 0 0))) (if (= vx vy) (if (= sx sy) (let ((dx (or (event-gracedur x) (event-dur* x))) (dy (or (event-gracedur y) (event-dur* y)))) (if (= dx dy) (cond ((and (restp x) (notep y)) nil) ((restp y) t) (t (let ((nx (remove-if #'symbolp (if (chordp x) (event-notes* x) (list (event-note* x))))) ; at this point, should only be notes (ny (remove-if #'symbolp (if (chordp y) (event-notes* y) (list (event-note* y)))))) (loop for ex of-type real in nx and ey of-type real in ny when (< ex ey) do (return t) finally (return (< (length nx) (length ny))))))) (< dx dy))) (< sx sy)) (< vx vy)))) (cond ((null gy) t) ((null gx) nil) (t (< gx gy))))) (< (event-off x) (event-off y)))) ;; generic property list sorter ;; use to guarantee property lists/mark lists can be compared for equality w/ equal ;; props = property list ;; returns: sorted property/marks list (defun sort-props (props) (declare (type list props)) (labels ((xx (x y) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x y)) (flet ((ty (a) (declare (type (or symbol real string list) a)) (etypecase a (keyword 0) (symbol 1) (string 2) (integer 3) (rational 4) (float 5) (list 6)))) (loop for ee1 on (force-list x) and ee2 on (force-list y) for e1 of-type (or symbol real string list) = (first ee1) and e2 of-type (or symbol real string list) = (first ee2) for t1 = (ty e1) and t2 = (ty e2) when (/= t1 t2) do (return (< t1 t2)) when (listp e1) do (return (xx e1 e2)) else when (if (numberp e1) (/= e1 e2) (string/= e1 e2)) do (return (if (numberp e1) (< e1 e2) (string< e1 e2))) finally (< (length ee1) (length ee2)))))) (sort (copy-list props) #'xx))) ;; alias for marks (declaim (inline sort-marks)) (defun sort-marks (marks) (declare (type list marks)) (sort-props marks)) ;; remove all marks that aren't specific things that appear in the score ;; marks = marks list ;; returns: another marks list (declaim (inline important-marks)) (defun important-marks (marks) (declare (type list marks)) (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (find (first (force-list x)) +marks-important+)) marks)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CHORDS/SPLITTING ;; accepts events of same offset/duration to assemble into a chord ;; list = sorted list of events of same offset/duration ;; rests are discarded, function is destructive on mark-lists--assumes throwing away note-events to make chord-event ;; returns: note event (containing multiple notes) (defun make-chord (list &optional voice) (declare (type list list) (type (or null (integer 1)) voice)) (multiple-value-bind (n r) (split-list (sort list #'sort-offdur) #'notep) (if n (let ((x (sort (loop ; make more efficient? for e of-type noteex in n if (chordp e) append (event-note* e) into r1 and append (event-note e) into r2 and append (event-tielt e) into r3 and append (event-tiert e) into r4 else collect (event-note* e) into r1 and collect (event-note e) into r2 and collect (event-tielt e) into r3 and collect (event-tiert e) into r4 finally (return (mapcar (lambda (y1 y2 y3 y4) (cons (cons y1 y2) (cons y3 y4))) r1 r2 r3 r4))) #'< :key #'caar))) (copy-event (first n) :voice (or voice (event-voice (first n))) :marks (combmarks n) :note (mapcar #'cdar x) :tielt (mapcar #'cadr x) :tiert (mapcar #'cddr x))) (copy-event (first r) :marks (combmarks r))))) ;; splits an event into two events (possibly tied), given an offset split point ;; event = note/rest event ;; off = split point ;; tup/dmu = a tuplet fraction/a tuplet duration multiplier to add (used by note-splitting function to create tuplets as necessary) ;; returns: cons of two events (defun split-event (event off &optional tup dmu) (declare (type (or noteex restex) event) (type (rational 0) off) (type list tup dmu)) (let ((eo (event-endoff event)) (o (event-off event))) (cond ((<= eo off) (cons (copy-event event :tup (cons tup dmu)) nil)) ((<= off o) (cons nil (copy-event event))) (t (etypecase event (note (cons (copy-event event :dur (- off o) ; shouldn't be dealing with grace note :tiert (if (chordp event) (make-list (length (event-tiert event)) :initial-element (not (event-autodur event))) (not (event-autodur event))) :tup (cons (when tup (cons (* (first tup) (/ (- off o) (- eo o))) (rest