;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; split.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ENGINE ;; each node is a subset of its parent node's problem ;; all functions are relative to ea. node (solutfun returns t if subsolution is correct, complete solution is correct if all subsolutions are correct) ;; score for each node must be optimistic ;; expandfun returns or-list of and-lists (if returns values, then second value = t if it's an and-combine-only node (with only one choice)), if an and-list is nil, it's considered empty and skipped ;; assemfun reassembles subsolutions (declaim (type (integer -1) *itdepfirst*-id*)) (declaim (special *itdepfirst*-id*)) (defstruct (itdepfirst*-andnode (:copier nil) (:predicate itdepfirst*-andnode-p)) sol dat/hp) ; dat/hp is data if either depth is 0 or sol is t (defstruct (itdepfirst*-ornode (:copier nil) (:predicate itdepfirst*-ornode-p)) (id (incf *itdepfirst*-id*) :type (integer 0) :read-only t) (ands nil :type list) assem score (depth 0 :type (integer 0))) (defun itdepfirst*-engine (init-node scorefun expandfun assemfun solutfun &key scoregreaterfun) (declare (type (function (t) list) expandfun)) (let* ((*itdepfirst*-id* -1)) (labels ((proc (nd de) ; nd is and-node--shouldn't be called if it's a solution (when (<= de 0) ; if first time, replace data with heap of ors (setf (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd) (make-heap (lambda (x y) (or (funcall scoregreaterfun (itdepfirst*-ornode-score x) (itdepfirst*-ornode-score y)) (unless (funcall scoregreaterfun (itdepfirst*-ornode-score y) (itdepfirst*-ornode-score x)) (< (itdepfirst*-ornode-id x) (itdepfirst*-ornode-id y))))) :initial-contents (loop for e in (funcall expandfun (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) ; e = and-list, heap temporarily contains data to expand when e ; at least something in and-list collect (let ((a (funcall assemfun e))) (make-itdepfirst*-ornode :ands (mapcar (lambda (i) (make-itdepfirst*-andnode :dat/hp i :sol (funcall solutfun i))) e) :assem a :score (funcall scorefun a))))))) (loop for n = (or (heap-peek (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) (return)) ; n is or-node for so = (every #'itdepfirst*-andnode-sol (itdepfirst*-ornode-ands n)) ; so = or-node is complete (all and-nodes inside it are complete) until (or so (>= (itdepfirst*-ornode-depth n) de)) do (heap-rem (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) (loop for e in (itdepfirst*-ornode-ands n) ; e is and-node if (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol e) collect (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp e) into d else collect (or (proc e (itdepfirst*-ornode-depth n)) (return)) into d ; if dead-end, don't put back into heap finally (incf (itdepfirst*-ornode-depth n)) (let ((a (funcall assemfun d))) (setf (itdepfirst*-ornode-assem n) a (itdepfirst*-ornode-score n) (funcall scorefun a))) (heap-ins n (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd))) finally (when so (setf (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol nd) t ; this node is a solution--save it (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd) (itdepfirst*-ornode-assem n))) (return (itdepfirst*-ornode-assem n))))) ; return assembled data or nil if dead-end (loop with tn = (make-itdepfirst*-andnode :dat/hp init-node :sol (funcall solutfun init-node)) #-clisp until #-clisp (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol tn) for de from 0 #+clisp until #+clisp (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol tn) do (or (proc tn de) (return)) finally (return (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp tn)))))) ;; SAVE THIS!