;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; accidentals.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; ***** UPDATED COMMENTS ***** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; DEFAULT ACCIDENTALS ALGORITHM (declaim (type symbol *auto-accs-plugin* *auto-accs-module*)) (defparameter *auto-accs-plugin* nil) ; deprecated setting (defparameter *auto-accs-module* t) ; setting (declaim (inline auto-accs-fun)) (defun auto-accs-fun () (if (truep *auto-accs-module*) :nokey1 *auto-accs-module*)) (declaim (type boolean *auto-accidentals* *auto-cautionary-accs*)) (defparameter *auto-accidentals* t) ; setting (defparameter *auto-cautionary-accs* nil) ; setting ;; score values (declaim (type (real 1) *max-acc-beat-dist-mul*)) (defparameter *max-acc-beat-dist-mul* 2) ; maximum number of beats of rests allowed before not caring about spelling (declaim (type #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0 1) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *acc-dist-score*)) (defparameter *acc-dist-score* (float 1/3)) ; used w/ acc-beat-dist: determines how much distance influences spelling (declaim (type #-(or openmcl allegro) (float (0)) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *acc-beat-dist* *acc-octave-dist*)) (defparameter *acc-beat-dist* (float 3/2)) ; used w/ acc-dist-score: at a distance of *acc-beat-dist* beats, a spelling decision has a "weight" of *acc-dist-score* (defparameter *acc-octave-dist* (float 2)) ; used w/ acc-dist-score: at a distance of *acc-octave-dist* octaves, a spelling decision has a "weight" of *acc-dist-score* ;; calculate some form of cartesian distance between two notes ;; link = whether or not notes are "linked" (example: the two notes of an artificial harmonic which must have highest spelling priority) (declaim (type #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0 1) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *acc-beat-dist-sc* *acc-octave-dist-sc*)) (declaim (special *acc-beat-dist-sc* *acc-octave-dist-sc*)) (defun nokey-notedist (link note1 off1 eoff1 note2 off2 eoff2) (declare (type boolean link) (type rational note1 note2) (type (real 0) off1 eoff1 off2 eoff2)) (if link 3.0 (distance (expt *acc-beat-dist-sc* (max (- off2 eoff1) (- off1 eoff2) 0.0)) (expt *acc-octave-dist-sc* (* (diff note1 note2) (float 1/12)))))) ;; allowed qualities for ea. diatonic interval (declaim (type (vector cons) +nokey-niceints1+ +nokey-niceints2+ +nokey-penalty+) (type (vector integer) +nokey-harmints+)) (defparameter +nokey-niceints1+ (vector '(0) '(-1 1) '(-1 1) '(0 2) '(-2 0) '(-1 1) '(-1 1))) ; best spellings from unison to 7th (0 = perfect, -1/1 = min/maj, -2/2 = dim/aug) (defparameter +nokey-niceints2+ (vector '(-2 2) '(-2 2) '(-2 2) '(-2) '(2) '(-2 2) '(-2 2))) ; 2nd best spellings (defparameter +nokey-penalty+ (vector '(1) '(-1 1) '(-1) '(1) '(-1 1) '(-1 1) '(-1))) ; for ea. white key, location of neighboring black keys (1/2 step lower or higher) (defparameter +nokey-harmints+ (vector 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6)) ; when two notes are "linked", required interval given the chromatic distance (declaim (type #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0 1) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *acc-diatonic-int-score* *acc-aug-dim-int-score* *acc-spelling-penalty* *acc-good-unison-score* *acc-bad-unison-score* *acc-similar-qtone-score*)) (defparameter *acc-diatonic-int-score* (float 7/8)) ; score for forming a diatonic interval (defparameter *acc-aug-dim-int-score* (float 1/2)) ; score for almost forming a diatonic interval (defparameter *acc-spelling-penalty* (float 1/4)) ; penalty for using double sharps or flats (defparameter *acc-good-unison-score* (float 1)) ; score for spelling upwards