tup))) #|tup|# dmu)) (if (event-autodur event) (make-restex nil :off off :dur (- eo off) :voice (event-voice event) :tup (event-tup event)) (copy-event event :off off :dur (- eo off) :tielt (if (chordp event) (make-list (length (event-tielt event)) :initial-element t) t))))) (rest (cons (copy-event event :dur (- off o) :tup (cons (when tup (cons (* (first tup) (/ (- off o) (- eo o))) (rest tup))) #|tup|# dmu) :marks (if (event-marks event) (cons :splitlt (event-marks event)))) (copy-event event :off off :dur (- eo off) :marks (if (event-marks event) (cons :splitrt (event-marks event))))))))))) ;; splits events--retains tuplet information from the original event ;; event = note/rest event ;; off = split point ;; returns: cons of two events (defun split-event2 (event off) (declare (type noteex event) (type (rational 0) off)) (let ((u (car (event-tup event))) (d (cdr (event-tup event)))) (let ((re (split-event event off u d))) (setf (event-tup (cdr re)) (cons (cons (- (first u) (first (event-tupfrac (car re)))) (rest u)) d)) re))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; USER MARKS ;; *****COMMENT POINT***** ;; passes all events between and intersecting with startsyms and endsyms ;; events sent to fun aren't in order (defun get-usermarks (events sym startsym contsym endsym fun name) (declare (type list events) (type symbol sym startsym contsym endsym) (type (function ((or noteex restex) list) t) fun) (type (or string null) name)) (loop for ((o1 . me) (o2)) of-type (((rational 0) . list) . (rational 0)) on (mapcar #'cdr (let ((xx (merge-linear (sort (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (reverse events) for me = (or (let ((o1 (popmark e endsym)) (o2 (popmark e contsym))) (or o1 o2)) (getmark e sym)) and ms = (let ((o1 (popmark e startsym)) (o2 (popmark e sym))) (or o1 o2)) when me collect (cons :e (list (event-endoff e))) when ms collect (cons :s (cons (event-off e) (force-list ms)))) (lambda (x y) (declare (type cons x y)) (let ((xx (second x)) (yy (second y))) (declare (type (rational 0) xx yy)) (if (= xx yy) (and (eq (car x) :e) (eq (car y) :s)) (< xx yy))))) (lambda (x y) (declare (type cons x y)) (when (eq (car x) (car y)) (if (eq (car x) :s) x y)))))) (unless (or (null xx) (eq (car (first xx)) :s)) (error "Missing starting mark ~S in part ~S" startsym name)) xx)) by #'cddr do (map nil (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (funcall fun x (rest me))) (remove-if-not (lambda (e) (declare (type (or noteex restex) e)) (and (> (event-endoff e) o1) (or (null o2) (< (event-off e) o2)))) events)))) ;; clean ;; deletes marks at incorrect places in tied notes/chords ;; expects measures and chords (defun clean-ties (pts) (declare (type list pts)) (loop for p of-type partex in pts do (loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (meas-events m) when (and (notep e) (or (and (event-tielt e) (and-list (force-list (event-tielt e)))) (getmark e :endtremolo))) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-first-tie+) when (and (notep e) (or (and (event-tiert e) (and-list (force-list (event-tiert e)))) (getmark e :starttremolo))) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type (or symbol cons) x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-last-tie+) when (and (restp e) (popmark e :splitrt)) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-first-rest+) when (and (restp e) (popmark e :splitlt)) do (mapc (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (rmmark e x)) +marks-last-rest+) do (loop for sp in (list +marks-spanner-voices+ +marks-spanner-staves+) do (loop for (startsym contsym endsym) of-type (symbol symbol symbol) in sp do (loop for n in (getmarks e startsym) do (rmmark e (list contsym (second (force-list n))))) do (loop for n in (getmarks e endsym) do (rmmark e (list contsym (second (force-list n))))))))) (print-dot))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; STAVES (defun sep-staves (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type partex in parts if (part-events p) nconc (mapcar (lambda (e) (declare (type cons e)) (copy-part p :events (sort e #'sort-offdur))) (split-into-groups (part-events p) #'event-staff)) else collect