;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; backend_cmn.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) #+sbcl (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (require :sb-posix)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *cmn-view-exe* +ghostview-exe+)) (defparameter *cmn-view-opts* #-darwin nil #+darwin '("/Applications/Preview.app")) (defparameter +cmn-comment+ ";; -*- lisp -*-~%;; CMN score file~%;; ~A v~A.~A.~A~%~%") (defparameter +cmn-num-note+ (vector "C" nil "D" nil "E" "F" nil "G" nil "A" nil "B")) (defparameter +cmn-num-acc+ (vector 'double-flat 'flat 'natural 'sharp 'double-sharp)) (defparameter +cmn-num-accq+ (vector (vector nil 'double-flat) (vector 'flat-down 'flat 'natural-down) (vector 'natural-down 'natural 'natural-up) (vector 'natural-up 'sharp 'sharp-up) (vector nil 'double-sharp))) (defparameter +cmn-barlines+ '((nil . bar) (:single . bar) (:double . interior-double-bar) (:final . double-bar) (:repeatleft . end-repeat-bar) (:repeatright . begin-repeat-bar) (:repeatleftright . begin-and-end-repeat-bar) (:invisible . (bar invisible)))) (defparameter +cmn-durations+ '((1/16 . 64th) (3/32 . 64th.) (1/8 . 32nd) (3/16 . 32nd.) (1/4 . s) (3/8 . s.) (7/16 . s..) (1/6 . ts) (1/2 . e) (3/4 . e.) (7/8 . e..) (1/3 . te) (1 . q) (3/2 . q.) (7/4 . q..) (2/3 . tq) (2 . h) (3 . h.) (7/2 . h..) (4/3 . th) (4 . w) (6 . w.) (8 . dw))) (defparameter +cmn-restdurs+ '((1/32 . one-twenty-eighth-rest) (1/16 . sixty-fourth-rest) (1/8 . thirty-second-rest) (1/4 . sixteenth-rest) (3/8 . dotted-sixteenth-rest) (1/2 . eighth-rest) (3/4 . dotted-eighth-rest) (1 . quarter-rest) (3/2 . dotted-quarter-rest) (2 . half-rest) (3 . dotted-half-rest) (4 . whole-rest) (6 . dotted-whole-rest) (8 . double-whole-rest))) (defparameter +cmn-restdursex+ '((1/128 . 'draw-128th-rest) (1/64 . 'draw-64th-rest) (1/32 . 'draw-32nd-rest) (1/16 . 'draw-16th-rest) (1/8 . 'draw-8th-rest) (1/4 . 'draw-quarter-rest) (1/2 . 'draw-half-rest) (1 . 'draw-whole-rest) (2 . 'draw-double-whole-rest))) (defparameter +cmn-clefs+ '((:subbass-8dn . sub-bass) (:bass-8dn . double-bass) (:c-baritone-8dn . baritone-c) (:f-baritone-8dn . baritone-f) (:tenor-8dn . tenor) (:subbass . sub-bass) (:alto-8dn . alto) (:bass . bass) (:mezzosoprano-8dn . mezzo-soprano) (:c-baritone . baritone-c) (:f-baritone . baritone-f) (:soprano-8dn . soprano) (:tenor . tenor) (:subbass-8up . sub-bass) (:treble-8dn . tenor-treble) (:alto . alto) (:bass-8up . bass) (:mezzosoprano . mezzo-soprano) (:c-baritone-8up . baritone-c) (:f-baritone-8up . baritone-f) (:soprano . soprano) (:tenor-8up . tenor) (:treble . treble) (:alto-8up . alto) (:mezzosoprano-8up . mezzo-soprano) (:soprano-8up . soprano) (:treble-8up . double-treble) (:percussion . percussion))) (defparameter +cmn-textstyleexc+ '((font-name "Times-Bold") (font-scaler 1/2))) (defparameter +cmn-textstyle+ '((font-name "Times-Italic") (font-scaler 1/2))) (defparameter +cmn-textnotestyle+ '((font-name "Times-Italic") (font-scaler 1/2))) (defparameter +cmn-texttempostyle+ '((font-name "Times-Bold") (font-scaler 1/2))) (defparameter +cmn-up+ '(y (lambda (ma no sc &optional ju) (declare (ignore ma sc ju)) (+ (staff-y0 no) 1)))) (defparameter +cmn-down+ '(y (lambda (ma no sc &optional ju) (declare (ignore ma sc ju)) (- (staff-y0 no) 1)))) (defparameter +cmn-options+ '((automatic-rests nil) (implicit-accidental-duration 1) (implicit-accidental-style :new-style) (automatic-beams nil) (automatic-octave-signs nil) (automatic-ties nil) (automatic-bars nil) (automatic-beat-subdivision-numbers nil) (automatic-naturals nil))) (defparameter +cmn-changeableopts+ '((all-output-in-one-file t) (size 24) (text-connecting-pattern '(5 10)))) ;; left out: (:leftheel . ...) (:rightheel . ...) (:lefttoe . ...) (:righttoe . ...)