motion w/ sharps (and downwards w/ flats) (defparameter *acc-bad-unison-score* (float 3/8)) ; penalty for not doing the above (defparameter *acc-similar-qtone-score* (float 1/3)) ; score for using similar quartertones in close proximity to each other ;; calculate spelling penalty for using double sharps or double flats (for no quartertones & quartertones) ;; it's a separate function so it may be passed as an argument ;; n = note, a = accidental ;; returns: score (defun nokey-notepen (n a) (declare (type rational n) (type (or (integer -2 2) (integer -2 2)) a)) (* (mloop ; mloop used for compatibility w/ CLISP for e of-type (integer -1 1) in (cons 0 (svref +nokey-penalty+ (notespelling n a))) minimize (diff a e)) *acc-spelling-penalty*)) (defun nokeyq-notepen (n a) (declare (type rational n) (type (or (integer -2 2) (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) a)) (* (mloop for e of-type (integer -1 1) in (cons 0 (svref +nokey-penalty+ (qnotespelling n a))) minimize (diff (car a) e)) *acc-spelling-penalty*)) ;; calculate score given two notes ;; link = whether or not notes are "linked" (example: the two notes of an artificial harmonic which must have highest spelling priority) ;; qt = is function being called from nokeyq-intscore? ;; returns value from 0.0 to 1.0 (defun nokey-intscore (link note1 acc1 off1 eoff1 note2 acc2 off2 eoff2 &optional qt) (declare (type boolean link qt) (type (integer -2 2) acc1 acc2) (type rational note1 note2) (type (rational 0) off1 eoff1 off2 eoff2)) (multiple-value-bind (n1 a1 o1 eo1 n2 a2 o2 eo2) (if (= off1 off2) (if (<= (- note1 acc1) (- note2 acc2)) (values note1 acc1 off1 eoff1 note2 acc2 off2 eoff2) (values note2 acc2 off2 eoff2 note1 acc1 off1 eoff1)) (if (< off1 off2) (values note1 acc1 off1 eoff1 note2 acc2 off2 eoff2) (values note2 acc2 off2 eoff2 note1 acc1 off1 eoff1))) (declare (ignorable o1 eo1 o2 eo2)) (multiple-value-bind (i q) (interval n1 a1 n2 a2) (let ((v (- (cond ((and link (/= i (svref +nokey-harmints+ (mod (diff n1 n2) 12)))) 0.0) ((find q (svref +nokey-niceints1+ i)) *acc-diatonic-int-score*) ((and (= i 0) ; unisons special case (or (and (>= a1 0) (= (- a2 a1) 1)) (and (<= a1 0) (= (- a2 a1) -1)))) (if (<= eo1 o2) *acc-good-unison-score* *acc-bad-unison-score*)) ((find q (svref +nokey-niceints2+ i)) *acc-aug-dim-int-score*) (t 0.0)) (nokey-notepen n1 a1) (nokey-notepen n2 a2)))) (if qt v (max v 0.0)))))) (defun nokeyq-intscore (link note1 acc1 off1 eoff1 note2 acc2 off2 eoff2) (declare (type boolean link) (type (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) acc1 acc2) (type rational note1 note2) (type (rational 0) off1 eoff1 off2 eoff2)) (let ((aa1 (car acc1)) (aa2 (car acc2)) (qa1 (cdr acc1)) (qa2 (cdr acc2))) (let ((s (nokey-intscore link (- note1 qa1) aa1 off1 eoff1 (- note2 qa2) aa2 off2 eoff2 t))) (if (and (= qa1 0) (= qa2 0)) (max s 0.0) (let ((a1 (if (= qa1 0) aa1 qa1)) (a2 (if (= qa2 0) aa2 qa2))) (min (max (if (or (and (> a1 0) (< a2 0)) (and (< a1 0) (> a2 0))) (if link 0.0 (let ((m (if (and (/= qa1 0) (/= qa2 0)) *acc-similar-qtone-score* (* *acc-similar-qtone-score* 0.5)))) (if (= (qnotespelling note1 acc1) (qnotespelling note2 acc2)) (+ s m) (- s m)))) ; penalize different accs on different written notes s) 0.0) 1.0)))))) ;; default heap size (declaim (type (integer 1) *acc-engine-heap*)) (defparameter *acc-engine-heap* 30) ;; structure encapsulating node in search (defstruct (nokeynode (:copier nil) (:predicate nokeynodep)) (sc 0.0 :type #-(or allegro lispworks) (float 0) #+(or allegro lispworks) float) ; score so far (ret nil :type list) ; list of return events (solution so far) (re 0 :type (integer 0)) ; number of remaining decisions (evs nil :type list) ; remaining events (evc nil :type list) ; events effecting current