;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: FLEXI-STREAMS; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/flexi-streams/encode.lisp,v 1.23 2008/05/25 21:26:12 edi Exp $ ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package :flexi-streams) (defgeneric char-to-octets (format char writer) (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (:documentation "Converts the character CHAR to a sequence of octets using the external format FORMAT. The conversion is performed by calling the unary function \(which must be a functional object) WRITER repeatedly each octet. The return value of this function is unspecified.")) (defgeneric write-sequence* (format stream sequence start end) (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (:documentation "A generic function which dispatches on the external format and does the real work for STREAM-WRITE-SEQUENCE.")) (defgeneric string-to-octets* (format string start end) (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (:documentation "A generic function which dispatches on the external format and does the real work for STRING-TO-OCTETS.")) (defmethod string-to-octets* :around (format (list list) start end) (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (string-to-octets* format (coerce list 'string*) start end)) (defmacro define-sequence-writers ((format-class) &body body) "Non-hygienic utility macro which defines methods for WRITE-SEQUENCE* and STRING-TO-OCTETS* for the class FORMAT-CLASS. For BODY see the docstring of DEFINE-CHAR-ENCODERS." (let ((body `((locally (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*) ,@body)))) `(progn (defmethod string-to-octets* ((format ,format-class) string start end) (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (declare (fixnum start end) (string string)) (let ((octets (make-array (compute-number-of-octets format string start end) :element-type 'octet)) (j 0)) (declare (fixnum j)) (loop for i of-type fixnum from start below end do (macrolet ((octet-writer (form) `(progn (setf (aref (the (array octet *) octets) j) ,form) (incf j)))) (symbol-macrolet ((char-getter (char string i))) (progn ,@body)))) octets)) (defmethod write-sequence* ((format ,format-class) stream sequence start end) (declare #.*standard-optimize-settings*) (declare (fixnum start end)) (with-accessors ((column flexi-stream-column)) stream (let* ((octet-seen-p nil) (buffer-pos 0) ;; estimate should be good enough... (factor (encoding-factor format)) ;; we don't want arbitrarily large buffer, do we? (buffer-size (min +buffer-size+ (ceiling (* factor (- end start))))) (buffer (make-octet-buffer buffer-size))) (declare (fixnum buffer-pos buffer-size) (boolean octet-seen-p) (type (array octet *) buffer)) (macrolet ((octet-writer (form) `(write-octet ,form))) (labels ((flush-buffer () "Sends all octets in BUFFER to the underlying stream." (write-sequence buffer stream :end buffer-pos) (setq buffer-pos 0)) (write-octet (octet) "Adds one octet to the buffer and flushes it if necessary." (declare (type octet octet)) (when (>= buffer-pos buffer-size) (flush-buffer)) (setf (aref buffer buffer-pos) octet) (incf buffer-pos)) (write-object (object) "Dispatches to WRITE-OCTET or WRITE-CHARACTER depending on the type of OBJECT." (etypecase object (octet (setq octet-seen-p t) (write-octet object)) (character (symbol-macrolet ((char-getter object)) ,@body))))) (macrolet ((iterate (&body output-forms) "An unhygienic macro to implement the actual iteration through SEQUENCE. OUTPUT-FORM is the form to retrieve one sequence element and put its octet representation into the buffer." `(loop for index of-type fixnum from start below end do (progn ,@output-forms) finally (when (plusp buffer-pos) (flush-buffer))))) (etypecase sequence (string (iterate (symbol-macrolet ((char-getter (char sequence index))) ,@body))) (array (iterate (symbol-macrolet ((char-getter (aref sequence index))) ,@body))) (list (iterate (write-object (nth index sequence)))))) ;; update the column slot, setting it to NIL if we sent ;; octets (setq column (cond (octet-seen-p nil) (t (let ((last-newline-pos (position #\Newline sequence :test #'char= :start start :end end :from-end t))) (cond (last-newline-pos (- end last-newline-pos 1)) (column (+ column (- end start)))))))))))))))) (defmacro define-char-encoders ((lf-format-class cr-format-class crlf-format-class) &body body) "Non-hygienic utility macro which defines several encoding-related methods for the classes LF-FORMAT-CLASS, CR-FORMAT-CLASS, and CRLF-FORMAT-CLASS where it is assumed that CR-FORMAT-CLASS is the same encoding as LF-FORMAT-CLASS but with CR instead of LF line endings and similar for CRLF-FORMAT-CLASS, i.e. LF-FORMAT-CLASS is the base class. BODY is a code template for the code to convert one character to octets. BODY must contain a symbol CHAR-GETTER representing the form which is used to obtain the character and a forms like \(OCTET-WRITE ) to write the octet . The CHAR-GETTER form might be called more than once." `(progn (defmethod char-to-octets ((format ,lf-format-class) char writer) (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*) (declare (character char) (function writer)) (symbol-macrolet ((char-getter char)) (macrolet ((octet-writer (form) `(funcall writer ,form))) ,@body))) (define-sequence-writers (,lf-format-class) ,@body) (define-sequence-writers (,cr-format-class) ;; modify the body so that the getter replaces a #\Newline ;; with a #\Return ,@(sublis `((char-getter . ,(with-unique-names (char) `(let ((,char char-getter)) (declare (character ,char)) (if (char= ,char #\Newline) #\Return ,char))))) body)) (define-sequence-writers (,crlf-format-class) ;; modify the body so that we potentially write octets for ;; two characters (#\Return and #\Linefeed) - the original ;; body is wrapped with the WRITE-CHAR local function ,(with-unique-names (char write-char) `(flet ((,write-char (,char) ,@(sublis `((char-getter . ,char)) body))) (let ((,char char-getter)) (declare (character ,char)) (cond ((char= ,char #\Newline) (,write-char #\Return) (,write-char #\Linefeed)) (t (,write-char ,char))))))))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-latin-1-format flexi-cr-latin-1-format flexi-crlf-latin-1-format) (let ((octet (char-code char-getter))) (when (> octet 255) (signal-encoding-error format "~S (code ~A) is not a LATIN-1 character." char-getter octet)) (octet-writer octet))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-ascii-format flexi-cr-ascii-format flexi-crlf-ascii-format) (let ((octet (char-code char-getter))) (when (> octet 127) (signal-encoding-error format "~S (code ~A) is not an ASCII character." char-getter octet)) (octet-writer octet))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-8-bit-format flexi-cr-8-bit-format flexi-crlf-8-bit-format) (with-accessors ((encoding-hash external-format-encoding-hash)) format (let ((octet (gethash (char-code char-getter) encoding-hash))) (unless octet (signal-encoding-error format "~S (code ~A) is not in this encoding." char-getter octet)) (octet-writer octet)))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-utf-8-format flexi-cr-utf-8-format flexi-crlf-utf-8-format) ;; the old version using LDB was more elegant, but some Lisps had ;; trouble optimizing it (let ((char-code (char-code char-getter))) (tagbody (cond ((< char-code #x80) (octet-writer char-code) (go zero)) ((< char-code #x800) (octet-writer (logior* #b11000000 (ash* char-code -6))) (go one)) ((< char-code #x10000) (octet-writer (logior* #b11100000 (ash* char-code -12))) (go two)) (t (octet-writer (logior* #b11110000 (ash* char-code -18))))) (octet-writer (logior* #b10000000 (logand* #b00111111 (ash* char-code -12)))) two (octet-writer (logior* #b10000000 (logand* #b00111111 (ash* char-code -6)))) one (octet-writer (logior* #b10000000 (logand* #b00111111 char-code))) zero))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-utf-16-le-format flexi-cr-utf-16-le-format flexi-crlf-utf-16-le-format) (flet ((write-word (word) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff word)) (octet-writer (ash* (logand* #xff00 word) -8)))) (declare (inline write-word)) (let ((char-code (char-code char-getter))) (declare (type char-code-integer char-code)) (cond ((< char-code #x10000) (write-word char-code)) (t (decf char-code #x10000) (write-word (logior* #xd800 (ash* char-code -10))) (write-word (logior* #xdc00 (logand* #x03ff char-code)))))))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-utf-16-be-format flexi-cr-utf-16-be-format flexi-crlf-utf-16-be-format) (flet ((write-word (word) (octet-writer (ash* (logand* #xff00 word) -8)) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff word)))) (declare (inline write-word)) (let ((char-code (char-code char-getter))) (declare (type char-code-integer char-code)) (cond ((< char-code #x10000) (write-word char-code)) (t (decf char-code #x10000) (write-word (logior* #xd800 (ash* char-code -10))) (write-word (logior* #xdc00 (logand* #x03ff char-code)))))))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-utf-32-le-format flexi-cr-utf-32-le-format flexi-crlf-utf-32-le-format) (let ((char-code (char-code char-getter))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff char-code)) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff (ash* char-code -8))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff (ash* char-code -16))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff (ash* char-code -24))))) (define-char-encoders (flexi-utf-32-be-format flexi-cr-utf-32-be-format flexi-crlf-utf-32-be-format) (let ((char-code (char-code char-getter))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff (ash* char-code -24))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff (ash* char-code -16))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff (ash* char-code -8))) (octet-writer (logand* #x00ff char-code)))) (defmethod char-to-octets ((format flexi-cr-mixin) char writer) (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*) (declare (character char)) (if (char= char #\Newline) (call-next-method format #\Return writer) (call-next-method))) (defmethod char-to-octets ((format flexi-crlf-mixin) char writer) (declare #.*fixnum-optimize-settings*) (declare (character char)) (cond ((char= char #\Newline) (call-next-method format #\Return writer) (call-next-method format #\Linefeed writer)) (t (call-next-method))))