p do (print-dot))) ;; separates before measures exist (defun sep-voices (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type partex in parts if (part-events p) nconc (mapcar (lambda (e) (declare (type cons e)) (copy-part p :events (sort e #'sort-offdur))) (split-into-groups (part-events p) #'event-voice*)) else collect p do (print-dot))) ;; reassembles after measures exist (defun assemble-parts (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type cons in (split-into-groups parts #'part-userord) for f of-type partex = (first p) when (list>1p p) do (setf (part-events f) (if (measp (first (part-events f))) (apply #'mapcar (lambda (&rest ms) (let ((m (first ms))) (declare (type meas m)) (setf (meas-events m) (sort (mapcan #'meas-events ms) #'sort-offdur)) m)) ; same part, measures are copies of each other (mapcar #'part-meas p)) (sort (mapcan #'part-events p) #'sort-offdur)) (part-props f) (combprops p)) collect f do (print-dot))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TIMESIGS ;; divs to use in a replacement time-signature ;; to is number of beats in measure (defun repl-divs (divs to) (declare (type list divs) (type (rational (0)) to)) (delete-duplicates (loop for e of-type cons in divs collect (loop with s = 0 for x of-type (rational (0)) in e until (>= (+ s x) to) collect x into xx do (incf s x) finally (return (nconc xx (list (- to s)))))) :test #'equal)) ;; minimum automatic measure (before timesig change) ;; in number of beats (declaim (type (rational (0)) *min-auto-timesig-dur*) (type boolean *auto-override-timesigs*)) (defparameter *min-auto-timesig-dur* 2) (defparameter *auto-override-timesigs* t) ;; return sorted timesigs that match up with part (declaim (type timesig-repl *default-timesig*)) (defparameter *default-timesig* (make-timesig-repl)) (defun get-timesigs-aux (timesigs parts fun) (declare (type list timesigs parts) (type (function (part timesig-repl (rational 0) (rational 0)) t) fun)) (let ((mx 0) (mxo (mloop for p of-type part in parts maximize (mloop for e of-type dur-base in (part-events p) maximize (event-endoff e))))) (flet ((ut (si p eo1 lo) (declare (type timesig si) (type part p) (type (or (rational 0) null) eo1 lo)) (loop with eo0 = (when eo1 (- eo1 (or *min-auto-timesig-dur* 0))) ; eo0 = adjusted end-offset (for auto-meas) for o = (or lo 0) then and #-clisp while #-clisp (if eo1 (< o eo1) (or (<= o 0) (< o mxo))) ; loop creating measures for nb = #-clisp (timesig-nbeats si) #+clisp (if (if eo1 (< o eo1) (or (<= o 0) (< o mxo))) (timesig-nbeats si) (loop-finish)) for nd = (+ o nb) ; nd = next downbeat, loop and create measures for and = (if (and eo0 (> nd eo0)) eo1 nd) ; and = actual next downbeat (>= nd) for at = (if (/= nb (- and o)) ; at = actual time-signature (let ((x (find (- and o) (force-list (timesig-repl si)) :key #'timesig-nbeats))) (if x (copy-timesig x :off o :div (or (timesig-div x) (repl-divs (timesig-div si) (- and o))) :parts (timesig-partids si) :repl nil :props nil) (let ((n (* (/ (- and o) (timesig-nbeats si)) (timesig-num si)))) (copy-timesig si :off o :time (cons (numerator n) (* (denominator n) (timesig-den si))) :div (repl-divs (timesig-div si) (- and o)) :repl nil :props nil)))) si) when (> and mx) do (setf mx and) do (funcall fun p at o and) ; part, timesig, o1, o2 finally (return (when and (cons and at)))))) (loop with dts = (make-timesigex* *default-timesig*) for p in parts and (lo . at) in (loop for p of-type part in parts collect (loop with at for (ts nx) of-type (timesig (or timesig null)) on (let ((z (let ((x (merge-linear (sort (delete-if-not (lambda (x) (or (null (timesig-partids x)) (find (part-partid p) (timesig-partids x)))) (copy-list timesigs)) ; ts = current time sig, n = next group #'< :key #'timesig-off) (lambda (x y) (if (= (timesig-off x) (timesig-off y)) (cond ((and (null (timesig-partids x)) (timesig-partids y)) y) ((and (timesig-partids x) (null (timesig-partids y))) x) (t (error "Conflicting time signature/part IDs assignment at offset ~S, part ~S" (timesig-foff x) (part-name p))))))))) (if (or (null x) (> (timesig-off (first x)) 0)) (cons (copy-timesig dts :off 0 :props nil) x) x)))) (if *auto-override-timesigs* (loop for (e1 