; functions that implement various policies (in-package "VERRAZANO") ; various special names that must be converted (defparameter +special-names+ '(("t" . "xt") ("nil" . "xnil"))) ; policy for naming anonymous-nodes (defgeneric name-anonymous (irn)) ; policy for translating c-names (defgeneric translate-name (irn)) ; policy for resolving conflicts created by casing (defgeneric recase-namespace (ns)) ; policy for combining name of parent and child (defgeneric combine-name (parent edge child)) ; policy for naming a converter function (defgeneric name-converter (fun to)) ; policy for naming an operator function (defgeneric name-operator (fun)) ; policy for mapping constructors (defgeneric name-constructor (fun)) ; policy for mapping destructors (defgeneric name-destructor (fun)) ; default implementation of naming anonymous element (defmethod name-anonymous (element) (setf (named-name element) (concatenate 'string "anonymous" (princ-to-string (get-next-integer))))) ; default implementation of name translation (defmethod translate-name (element) (let ((strans (assoc (named-name element) +special-names+ :test #'equal))) (when strans (setf (named-name element) (cdr strans)))) (setf (named-name element) (string-downcase (substitute #\- #\_ (named-name element))))) ; default implementation of resolving casing conflicts (defmacro resolve-conflicts (element table) (let ((name (gensym)) (counter (gensym))) `(let* ((,name (named-name ,element)) (,counter (gethash (string-downcase ,name) ,table))) (if ,counter (progn (setf (named-name ,element) (format nil "~A-~A" ,name ,counter)) (setf (gethash (string-downcase ,name) ,table) (+ ,counter 1))) (setf (gethash (string-downcase ,name) ,table) 1))))) (defmethod recase-namespace (ns) (let ((funs-seen (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (vars-seen (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (dolist (edge (node-edges ns)) (cond ((function? edge) (resolve-conflicts edge funs-seen)) ((allocates-edge? edge) (resolve-conflicts edge vars-seen)) ((defines-edge? edge) (resolve-conflicts (edge-target edge) vars-seen)))))) ; default implementation of name combining (defmethod combine-name (parent edge child) (combine-element-name parent edge) (combine-element-name parent child)) ; helper method for combine-name (defun combine-element-name (p c) (when (subtypep (type-of c) 'named) (setf (named-name c) (concatenate 'string (named-name p) "-" (named-name c))))) ; default implementation of converter naming (defmethod name-converter (fun to) (setf (named-name fun) (concatenate 'string "to-" (named-name to)))) ; default implementation of operator naming (defmethod name-operator (fun) (setf (named-name fun) (concatenate 'string "operator" (named-name fun)))) ; default implementation of constructor naming (defmethod name-constructor (fun) (setf (named-name fun) "new")) ; default implementation of destructor naming (defmethod name-destructor (fun) (setf (named-name fun) "delete"))