;;;; $Id$ ;;;; $URL$ ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information. (in-package :irc) (defun get-day-name (day-number) "Given a number, such as 1, return the appropriate day name, abbrevated, such as \"Tue\". Index 0 is Monday." (case day-number (0 "Mon") (1 "Tue") (2 "Wed") (3 "Thu") (4 "Fri") (5 "Sat") (6 "Sun") (otherwise (error "Unknown day ~A." day-number)))) (defun get-month-name (month-number) "Index 1 is January." (case month-number (1 "Jan") (2 "Feb") (3 "Mar") (4 "Apr") (5 "May") (6 "Jun") (7 "Jul") (8 "Aug") (9 "Sep") (10 "Oct") (11 "Nov") (12 "Dec") (otherwise (error "Unknown month ~A." month-number)))) (defun make-time-message (second minute hour date month year day) "Returns a string composed of the input parameters so that it represents a time message as by the IRC protocol." (format nil "~A ~A ~2D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D ~D" (get-day-name day) (get-month-name month) date hour minute second year)) (defun make-irc-message (command &rest arguments) "Return a valid IRC message, as a string, composed of the input parameters." (let ((*print-circle* nil)) (format nil "~A~{ ~A~}~@[ :~A~]~%" command (butlast arguments) (car (last arguments))))) (defun make-ctcp-message (string) "Return a valid IRC CTCP message, as a string, composed by `string'." (format nil "~A~A~A" +soh+ string +soh+)) (defun tokenize-string (string &key (delimiters '(#\Space #\Return #\Linefeed #\Newline))) "Split string into a list, splitting on `delimiters' and removing any empty subsequences." (split-sequence:split-sequence-if #'(lambda (character) (member character delimiters)) string :remove-empty-subseqs t)) (defun list-of-strings-to-integers (list) "Take a list of strings and return a new list of integers (from parse-integer) on each of the string elements." (let ((new-list nil)) (dolist (element (reverse list)) (push (parse-integer element) new-list)) new-list)) (defun host-byte-order (string) "Convert a string, such as, to host-byte-order, such as 3232235777." (let ((list (list-of-strings-to-integers (split-sequence:split-sequence #\. string)))) (+ (* (first list) 256 256 256) (* (second list) 256 256) (* (third list) 256) (fourth list)))) (defun hbo-to-dotted-quad (integer) "Host-byte-order integer to dotted-quad string conversion utility." (let ((first (ldb (byte 8 24) integer)) (second (ldb (byte 8 16) integer)) (third (ldb (byte 8 8) integer)) (fourth (ldb (byte 8 0) integer))) (format nil "~A.~A.~A.~A" first second third fourth))) (defun hbo-to-vector-quad (integer) "Host-byte-order integer to dotted-quad string conversion utility." (let ((first (ldb (byte 8 24) integer)) (second (ldb (byte 8 16) integer)) (third (ldb (byte 8 8) integer)) (fourth (ldb (byte 8 0) integer))) (vector first second third fourth))) (defun external-format-fixup (format) (let ((new-format (copy-list format))) (setf (getf (cdr new-format) :eol-style) :crlf) new-format)) (defun read-byte-no-hang (stream &optional eof-error-p eof-value) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0))) (when (listen stream) (read-byte stream eof-error-p eof-value))) (defun read-sequence-until (stream target limit &key non-blocking) "Reads data from `stream' into `target' until the subsequence `limit' is reached or `target' is not large enough to hold the data." (let ((read-fun (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'integer) (if non-blocking #'read-byte-no-hang #'read-byte) (if non-blocking #'read-char-no-hang #'read-char))) (limit-vector (coerce limit '(vector t *))) (targ-max (1- (length target))) (limit-max (length limit)) (limit-cur 0) (targ-cur -1)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0)) (type fixnum targ-cur)) ;; In SBCL read-char is a buffered operations (depending on ;; stream creation parameters), so this loop should be quite efficient ;; For others, if this becomes an efficiency problem, please report... (loop for next-elt = (funcall read-fun stream nil nil) if (null next-elt) do (return (values target targ-cur t)) else do (setf (elt target (incf targ-cur)) next-elt) (if (eql next-elt (aref limit-vector limit-cur)) (incf limit-cur) (setf limit-cur 0)) if (or (= targ-cur targ-max) (= limit-cur limit-max)) do (return (values target (1+ targ-cur) nil))))) (defun substring (string start &optional end) (let* ((end-index (if end end (length string))) (seq-len (- end-index start))) (make-array seq-len :element-type (array-element-type string) :displaced-to string :displaced-index-offset start))) (defun cut-between (string start-char end-chars &key (start 0) (cut-extra t) (cut-to-end nil)) "If `start-char' is not nil, cut string between `start-char' and any of the `end-chars', from `start'. If `start-char' is nil, cut from `start' until any of the `end-chars' (or sting-end when `cut-to-end' is true). If `cut-extra' is