;;;; $Id$ ;;;; $Source$ ;;;; cliki.lisp - CLiki as an infobot; only works on SBCL. ;;; To use it, load the cl-irc and cl-ppcre systems, load ;;; cliki.lisp, and invoke (cliki::start-cliki-bot "desirednickname" ;;; "desiredserver" "#channel1" "#channel2" "#channel3" ...) (defpackage :cliki (:use :common-lisp :irc :sb-bsd-sockets :cl-ppcre)) (in-package :cliki) (defvar *small-definitions* nil) (defun read-small-definitions () (setf *small-definitions* nil) (with-open-file (sd-file "sd.lisp-expr" :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil) (when sd-file (block nil (loop (let ((defn (read sd-file nil))) (if defn (push defn *small-definitions*) (return (setf *small-definitions* (nreverse *small-definitions*)))))))))) (defun write-small-definitions () (with-open-file (sd-file "sd.lisp-expr" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (mapc #'(lambda (defn) (prin1 defn sd-file) (format sd-file "~%")) *small-definitions*))) (defun write-top-definition () (with-open-file (sd-file "sd.lisp-expr" :direction :output :if-exists :append) (prin1 (car *small-definitions*) sd-file) (format sd-file "~%"))) (defun add-small-definition (term defn) (push (cons term defn) *small-definitions*) (write-small-definitions)) (defun url-port (url) (assert (string-equal url "http://" :end1 7)) (let ((port-start (position #\: url :start 7))) (if port-start (parse-integer url :start (1+ port-start) :junk-allowed t) 80))) (defun url-host (url) (assert (string-equal url "http://" :end1 7)) (let* ((port-start (position #\: url :start 7)) (host-end (min (or (position #\/ url :start 7) (length url)) (or port-start (length url))))) (subseq url 7 host-end))) (defun url-connection (url) (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp)) (host (url-host url)) (port (url-port url))) (declare (ignore port)) (socket-connect s (car (host-ent-addresses (get-host-by-name (url-host url)))) (url-port url)) (let ((stream (socket-make-stream s :input t :output t :buffering :full))) ;; we are exceedingly unportable about proper line-endings here. ;; Anyone wishing to run this under non-SBCL should take especial care (format stream "GET ~A HTTP/1.0~%Host: ~A~%User-Agent: CLiki Bot~%~%" url host) (force-output stream) (list (let* ((l (read-line stream)) (space (position #\Space l))) (parse-integer l :start (1+ space) :junk-allowed t)) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) until (or (null line) (eql (elt line 0) (code-char 13))) collect (let ((colon (position #\: line))) (cons (intern (string-upcase (subseq line 0 colon)) :keyword) (string-trim (list #\Space (code-char 13)) (subseq line (1+ colon)))))) stream)))) (defun encode-for-url (str) (setf str (regex-replace-all " " str "%20")) (setf str (regex-replace-all "," str "%2C")) (setf str (regex-replace-all "`" str "%60")) ;(format t "hi ~A~%" str) str) (defun cliki-first-sentence (term) (let* ((cliki-url (format nil "http://www.cliki.net/~A" (encode-for-url term))) (url (concatenate 'string cliki-url "?source"))) (block cliki-return (handler-case (sb-ext:with-timeout 5 (destructuring-bind (response headers stream) (block got (loop (destructuring-bind (response headers stream) (url-connection url) (unless (member response '(301 302)) (return-from got (list response headers stream))) (close stream) (setf url (cdr (assoc :location headers)))))) (unwind-protect (if (not (eql response 200)) (format nil "The term ~A was not found in CLiki." term) (let ((first-line "")) (loop for i from 1 to 5 do ;; scan the first 5 lines (progn (multiple-value-bind (next-line missing-newline-p) (read-line stream nil) (if next-line (setf first-line (concatenate 'string first-line next-line (string #\newline))) (return-from cliki-return (format nil "The end of the page was reached before a definition was found in ~A" cliki-url)))) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "\\r" first-line " ")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "\\n" first-line " ")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "_\\(([^)]*)\\)" first-line "\\1")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "\\*\\(([^)]*)\\)" first-line "\\1")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "<[^>]+>" first-line "")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "^(([^.]