--old version w/ extra and-nodes, wouldn't want to rewrite this ;; (defun itdepfirst*-engine (init-node scorefun expandfun assemfun solutfun &key scoregreaterfun) ;; (let* ((*itdepfirst*-id* -1)) ;; (labels ((proc (nd de) ; nd is and-node--shouldn't be called if it's a solution ;; (when (<= de 0) ; if first time, replace data with heap of ors ;; (setf (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd) ;; (multiple-value-bind (ii dd) (funcall expandfun (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) ;; (if dd ;; (mapcar (lambda (i) (make-itdepfirst*-andnode :dat/hp i :sol (funcall solutfun i))) ii) ;; (make-heap (lambda (x y) ;; (or (funcall scoregreaterfun (itdepfirst*-ornode-score x) (itdepfirst*-ornode-score y)) ;; (unless (funcall scoregreaterfun (itdepfirst*-ornode-score y) (itdepfirst*-ornode-score x)) ;; (< (itdepfirst*-ornode-id x) (itdepfirst*-ornode-id y))))) ;; :initial-contents (loop ;; for e in ii ; e = and-list, heap temporarily contains data to expand ;; when e ; at least something in and-list ;; collect (let ((a (funcall assemfun e))) ;; (make-itdepfirst*-ornode ;; :ands (mapcar (lambda (i) (make-itdepfirst*-andnode :dat/hp i :sol (funcall solutfun i))) e) ;; :assem a :score (funcall scorefun a))))))))) ;; (if (heapp (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) ;; (loop ;; for n = (or (heap-peek (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) (return)) ; n is or-node ;; for so = (every #'itdepfirst*-andnode-sol (itdepfirst*-ornode-ands n)) ; so = or-node is complete (all and-nodes inside it are complete) ;; until (or so (>= (itdepfirst*-ornode-depth n) de)) ;; do ;; (heap-rem (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd)) ;; (loop ;; for e in (itdepfirst*-ornode-ands n) ; e is and-node ;; if (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol e) collect (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp e) into d ;; else collect (or (proc e (itdepfirst*-ornode-depth n)) (return)) into d ; if dead-end, don't put back into heap ;; finally ;; (incf (itdepfirst*-ornode-depth n)) ;; (let ((a (funcall assemfun d))) ;; (setf (itdepfirst*-ornode-assem n) a ;; (itdepfirst*-ornode-score n) (funcall scorefun a))) ;; (heap-ins n (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd))) ;; finally ;; (when so (setf (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol nd) t ; this node is a solution--save it ;; (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd) (itdepfirst*-ornode-assem n))) ;; (return (itdepfirst*-ornode-assem n))) ;; (loop ; and-node of ands (pass on processing to lower depths without incrementing depth) ;; for e in (or (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd) (return)) ;; if (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol e) collect (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp e) into d ;; else collect (or (proc e de) (return)) into d ; if one and fails, entire node fails ;; finally ;; (let ((so (every #'itdepfirst*-andnode-sol (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd))) ;; (a (funcall assemfun d))) ;; (when so (setf (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol nd) t ;; (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp nd) a)) ;; (return a)))))) ; return assembled data or nil if dead-end ;; (loop ;; with tn = (make-itdepfirst*-andnode :dat/hp init-node :sol (funcall solutfun init-node)) ;; until (itdepfirst*-andnode-sol tn) ;; for de from 0 ;; do (or (proc tn de) (return)) ;; finally (return (itdepfirst*-andnode-dat/hp tn)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PREPROCESS ;; adds rests, ties overlapping notes of different durs ;; returns values: notes in measure, notes outside measure ;; expects voices separated into parts, input is sorted, output is sorted (defun split-preproc (evs off endoff voc) (declare (type list evs) (type (rational 0) off endoff) (type (integer 1) voc)) (multiple-value-bind (gs ns) (split-list evs #'event-grace) (loop ; get rid of unison overlaps for el on ns do (loop with e1 of-type (or noteex restex) = (first el) for e2 in (rest el) until (>= (event-off e2) (event-endoff e1)) ; e1 and e2 overlap do (cond ((and (notep e1) (notep e2) (= (event-note* e1) (event-note* e2))) (setf (event-dur e2) (- (max (event-endoff e1) (event-endoff e2)) (event-off e2)) (event-dur e1) (- (event-off e2) (event-off e1))) (when (<= (event-dur* e1) 0) (setf (event-marks e2) (combmarks (list e1 e2))))) ((and (notep e1) (restp e2)) (setf (event-dur e2) 0)) ((and (restp e1) (notep e2)) (setf (event-dur e1) 0) (return))))) (setf ns (delete-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (<= (event-dur* x) 0)) ns)) (setf gs (delete-duplicates gs :test (lambda (x y) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x y)) (and (= (event-note* x) (event-note* y)) (= (event-off x) (event-off y)) (= (event-grace x) (event-grace y)))))) (setf ns (nconc (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) x)) (make-restex nil :off (car x) :dur (- (cdr x) (car x)) :voice voc)) (get-holes (merge-linear (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex))) (cons (event-off x) (event-endoff x))) ns) (lambda (x y) (declare (type (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)) x y)) (when (<= (car y) (cdr x)) (cons (car x) (cdr y))))) off endoff)) ns)) (loop for x of-type (or noteex restex) in ns ; split overlapping events collect (event-off x) into s collect (event-endoff x) into s finally (loop for i of-type (rational 0) in (delete-duplicates (cons endoff s)) ; include endoff do (setf ns (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in ns for (j . k) = (split-event e i) when j collect j when k collect k)))) (setf ns (loop for e of-type cons in (split-into-groups ns #'event-off) ; put vertical notes into chords (note = list of notes, combine all attributes) if (list>1p e) collect (make-chord e) else collect (first e))) (setf gs (loop for e of-type cons in (split-into-groups gs (lambda (x) (declare (type (or noteex restex) x)) (cons (event-off x) (event-grace x))) :test 'equal) ; put vertical notes into chords (note = list of notes, combine all attributes) if (list>1p e) collect (make-chord e) else collect (first e))) (loop ; split places at grace note offsets for g of-type (or noteex restex) in gs for i = (event-off g) do (setf ns (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in ns for (j . k) = (split-event e i) when j collect j when k collect k))) (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (nconc gs ns) ; separate notes belonging to next measure--notes after endoff already split if (< (event-off e) endoff) collect e into v1 else collect e into v2 finally (print-dot) (return (values (sort v1 #'sort-offdur) v2))))) (defun preproc (parts) (loop for p of-type partex in parts do ; tie notes across measures (loop with r of-type list ; leftover tied notes for m of-type meas in (part-meas p) do (multiple-value-bind (e n) (split-preproc (nconc r (meas-events m)) (meas-off m) (meas-endoff m) (let ((i (find-if #'meas-events (part-meas p)))) (if i (event-voice* (first (meas-events i))) 1))) (setf (meas-events m) e r (loop for x of-type (or noteex restex) in n if (chordp x) nconc (mapcar (lambda (y t1 t2) (declare (type (or rational list) y) (type (or boolean cons) t1 t2)) (copy-event x :note y :tielt t1 :tiert t2)) (event-note x) (event-tielt x) (event-tiert x)) else collect x)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SPLITTER (declaim (type (real (0)) *min-split-all-parts-dur*)) (defparameter *min-split-all-parts-dur* 3/2) ;; return t if all parts should split together (defun split-allparts (rule) (declare (type baserule rule)) (when (or (initdivp rule) (sigp rule)) (let ((n (/ (rule-num rule) (* (rule-den rule) (rule-beat rule))))) (and (> n 3/2) (not (expof2 n)))))) ;; note/rest is valid duration ;; off, endoff are boundaries for entire measure--for special full-meaure rest cases (defun split-valid (events off endoff rule) (declare (type cons events) (type (rational 0) off endoff) (type baserule rule)) (when (list1p events) ; must be 1 event only (let ((ev (first events))) ; shouldn't be dealing with grace notes here (declare (type (or noteex restex) ev)) (flet ((ti (x) (declare (type (or boolean cons) x)) (not (if (consp x) (and-list x) x))) (no (di) (declare (type (rational (0) 1) di)) (expof2 (* (if (rule-comp rule) (* (event-effectdur ev) 3/2) (event-effectdur ev)) di)))) ; something wrong here (etypecase rule (initdiv (etypecase ev (rest t) (note (if (rule-comp rule) (no 2/3) (no 1))))) (sig (etypecase ev (rest (or (and (= (event-off ev) off) (= (event-endoff ev) endoff)) (if (or (rule-comp rule) (rule-irr rule)) ; irr = irregular, like 5/8 meter (or (no 1) (no 2/3)) (no 1)))) (note (if (or (rule-comp rule) (rule-irr rule)) (or (no 1) (no 2/3)) (no 1))))) (unit (cond ((= (rule-div rule) 2) (no 1)) ((and (= (rule-div rule) 3) (rule-irr rule)) (no 2/3)))) (sig-nodiv ; tlt/trt: nil = ties not allowed, t = tie is possible (etypecase ev (rest nil #|(if (sig-nodiv-comp rule) (no 2/3) (no 1))|#) (note (let ((aa (or (ti (event-tielt ev)) (ti (event-tiert ev))))) (and ; these are special, so duration is assumed to be valid (or (rule-tlt rule) aa) ; at least one note not tied (or (rule-trt rule) aa) (if (rule-comp rule) (no 2/3) (or (no 1) (no 2/3) (no 4/7) #|(and (no 4/7) (not (event-noddot ev)))|#))))))) ;; lilypond fix (unit-nodiv ; tlt/trt: nil = ties not allowed, t = tie is possible (etypecase ev (rest #|nil|# (and (rule-rst rule) (no 1))) ; (note (let ((aa (or (ti (event-tielt ev)) (ti (event-tiert ev))))) (and ; these are special, so duration is assumed to be valid (or (rule-tlt rule) aa) (or (rule-trt rule) aa) (or (no 1) (no 2/3) (no 4/7) #|(and (no 4/7) (not (event-noddot ev)))|#))))))))))) ;; lilypond fix (declaim (type (real (0)) +event-score+ +tuplet-score+ +tupsmalldur-score+ +tupsmalldur-thresh+)) (defparameter +event-score+ 1) (defparameter +tuplet-score+ 3/2) (defparameter +smalltupnote-score+ 2) ; should be slightly higher than tuplet-score ;; returns list: lower number is better ;; first value MUST be optimistic (increasing only (worse) with each descent (note splitting) in search) ;; remaining values are heuristics for resolving ties (defun split-score (events) (declare (type list events)) (loop with ntu for (e en) of-type ((or noteex restex) (or noteex restex null)) on (sort (copy-list events) #'< :key #'event-off) ; no overlapping offsets should exist here for d = (event-dur* e) sum +event-score+ into su when (event-tupfrac e) sum (loop with tf = (event-tupfrac e) with le = (length tf) for i from 1 and x of-type (rational (0)) in tf for m = x then (* m