;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/external-format.lisp,v 1.22 2008/05/25 12:26:02 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :flexi-streams) (defclass external-format () ((name :initarg :name :reader external-format-name :documentation "The name of the external format - a keyword.") (id :initarg :id :initform nil :reader external-format-id :documentation "If the external format denotes a Windows code page this ID specifies which one to use. Otherwise the value is ignored \(and usually NIL).") (little-endian :initarg :little-endian :initform *default-little-endian* :reader external-format-little-endian :documentation "Whether multi-octet values are read and written with the least significant octet first. For 8-bit encodings like :ISO-8859-1 this value is ignored.") (eol-style :initarg :eol-style :reader external-format-eol-style :documentation "The character\(s) to or from which a #\Newline will be translated - one of the keywords :CR, :LF, or :CRLF.")) (:documentation "EXTERNAL-FORMAT objects are used to denote encodings for flexi streams or for the string functions defined in strings.lisp.")) (defmethod make-load-form ((thing external-format) &optional environment) "Defines a way to reconstruct external formats. Needed for OpenMCL." (make-load-form-saving-slots thing :environment environment)) (defclass flexi-cr-mixin () () (:documentation "A mixin for external-formats where the end-of-line designator is #\Return.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-mixin () () (:documentation "A mixin for external-formats where the end-of-line designator is the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed.")) (defclass flexi-8-bit-format (external-format) ((encoding-hash :accessor external-format-encoding-hash) (decoding-table :accessor external-format-decoding-table)) (:documentation "The class for all flexi streams which use an 8-bit encoding and thus need additional slots for the encoding/decoding tables.")) (defclass flexi-cr-8-bit-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-8-bit-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use an 8-bit encoding /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-8-bit-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-8-bit-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use an 8-bit encoding /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-ascii-format (flexi-8-bit-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the US-ASCII encoding.")) (defclass flexi-cr-ascii-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-ascii-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the US-ASCII encoding /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-ascii-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-ascii-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the US-ASCII encoding /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-latin-1-format (flexi-8-bit-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the ISO-8859-1 encoding.")) (defclass flexi-cr-latin-1-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-latin-1-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the ISO-8859-1 encoding /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-latin-1-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-latin-1-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the ISO-8859-1 encoding /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-utf-32-format (external-format) () (:documentation "Abstract class for external formats which use the UTF-32 encoding.")) (defclass flexi-utf-32-le-format (flexi-utf-32-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-32 encoding with little-endian byte ordering.")) (defclass flexi-cr-utf-32-le-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-utf-32-le-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-32 encoding with little-endian byte ordering /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-utf-32-le-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-utf-32-le-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-32 encoding with little-endian byte ordering /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-utf-32-be-format (flexi-utf-32-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-32 encoding with big-endian byte ordering.")) (defclass flexi-cr-utf-32-be-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-utf-32-be-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-32 encoding with big-endian byte ordering /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-utf-32-be-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-utf-32-be-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the the UTF-32 encoding with big-endian byte ordering /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-utf-16-format (external-format) () (:documentation "Abstract class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding.")) (defclass flexi-utf-16-le-format (flexi-utf-16-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding with little-endian byte ordering.")) (defclass flexi-cr-utf-16-le-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-utf-16-le-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding with little-endian byte ordering /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-utf-16-le-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-utf-16-le-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding with little-endian byte ordering /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-utf-16-be-format (flexi-utf-16-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding with big-endian byte ordering.")) (defclass flexi-cr-utf-16-be-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-utf-16-be-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding with big-endian byte ordering /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-utf-16-be-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-utf-16-be-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-16 encoding with big-endian byte ordering /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-utf-8-format (external-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-8 encoding.")) (defclass flexi-cr-utf-8-format (flexi-cr-mixin flexi-utf-8-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-8 encoding /and/ have #\Return as the line-end character.")) (defclass flexi-crlf-utf-8-format (flexi-crlf-mixin flexi-utf-8-format) () (:documentation "Special class for external formats which use the UTF-8 encoding /and/ have the sequence #\Return #\Linefeed as the line-end character.")) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((external-format flexi-8-bit-format) &rest initargs) "Sets the fixed encoding/decoding tables for this particular external format." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (declare (ignore initargs)) (with-accessors ((encoding-hash external-format-encoding-hash) (decoding-table external-format-decoding-table) (name external-format-name) (id external-format-id)) external-format (multiple-value-setq (encoding-hash decoding-table) (cond ((ascii-name-p name) (values +ascii-hash+ +ascii-table+)) ((koi8-r-name-p name) (values +koi8-r-hash+ +koi8-r-table+)) ((iso-8859-name-p name) (values (cdr (assoc name +iso-8859-hashes+ :test #'eq)) (cdr (assoc name +iso-8859-tables+ :test #'eq)))) ((code-page-name-p name) (values (cdr (assoc id +code-page-hashes+)) (cdr (assoc id +code-page-tables+)))))))) (defun external-format-class-name (real-name &key eol-style little-endian id) "Given the initargs for a general external format returns the name \(a symbol) of the most specific subclass matching these arguments." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (declare (ignore id)) (cond ((ascii-name-p real-name) (ecase eol-style (:lf 'flexi-ascii-format) (:cr 'flexi-cr-ascii-format) (:crlf 'flexi-crlf-ascii-format))) ((eq real-name :iso-8859-1) (ecase eol-style (:lf 'flexi-latin-1-format) (:cr 'flexi-cr-latin-1-format) (:crlf 'flexi-crlf-latin-1-format))) ((or (koi8-r-name-p real-name) (iso-8859-name-p real-name) (code-page-name-p real-name)) (ecase eol-style (:lf 'flexi-8-bit-format) (:cr 'flexi-cr-8-bit-format) (:crlf 'flexi-crlf-8-bit-format))) (t (ecase real-name (:utf-8 (ecase eol-style (:lf 'flexi-utf-8-format) (:cr 'flexi-cr-utf-8-format) (:crlf 'flexi-crlf-utf-8-format))) (:utf-16 (ecase eol-style (:lf (if little-endian 'flexi-utf-16-le-format 'flexi-utf-16-be-format)) (:cr (if little-endian 'flexi-cr-utf-16-le-format 'flexi-cr-utf-16-be-format)) (:crlf (if little-endian 'flexi-crlf-utf-16-le-format 'flexi-crlf-utf-16-be-format)))) (:utf-32 (ecase eol-style (:lf (if little-endian 'flexi-utf-32-le-format 'flexi-utf-32-be-format)) (:cr (if little-endian 'flexi-cr-utf-32-le-format 'flexi-cr-utf-32-be-format)) (:crlf (if little-endian 'flexi-crlf-utf-32-le-format 'flexi-crlf-utf-32-be-format)))))))) (defun make-external-format% (name &key (little-endian *default-little-endian*) id eol-style) "Used internally by MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT to default some of the keywords arguments and to determine the right subclass of EXTERNAL-FORMAT." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (let* ((real-name (normalize-external-format-name name)) (initargs (cond ((or (iso-8859-name-p real-name) (koi8-r-name-p real-name) (ascii-name-p real-name)) (list :eol-style (or eol-style *default-eol-style*))) ((code-page-name-p real-name) (list :id (or (known-code-page-id-p id) (error 'external-format-error :format-control "Unknown code page ID ~S" :format-arguments (list id))) ;; default EOL style for Windows code pages is :CRLF :eol-style (or eol-style :crlf))) (t (list :eol-style (or eol-style *default-eol-style*) :little-endian little-endian))))) (apply #'make-instance (apply #'external-format-class-name real-name initargs) :name real-name initargs))) (defun make-external-format (name &rest args &key (little-endian *default-little-endian*) id eol-style) "Creates and returns an external format object as specified. NAME is a keyword like :LATIN1 or :UTF-8, LITTLE-ENDIAN specifies the `endianess' of the external format and is ignored for 8-bit encodings, EOL-STYLE is one of the keywords :CR, :LF, or :CRLF which denote the end-of-line character \(sequence), ID is the ID of a Windows code page \(and ignored for other encodings)." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) ;; the keyword arguments are only there for arglist display in the IDE (declare (ignore id little-endian)) (let ((shortcut-args (cdr (assoc name +shortcut-map+)))) (cond (shortcut-args (apply #'make-external-format% (append shortcut-args `(:eol-style ,eol-style)))) (t (apply #'make-external-format% name args))))) (defun maybe-convert-external-format (external-format) "Given an external format designator \(a keyword, a list, or an EXTERNAL-FORMAT object) returns the corresponding EXTERNAL-FORMAT object." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (typecase external-format (symbol (make-external-format external-format)) (list (apply #'make-external-format external-format)) (otherwise external-format))) (defun external-format-equal (ef1 ef2) "Checks whether two EXTERNAL-FORMAT objects denote the same encoding." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (let* ((name1 (external-format-name ef1)) (code-page-name-p (code-page-name-p name1))) ;; they must habe the same canonical name (and (eq name1 (external-format-name ef2)) ;; if both are code pages the IDs must be the same (or (not code-page-name-p) (eql (external-format-id ef1) (external-format-id ef2))) ;; for non-8-bit encodings the endianess must be the same (or code-page-name-p (ascii-name-p name1) (koi8-r-name-p name1) (iso-8859-name-p name1) (eq name1 :utf-8) (eq (not (external-format-little-endian ef1)) (not (external-format-little-endian ef2)))) ;; the EOL style must also be the same (eq (external-format-eol-style ef1) (external-format-eol-style ef2))))) (defun normalize-external-format (external-format) "Returns a list which is a `normalized' representation of the external format EXTERNAL-FORMAT. Used internally by PRINT-OBJECT, for example. Basically, the result is an argument list that can be fed back to MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT to create an equivalent object." (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (let ((name (external-format-name external-format)) (eol-style (external-format-eol-style external-format))) (cond ((or (ascii-name-p name) (koi8-r-name-p name) (iso-8859-name-p name) (eq name :utf-8)) (list name :eol-style eol-style)) ((code-page-name-p name) (list name :id (external-format-id external-format) :eol-style eol-style)) (t (list name :eol-style eol-style :little-endian (external-format-little-endian external-format)))))) (defmethod print-object ((object external-format) stream) "How an EXTERNAL-FORMAT object is rendered. Uses NORMALIZE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT." (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t) (prin1 (normalize-external-format object) stream)))