|\\.\\S)+)\\.\\s+.*$" first-line "\\1.")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "(\\s)\\s+" first-line "\\1")) (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "^\\s(.+)$" first-line "\\1")) (when (scan "^([^.]|\\.\\S)+\\.$" first-line) (setf first-line (concatenate 'string first-line " " cliki-url)) (return-from cliki-return first-line)))) (format nil "No definition was found in the first 5 lines of ~A" cliki-url))) (if stream (close stream))))) (condition (c &rest whatever) (return-from cliki-return (format nil "An error was encountered in lookup."))))))) (defvar *cliki-connection*) (defvar *cliki-nickname*) (defmacro aif (test conseq &optional (else nil)) `(let ((it ,test)) (if it ,conseq (symbol-macrolet ((it ,test)) ,else)))) (defparameter *cliki-attention-prefix* "minion: ") (defparameter *cliki-bot-help* "The minion bot supplies small definitions and performs lookups on CLiki. To use it, try ``minion: term?''. To add a term for IRC, try saying ``minion: add \"term\" as: definition'' or ``minion: alias \"term\" as: term''; otherwise, edit the corresponding CLiki page.") (defun cliki-lookup (term-with-question) (let ((first-pass (regex-replace-all "^(\\s*)([^?]+)(\\?*)$" term-with-question "\\2"))) (setf first-pass (regex-replace-all "\\s\\s+" first-pass "")) (setf first-pass (regex-replace-all "\\s*$" first-pass "")) (if (scan "^add \"([^\"]+)\" as: (.+)$" first-pass) (let ((term (regex-replace "^add \"([^\"]+)\" .*$" first-pass "\\1")) (defn (regex-replace "^add \"[^\"]+\" as: (.+)$" first-pass "\\1"))) (add-small-definition term defn) "OK, done.") (if (scan "^alias \"([^\"]+)\" as: (.+)$" first-pass) (let ((term (regex-replace "^alias \"([^\"]+)\" .*$" first-pass "\\1")) (defn (regex-replace "^alias \"[^\"]+\" as: (.+)$" first-pass "\\1"))) (add-small-definition term (list defn)) "OK, done.") (or (if (string-equal first-pass "help") *cliki-bot-help*) (if (scan "^(?i)do my bidding!*$" first-pass) "Yes, my master.") (concatenate 'string first-pass ": " (or (let ((term (cdr (assoc first-pass *small-definitions* :test #'string-equal)))) (if term (if (stringp term) term (cliki-lookup (car term))))) (cliki-first-sentence first-pass)))))))) (defun valid-cliki-message (message) (eql (search *cliki-attention-prefix* (trailing-argument message) :test #'char-equal) 0)) (defun msg-hook (message) (if (string-equal (first (arguments message)) *cliki-nickname*) (if (valid-cliki-message message) (privmsg *cliki-connection* (source message) (cliki-lookup (subseq (trailing-argument message) (length *cliki-attention-prefix*)))) (privmsg *cliki-connection* (source message) (cliki-lookup (trailing-argument message)))) (if (valid-cliki-message message) (privmsg *cliki-connection* (first (arguments message)) (cliki-lookup (subseq (trailing-argument message) (length *cliki-attention-prefix*))))))) (defvar *cliki-nickserv-password* "") (defun notice-hook (message) (if (and (string-equal (source message) "NickServ") (scan "owned by someone else" (trailing-argument message))) (privmsg *cliki-connection* (source message) (format nil "IDENTIFY ~A" *cliki-nickserv-password*)))) (defun start-cliki-bot (nick server &rest channels) (read-small-definitions) (setf *cliki-nickname* nick) (setf *cliki-connection* (connect :nickname *cliki-nickname* :server server)) (mapcar #'(lambda (channel) (join *cliki-connection* channel)) channels) (add-hook *cliki-connection* 'irc::irc-privmsg-message 'msg-hook) (add-hook *cliki-connection* 'irc::irc-notice-message 'notice-hook) #+sbcl (start-background-message-handler *cliki-connection*) #-sbcl (read-message-loop *cliki-connection*)) (defun shuffle-hooks () (irc::remove-hooks *cliki-connection* 'irc::irc-privmsg-message) (add-hook *cliki-connection* 'irc::irc-privmsg-message 'msg-hook))