x) sum m into s when (> i 1) do (push (cons (cons (- le i) (cons (event-off e) (event-endoff e))) (cons m x)) ntu) finally (return (* s le +tuplet-score+))) into su and when (< (* (numerator (first (event-tupdurmult e))) (first (event-tupfrac e))) 1) sum (* (first (event-tupfrac e)) +smalltupnote-score+) into su maximize d into ad minimize d into id when en sum (diff d (event-dur* en)) into ce collect (event-off e) into fs collect (event-endoff e) into fs finally (loop with c = 0 and va and f0 = 0 ; look for contiguous nested tuplets of same duration, give them a boost for l0 = 0 then l and o02 = -1 then o2 and ((l . (o1 . o2)) . (m . f)) of-type (((integer 0) . ((rational 0) . (rational 0))) . ((rational (0)) . (rational (0)))) in (sort ntu (lambda (x y) (declare (type (cons (cons (integer 0) (cons (rational 0) (rational 0)))) x y)) (if (= (caar x) (caar y)) (< (cadar x) (cadar y)) (> (caar x) (caar y))))) #+debug do #+debug (or (<= c 1) (error "Error in SPLIT-SCORE")) if (or (/= l0 l) (/= o02 o1) (>= c 1)) do (when va (decf su (* (1- (/ f)) c +tuplet-score+))) (setf c m f0 0) else do (incf c m) ; new group, reset everything if (= f0 0) do (setf f0 f va t) else when (/= f0 f) do (setf va nil) finally (when va (decf su (* (1- (/ f)) c +tuplet-score+)))) (return (list su ; number of notes/tuplets (can only increase with splitting) #-clisp (/ ad id) #+clisp (/ (or ad 0) id) ; difference in durations--might not always increase, but still functions well as a heuristic ce (ave-list (delete-duplicates fs)))))) ; average offset location ;; = and < function for score tuplet (defun splsc< (x y) (declare (type cons x y)) (loop for x0 of-type real in x and y0 of-type real in y if (< x0 y0) do (return t) if (> x0 y0) do (return nil))) ;; maximum duration span of tuplets in number of beats (or nil) ;; (declaim (type (real (0)) *min-simple-tuplet-dur*)) ;; (defparameter *min-simple-tuplet-dur* #|2 4/6/06|# nil) ;; events = list of parallel event-lists ;; expects voices separated into parts ;; DESTRUCTIVE (defstruct (splitnode (:copier nil) (:predicate splitnodep)) (rl (make-initdiv) :type baserule) (pts t :type boolean) (par nil :type (or splitnode null)) (evs nil :type (or list boolean)) (of1 0 :type (rational 0)) (of2 0 :type (rational 0)) (div nil :type list)) ; msc = missing score points, pts = if evs is list of part-event-lists (defun split-engine-byscore (events off endoff timesig) (declare (type cons events) (type (rational 0) off endoff) (type timesig-repl timesig)) (flet ((er () (error "Rhythm too difficult to notate at offsets ~S through ~S" (float off) (float endoff))) (drst (li rl) ; move the rest over (declare (type cons li) (type (or initdiv sig unit sig-nodiv unit-nodiv) rl)) (flet ((ex (e1 e2 es) ; es is copied, so can destroy it (declare (type (or noteex restex null) e1 e2) (type cons es)) (if (and (restp e1) (restp e2) (not (find (event-off e2) (event-nomerge e1))) (equal (list (event-dur* e1) (sort-marks (important-marks (event-marks e1))) (event-tup e1)) (list (event-dur* e2) (sort-marks (important-marks (event-marks e2))) (event-tup e2)))) (cons (copy-event e1 :dur (* (event-dur* e1) 2) :tup (cons (when (car (event-tup e1)) (cons (* (caar (event-tup e1)) 2) (cdar (event-tup e1)))) (cdr (event-tup e1)))) (delete e1 (delete e2 es))) es))) (when (or (initdivp rl) (basesplitp rl)) (when (or (initdivp rl) (rule-alt rl)) (let ((x (sort (copy-list li) #'sort-offdur))) (setf li (ex (first x) (second x) x)))) (when (or (initdivp rl) (rule-art rl)) (let ((x (sort (copy-list li) (complement #'sort-offdur)))) (setf li (ex (second