decision (evd nil :type list) ; events to redo (that will need redoing) (o 0 :type (rational 0)) ; offset counter (co 0 :type (integer 0))) ; counter ;; "main" accidentals-spelling function (defun acc-nokey (events choices spellfun penfun intscorefun name conv) ; events in one part (declare (type list events choices) (type (function (rational (or (integer -2 2) (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)))) (values (or (integer 0 6) null) (or integer null))) spellfun) (type (function (boolean rational (or (integer -2 2) (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) (rational 0) (rational 0) rational (or (integer -2 2) (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) (rational 0) (rational 0)) #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0 1) #+(or openmcl allegro) float) intscorefun) (type (or string null) name) (type (function ((or (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2)) (integer -2 2))) cons) conv)) (let ((co 0) (mxd (* *acc-beat-dist* *max-acc-beat-dist-mul*)) (cho (mapcar conv choices))) (declare (type (integer 0) co)) (flet ((scorefun (no) (declare (type nokeynode no)) (cons (+ (nokeynode-sc no) (loop for e of-type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0 1) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *) in (nokeynode-evd no) sum (car e)) (nokeynode-re no)) ; remaining accidentals all get scores of 1.0 (nokeynode-co no))) (expandfun (no) (declare (type nokeynode no)) (when (> (nokeynode-co no) co) ; show progress (setf co (nokeynode-co no)) (print-dot)) (loop with f of-type noteex = (first (nokeynode-evs no)) and lf = (rest (nokeynode-evs no)) with o = (event-note* f) and oo = (event-off f) with nco = (if (or (null (nokeynode-o no)) (> oo (nokeynode-o no))) (1+ (nokeynode-co no)) (nokeynode-co no)) for e of-type (or (integer -2 2) (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) in (or (loop for a in (intersection (mapcar conv (let ((x (event-useracc f))) (if (and (listp x) (listp (rest x))) x (list x)))) cho :test #'equal) ; e = lists of accs. when (funcall spellfun o a) collect a) (loop for a in cho if (funcall spellfun o a) collect a) ; ignore user's suggestion (error "No accidentals possible for note ~S at offset ~S, part ~S" (event-note f) (event-foff f) name)) collect (let ((w (copy-event f :note (cons (event-note* f) e))) (s (nokeynode-sc no))) (let ((d (cons w (or (loop ; keep only relevant notes that will need rescoring for e of-type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float note) in (nokeynode-evd no) ; e is (score . event) if (> (event-endoff (cdr e)) oo) collect (cdr e) ; collect just the events else do (incf s (car e))) (let ((mx (mloop for e of-type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float note) in (nokeynode-evd no) maximize (event-endoff (cdr e))))) (setf s (nokeynode-sc no)) (loop for e of-type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float note) in (nokeynode-evd no) if (>= (event-endoff (cdr e)) mx) collect (cdr e) else do (incf s (car e))))))) (c (cons w (let ((o (- oo mxd))) (remove-if (lambda (e) (declare (type noteex e)) (<= (event-endoff e) o)) (nokeynode-evc no)))))) (make-nokeynode :sc s :evc c :o oo :co nco :evd (loop for e of-type noteex in d collect (cons (let* ((eua (event-useracc e)) (ne (event-note* e)) (su (- 1.0 (funcall penfun ne eua))) (di 1.0)) (declare (type #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float su di)) (loop ; plus scores of 1.0 for rest in range for e0 of-type noteex in lf while (<= (event-off e0) (event-off e)) do (incf su) (incf di)) (loop with eoe = (event-endoff e) and foe = (float (event-off e)) and feoe = (float (event-endoff e)) for e0 of-type noteex in c unless (eq e e0) do (let* ((ne0 (event-note* e0)) (eoe0 (event-endoff e0)) (ti (and (event-acctie e) (event-acctie e0) (eq (event-acctie e) (event-acctie e0)))) (x (nokey-notedist ti ne foe feoe ne0 (event-off e0) eoe0))) (incf su (* (funcall intscorefun ti ne eua (event-off e) eoe ne0 (event-useracc e0) (event-off e0) eoe0) x)) (incf di x))) (/ su di)) e)) :re (1- (nokeynode-re no)) :ret (cons w (nokeynode-ret no)) :evs lf))))) (scoregreaterfun (s1 s2) (declare (type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float *) s1 s2)) (> (car s1) (car s2))) (remscoregreaterfun (r1 r2) (declare (type (cons #-(or openmcl allegro) (float 0) #+(or openmcl allegro) float (integer 0)) r1 r2)) (if (= (cdr r1) (cdr r2)) (< (car r1) (car r2)) (< (cdr r1) (cdr r2)))) (solutfun (no) (declare (type nokeynode no)) (null (nokeynode-evs no)))) (nokeynode-ret (or (let ((*max-acc-beat-dist-mul* (1+ (* (- *max-acc-beat-dist-mul* 1) *quality*))) (*acc-engine-heap* (max (roundint (* *acc-engine-heap* *quality*)) 1)) (*acc-beat-dist-sc* (expt *acc-dist-score* (/ *acc-beat-dist*))) (*acc-octave-dist-sc* (expt *acc-dist-score* (/ *acc-octave-dist*)))) (bfs*-engine (list (make-nokeynode :re (length events) :evs events)) ; should be sorted already #'scorefun #'expandfun #'solutfun :heaplim *acc-engine-heap* :scoregreaterfun #'scoregreaterfun :remscoregreaterfun #'remscoregreaterfun)) (error "Cannot find valid note spellings for part ~S" name)))))) (declaim (type boolean *use-double-accs*)) (defparameter *use-double-accs* nil) ; setting (declaim (inline load-acc-modules)) (defun load-acc-modules () (unless (eq (auto-accs-fun) :nokey1) (load-fomus-module (auto-accs-fun)))) ;; wrapper to bind variable returned by module (informs fomus of which caut. accidentals algorithm to use, probably choice between nokey and key) (declaim (special *module-cautacc-fun* *module-postacc-fun*)) (defmacro set-acc-modulevar (&body forms) `(let ((*module-cautacc-fun* nil) (*module-postacc-fun* nil)) ,@forms)) ;; dispatch function for accidentals processing--called before chords exist and before voices are separated ;; returns: modified parts, sorted according to sort-offdur (defun accidentals (parts) (loop for e of-type partex in parts unless (is-percussion e) do (multiple-value-bind (evs rs) (split-list (part-events e) #'notep) (setf (part-events e) (sort (nconc rs (if (eq (auto-accs-fun) :nokey1) (if *quartertones* (acc-nokey evs (if *use-double-accs* +acc-qtones-double+ +acc-qtones-single+) #'qnotespelling #'nokeyq-notepen #'nokeyq-intscore (part-name e) #'convert-qtone) (acc-nokey evs (if *use-double-accs* +acc-double+ +acc-single+) #'notespelling #'nokey-notepen #'nokey-intscore (part-name e) #'identity)) (multiple-value-bind (r1 r2 r3) (call-module (auto-accs-fun) (list "Unknown accidental assignment module ~S" *auto-accs-module*) evs) (setf *module-cautacc-fun* r2 *module-postacc-fun* r3) r1))) #'sort-offdur))))) ;; wrapper to set semitones/quartones according to selected accidentals module (defmacro set-note-precision (&body forms) `(let ((*note-precision* (if *quartertones* 1/2 1))) ,@forms)) ;; (defmacro set-note-precision (&body forms) ;; `(let ((*note-precision* ;; (case (auto-accs-fun) ;; (:nokey1 (if *quartertones* 1/2 1)) ;; (otherwise 1)))) ;; ,@forms)) ;; called when no accidentals module is chosen (gives dumb assignments) (defun accidentals-generic (parts) (flet ((so (d) (lambda (x y) (let ((ax (if (consp x) (car x) x)) (ay (if (consp y) (car y) y))) (if (= (abs ax) (abs ay)) (funcall d ax ay) (< (abs ax) (abs ay))))))) (loop with cho = (if *quartertones* (mapcar #'convert-qtone +acc-qtones-double+) +acc-double+) with chof = (stable-sort (copy-list cho) (so #'<)) and chos = (stable-sort (copy-list cho) (so #'>)) for p of-type partex in parts unless (is-percussion p) do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (part-events