t, we will cut from start + 1 instead of just `start'. When there is no string matching the input parameters `start' and nil will be returned, otherwise `end-position' and the string are returned." (let ((end-position (or (position-if #'(lambda (char) (member char end-chars)) string :start (1+ start)) (when cut-to-end (length string)))) (cut-from (if cut-extra (1+ start) start))) (if (and end-position start-char) (if (eql (char string start) start-char) (values end-position (substring string cut-from end-position)) (values start nil)) (if end-position (values end-position (substring string cut-from end-position)) (values start nil))))) (defun cut-before (string substring end-chars &key (start 0) (cut-extra t) (cut-to-end nil)) "Cut `string' before `substring' or any of the `end-chars', from `start', if none of substring or end-chars are found, until the end of the string when `cut-to-end' is true. If `cut-extra' is t, we will cut from start + 1 instead of just `start'. When there is no string matching the input parameters `start' and nil will be returned, otherwise `end-position' and the string are returned." (let ((end-position (search substring string :start2 start))) (if end-position (values (+ end-position (1- (length substring))) (substring string (if (and cut-extra (< start end-position)) (1+ start) start) end-position)) (let ((end-position (or (position-if #'(lambda (x) (member x end-chars)) string :start (1+ start)) (when cut-to-end (length string)))) (cut-from (if cut-extra (1+ start) start))) (if end-position (values end-position (substring string cut-from end-position)) (values start nil)))))) ;; ;; Message arguments binding macro ;; (defmacro destructuring-arguments (lambda-list message &body body) "Destructures the `arguments' slot in `message' according to `lambda-list' and binds them in `body'. The lambda list syntax is as follows: wholevar::= &whole var reqvars::= var* optvars::= [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* ] restvar::= [&rest var] reqtrailingvars::= [&req var*] lambda-list::= (wholevar reqvars optvars restvar reqtrailingvars) With the exception of &req (which is new) and &rest, all lambda list keywords are analogous to a destructuring lambda list (see clhs 3.4.5). If &req is specified, these values are consumed off the end of the list before processing any preceeding &optional or &rest keywords. For any variable, the `:ignored' keyword can be passed instead, indicating the binding should be ignored in the `body'." (let ((%message (gensym)) (%args (gensym)) (%arg-count (gensym)) (valid-keywords '(&whole &optional &rest &req))) (labels ((lambda-key-p (x) (member x valid-keywords)) (ignored-p (x) (eq x :ignored)) (count-valid-keys (lambda-list) (count-if #'lambda-key-p lambda-list)) (replace-ignored (lambda-list) (let ((ignores)) (values (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (ignored-p x) (let ((y (gensym))) (push y ignores) y) x)) lambda-list) ignores))) (bind-req-trail (req-trail args body) (let ((req-syms (cdr req-trail))) (if (and req-trail (notevery #'ignored-p req-syms)) (multiple-value-bind (ll ignores) (replace-ignored req-syms) `(destructuring-bind ,ll ,args ,(if ignores `(declare (ignore ,@ignores)) (values)) ,body)) body)))) (let* ((whole-var (when (eq (car lambda-list) '&whole) (second lambda-list))) (lambda-list (if whole-var (nthcdr 2 lambda-list) lambda-list)) (opt-entries (member '&optional lambda-list)) (rest-entries (member '&rest lambda-list)) (req-trail (member '&req lambda-list)) (destructuring-ll (butlast lambda-list (length req-trail))) (longest-sublist (cond (opt-entries opt-entries) (rest-entries rest-entries) (req-trail req-trail) (t nil))) (min-entries (+ (if req-trail (1- (length req-trail)) 0) ;; required start && end (- (- (length lambda-list) (count-valid-keys lambda-list)) (- (length longest-sublist) (count-valid-keys longest-sublist))))) (max-entries (when (null rest-entries) ;; required start && end && optionals (+ min-entries (if opt-entries (- (1- (length opt-entries)) (length req-trail)) 0))))) `(let* ((,%message ,message) (,%args (arguments ,%message)) (,%arg-count (length ,%args)) ,@(if (and whole-var (not (ignored-p whole-var))) `((,whole-var ,%args)) (values))) (when ,(if max-entries `(not (and (<= ,min-entries ,%arg-count) (<= ,%arg-count ,max-entries))) `(> ,min-entries ,%arg-count)) ;; we want to raise a cl-irc condition here! (error (format nil "Unexpected protocol input; provided arguments ~ ~S don't match with expected arguments ~S" ',lambda-list ,%args))) ,(bind-req-trail req-trail `(last ,%args ,(1- (length req-trail))) (multiple-value-bind (ll ignores) (replace-ignored destructuring-ll) `(destructuring-bind ,ll ,(if req-trail `(butlast ,%args ,(1- (length req-trail))) %args) ,(if ignores `(declare (ignore ,@ignores)) (values)) ,@body)))))))) ;; ;; RPL_ISUPPORT