x) (first x) x)))))) li)) (let ((lm (/ (* (beat-division timesig) 8)))) (flet ((scorefun (nd) ; score relative to ea. level (declare (type splitnode nd)) (if (splitnode-pts nd) (loop for e in (remove-if #'truep (splitnode-evs nd)) ; if t then part is already complete in a higher branch for ts = (split-score e) then (mapcar #'+ ts (split-score e)) finally (return (cons 0 ts))) (cons 1 (split-score (splitnode-evs nd))))) (expandfun (nd) ; expand (into or-list) (declare (type splitnode nd)) ;; (when (<= (- (splitnode-of2 nd) (splitnode-of1 nd)) lm) (er)) (unless (or (basenodivp (splitnode-rl nd)) (<= (- (splitnode-of2 nd) (splitnode-of1 nd)) lm)) (let ((rt (labels ((of (o) (declare (type (rational 0) o)) (+ (splitnode-of1 nd) (* o (- (splitnode-of2 nd) (splitnode-of1 nd))))) (spl (evs sp rr) ; return list of split event-lists (declare (type cons sp rr)) (loop with nx = evs and td0 = (- (splitnode-of2 nd) (splitnode-of1 nd)) for o0 = 0 then o for o of-type (rational (0) 1) in sp and r in rr ; o = split offset, r = rule collect (loop with u = (when (baseunitp r) (rule-tup r)) ; u = tuplet list--rule should have all tuplet information for note and m = (when (baseunitp r) (rule-dmu r)) and td = (* (- o o0) td0) for e of-type (or noteex restex) in nx for (l . x) = (split-event e (of o) (when u (cons (* (first u) (/ (event-dur e) td)) (rest u))) m) when l collect l into ll when x collect x into xx finally (setf nx xx) (return ll))))) (loop for ru of-type (cons (or (rational (0) (1)) cons) list) in (loop for e #|of-type baserule|# in (split-rules-bylevel (splitnode-rl nd) (let ((du (- (splitnode-of2 nd) (splitnode-of1 nd)))) (and (or (null *min-tuplet-dur*) (>= du *min-tuplet-dur*)) (or (null *max-tuplet-dur*) (<= du *max-tuplet-dur*))))) collect e) ; ors, ru = new rule for div = (or (when (basesplitp (splitnode-rl nd)) (rule-init (splitnode-rl nd))) (splitnode-div nd)) for sp = (append (force-list (first ru)) '(1)) and rr = (rest ru) ; sp =(unless (and tv (eq (first sp) :grandstaff)) (first sp)) split points (last one is a), rr = replacement rules collect (if (splitnode-pts nd) (loop ; iterate through parts with al = (make-list (length rr) :initial-element t) for p of-type (or (member t) cons) in (splitnode-evs nd) for xx = (if (or (truep p) (split-valid p off endoff (splitnode-rl nd))) al (spl p sp rr)) for li = (mapcar #'list xx) then (cons-list xx li) finally (return (loop for e of-type cons in li and r #|of-type baserule|# in rr and (o1 o2) of-type ((rational 0 1) (rational 0 1)) on (cons 0 sp) ; ands collect (make-splitnode :rl r :pts t :par nd :evs (nreverse e) :of1 (of o1) :of2 (of o2) :div div)))) ; evs might contain t (loop for e of-type cons in (spl (splitnode-evs nd) sp rr) and r #|of-type baserule|# in rr and (o1 o2) of-type ((rational 0 1) (rational 0 1)) on (cons 0 sp) ; ands collect (make-splitnode :rl r :pts nil :par nd :evs e :of1 (of o1) :of2 (of o2) :div div))))))) (if (and (splitnode-pts nd) (not (split-allparts (splitnode-rl nd)))) (cons (mapcar (lambda (p) (make-splitnode :rl (splitnode-rl nd) :pts nil :par nd :evs (if (or (truep p) (split-valid p off endoff (splitnode-rl nd))) t p) :of1 (splitnode-of1 nd) :of2 (splitnode-of2 nd) :div (splitnode-div nd))) (splitnode-evs nd)) rt) rt)))) (assemfun (nds) ; assemble and-list of splitnodes (some might = t, some might have parts that = t, there should be at least 1 node struct somewhere) (declare (type list nds)) (let* ((f (first nds)) ; find a node struct--par and pts should be same for all (pa (splitnode-par f)) (rl (splitnode-rl pa))) (declare (type splitnode