| (defparameter +cmn-marks+ `((:accent . accent) (:marcato . marcato) (:staccatissimo . (text "!" ,@+cmn-textstyleexc+ ,+cmn-up+)) (:staccato . staccato) (:tenuto . tenuto) (:portato . (text "|." ,@+cmn-textstyleexc+ ,+cmn-up+)) (:upbow . up-bow) (:downbow . down-bow) (:thumb . thumb) (:open . open-note) (:stopped . stopped-note) ((:breath :after) . breath-mark) (:fermata . fermata) (:leftheel . (text "l heel" ,@+cmn-textstyleexc+ ,+cmn-up+)) (:rightheel . (text "r heel" ,@+cmn-textstyleexc+ ,+cmn-up+)) (:lefttoe . (text "l toe" ,@+cmn-textstyleexc+ ,+cmn-up+)) (:righttoe . (text "r toe" ,@+cmn-textstyleexc+ ,+cmn-up+)))) (defparameter +cmn-noteheads+ '((:harmonic . (note-head :artificial-harmonic)) (:diamond . (note-head :diamond-1)) (:x . (note-head :x)) (:xcircle . (note-head :circled-x)) (:triangle . (note-head :triangle)) (:slash . (note-head :slash)) (:touched . (note-head :artificial-harmonic)) (:sounding . open-note))) ;; (:arpeggio . ...) (:pizz . ...) (:arco . ...) ;; ((:glissando :after) . ...) ((:portamento :after) . ...) <-- begin/end marks, use setf gliss- and -gliss (defparameter +cmn-dynamics+ '((:pppppp . (dynamic "pppppp")) (:ppppp . (dynamic "ppppp")) (:pppp . pppp) (:ppp . ppp) (:pp . pp) (:p . p) (:mp . mp) (:ffffff . (dynamic "ffffff")) (:fffff . (dynamic "fffff")) (:ffff . ffff) (:fff . fff) (:ff . ff) (:f . f) (:mf . mf) (:sff . sff) (:spp . spp) (:sf . sf) (:sp . sp) (:fp . fp) (:rfz . rfz) (:sfz . sfz))) (defparameter +cmn-trmarks+ '((:prall . inverted-mordent) (:trill . trill) (:mordent . mordent) (:startlongtrill- . (trill)))) (defparameter +cmn-keysigs+ '((:cmaj . c-major) (:amin . a-minor) (:gmaj . g-major) (:emin . e-minor) (:dmaj . d-major) (:bmin . b-minor) (:amaj . a-major) (:f+min . fs-minor) (:emaj . e-major) (:c+min . cs-minor) (:bmaj . b-major) (:g+min . gs-minor) (:c-maj . cf-major) (:a-min . af-minor) (:f+maj . fs-major) (:d+min . ds-minor) (:g-maj . gf-major) (:e-min . ef-minor) (:c+maj . cs-major) (:a+min . as-minor) (:d-maj . df-major) (:b-min . bf-minor) (:a-maj . af-major) (:fmin . f-minor) (:e-maj . ef-major) (:cmin . c-minor) (:b-maj . bf-major) (:gmin . g-minor) (:fmaj . f-major) (:dmin . d-minor))) (defun internalize (x) (typecase x (keyword x) (symbol (intern (symbol-name x))) (list (mapcar #'internalize x)) (otherwise x))) (defparameter +cmn-out-ext+ "eps") (defun view-cmn (filename options view) (when (not *cmn-exists*) ;; for viewing only (format t ";; ERROR: Common Music Notation required for CMN compiling/viewing~%") (return-from view-cmn)) (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out (if view ";; Compiling/opening ~S for viewing...~%" ";; Compiling ~S...~%") filename)) (destructuring-bind (&key view-exe view-opts out-ext &allow-other-keys) options (flet ((er (str) (format t ";; ERROR: Error ~A CMN file~%" str) (return-from view-cmn))) (ignore-errors (delete-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+)))) (#+cmu unix:unix-chdir #+sbcl sb-posix:chdir #+openmcl ccl:cwd #+allegro excl:chdir #+lispworks hcl:change-directory #+clisp ext:cd (change-filename filename :name nil :ext nil)) (if (ignore-errors (load filename)) (progn (unless (probe-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))) (er "compiling")) (when view (unless #+(or