;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; interface.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; INTERFACE SINGLE FUNCTION CALL (defparameter *fomus-args* nil) (defun run-fomus (&rest args &key allow-other-keys &allow-other-keys) (macrolet ((fma () (let ((n (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type cons x)) (intern (symbol-name (first x)) :fomus)) +settings+)) (v (mapcar (lambda (k) (declare (type cons k)) (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name (first k)) "*") :fomus)) +settings+))) #+debug (when (position nil v) (error "Error in FOMUS")) `(destructuring-bind (&key ,@(mapcar (lambda (x y) (list x y)) n v) &allow-other-keys) args (progv (quote ,v) (list ,@n) (fomus-main))))) (fm () (let ((n (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type cons x)) (intern (symbol-name (first x)) :fomus)) +settings+)) (v (mapcar (lambda (k) (declare (type cons k)) (find-symbol (conc-strings "*" (symbol-name (first k)) "*") :fomus)) +settings+))) #+debug (when (position nil v) (error "Error in FOMUS")) `(destructuring-bind (&key ,@(mapcar (lambda (x y) (list x y)) n v) other-keys) args (declare (ignore other-keys)) (progv (quote ,v) (list ,@n) (fomus-main)))))) (if allow-other-keys #+(or cmu sbcl) (muffwarn (fma)) #-(or cmu sbcl) (fma) #+(or cmu sbcl) (muffwarn (fm)) #-(or cmu sbcl) (fm)))) (defun fomus (&rest args) "Interface function/main entry point: Runs FOMUS's algorithms on input data or file" (typecase (first args) ((or string pathname) (fomus-text (first args) (rest args) #'fomus-textexec)) (list (apply #'run-fomus :chunks (mapcar (lambda (x) (typecase x (fomuschunk x) ((or string pathname) (fomus-text x (rest args) #'fomus-textexec)) (otherwise (error "Expected LIST of STRING or FOMUSCHUNK")))) (first args)) (rest args))) (t (apply #'run-fomus args)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; INTERFACE MULTIPLE FUNCTION CALL (declaim (type list *fomus-global* *fomus-parts* *fomus-events*)) (defparameter *fomus-global* nil) (defparameter *fomus-parts* nil) (defparameter *fomus-events* nil) (defun fomus-init (&rest args) "Interface function: Erases stored data and initializes FOMUS for FOMUS-EXEC, FOMUS-NEWTIMESIG, FOMUS-NEWPART, FOMUS-NEWNOTE, FOMUS-NEWREST and FOMUS-NEWMARK functions" (progn (setf *fomus-args* args *fomus-global* nil *fomus-parts* nil *fomus-events* nil) t)) (defun fomus-newtimesig (&rest args) "Interface function: Creates and stores a TIMESIG object" (let ((ts (apply #'make-instance 'timesig args))) (push ts *fomus-global*) t)) (defun fomus-newpart (partid &rest args) "Interface function: Creates and stores a PART object" (declare (type (or symbol real) partid)) (let ((pa (apply #'make-instance 'part :partid partid args))) (push pa *fomus-parts*) t)) (defun fomus-newnote (partid &rest args) "Interface function: Creates and stores a NOTE object" (declare (type (or symbol real) partid)) (let ((no (apply #'make-instance 'note :partid partid args))) (push no *fomus-events*) t)) (defun fomus-newrest (partid &rest args) "Interface function: Creates and stores a REST object" (declare (type (or symbol real) partid)) (let ((re (apply #'make-instance 'rest :partid partid args))) (push re *fomus-events*) t)) (defun fomus-newmark (partid &rest args) "Interface function: Creates and stores a MARK object" (declare (type (or symbol real) partid)) (let ((re (apply #'make-instance 'mark :partid partid args))) (push re *fomus-events*) t)) ;;(declaim (inline fomus-part)) (defun fomus-part (sym) "Utility function: Returns a PART object given an ID value" (declare (type (or symbol real) sym)) (find sym *fomus-parts* :key #'part-partid)) ;; should this function save additional objects for future calls? (defun fomus-exec (&rest args) "Interface function/main entry point: Runs FOMUS's algorithms on data specified previously with FOMUS-INIT, FOMUS-NEWTIMESIG, FOMUS-NEWPART, FOMUS-NEWNOTE, FOMUS-NEWREST and FOMUS-NEWMARK" (unwind-protect (apply #'run-fomus :global (append *global* *fomus-global*) :parts (append *parts* (nreverse *fomus-parts*)) :events (append *events* *fomus-events*) (append args *fomus-args*)) (fomus-init))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TEXT INTERFACE (defun fomus-textexec (args) (apply #'run-fomus :global (append *global* *fomus-global*) :parts (append *parts* (nreverse *fomus-parts*)) :events (append *events* *fomus-events*) (nconc *fomus-args* args))) (defun fomus-textret (args) (values (append *parts* (nreverse *fomus-parts*)) (append *events* *fomus-events*) (append *global* *fomus-global*) (nconc *fomus-args* args))) (defun fomus-text (filename args exe) (let ((*fomus-args* args) (*fomus-global* nil) (*fomus-parts* nil) (*fomus-events* nil)) (destructuring-bind (&key (verbose *verbose*) &allow-other-keys) args (when (and (numberp verbose) (>= verbose 1)) (out ";; Loading input file ~S...~%" filename))) (funcall exe (let ((li 0) (lin "") (of nil)) (with-open-file (f filename :direction :input) (handler-case (flet ((git (rs rrs) (unless (symbolp rs) (error "Invalid tag ~S" rs)) (when (numberp of) (let ((m (member :off rrs))) (when (and m (numberp (second m))) (setf (second m) (+ of (second m)))))) (case (intern (symbol-name rs) :keyword) (:init (if (find (first rrs) +settings+ :key #'first) rrs (progn (format t ";; WARNING: Unknown setting ~A~%" (first rrs)) nil))) (:timesig (apply #'fomus-newtimesig rrs) nil) (:part (apply #'fomus-newpart rrs) nil) ((:note :notes) (destructuring-bind (pa &rest args &key notes &allow-other-keys) rrs (if notes (let ((as (member :notes args ))) (setf (first as) :note) (map nil (lambda (no) (setf (second as) no) (apply #'fomus-newnote pa args)) notes)) (apply #'fomus-newnote pa args))) nil) (:rest (apply #'fomus-newrest rrs) nil) (:mark (apply #'fomus-newmark rrs) nil) (:off (setf of (first rrs)) nil) (otherwise (error "Invalid tag ~S" rs))))) (loop with *package* = #.(find-package :fomus) for re = (progn (incf li) (setf lin "") (read f nil 'eof)) until (eq re 'eof) do (setf lin (format nil "~S ..." re)) if (listp re) nconc (git (first re) (uglify (rest re))) else nconc (with-input-from-string (st (loop with st = (read-line f nil "") for s = (string-right-trim " " st) while (and (> (length s) 1) (char= (aref s (1- (length s))) #\\)) do (setf st (conc-strings (subseq s 0 (1- (length s))) " " (read-line f)) lin (format nil "~S ~A ..." re st)) finally (setf lin (format nil "~S ~A" re st)) (return st))) (git re (loop for e = (read st nil 'eof) until (eq e 'eof) collect (uglify e)))))) (error (err) (error "Entry ~D, ~S: ~A" li (remove-newlines lin) err)))))))) (defun fomus-file (filename &optional args) "Utility/file IO function: Loads a \".fms\" file and returns (values parts events global args)" (fomus-text filename args #'fomus-textret))