e2) of-type (timesig (or timesig null)) on z when (or (<= (timesig-off e1) 0) (null e2) (>= (- (timesig-off e2) (timesig-off e1)) (or *min-auto-timesig-dur* 0))) collect e1) z)) do (let ((x (ut ts p (when nx (timesig-off nx)) (car at)))) (when x (setf at x))) ; (print-dot) finally (return at))) do (ut at p mx lo) #|(print-dot)|#)))) ;; return hash-table of reverse-order timesig lists (no repeats) indexed by part objects (defun get-timesigs (timesigs parts) (declare (type list timesigs parts)) (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (get-timesigs-aux timesigs parts (lambda (p ts o1 o2) (declare (type part p) (type timesig ts) (ignore o1 o2)) (let ((i (gethash p h))) (declare (type list i)) (unless (eq ts (first i)) (setf (gethash p h) (cons ts i)))))) h)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; MISCELLANEOUS (declaim (inline is-percussion)) (defun is-percussion (part) (declare (type partex part)) (or (eq (instr-sym (part-instr part)) :percussion) (eq (instr-clefs (part-instr part)) :percussion))) (defun get-dur (ev ts) (declare (type dur-base ev) (type timesig-repl ts)) (let ((g (when (consp (event-dur ev)) (second (event-dur ev))))) (if g (cons (dur-to-num (first (event-dur ev)) (timesig-beat ts)) g) (dur-to-num (event-dur ev) (timesig-beat ts))))) (defun beat-division (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (if (listp *beat-division*) (if (timesig-comp ts) (second *beat-division*) (first *beat-division*)) (if (timesig-comp ts) (* *beat-division* 3/2) *beat-division*))) (defun tuplet-division (tup) (declare (type (integer 2) tup)) (or (lookup tup *default-tuplet-divs* #|:test #'equal|#) (lookup tup +default-tuplet-divs+ #|:test #'equal|#) (delete-duplicates (loop for i in '(2 1) thereis (loop for tu from i to (ceiling tup 2) when (expof2 tu) collect (list tu (- tup tu)) and collect (list (- tup tu) tu))) :test #'equal))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CHECK SETTINGS (defun check-setting-types () (loop for (sy ty er) in +settings+ do (let ((v (symbol-value (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name sy) "*") :fomus)))) (or (check-type* v ty) (error "Found ~S, expected ~A in setting ~S" v (or er ty) sy))))) (defun check-settings () (loop for d of-type cons in *default-meas-divs* do (loop with n of-type (rational (0)) = (first d) for r of-type cons in (rest d) unless (= (apply #'+ r) n) do (error "Invalid divisions ~S in setting :DEFAULT-MEAS-DIVS" d))) (loop for d of-type cons in *default-tuplet-divs* do (loop with n of-type (integer 1) = (first d) for r of-type cons in (rest d) unless (= (apply #'+ r) n) do (error "Invalid divisions ~S in setting :DEFAULT-TUPLET-DIVS" d))) (unless (and (if (listp *default-beat*) (and (expof2 (car *default-beat*)) (expof2 (* (cdr *default-beat*) 2/3))) (expof2 *default-beat*))) (error "Invalid value ~S in setting :DEFAULT-BEAT" *default-beat*)) (when (< *min-tuplet-dur* (/ *beat-division*)) (format t "~&;; WARNING: Value ~S of setting :MIN-TUPLET-DUR is too small for beat-division of ~S--changing to ~S" *min-tuplet-dur* *beat-division* (setf *min-tuplet-dur* (/ *beat-division*)))) (when (< *max-tuplet-dur* *min-tuplet-dur*) (format t "~&;; WARNING: Value ~S of setting :MAX-TUPLET-DUR is smaller than value of setting :MIN-TUPLET-DUR--changing to ~S" *max-tuplet-dur* (setf *max-tuplet-dur* *min-tuplet-dur*)))) (defmacro set-instruments (&body forms) `(let ((*instruments* (loop for e of-type (or instr cons) in *instruments* if (consp e) collect (apply #'copy-instr (find (first e) +instruments+ :key #'instr-sym) (rest e)) else collect e)) (*percussion* (loop for e of-type (or perc cons) in *percussion* if (consp e) collect (apply #'copy-perc (find (first e) +percussion+ :key #'perc-sym) (rest e)) else collect e))) ,@forms)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; INTERNAL OBJECT CONSTRUCTORS ;; make functions (declaim (inline make-eventex*)) (defgeneric make-eventex* (ev ts pa)) (defmethod make-eventex* ((ev note) ts pa) (declare (type timesig-repl ts) (type partex pa)) (make-noteex ev :id (obj-id ev) :partid (event-partid ev) :off (event-off ev) :dur (get-dur ev ts) :marks (event-marks ev) :voice (event-voice