;;;; $Id$ ;;;; $URL$ ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information. (in-package :irc) (defvar *debug-p* nil) (defvar *debug-stream* t) (defconstant +soh+ #.(code-char 1)) (defparameter *version* "0.9.1") (defparameter *ctcp-version* (format nil "CL IRC library, cl-irc:~A:~A ~A" *version* (machine-type) (machine-version))) (defparameter *download-host* "http://common-lisp.net/") (defparameter *download-directory* "/project/cl-irc/") (defparameter *download-file* (format nil "cl-irc-~A.tar.gz" *version*)) (defvar *default-nickname* "cl-irc") (defvar *default-irc-server* "irc.freenode.net") (defvar *default-irc-server-port* '(:none 6667 ;; most used for normal IRC :ssl 6679 ;; most used for SSL IRC )) (defvar *default-quit-message* "Common Lisp IRC library - http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-irc") (defparameter *unknown-reply-hook* nil "A function of two arguments, called with the related irc connection object and the protocol message string upon detection of an unmappable response code. The function should return a valid IRC-MESSAGE class or NIL. The parameter can be NIL to disable the hook.") (defparameter *default-isupport-CHANMODES* "beI,kO,l,aimnpqsrt") (defparameter *default-isupport-PREFIX* "(ov)@+") (defparameter *default-isupport-values* `(("CASEMAPPING" "rfc1459") ("CHANMODES" ,*default-isupport-CHANMODES*) ("CHANNELLEN" "200") ("CHANTYPES" "#&") ("MODES" "3") ("NICKLEN" "9") ("PREFIX" ,*default-isupport-PREFIX*) ("TARGMAX"))) (defparameter *default-outgoing-external-format* '(:utf-8) "The external-format we use to encode outgoing messages. This should be an external format spec that flexi-streams accepts. :eol-style will always be overridden to be :crlf as required by the IRC protocol.") (defparameter *default-incoming-external-formats* '((:utf-8 :eol-style :crlf) (:latin1 :eol-style :crlf)) "The external-formats we use to decode incoming messages. This should be a list of external format specs that flexi-streams accepts. The external formats are tried in order, until one decodes the message without encoding errors. Note that the last external format should be a single-byte one with most or even all valid codepoints (such as latin-1). :eol-style will always be overridden to be :crlf as required by the IRC protocol.") (defvar *dcc-connections* nil) (defstruct (mode-description (:conc-name "MODE-DESC-")) (char nil) (symbol nil) (param-on-set-p nil) (param-on-unset-p nil) (nick-param-p nil) (class 'single-value-mode)) (defparameter *default-char-to-channel-modes-map* '( ;; these modes don't take parameters (#\a . :anonymous) (#\i . :invite-only) (#\m . :moderated) (#\n . :no-external) (#\q . :quiet) (#\s . :secret) (#\r . :reop) (#\t . :op-only-topic) ;; these modes take a user parameter (#\O . :channel-creator) (#\o . :channel-operator) (#\v . :voice) ;; these modes take a parameter other than a user (#\l . :limit) (#\k . :key) (#\b . :ban) (#\e . :except) (#\I . :invite))) (defparameter *char-to-user-modes-map* '((#\a . :away) (#\i . :invisible) (#\w . :receive-wallops) (#\s . :server-notices) (#\r . :restricted-connection) (#\o . :remote-operator) (#\O . :local-operator))) (defparameter *reply-names* '((1 :rpl_welcome) (2 :rpl_yourhost) (3 :rpl_created) (4 :rpl_myinfo) (5 :rpl_isupport) ;; The RFC was wrong to define RPL_BOUNCE here, ;; see http://www.irc.org/tech_docs/draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-03.txt (10 :rpl_bounce) (15 :rpl_map) ; From ircd 2.11 source (17 :rpl_mapend) ; From ircd 2.11 source (18 :rpl_mapstart) ; From ircd 2.11 source (20 :rpl_hello) ; From ircd 2.11 source (42 :rpl_yourid) ; From ircd 2.11 source (43 :rpl_savenick) ; From ircd 2.11 source (200 :rpl_tracelink) (201 :rpl_traceconnecting) (202 :rpl_tracehandshake) (203 :rpl_traceunknown) (204 :rpl_traceoperator) (205 :rpl_traceuser) (206 :rpl_traceserver) (207 :rpl_traceservice) (208 :rpl_tracenewtype) (209 :rpl_traceclass) (210 :rpl_tracereconnect) (211 :rpl_statslinkinfo) (212 :rpl_statscommands) (213 :rpl_statscline) (214 :rpl_statsnline) (215 :rpl_statsiline) (216 :rpl_statskline) (217 :rpl_statsqline) (218 :rpl_statsyline) (219 :rpl_endofstats) (221 :rpl_umodeis) (225 :rpl_statsdline) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (227 :rpl_option) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (228 :rpl_endoptions) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (231 :rpl_serviceinfo) (232 :rpl_endofservices) (233 :rpl_service) (234 :rpl_servlist) (235 :rpl_servlistend) (240 :rpl_statsvline) (241 :rpl_statslline) (242 :rpl_statsuptime) (243 :rpl_statsonline) (244 :rpl_statshline) (245 :rpl_statssline) ; The RFC says 244 but I believe that was a typo. (246 :rpl_statsping) (247 :rpl_statsbline) (248 :rpl_statsuline) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (249 :rpl_statsdebug) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (250 :rpl_statsdline) (251 :rpl_luserclient) (252 :rpl_luserop) (253 :rpl_luserunknown) (254 :rpl_luserchannels) (255 :rpl_luserme) (256 :rpl_adminme) (257 :rpl_adminloc1) (258 :rpl_adminloc2) (259 :rpl_adminemail) (261 :rpl_tracelog) (262 :rpl_traceend) (263 :rpl_tryagain) (265 :rpl_localusers) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (266 :rpl_globalusers) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (268 :rpl_mode) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (269 :rpl_endmode) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (271 :rpl_sitelist) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (272 :rpl_endsitelist) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (290 :rpl_clientcapab) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (292 :rpl_noservicehost) (300 :rpl_none) (301 :rpl_away) (302 :rpl_userhost) (303 :rpl_ison) (304 :rpl_away) (305 :rpl_unaway) (306 :rpl_noaway) (307 :rpl_whoisidentified) (311 :rpl_whoisuser) (312 :rpl_whoisserver) (313 :rpl_whoisoperator) (314 :rpl_whowasuser) (315 :rpl_endofwho) (316 :rpl_whoischanop) (317 :rpl_whoisidle) (318 :rpl_endofwhois) (319 :rpl_whoischannels) (320 :rpl_whoisidentified) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (321 :rpl_liststart) (322 :rpl_list) (323 :rpl_listend) (324 :rpl_channelmodeis) (325 :rpl_uniqopis) (326 :rpl_whoisoperprivs) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (327 :rpl_whoisrealhost) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (328 :rpl_channel_url) (329 :rpl_creationtime) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (330 :rpl_whoisidentified) (331 :rpl_notopic) (332 :rpl_topic) (333 :rpl_topicwhotime) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (341 :rpl_inviting) (342 :rpl_summoning) (346 :rpl_invitelist) (347 :rpl_endofinvitelist) (348 :rpl_exceptlist) (349 :rpl_endofexceptlist) (351 :rpl_version) (352 :rpl_whoreply) (353 :rpl_namreply) (361 :rpl_killdone) (362 :rpl_closing) (363 :rpl_closeend) (366 :rpl_endofnames) (364 :rpl_links) (365 :rpl_endoflinks) (367 :rpl_banlist) (368 :rpl_endofbanlist) (369 :rpl_endofwhowas) (371 :rpl_info) (372 :rpl_motd) (373 :rpl_infostart) (374 :rpl_endofinfo) (375 :rpl_motdstart) (376 :rpl_endofmotd) (377 :rpl_map) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (378 :rpl_endofmap) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (379 :rpl_forward) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (381 :rpl_youreoper) (382 :rpl_rehashing) (383 :rpl_yourservice) (384 :rpl_myportis) (391 :rpl_time) (392 :rpl_usersstart) (393 :rpl_users) (394 :rpl_endofusers) (395 :rpl_nousers) (396 :rpl_hiddenhost) (399 :rpl_message) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (401 :err_nosuchnick) (402 :err_nosuchserver) (403 :err_nosuchchannel) (404 :err_cannotsendtochan) (405 :err_toomanychannels) (406 :err_wasnosuchnick) (407 :err_toomanytargets) (408 :err_nosuchservice) (409 :err_noorigin) (410 :err_services_offline) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (411 :err_norecipient) (412 :err_notexttosend) (413 :err_notoplevel) (414 :err_wildtoplevel) (415 :err_badmask) (421 :err_unknowncommand) (422 :err_nomotd) (423 :err_noadmininfo) (424 :err_fileerror) (431 :err_nonicknamegiven) (432 :err_erroneusnickname) (433 :err_nicknameinuse) (436 :err_nickcollision) (437 :err_unavailresource) (438 :err_bannickchange) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (441 :err_usernotinchannel) (442 :err_notonchannel) (443 :err_useronchannel) (444 :err_nologin) (445 :err_summondisabled) (446 :err_userdisabled) (447 :err_targetninvite) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (448 :err_sourceninvite) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (451 :err_notregistered) (461 :err_needmoreparams) (462 :err_alreadyregistered) (463 :err_nopermforhost) (464 :err_passwdmismatch) (465 :err_yourebannedcreep) (466 :err_youwillbebanned) (467 :err_keyset) (471 :err_channelisfull) (472 :err_unknownmode) (473 :err_inviteonlychan) (474 :err_bannedfromchan) (475 :err_badchannelkey) (476 :err_badchanmask) (477 :err_nochanmodes) (478 :err_banlistfull) (479 :err_badchanname) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (480 :err_throttled) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (481 :err_noprivileges) (482 :err_chanoprivsneeded) (483 :err_cantkillserver) (484 :err_restricted) (485 :err_uniqopprivsneeded) (486 :err_restricted) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (487 :err_no_op_split) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (488 :err_need_umode) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (491 :err_nooperhost) (501 :err_umodeunknownflag) (502 :err_usersdontmatch) (503 :err_ghostedclient) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (505 :err_blocking_notid) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (511 :err_sitelistfull) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (512 :err_maxmapnodes) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (513 :err_maxforwarding) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (514 :err_noforwarding) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (515 :err_nounidentified) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (516 :err_last_err_msg) ; Seen in dancer ircd source (671 :rpl_secureconnection) (710 :rpl_noidea) ;; ## what's the real event? ))