;; -*- lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;************************************************************************************************** ;; FOMUS ;; quantize.lisp ;;************************************************************************************************** (in-package :fomus) (compile-settings) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; QUANTIZE (declaim (type symbol *auto-quantize-mod* *auto-quantize-plugin*)) (defparameter *auto-quantize-mod* nil) (defparameter *auto-quantize-plugin* t) (declaim (inline auto-quantize-fun)) (defun auto-quantize-fun () (if (truep *auto-quantize-plugin*) :quantize1 *auto-quantize-plugin*)) (declaim (type boolean *auto-quantize*) (type integer *default-grace-num*)) (defparameter *auto-quantize* t) (defparameter *default-grace-num* 0) (defun byfit-score (evpts qpts) (declare (type list evpts) (type list qpts)) (sqrt (loop for e of-type (real 0) in evpts sum (let ((x (diff (loop-return-firstmin (diff i e) for i of-type (rational 0) in qpts) e))) (* x x))))) (defun quantize-byfit (timesigs parts) (let ((h (get-timesigs timesigs parts))) (flet ((adj (l) ; list? (declare (type list l)) #+debug (check-order (delete-duplicates (mapcan #'copy-list (mapcar #'cdr l))) "QUANTIZE-BYFIT (1)" #'<) #+debug (check-order (delete-duplicates (mapcan #'copy-list (mapcar #'car l))) "QUANTIZE-BYFIT (2)" #'<) (loop for (e0 . e1) of-type (list . list) in l append e0 into l0 nconc e1 into l1 finally (return (cons (remove-duplicates l0) (delete-duplicates l1))))) (sel (l) ; select best (orig-point-list . quant-point-list) match (declare (type list l)) (loop-return-argmin (byfit-score (car x) (cdr x)) for x of-type (cons list list) in (remove-if (lambda (x) (declare (type (cons list list) x)) (or (null (car x)) (null (cdr x)))) l)))) (labels ((dv (o1 o2 pts rl lm) (let ((du (- o2 o1))) (when (and pts (>= du lm)) (sel (cons (cons pts (list o1 o2)) (loop for (s . r) in (split-rules-bylevel rl (and (or (null *min-tuplet-dur*) (>= du *min-tuplet-dur*)) (or (null *max-tuplet-dur*) (<= du *max-tuplet-dur*)))) unless (some (lambda (x) (or (unit-nodiv-p x) (sig-nodiv-p x))) r) ; no nodivs collect (flet ((of (o) (declare (type (rational 0) o)) (+ o1 (* o du)))) (adj (loop for (o1 o2) of-type ((rational 0 1) (or (rational 0 1) null)) on (cons 0 (append (force-list s) '(1))) #-clisp while #-clisp o2 for oo1 = #-clisp (of o1) #+clisp (if o2 (of o1) (loop-finish)) #-clisp and #+clisp for oo2 = (of o2) and ru in r for di = (dv oo1 oo2 (remove-if (lambda (e) (or (< e oo1) (> e oo2))) pts) ru lm) #+debug when #+debug (and (unitp ru) (rule-sim ru)) #+debug do #+debug (error "Error in QUANTIZE-BYFIT") if di collect di #|else do (return-from qua)|#)))))))))) (loop for p of-type partex in parts for ph = (gethash p h) ; ph = timesigs for part do (let* ((ee (sort (delete-duplicates (loop for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (part-events p) collect (event-off e) collect (event-endoff e))) #'<)) ; offset points (qs (sort (delete-duplicates (mapcan #'cdr (loop with ep = ee for (e n) of-type (timesig (or timesig null)) on (reverse ph) nconc (loop with eo = (or (if n (timesig-off n) (last-element ep)) (return nil)) ; last offset for o from (timesig-off e) below eo by (timesig-nbeats e) do (loop until (or (null ep) (>= (first ep) o)) do (pop ep)) collect (let ((o2 (+ o (timesig-nbeats e)))) (dv o o2 (loop for e in ep while (<= e o2) collect e) (first-splitrule e) (* (/ (beat-division e)) 3/4))) do (print-dot))))) #'<))) (loop with mg = (or (max-list (loop for e in (part-events p) when (event-grace e) collect (event-grace e))) (1- *default-grace-num*)) and ad for e of-type (or noteex restex) in (part-events p) do (let ((o (event-off e))) (loop while (and (list>1p qs) (< (second qs) o)) do (pop qs)) (let ((e1 (loop-return-firstmin (diff x o) for x of-type (rational 0) in qs))) (flet ((aa (oo ee) (declare (type (real 0) oo) (type (rational 0) ee)) (cond ((< oo ee) (push (cons (cons #'>= oo) ee) ad)) ; --> ((> oo ee) (push (cons (cons #'< oo) ; <-- (loop for (x1 x2) of-type ((rational 0) (or (rational 0) null)) on qs until (or (null x2) (>= x2 ee)) finally (return x1))) ad))))) (if (event-grace e) (progn (cond ((< (event-off e) e1) (push (cons (cons #'>= (event-off e)) e1) ad)) ; --> ((> (event-off e) e1) (push (cons (cons #'<= (event-off e)) e1) ad))) ; <-- (setf (event-off e) e1 (event-dur* e) (let ((bd (/ (beat-division (loop for s of-type timesig in ph until (<= (timesig-off s) e1) finally (return s)))))) (max bd (roundto (event-gracedur e) bd))))) (let ((e2 (let ((o (event-endoff e))) (loop-return-lastmin (diff x o) for x of-type (rational 0) in qs)))) (aa (event-off e) e1) (setf (event-off e) e1) (let ((x (- e2 e1))) (if (<= x 0) (progn (aa (event-endoff e) e1) (setf (event-dur e) (cons *default-grace-dur* (incf mg)))) (progn (aa (event-endoff e) e2) (setf (event-dur* e) x))))))))) (print-dot) finally (addprop p (cons :quant ; temporary prop: collection of all movements to points (merge-all ad (lambda (x y) (declare (type (cons (cons (function ((rational 0) (rational 0)) boolean) (real 0)) (rational 0)) x y)) (let ((x1 (cdar x)) (x2 (cdr x)) (y1 (cdar y)) (y2 (cdr y))) (cond ((and (< x1 x2) (< y1 y2)) ; --> (when (and (>= x2 y1) (>= y2 x1)) ; always #'>= (cons (if (< x1 y1) (car x) (car y)) (max x2 y2)))) ((and (> x1 x2) (> y1 y2)) ; <-- (cond ((or (and (> x1 y2) (> y1 x2)) ; overlap (and (= x1 y2) (eq (caar x) #'<=)) ; touching (and (= y1 x2) (eq (caar y) #'<=))) (cons (cond ((= x1 y1) (cons (if (or (eq (caar x) #'<=) (eq (caar y) #'<=)) #'<= #'<) x1)) ((> x1 y1) (car x)) (t (car y))) (min x2 y2)))))))) :call-rev nil))) (setf (part-events p) (sort (part-events p) #'sort-offdur))))))))) (declaim (inline load-quantize-plugins)) (defun load-quantize-plugins () (unless (eq (auto-quantize-fun) :quantize1) (load-fomus-plugin (auto-quantize-fun)))) (defun quantize (timesigs parts) (if (eq (auto-quantize-fun) :quantize1) (quantize-byfit timesigs parts) (call-plugin (auto-quantize-fun) (list "Unknown quantize plugin ~S" *auto-quantize-plugin*) timesigs parts))) (defun quantize-generic (parts) (loop for p in parts do (loop for e in (part-events p) do (setf (event-dur* e) (rationalize (or (event-gracedur e) (event-dur* e))) (event-off e) (rationalize (event-off e))))))