ev) :note (if (is-percussion pa) (event-note ev) (parse-usernote (event-note ev))))) (defmethod make-eventex* ((ev rest) ts pa) (declare (type timesig-repl ts) (ignore pa)) (make-restex ev :id (obj-id ev) :partid (event-partid ev) :off (event-off ev) :dur (get-dur ev ts) :marks (event-marks ev) :voice (event-voice ev))) ; rest ;; ts is reverse list of timesigs for this part (defun make-partex* (part userord evs ts) ; destroys evs (declare (type part part) (type (integer 0) userord) (type list evs ts)) (let ((pp (make-partex part :name (part-name part) ; part :abbrev (part-abbrev part) :opts (part-opts part) :instr (flet ((er (s) (error "Invalid instrument ~S in part ~S" s (part-name part)))) (flet ((gi (s) (declare (type (or symbol (integer 0 127)) s)) (if (symbolp s) (or (find s *instruments* :key #'instr-sym) (find s +instruments+ :key #'instr-sym) (er s)) (or (find s *instruments* :test (lambda (k i) (declare (type (integer 0 127) k) (type instr i)) (find k (force-list (instr-midiprgch-im i))))) (find s +instruments+ :test (lambda (k i) (declare (type (integer 0 127) k) (type instr i)) (find k (force-list (instr-midiprgch-im i))))) (er s))))) (make-instrex* (typecase (part-instr part) (null *default-instr*) (instr (part-instr part)) ((or symbol number) (gi (part-instr part))) (list (let ((z (apply #'copy-instr (gi (first (part-instr part))) (rest (part-instr part))))) (check-type* z +instr-type+) z)) (otherwise (er (part-instr part)))) part))) :props (part-props part) :partid (part-partid part) :userord userord))) (setf (part-events pp) (sort (mapcar (lambda (e) (declare (type (or note rest) e)) (make-eventex* e (loop for s of-type timesig in ts until (<= (timesig-off s) (event-off e)) finally (return s)) pp)) (nconc evs (part-events part))) #'sort-offdur)) pp)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TIMESIG FUNCTIONS (declaim (type boolean *auto-timesig-comp*)) (defparameter *auto-timesig-comp* t) (defun timesig-check (ts) (declare (type timesig-repl ts)) (flet ((er () (error "Invalid beat ~S in BEAT slot of TIMESIG at offset ~S" (timesig-beat ts) (timesig-foff ts)))) (when (timesig-beat ts) (if (timesig-comp ts) (unless (= (timesig-beat ts) (/ 3 (timesig-den ts))) (er)) (unless (or (= (timesig-beat ts) 0) (expof2 (timesig-beat ts))) (er))))) (loop with nb = (timesig-nbeats ts) for d of-type cons in (timesig-div ts) unless (= (apply #'+ d) nb) do (error "Invalid division ~S in DIV slot of TIMESIG at offset ~S" (timesig-div ts) (timesig-foff ts)))) (defgeneric make-timesigex* (ts)) (defmethod make-timesigex* ((ts timesig)) (let ((nt (copy-timesig ts :comp (if (eq (timesig-comp ts) 'default) (when *auto-timesig-comp* (let ((x (/ (car (timesig-time ts)) 3))) (when (and (integerp x) (> x 1)) t))) (timesig-comp ts)) :partids (force-list (timesig-partids ts)) :off (roundto (timesig-off ts) (/ (beat-division ts))) :div (force-list2all (timesig-div ts)) :time (cons (first (timesig-time ts)) (second (timesig-time ts))) :repl (let ((x (mapcar #'make-timesigex* (force-list (timesig-repl ts))))) (if (list1p x) (first x) x))))) (timesig-check nt) (when *old-objects* (setf (gethash nt *old-objects*) ts)) nt)) (defmethod make-timesigex* ((ts timesig-repl)) (let ((nt (copy-timesig-repl ts :comp (if (eq (timesig-comp ts) 'default) (when *auto-timesig-comp* (let ((x (/ (car (timesig-time ts)) 3))) (when (and (integerp x) (> x 1)) t))) (timesig-comp ts)) :div (force-list2all (timesig-div ts)) :time (cons (first (timesig-time ts)) (second (timesig-time ts))) :props (copy-tree (timesig-props ts))))) (timesig-check nt) nt)) (defun keysig-accs (li) (declare (type list li)) (loop for (a . b) of-type ((integer 0 11) . (integer -1 1)) in (loop for e of-type symbol in li append (ecase e ((:cmaj :amin) nil) ((:gmaj :emin) '((6 . 1))) ((:dmaj :bmin) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1))) ((:amaj :f+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1))) ((:emaj :c+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1))) ((:bmaj :g+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1) (10 . 1))) ((:f+maj :d+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1) (10 . 1) (5 . 1))) ((:c+maj :a+min) '((6 . 1) (1 . 