cmu sbcl openmcl) (ignore-errors (#+cmu extensions:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program #+openmcl ccl:run-program (or view-exe *cmn-view-exe*) (append (or view-opts *cmn-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+)))) :wait nil)) #+clisp (eql (ignore-errors (ext:run-program (or view-exe *cmn-view-exe*) :arguments (append (or view-opts *cmn-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+)))) :output nil :wait nil)) 0) #+lispworks (ignore-errors (system:call-system (format nil "~A~{ ~A~}" (or view-exe *cmn-view-exe*) (append (or view-opts *cmn-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+)))) :wait nil))) #+allegro (eql (run-allegro-cmd (apply #'vector (cons (or view-exe *cmn-view-exe*) (cons (or view-exe *cmn-view-exe*) (append (or view-opts *cmn-view-opts*) (list (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))))))) nil nil) 0) (er "viewing")))) (er "compiling"))))) ;; multinote trems??? (defun save-cmn (parts header filename options process view) (when (>= *verbose* 1) (out ";; Saving CMN file ~S...~%" filename)) (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (destructuring-bind (&key score-attr out-ext &allow-other-keys) options (format f "~A" header) (let ((de 0) (phash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (flet ((cmndur (val m) (* val (timesig-beat* (meas-timesig m)) 4)) (cmnnote (wnum acc1 acc2 dur hide show caut #|grace|# #|harmt harms|# tl) ;; wdur is actual dur * beat * 4 (let ((acc (unless (or hide tl) (if *quartertones* (svref (svref +cmn-num-accq+ (+ acc1 2)) (1+ (* acc2 2))) (svref +cmn-num-acc+ (+ acc1 2)))))) (when (and acc caut) (setf acc (list acc 'in-parentheses))) (when (and (equal acc 'natural) (not show)) (setf acc nil)) (nconc ;;(when (and grace (< grace 0)) (list 'grace-note)) ;;(when (and grace (>= grace 0)) (list 'appoggiatura)) (list (intern (conc-strings (svref +cmn-num-note+ (mod wnum 12)) (case acc (flat "F") (natural "N") (sharp "S") (otherwise "")) (format nil "~D" (1- (truncate wnum 12)))))) (when dur (list (or (lookup dur +cmn-durations+) (list 'rq dur)))) (unless (member acc '(nil flat natural sharp)) (list acc))))) (cmnname (p) (incf de) (intern (conc-strings (string-upcase (conc-stringlist (when (part-name p) (loop for x across (part-name p) when (alpha-char-p x) collect (string x))))) "-" (string (code-char (+ 64 de))))))) (let ((bv -1) (gv -1) (pv -1) (sv -1) (ouv -1) (odv -1) (wv -1) (tv -1) (rv -1) (iv -1) (uv -1) (rfun nil)) (let ((cmp (loop for p in parts nconc (destructuring-bind (&key (cmn-partname (cmnname p)) &allow-other-keys) (part-opts p) (loop with nvce = (mloop for e in (part-meas p) maximize (length (meas-voices e))) and bbb = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and ggg = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and ppp = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and sss = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and ouuu = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and oddd = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and w<<< = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and w>>> = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and ttt = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and rrr = (make-hash-table :test 'eq) and iii = (make-hash-table :test 'equal) and uuu = (make-hash-table :test 'equal) for vi from 0 below nvce nconc ; loop through voices (loop with pna = (if (> nvce 1) (format nil "~A~D" cmn-partname (1+ vi)) (format nil "~A" cmn-partname)) ;; name-let voice and ns = (instr-staves (part-instr p)) ; number of staves for si from 1 to ns for ipna = (intern (if (> ns 1) (if (> nvce 1) (format nil "~A~D" pna si) (format nil "~A1~D" pna si)) pna)) do (setf (gethash p phash) (nconc (gethash p phash) (list ipna))) collect `(,ipna (staff bar ,@(when (and (<= si 1) (part-name p)) (list (list 'staff-name (part-name p)))) ,@(when (> vi 0) (list (list 'tied-to (intern (if (> ns 1) (format nil "~A1~D" cmn-partname si) (if (> nvce 1) (format nil "~A1" cmn-partname) (format nil "~A" cmn-partname))))))) ,(lookup (second (find si (getprops p :clef) :key #'third)) +cmn-clefs+) ,@(loop with o = 0 and st = 1 and gg = (cons nil nil) and pg = (cons nil nil) and sg = (make-hash-table) and wvy and oug and odg and w>g = (make-hash-table) and w (nth-value 1 (event-writtendur* e (meas-timesig m))) 0))) ;; (event-nbeams e (meas-timesig m) 1) (event-nbeams e (meas-timesig m))) for enb = (if (or (getmark e :starttremolo) (getmark e :endtremolo)) (event-nbeams e (meas-timesig m) 1) (event-nbeams e (meas-timesig m))) for l = (and (notep e) (or (> (event-beamlt e) 0) #|(getmark e :endtremolo)|# (and (> enb 0) (getmark e :endtremolo)))) and r = (and (notep e) (or (> (event-beamrt e) 0) #|(getmark e :starttremolo)|# (and (> enb 0) (getmark e :starttremolo)))) and tipr = (or (and (chordp e) (some #'truep (event-tiert e)) (some #'null (event-tiert e))) (and nxe (chordp nxe) (some #'truep (event-tielt nxe)) (some #'null (event-tielt nxe)))) do (setf st (or (third (getmark e '(:staff :voice))) st)) unless (or l (event-grace e)) do (when ee (setf (car ee) '-beam ee nil)) ;;(event-off e) (when r (setf bb e)) when (getmark e '(:glissando :before)) do (setf (car gg) (cdr gg)) when (getmark e '(:portamento :before)) do (setf (car pg) (cdr pg)) when (getmark e '(:glissando :after)) do (setf (cdr gg) e) when (getmark e '(:portamento :after)) do (setf (cdr pg) e) when (getmark e :start8up-) do (setf oug e tra -12) when (getmark e :start8down-) do (setf odg e tra 12) when (getmark e :starttremolo-) do (setf rg e) when (and wvy (getmark e :endlongtrill-)) do (setf (second wvy) (+ co (cmndur (event-dur e) m))) do (loop for (xxx lvl) in (getmarks e :startslur-) do (setf (gethash lvl sg) e)) (loop for (xxx lvl) in (getmarks e :startwedge<) do (setf (gethash lvl w) do (setf (gethash lvl w>g) e)) (loop for (xxx lvl) in (getmarks e :starttup) do (setf (gethash lvl ug) e)) when (= st si) nconc (let ((not (if (getmark e :measrest) (if (event-inv e) '(whole-measure-rest invisible) 'whole-measure-rest) (multiple-value-bind (wr do) (event-writtendur* e (meas-timesig m)) (let ((cd (cmndur (if (event-grace e) (event-gracedur e) (event-dur* e)) m)) (hq `(head-quarters ,(let ((wr0 (if (or (getmark e :starttremolo) (getmark e :endtremolo)) (* wr 2) wr))) (cond ((>= wr0 1) 4) ((>= wr0 1/2) 3) (t 1)))))) (flet ((doti (ee no) (let ((h (gethash (cons ee no) iii))) (list (if h `(end-tie (svref tvect ,h)) `(setf (svref tvect ,(setf (gethash (cons ee no) iii) (incf iv))) (begin-tie))))))) (nconc (if (restp e) (let ((x (lookup cd +cmn-restdurs+))) (if x (list x) (progn (setf rfun t) (list 'restex (lookup wr +cmn-restdursex+) `(rq ,cd))))) (let ((tcd (if (or (getmark e :starttremolo) (getmark e :endtremolo)) ;; correct (* cd 2) cd))) (if (chordp e) (cons 'chord (nconc (loop for n in (event-notes* e) and w in (event-writtennotes e) and a in (event-accs e) and a2 in (event-addaccs e) and tr in (event-tiert e) and tl in (event-tielt e) ;;for ha = (getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n)) ;;and hs = (getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n)) for cl = (nconc (cmnnote (+ w tra) a a2 nil (getmark e (list :hideacc n)) (getmark e (list :showacc n)) (getmark e (list :cautacc n)) #|(event-grace e)|# tl #|(getmark e (list :harmonic :touched n))|# #|(getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding n))|#) (list hq) (when (and tipl tl) (doti pre n)) (when (and tipr tr) (doti e n)) (loop for (xxx ty no) in (append (getmarks e :notehead) (getmarks e :harmonic)) when (= no n) collect (lookup ty +cmn-noteheads+))) if (list1p cl) nconc cl else collect cl) (list (or (lookup tcd +cmn-durations+) `(rq ,tcd))))) (cmnnote (+ (event-writtennote e) tra) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) tcd (getmark e (list :hideacc (event-note* e))) (getmark e (list :showacc (event-note* e))) (getmark e (list :cautacc (event-note* e))) #|(event-grace e)|# (event-tielt e) #|(getmark e (list :harmonic :touched (event-writtennote e)))|# #|(getmark e (list :harmonic :sounding (event-writtennote e)))|#)))) (list `(dots ,do)) ;; SPELLING (when (and (notep e) (not (chordp e))) (list hq)) ;; SPELLING (when (notep e) (list `(flags ,enb))) ;; SPELLING (loop for (xxx lvl) in (nconc (getmarks e :starttup) (getmarks e :endtup)) collect (let* ((h0 (gethash lvl ug)) ; h0 is event-obj (h (gethash (cons h0 lvl) uuu))) (if h `(-beat-subdivision (svref uvect ,h)) (let ((f0 (getmark h0 (list :starttup lvl)))) `(setf (svref uvect ,(setf (gethash (cons h0 lvl) uuu) (incf uv))) (beat-subdivision- (subdivision ,(let ((f (third f0))) (if (eq *tuplet-style* :ratio) (format nil "~A:~A" (car f) (cdr f)) (format nil "~A" (car f))))) ,@(unless (fourth f0) (list '(bracketed nil))))))))) (when (and (notep e) (not (and tipl (chordp e))) (if (chordp e) (some #'truep (event-tielt e)) (event-tielt e))) (doti pre (unless (chordp e) (event-note* e)))) (when (and (notep e) (not (and tipr (chordp e))) (if (chordp e) (some #'truep (event-tiert e)) (event-tiert e))) (doti e (unless (chordp e) (event-note* e)))) (unless (or (chordp e) (restp e)) (loop with n = (event-note* e) for (xxx ty no) in (append (getmarks e :notehead) (getmarks e :harmonic)) when (= no n) collect (lookup ty +cmn-noteheads+))) (when (and (> co o) (not (event-grace e))) (list `(onset ,co))) (when (and (or l r) (not (event-grace e))) (let ((h (gethash bb bbb))) (list (if h (setf ee (list '-beam- `(svref bvect ,h))) ;; -beam- will be resetfed `(setf (svref bvect ,(setf (gethash bb bbb) (incf bv))) (beam-)))))) (loop for i in (sort (delete-duplicates (loop for (a1 . a2) in +cmn-marks+ nconc (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons a2 (force-list x))) (getmarks e a1))) :key #'cdr :test #'equal) (lambda (x y) (cond ((find (cadr x) +marks-withacc+) nil) ((find (cadr y) +marks-withacc+) t) (t (let ((x2 (caddr x)) (y2 (caddr y))) (cond ((and (numberp x2) (numberp y2)) (< x2 y2)) (x2 t))))))) collect (car i)) (loop for i in (delete-duplicates (loop for (a1 . a2) in +cmn-trmarks+ nconc (mapcar (lambda (x) (let ((f (force-list x))) (cons a2 (if (eq (first f) :startlongtrill-) (fifth f) (third f))))) (getmarks e a1))) :key #'cdr :test #'equal) collect `(,(if (listp (car i)) (caar i) (car i)) ,@(when (cdr i) (list `(ornament-sign (,(ecase (cdr i) (-2 'double-flat) (-3/2 'flat-down) (-1 'flat) (-1/2 'natural-down) (0 'natural) (1/2 'natural-up) (1 'sharp) (3/2 'sharp-up) (2 'double-sharp)) (scale 1/2 1/2))))) ,@(when (listp (car i)) (list '(wavy-line t) (setf wvy (list 