;;;; $Id$ ;;;; $URL$ ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information. (in-package :irc) (defun find-reply-name (reply-number &key (reply-names *reply-names*)) "Numeric replies in the IRC RFCs have more meaningful names. Given a numeric reply (`reply-number') this function will either return the symbol representing the reply or raise a continuable error (`no-such-reply') which gives you the opportunity to ignore the situation." (let ((name (assoc reply-number reply-names))) (if name (cadr name) (progn (cerror "Ignore unknown reply." 'no-such-reply :reply-number reply-number) :unknown-reply)))) (defun return-source (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message this function returns the source part of the message. Returns nil if the source part is not present." (cut-between string #\: '(#\! #\Space) :start start)) (defun return-user (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message this function returns the user part of the message. Returns nil if the user part is not present." (cut-between string #\! '(#\@ #\Space) :start start)) (defun return-host (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message this function returns the host part of the message. Returns nil if the host part is not present." (cut-between string #\@ '(#\Space) :start start)) (defun return-command (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message this function returns the command part of the message. Returns nil if the command part is not present." (if (eql (char string start) #\Space) (cut-between string #\Space '(#\Space) :start start) (cut-between string nil '(#\Space) :start start :cut-extra nil))) (defun return-arguments (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message this function returns the arguments part of the message as a list. Returns nil if the arguments part is not present." (multiple-value-bind (end-position return-argument) (cut-before string " :" '(#\Return) :start start :cut-to-end t) (values end-position (tokenize-string return-argument :delimiters '(#\Space))))) (defun return-trailing-argument (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message this function returns the trailing-argument part of the message. Returns nil if the trailing-argument part is not present." (when (< start (length string)) (cut-between string #\: '(#\Return) :start start :cut-to-end t))) (defun combine-arguments-and-trailing (string &key (start 0)) (multiple-value-bind (start return-string) (return-arguments string :start start) (multiple-value-bind (return-index trailing) (return-trailing-argument string :start start) (values return-index (append return-string (when (and trailing (string/= "" trailing)) (list trailing))))))) (defun parse-raw-message (string &key (start 0)) "Assuming `string' is a valid IRC message, parse the message and return the values in the following order: - source - user - host - command - arguments - trailing-argument Any values not present will be represented as nil." (let ((index start) (returns nil)) (dolist (function '(return-source return-user return-host return-command combine-arguments-and-trailing)) (multiple-value-bind (return-index return-string) (funcall function string :start index) (setf index return-index) (push return-string returns))) (apply #'values (reverse returns)))) (defun irc-error-reply-p (string) "Returns t if `string' is a string-representation of an IRC error reply message, nil otherwise." (unless (zerop (length string)) (if (and (every #'digit-char-p string) (member (char string 0) '(#\4 #\5))) t nil))) (defun numeric-reply-p (string) "Returns t if `string' is a string-representation of an IRC number reply, nil otherwise." (every #'digit-char-p string)) (defun ctcp-type-p (string type) "Is the `string' actually a representation of the CTCP `type'?" (if (string-equal (substring string 1 (min (length string) (1+ (length (symbol-name type))))) type) type nil)) (defun dcc-type-p (string type) "Is the `string' actually a representation of the DCC `type'?" (case type (:dcc-chat-request (when (string-equal (char string 5) #\C) :dcc-chat-request)) (:dcc-send-request (when (string-equal (char string 5) #\S) :dcc-send-request)) (otherwise nil))) (defun ctcp-message-type (string) "If `string' is a CTCP message, return the type of the message or nil if this is a) not a CTCP message or b) a CTCP message we don't know about." (if (or (not (stringp string)) (zerop (length string)) (not (eql (char string 0) +soh+))) nil (case (char string 1) (#\A (ctcp-type-p string :action)) (#\C (ctcp-type-p string :clientinfo)) (#\D (or (dcc-type-p string :dcc-chat-request) (dcc-type-p string :dcc-send-request))) (#\F (ctcp-type-p string :finger)) (#\P (ctcp-type-p string :ping)) (#\S (ctcp-type-p string :source)) (#\T (ctcp-type-p string :time)) (#\U (ctcp-type-p string :userinfo)) (#\V (ctcp-type-p string :version)) (otherwise nil)))) (defun create-irc-message (string) "If `string' is a valid IRC message parse it and return an object of the correct type with its slots prefilled according to the information in the message." (multiple-value-bind (source user host command arguments) (parse-raw-message string) (let* ((class 'irc-message) (trailing-argument (car (last arguments))) (ctcp (ctcp-message-type trailing-argument))) (when command (cond ;;((irc-error-reply-p command) ;; Disable for now, as it prevents adding hooks for some useful ;; error types ;;(progn ;; (setf command (find-reply-name (parse-integer command))) ;; (setf class 'irc-error-reply))) ((numeric-reply-p command) (progn (setf command (find-reply-name (parse-integer command))) (setf class (find-irc-message-class command)))) (t (progn (setf command (intern (string-upcase command) (find-package :keyword))) (setf class (find-irc-message-class command)))))) (when ctcp (setf class (find-ctcp-message-class ctcp))) (let ((instance (make-instance class :source (or source "") :user (or user "") :host (or host "") :command (if command (string command) "") :arguments arguments :connection nil :received-time (get-universal-time) :raw-message-string (or string "")))) (when ctcp (setf (ctcp-command instance) ctcp)) instance))))