1) (8 . 1) (3 . 1) (10 . 1) (5 . 1) (0 . 1))) ((:c-maj :a-min) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1) (6 . -1) (11 . -1) (4 . -1))) ((:g-maj :e-min) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1) (6 . -1) (11 . -1))) ((:d-maj :b-min) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1) (6 . -1))) ((:a-maj :fmin) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1) (1 . -1))) ((:e-maj :cmin) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1) (8 . -1))) ((:b-maj :gmin) '((10 . -1) (3 . -1))) ((:fmaj :dmin) '((10 . -1))) (:c+ '((1 . 1))) (:d- '((1 . -1))) (:d+ '((3 . 1))) (:e- '((3 . -1))) (:f+ '((6 . 1))) (:g- '((6 . -1))) (:g+ '((8 . 1))) (:a- '((8 . -1))) (:a+ '((10 . 1))) (:b- '((10 . -1))))) nconc (loop for i from 0 below 128 by 12 collect (cons (+ i a) b)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; USER UTILITIES (defun list-fomus-settings () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's current default settings and values" (let* ((tc (+ 2 (max (1+ (mloop for x in +settings+ maximize (length (symbol-name (first x))))) 4))) (tl (+ tc 1 (max (mloop for (xxx t1 t2) in +settings+ maximize (length (or t2 (princ-to-string t1)))) 4)))) (format t "; NAME~VTTYPE~VTDEFAULT VALUE~%~%" tc tl) (loop for (sy t1 t2) in +settings+ unless (find sy +deprecated-repl+ :key #'car) do (format t "; ~A~VT~A~VT~A~%" sy tc (or t2 t1) tl (remove-newlines (prin1-to-string (symbol-value (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name sy) "*") :fomus)))))))) (defun list-fomus-instruments () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's instruments and their definitions" (set-instruments (loop with li = (remove-duplicates (append *instruments* +instruments+) :key #'instr-sym :from-end t) with c = (+ (mloop for e in li maximize (length (symbol-name (instr-sym e)))) 3) for e in li do (format t "; ~A~VT~A~%" (instr-sym e) c (conc-stringlist (loop for (s sn) on (rest +instr-keys+) collect (format nil (if sn "~A: ~S " "~A: ~S") (string-downcase s) (slot-value e (intern (symbol-name s) :fomus))))))))) (defun get-instr-syms () "Utility function: Returns symbol IDs for all of FOMUS's instruments" (set-instruments (mapcar #'instr-sym (remove-duplicates (append *instruments* +instruments+) :key #'instr-sym :from-end t)))) (defun list-fomus-percussion () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's percussion instruments and their definitions" (set-instruments (loop with li = (remove-duplicates (append *percussion* +percussion+) :key #'perc-sym :from-end t) with c = (+ (mloop for e in li maximize (length (symbol-name (perc-sym e)))) 3) for e in li do (format t "; ~A~VT~A~%" (perc-sym e) c (conc-stringlist (loop for (s sn) on (rest +perc-keys+) collect (format nil (if sn "~A: ~S " "~A: ~S") (string-downcase s) (slot-value e (intern (symbol-name s) :fomus))))))))) (defun get-perc-syms () "Utility function: Returns symbol IDs for all of FOMUS's percussion instruments" (set-instruments (mapcar #'perc-sym (remove-duplicates (append *percussion* +percussion+) :key #'perc-sym :from-end t)))) (defun list-fomus-clefs () "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's clefs" (loop for e in +clefs+ do (format t "; ~A~%" (symbol-name (car e))))) (defun list-fomus-instrgroups (&key (format t)) "Info function: Lists all of FOMUS's instrument groups and their arrangements" (let ((ss (remove-duplicates (append *instr-groups* +instr-groups+) :key #'first :from-end t))) (if format (labels ((aux (li ta) (let ((br (first li))) (format t "~A" (case br (:group "[ ") (:grandstaff "{ ") (:choirgroup "| ") (otherwise " "))) (loop for (e en) on (rest li) if (consp e) do (aux e (+ ta 2)) (if en (format t "~%;~VT" ta) (format t "~A" (case br (:group " ]") (:grandstaff " }") ((nil) " |") (otherwise "")))) else do (if en (format t "~A~%;~VT" e ta) (format t "~A~A" e (case br (:group " ]") (:grandstaff " }") (:choirgroup " |") (otherwise "")))))))) (loop for (e en) on ss do (format t "; ~A~%~%;" (first e)) (aux e 3) when en do (format t "~%~%"))) (loop for e in ss do (format t "~S~%" e))))) (defun list-fomus-meas-divs () "Info function: Lists all of the points at which FOMUS tries to divide measures (splitting and tying notes inside them)" (loop for (s . r) in (sort (copy-list (remove-duplicates (append *default-meas-divs* +default-meas-divs+) :key #'first :from-end t)) #'< :key #'first) do (format t "; ~A~5T~{ ~A~}~%" s r))) (defun list-fomus-tuplet-divs () "Info function: Lists all of the points at which FOMUS tries to divide tuplets (splitting and tying notes inside them)" (loop for (s . r) in (sort (copy-list (remove-duplicates (append *default-tuplet-divs* +default-tuplet-divs+) :key #'first :from-end t)) #'< :key #'first) do (format t "; ~A~5T~{ ~A~}~%" s r))) (defun get-midi-instr (prog &key (default *default-instr*)) "Utility function: Returns an INSTR object given a MIDI program change number" (set-instruments (or (find prog *instruments* :key #'instr-midiprgch-im :test (lambda (x p) (find x (force-list p)))) (find prog +instruments+ :key #'instr-midiprgch-im :test (lambda (x p) (find x (force-list p)))) default))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; REGISTER PLUGINS (declaim (type cons *backendexts*)) (defparameter *backendexts* '((:data . "fms") (:fomus . "fms") (:raw . "fmr") #-fomus-nolilypond (:lilypond . "ly") #-fomus-nomusicxml (:musicxml . "xml") #-fomus-nomusicxml (:musicxml-finale . "xml") #-fomus-nomusicxml (:musicxml-sibelius . "xml") #-fomus-nocmn (:cmn . "cmn") #-fomus-nomidi (:midi . "mid"))) (defun module-package (key) (let ((p (symbol-name key))) (if (string= "FOMUS-" p :end2 6) p (conc-strings "FOMUS-" p)))) (defmacro deffomusmodule (&rest args) (destructuring-bind (&key type keyname initfun entryfun preload filename-ext &allow-other-keys) (loop for e in args collect (first e) collect (rest e)) (declare (ignore type)) `(progn ,@(when preload (list `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) ,(first preload)))) ; forms for loading dependencies (defpackage ,(module-package (first keyname)) (:use "FOMUS" "COMMON-LISP") (:export ,(first initfun) ,(first entryfun)) ,@(loop for e in args unless (find (first e) '(:type :keyname :initfun :entryfun :preload :filename-ext :import-from-fomus)) collect e)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel) (provide ,(module-package (first keyname))) ,@(when (first filename-ext) `((pushnew (cons ,(first keyname) (remove #\. ,(first filename-ext) :test #'char=)) *backendexts* :test #'equal)))) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (in-package ,(module-package (first keyname))))))) (defstruct (module (:copier nil) (:predicate nil)) (type nil :type symbol) (file "" :type string) (pack "" :type string) (initfun nil :type symbol) (entryfun nil :type symbol) (desc "" :type string) ;; should fomus take care of compiling/loading this module? (compile-p t :type boolean)) (defparameter *fomus-modules* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defparameter +module-types+ '(:accidentals :voices :staves/clefs :splitrules :quantize :backend)) (defparameter +module-defaults+ `(:acc1 :voices1 :staves/clefs1 :split1 :quantize1-rmse ,(remove-if (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (member x '(:fomus :raw))) (mapcar #'car *backendexts*)))) (defun compile-module-if-needed (lisp-file fasl-file keyname) "Compile LISP-FILE into FASL-FILE, if needed. Returns FASL-FILE or NIL, if nothing happened." (when (or (not (probe-file fasl-file)) (>= (file-write-date lisp-file) (file-write-date fasl-file))) (when (and (numberp *verbose*) (>= *verbose* 2)) (format t "~&;; Compiling module ~S..." keyname)) (compile-file lisp-file :print nil :verbose nil :output-file fasl-file))) (defun module-outname (lisp-file backend) "Return `compile-file-pathname' for LISP-FILE, dealing with asdf, if available and taking care for an additional `backends' sub-directory, if it is a BACKEND. Directories are created as needed." (declare (ignorable backend)) #+asdf (let ((fasl-proto-path (ignore-errors (first (asdf:output-files (make-instance 'asdf:compile-op) (asdf:find-component (asdf:find-system :fomus) "package")))))) (if fasl-proto-path (let* ((z (change-filename fasl-proto-path :name nil :ext nil)) (f (change-filename fasl-proto-path :dir (if backend (conc-strings z "/modules/backends/") (conc-strings z "/modules/")) :name (pathname-name lisp-file)))) ;; experienced weird problems w/ wildcards (esp. w/ cmucl)-- ;; if fomus was compiled then fasl-proto-path should exist anyways (should be "package.fasl" or whatever)-- ;; seems much simpler (unless (or (probe-file fasl-proto-path) (probe-file (change-filename fasl-proto-path :ext "lisp"))) (error "FOMUS compile directory ~S doesn't exist (this is a bug)" z)) ; small sanity check (ignore-errors (ensure-directories-exist f)) f) (compile-file-pathname lisp-file))) ;; fallback to normal... #-asdf (compile-file-pathname lisp-file)) ;; user fun ;; also called by REGISTER-PLUGINS at fomus startup ;; for every *.lisp file found in modules/ and modules/backends (defun register-fomus-module (filename &key load) (destructuring-bind (&key type keyname initfun entryfun (documentation '("(none)")) filename-ext &allow-other-keys) (let ((*package* (find-package :fomus))) ; make sure the user can call this from another package (with-open-file (f filename :direction :input) (let ((d (read f))) (unless (string= (symbol-name (first d)) "DEFFOMUSMODULE") (error "DEFFOMUSMODULE declaration not found")) (loop for e in (rest d) collect (first e) collect (rest e))))) ;; make sure all the right values are stored so error doesn't happen later (unless (member (first type) +module-types+) (error "~S is not a valid module type" (first type))) (let ((x (first keyname))) (check-type x keyword)) (check-type filename (or pathname string)) (let ((x (first initfun))) (check-type x symbol)) (let ((x (first entryfun))) (check-type x symbol)) (let ((x (first documentation))) (check-type x string)) (when (and (first filename-ext) (not (eq (first type) :backend))) (error "Non-backend shouldn't declare a filename extension")) (let ((pk (module-package (first keyname))) (cf (module-outname filename (eq (first type) :backend)))) (compile-module-if-needed filename cf (first keyname)) ; make sure it compiles (setf (gethash (first keyname) *fomus-modules*) (make-module :type (first type) :file filename :pack pk :initfun (first initfun) :entryfun (first entryfun) :desc (first documentation)))) (when load (load-fomus-module (first keyname)))) t) ;; user fun (defun list-fomus-modules (&rest type) (let ((ty (or type +module-types+))) (loop for l in (sort (split-into-groups (loop for h being each hash-key in *fomus-modules* using (hash-value v) when (member (module-type v) ty) collect (cons h v)) (lambda (x) (module-type (cdr x)))) #'< :key (lambda (x) (position (module-type (cdar x)) +module-types+))) for nx = nil then t do (format t "~:[~;~%~];; ----Type: ~67,1,,'-A~%~{~%; Key: :~A File: ~A~%; ~A~%~}" nx (symbol-name (module-type (cdr (first l)))) (nconc (loop with bc = (eq (module-type (cdr (first l))) :backend) for e in (force-list (lookup (module-type (cdr (first l))) (pairlis +module-types+ +module-defaults+))) and fi = nil then t nconc (list e "(internal)" (format nil "FOMUS ~:[default ~;~]internal ~:[~;backend ~]function" (or fi bc) bc))) (loop for e in (sort l #'string< :key (lambda (x) (symbol-name (car x)))) collect (symbol-name (car e)) collect (module-file (cdr e)) collect (commentify (module-desc (cdr e)) 1))))))) ;; user fun (defun load-fomus-module (keyname) (flet ((module-provided-p (module) (find (module-pack module) *modules* :test #'string=))) (let* ((module (or (gethash keyname *fomus-modules*) (error "Module ~S is not registered or does not exist" keyname))) (fasl-path (module-outname (module-file module) (eq (module-type module) :backend)))) (when (or (and (module-compile-p module) ; default is T (compile-module-if-needed (module-file module) fasl-path keyname)) (not (module-provided-p module))) (when (and (numberp *verbose*) (>= *verbose* 2)) (format t "~&;; Loading module ~S..." keyname)) (load fasl-path :verbose nil :print nil) (when (module-initfun module) (funcall (find-symbol (symbol-name (module-initfun module)) (find-package (module-pack module)))))) t))) (declaim (inline call-module)) (defun call-module (keyname err &rest args) ; assume it's been loaded (let ((pl (gethash keyname *fomus-modules*))) (if pl (apply (find-symbol (symbol-name (module-entryfun pl)) (find-package (module-pack pl))) args) (apply #'error err))))