f)) (flet ((mn (vs) (make-splitnode :rl rl :pts (splitnode-pts pa) :par (splitnode-par pa) :evs vs :of1 (splitnode-of1 pa) :of2 (splitnode-of2 pa) :div (first (stable-sort (loop for i of-type splitnode in nds when (splitnode-div i) collect (splitnode-div i)) #'> :key (lambda (x) (declare (type list x)) (count x nds :key #'splitnode-div :test #'equal))))))) (if (splitnode-pts f) (loop with li for s in nds ; all s's should be structs and fl = t then nil do (let ((xx (mapcar (lambda (x y) (declare (type (or (member t) cons) x y)) (if (truep x) (when fl (unless (truep y) y)) x)) (splitnode-evs s) (splitnode-evs pa)))) (if li (prepend-lists xx li) (setf li xx))) finally (return (mn (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (type list x)) (if x (drst x rl) t)) li)))) (if (splitnode-pts pa) (mn (mapcar (lambda (x0 y) (declare (type splitnode x0) (type (or (member t) cons) y)) (let ((x (splitnode-evs x0))) (if (truep x) (if (truep y) y (drst y rl)) (drst x rl)))) nds (splitnode-evs pa))) (mn (drst (loop for e of-type splitnode in nds append (splitnode-evs e)) rl))))))) (solutfun (nd) ; complete/valid? (declare (type splitnode nd)) (if (splitnode-pts nd) (let ((x (splitnode-rl nd))) (every (lambda (n) (declare (type (or (member t) cons) n)) (or (truep n) (split-valid n off endoff x))) (splitnode-evs nd))) (or (truep (splitnode-evs nd)) (split-valid (splitnode-evs nd) off endoff (splitnode-rl nd)))))) (multiple-value-bind (evs grs) (loop for p of-type cons in events for (gr . ev) = (multiple-value-bind (a b) (split-list p #'event-grace) (cons a b)) collect ev into evs collect gr into grs finally (return (values evs grs))) (loop for li of-type cons in evs and gr of-type list in grs do (loop with g = (delete-duplicates (mapcar #'event-off gr)) for e of-type (or noteex restex) in li when (restp e) do (setf (event-nomerge e) g))) (let ((re (or (itdepfirst*-engine (make-splitnode :rl (first-splitrule timesig) :evs evs :of1 off :of2 endoff) #'scorefun #'expandfun #'assemfun #'solutfun :scoregreaterfun #'splsc<) (er)))) (print-dot) (values (let ((rl (splitnode-rl re))) (mapcar (lambda (ev gr) (declare (type cons ev) (type list gr)) (sort (nconc gr (drst ev rl)) #'sort-offdur)) (splitnode-evs re) grs)) (splitnode-div re)))))))) (declaim (type symbol *split-mod* *split-plugin*)) (defparameter *split-mod* nil) (defparameter *split-plugin* t) (declaim (inline split-fun)) (defun split-fun () (if (truep *split-plugin*) :split1 *split-plugin*)) (declaim (inline load-split-plugins)) (defun load-split-plugins () (unless (eq (split-fun) :split1) (load-fomus-plugin (split-fun)))) ;; the main function--events must be organized into measures (by offsets) first (defun split (parts) (declare (type list parts)) (apply #'mapc (lambda (&rest ms) ; list of parallel measures (loop for ml of-type cons in (split-into-groups ms ; m is list of measures with matching time signature (lambda (x) (declare (type meas x)) (let ((s (meas-timesig x))) (list (timesig-num s) (timesig-den s) (timesig-div* s) (timesig-comp s) (timesig-beat* s) (meas-off x) (meas-endoff x)))) :test 'equal) do (multiple-value-bind (sp di) (let ((f (first ml))) (declare (type meas f)) (if (eq (split-fun) :split1) (split-engine-byscore (mapcar #'meas-events ml) (meas-off f) (meas-endoff f) (meas-timesig f)) (call-plugin (split-fun) (list "Unknown split plugin ~S" *split-plugin*) (mapcar #'meas-events ml) (meas-off f) (meas-endoff f) (meas-timesig f)))) (mapc (lambda (re m) (declare (type list re) (type meas m)) (setf (meas-events m) re (meas-div m) di)) sp ml)))) (mapcar #'part-meas parts)))