'wavy-time nil)))))) (when (or (getmark e :start8up-) (getmark e :end8up-)) (let ((h (gethash oug ouuu))) (list (if h `(end-octave-up (svref ouvect ,h)) `(setf (svref ouvect ,(setf (gethash oug ouuu) (incf ouv))) (begin-octave-up)))))) (when (or (getmark e :start8down-) (getmark e :end8down-)) (let ((h (gethash odg oddd))) (list (if h `(end-octave-down (svref odvect ,h)) `(setf (svref odvect ,(setf (gethash odg oddd) (incf odv))) (begin-octave-down)))))) (let ((x (getmark e :tremolo))) (when x (list `(tremolo (tremolo-slashes ,(- (roundint (log (third x) 1/2)) 2 #|enb|#)))))) (let ((x (or (getmark e :endtremolo) (getmark e :starttremolo)))) (when x (list (let ((h (gethash rg rrr))) (if h `(end-tremolo (svref rvect ,h)) `(setf (svref rvect ,(setf (gethash rg rrr) (incf rv))) (begin-tremolo (tremolo-beams ,(- (roundint (log (third x) 1/2)) 2 enb))))))))) (cond ((getmark e '(:arpeggio :up)) (list '(arpeggio arrow-up))) ((getmark e '(:arpeggio :down)) (list '(arpeggio arrow-down))) ((getmark e :arpeggio) (list 'arpeggio))) (loop for i in (loop for a in +cmn-dynamics+ nconc (mapcar #'force-list (getmarks e (car a)))) collect (lookup (first i) +cmn-dynamics+)) (loop for (xxx lvl) in (nconc (getmarks e :startwedge>) (getmarks e :endwedge>)) nconc (let ((h (gethash (gethash lvl w>g) w>>>))) (list (if h `(-diminuendo (svref wvect> ,h)) `(setf (svref wvect> ,(setf (gethash (gethash lvl w>g) w>>>) (incf w>v))) (diminuendo-)))))) (loop for (xxx lvl) in (nconc (getmarks e :startwedge<) (getmarks e :endwedge<)) nconc (let ((h (gethash (gethash lvl w= o (+ stoff lmdur)) (lookup (second b) +cmn-barlines+) (list (lookup (second b) +cmn-barlines+) `(onset ,(setf o (+ stoff lmdur))))))))))))))) (setprints (prin1 (internalize '(in-package cmn)) f) (fresh-line f) (prin1 (internalize `(cmn ,@(remove-duplicates (append +cmn-options+ score-attr +cmn-changeableopts+ (list (list 'output-file (change-filename filename :ext (or out-ext +cmn-out-ext+))))) :key (lambda (x) (if (consp x) (first x) x)) :from-end t) ,(let ((x `(let* ,(nconc (if (>= bv 0) (list `(bvect (make-array ,(1+ bv))))) (if (>= gv 0) (list `(gvect (make-array ,(1+ gv))))) (if (>= pv 0) (list `(pvect (make-array ,(1+ pv))))) (if (>= iv 0) (list `(tvect (make-array ,(1+ iv))))) (if (>= sv 0) (list `(svect (make-array ,(1+ sv))))) (if (>= ouv 0) (list `(ouvect (make-array ,(1+ ouv))))) (if (>= odv 0) (list `(odvect (make-array ,(1+ odv))))) (if (>= tv 0) (list `(xvect (make-array ,(1+ tv))))) (if (>= uv 0) (list `(uvect (make-array ,(1+ uv))))) (if (>= rv 0) (list `(rvect (make-array ,(1+ rv))))) (if (>= w= w>v 0) (list `(wvect> (make-array ,(1+ w>v))))) cmp) (system ,.(mapcan (lambda (e) (gethash e phash)) parts)) ;; ,@(labels ((pfn (pps &optional (grp 0)) ;; (loop for e = (pop pps) ; e = part ;; while e ;; for gr = (delete-if (lambda (x) (< (second x) grp)) (getprops e :startgroup)) ; startgroups = grp or greater ;; if gr nconc (let* ((gg (first (sort gr #'< :key #'second))) ;; (gl (second gg)) ; gl = level ;; (ps (pfn (loop for i = e then (pop pps) collect i until (getprop i (list :endgroup gl))) (1+ gl)))) ;; (case (third gg) ;; ((:group :choirgroup) (list (append '(system bracket) ps))) ;; (:grandstaff (list (append '(system brace) ps))) ;; (otherwise (list (append '(system) ps))))) ;; else nconc (gethash e phash)))) ;; (pfn parts)) ))) (if rfun `(flet ((restex (draw &rest args) (let ((r (apply (quote rest) args))) (setf (draw-func r) draw) r))) ,x) x)))) f) (fresh-line f)))))))) (when process (view-cmn filename options view)))