p) do (let ((n (event-note* e))) (setf (event-note e) (cons n (find-if (lambda (a) (if (consp a) (qnotespelling n a) (notespelling n a))) (append (event-useracc e) (let ((m (mod n 12))) (if (and (>= m 9/2) (<= m 7)) chos chof))))))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CAUTIONARY ACCIDENTALS (declaim (type (real (0)) *max-caut-acc-dist*) (type boolean *caut-acc-ottavas*) (type (or boolean (integer 1)) *caut-acc-octaves*) (type (or boolean (integer 1 2)) *caut-acc-next-meas*)) (defparameter *max-caut-acc-dist* 2) ; setting--max. distance to care about caut. accidentals (defparameter *caut-acc-ottavas* t) ; setting--pay attention to octave transpositions? (defparameter *caut-acc-octaves* 1) ; setting--can be a number (for number of octaves above/below) or t for all (defparameter *caut-acc-next-meas* t) ; setting--care about caut. accidentals across measures? (1 = across only one meaure boundary, 2/t = across up to two measure boundaries) ;; finds and adds cautionary accidentals (adds CAUTACC marks to note events) ;; rests are removed before calling, called before chords or ties are added ;; meas = list of measures ;; returns: nil (defun acc-nokey-cautaccs (meas) (declare (type list meas)) (loop with r of-type (integer -12 12) = 0 and as = (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (or boolean (integer -12 12)) noteex)) :initial-element nil) and ad = (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (or boolean (integer -12 12)) noteex)) :initial-element nil) for mo = -1 then mo0 for (mo0 . m) of-type ((real 0) . list) in meas do (loop for e of-type noteex in m for o = (- (event-off e) *max-caut-acc-dist*) and w = (event-writtennote e) when *caut-acc-ottavas* do (cond ((or (getmark e :start8up-) (getmark e :8up)) (setf r 12)) ((or (getmark e :start8down-) (getmark e :8down)) (setf r -12))) if (and (= (event-acc e) 0) (= (event-addacc e) 0)) ; event has a natural do (flet ((ok (wh x) (declare (type (array (or nil (cons (or boolean (integer -12 12)) noteex)) (128)) wh) (type integer x)) (and (>= (event-endoff (cdr (svref wh x))) o) (or (member *caut-acc-next-meas* '(t 2)) (>= (event-off (cdr (svref wh x))) (if *caut-acc-next-meas* mo mo0)))))) (loop with or = (loop with x = (* (if (truep *caut-acc-octaves*) 7 (or *caut-acc-octaves* 0)) 12) and r for ww from (- w x) to (+ w x) by 12 when (and (>= ww 0) (< ww 128) (svref ad ww) (ok ad ww)) do (setf (svref ad ww) nil) (setf r t) finally (return r)) for i from -24 to 24 by 12 ; possible ottava differences (8up = 12) do (let ((ww (- w i))) ; written note relative with respect to ottava difference (when (and (>= ww 0) (< ww 128) (svref as ww) (ok as ww) (= (- r (car (svref as ww))) i)) (setf (svref as ww) nil or t))) finally (let ((ma (list :cautacc (event-note* e)))) (when (and or (not (getmark e ma))) (addmark e ma))))) else do (setf (svref as w) (cons r e) (svref ad w) (cons r e)) ; save register and event has an accidental when (and *caut-acc-ottavas* (or (getmark e :end8up-) (getmark e :8up) (getmark e :end8down-) (getmark e :8down))) do (setf r 0))) (print-dot)) ;; dispatch function for cautionary accidentals ;; cautaccs is in difficult place in task list--consolidate parts and collect events by staves, not voices (defun cautaccs (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for pa of-type cons in (split-into-groups (remove-if #'is-percussion parts) #'part-userord) do (let ((ms (apply #'mapcar (lambda (&rest ms) ; list of simultaneous measures for 1 part (cons (meas-off (first ms)) (sort (loop for m of-type meas in ms nconc (delete-if-not #'notep (copy-list (meas-events m)))) #'sort-offdur))) (mapcar #'part-meas pa)))) (if (eq (auto-accs-fun) :nokey1) (acc-nokey-cautaccs ms) (funcall (or *module-cautacc-fun* #'acc-nokey-cautaccs) ms))))) ;; find user CAUTACC marks and insert note numbers ;; returns: nil (defun preproc-cautaccs (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (loop for p of-type partex in parts do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (part-events p) when (popmark e :cautacc) do (addmark e (list :cautacc (event-note* e)))) (print-dot))) ;; aliases for key signatures (defparameter +keysig-eqs+ '((:fsmin . :f+min) (:csmin . :c+min) (:gsmin . :g+min) (:cfmaj . :c-maj) (:afmin . :a-min) (:fsmaj . :f+maj) (:dsmin . :d+min) (:gfmaj . :g-maj) (:efmin . :e-min) (:csmaj . :c+maj) (:asmin . :a+min) (:dfmaj . :d-maj) (:bfmin . :b-min) (:afmaj . :a-maj) (:efmaj . :e-maj) (:bfmaj . :b-maj) (:cs . :c+) (:df . :d-) (:ds . :d+) (:ef . :e-) (:fs . :f+) (:gf . :g-) (:gs . :g+) (:af . :a-) (:as . :a+) (:bf . :b-))) ;; replace key signature aliases (defun preproc-keysigs (timesigs) (declare (type list timesigs)) (loop for ts of-type timesig-repl in timesigs for k = (popprop ts :keysig) when k do (addprop ts (cons :keysig (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type symbol x)) (or (lookup x +keysig-eqs+) x)) (rest k)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ACCIDENTALS POST PROCESSING ;; final processing of all FORCEACC, CAUTACC and SHOWACC and HIDEACC marks (decides when to hide/show naturals and repeated accidentals in measures) ;; rests are removed before calling, called after chords and ties are added ;; events = note events in 1 measure ;; returns: nil (defun acc-nokey-postaccs (events) (declare (type cons events)) (let ((as (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) :initial-element nil)) (ac (make-array 128 :element-type '(or null (cons (integer -2 2) (rational -1/2 1/2))) :initial-element nil))) (flet ((fixacc (e n a a2 tl) (declare (type noteex e) (type rational n) (type (integer -2 2) a) (type (rational -1/2 1/2) a2) (type boolean tl)) (let ((w (- n a a2))) (if tl (setf (svref as w) (unless (and (= a 0) (= a2 0)) (cons a a2)) (svref ac w) t) (if (popmark e :forceacc) (progn (setf (svref as w) (cons a a2)) (rmmark e (list :cautacc n)) (addmark e (list :showacc n))) (if (and (= a 0) (= a2 0)) (when (svref as w) ; show the natural (setf (svref as w) nil) (rmmark e (list :cautacc n)) (addmark e (list (if (svref ac w) :cautacc :showacc) n))) (if (equal (svref as w) (cons a a2)) (unless (or (getmark e (list :cautacc n)) (getmark e (list :showacc n))) (addmark e (list :hideacc n))) (setf (svref as w) (cons a a2) (svref ac w) nil)))))))) (loop for e of-type noteex in events if (chordp e) do (loop for n of-type rational in (event-notes* e) and a of-type (integer -2 2) in (event-accs e) and a2 of-type (rational -1/2 1/2) in (event-addaccs e) and tl of-type boolean in (event-tielt e) do (fixacc e n a a2 tl)) else do (fixacc e (event-note* e) (event-acc e) (event-addacc e) (event-tielt e))))) (print-dot)) ;; dispatch function for accidentals post processing (defun postaccs (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (if *acc-throughout-meas* (loop for p of-type partex in parts unless (is-percussion p) do (loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do (multiple-value-bind (evs rs) (split-list (meas-events m) #'notep) (loop for ev of-type cons in (split-into-groups evs #'event-staff) do (if (eq (auto-accs-fun) :nokey1) (acc-nokey-postaccs (copy-list (sort ev #'sort-offdur))) (funcall (or *module-postacc-fun* #'acc-nokey-postaccs) (copy-list (sort ev #'sort-offdur))))) (setf (meas-events m) (sort (nconc rs evs) #'sort-offdur))))) (loop for p of-type partex in parts unless (is-percussion p) do (loop for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (meas-events m) when (popmark e :forceacc) do (addmark e :showacc))) (print-dot))))