support routines ;; (defun parse-isupport-prefix-argument (prefix) (declare (type string prefix)) (let ((closing-paren-pos (position #\) prefix))) (when (and (eq (elt prefix 0) #\( ) closing-paren-pos) (let ((prefixes (substring prefix (1+ closing-paren-pos))) (modes (substring prefix 1 closing-paren-pos))) (when (= (length prefixes) (length modes)) (values prefixes modes)))))) (defun nick-prefixes-from-isupport (isupport-arguments) "Returns an assoc list associating prefix characters with mode characters." (multiple-value-bind (prefixes modes) (parse-isupport-prefix-argument (second (assoc "PREFIX" isupport-arguments :test #'string=))) (let ((rv)) (dotimes (i (length modes) rv) (setf (getf rv (char prefixes i)) (char modes i)))))) (defun chanmode-descs-from-isupport (isupport-arguments &optional (mode-symbols *default-char-to-channel-modes-map*)) "Parses a string describing channel modes conforming to http://www.irc.org/tech_docs/draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-03.txt paragraph 3.3. It returns a list of mode-description records." (let* ((mode-desc-recs) (pref (second (assoc "PREFIX" isupport-arguments :test #'string=))) (chanmodes (second (assoc "CHANMODES" isupport-arguments :test #'string=))) (modes-list (cons (second (multiple-value-list (parse-isupport-prefix-argument pref))) (split-sequence:split-sequence #\, chanmodes))) (mode-descs '(;; B type mode from PREFIX with nick argument (t t t list-value-mode) ;; A type mode (:optional-for-server :optional-for-server nil list-value-mode) ;; B type mode from CHANMODES (t t nil single-value-mode) ;; C type mode from CHANMODES (t nil nil single-value-mode) ;; D type mode from CHANMODES (nil nil nil boolean-value-mode)))) (do ((mode (pop modes-list) (pop modes-list)) (mode-desc (pop mode-descs) (pop mode-descs))) ((null mode-desc) mode-desc-recs) (when (< 0 (length mode)) (let ((mode-struct (make-mode-description :param-on-set-p (first mode-desc) :param-on-unset-p (second mode-desc) :nick-param-p (third mode-desc) :class (fourth mode-desc)))) (dotimes (j (length mode)) (let ((mode-rec (copy-structure mode-struct)) (mode-char (elt mode j))) (setf (mode-desc-char mode-rec) mode-char (mode-desc-symbol mode-rec) (cdr (assoc mode-char mode-symbols))) (push mode-rec mode-desc-recs)))))))) (defmacro do-property-list ((prop val list) &body body) (let ((lsym (gensym))) `(let ((,lsym ,list)) (do* ((,prop (pop ,lsym) (pop ,lsym)) (,val (pop ,lsym) (pop ,lsym))) ((and (null ,lsym) (null ,prop) (null ,val))) ,@body)))) (defgeneric irc-string-downcase (map-name string &key start end)) (defmethod irc-string-downcase (map-name string &key (start 0) end) (declare (ignore map-name)) (let* ((new-string (substitute #\[ #\{ string :start start :end end)) (new-string (substitute #\] #\} new-string :start start :end end)) (new-string (substitute #\\ #\| new-string :start start :end end)) (new-string (substitute #\~ #\^ new-string :start start :end end))) (string-downcase new-string :start start :end end))) (defmethod irc-string-downcase ((map-name (eql :ascii)) string &key (start 0) end) (declare (ignore map-name)) (string-downcase string :start start :end end)) (defun parse-isupport-multivalue-argument (argument) (declare (type string argument)) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (split-sequence:split-sequence #\: x)) (split-sequence:split-sequence #\, argument))) (defun parse-mode-arguments (connection target arguments &key server-p) "Create a list of mode changes with their arguments for `target' from `mode-string' and `arguments'. Throw nil to the UNKNOWN-MODE symbol if any of the mode chars are unknown." (catch 'illegal-mode-spec (if (and (= 1 (length arguments)) (null (position (char (first arguments) 0) "+-"))) ;; type 1 mode specification; only allowed on servers (when server-p (let ((ops) (arg (car arguments))) (dotimes (i (length arg) (reverse ops)) (push (char arg i) ops)))) ;; type 2 mode specification; clients and servers (let ((ops)) (do ((changes (pop arguments) (pop arguments))) ((null changes) (values ops nil)) (let* ((this-op (char changes 0)) (modes (substring changes 1)) (param-req (if (char= this-op #\+) #'mode-desc-param-on-set-p #'mode-desc-param-on-unset-p))) (unless (position this-op "+-") (throw 'illegal-mode-spec nil)) (dotimes (i (length modes)) (case (char modes i) ((#\+ #\-) (setf this-op (char modes i))) (t (let* ((mode-rec (mode-description connection target (mode-name-from-char connection target (char modes i)))) (param-p (when mode-rec (funcall param-req mode-rec)))) (when (or (null mode-rec) (and param-p (= 0 (length arguments)))) (throw 'illegal-mode-spec nil)) (push (list this-op (mode-desc-symbol mode-rec) (when param-p (if (mode-desc-nick-param-p mode-rec) (find-user connection (pop arguments)) (pop arguments)))) ops)))))))))))