;;; Copyright (C) 2006 Magnus Henoch ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (in-package :darcs) ;; defclass? (defstruct patchinfo date name author log inverted) ;; make_filename in PatchInfo.lhs (defun patchinfo-make-filename (patchinfo) (with-slots (date name author log inverted) patchinfo (labels ((sha1-internal (bytes) #+clisp (sb-sha1:sha1sum-sequence bytes) #-clisp (ironclad:digest-sequence :sha1 bytes)) (sha1 (str) (ironclad:byte-array-to-hex-string (sha1-internal (ironclad:ascii-string-to-byte-array str))))) (concatenate 'string ;; the original code uses cleanDate... but why? date "-" (subseq (sha1 author) 0 5) "-" (sha1 (concatenate 'string name author date (apply #'concatenate 'string log) (if inverted "t" "f"))) ".gz")))) ;; readPatchInfo in PatchInfo.lhs (defun read-patchinfo (stream) "Read a patch id from STREAM. Return NIL if none found due to EOF." ;; skip whitespace (let ((c (loop for c = (read-byte stream nil :eof) while (and (not (eql c :eof)) (isspace c)) finally (return c)))) (cond ;; EOF? ((eql c :eof) (return-from read-patchinfo nil)) ;; First character must be [ ((eql c (char-code #\[)) ) (t (error "~S is not #\\[, no patchinfo read." (code-char c))))) (let ( ;; Now, the rest of the line is the name. (name (read-binary-line stream)) ;; And up to * is the author. (author (read-until (char-code #\*) stream)) ;; Next character is '*' (normal patch) or '-' (inverted patch) (inverted (eql (read-byte stream) (char-code #\-)))) ;; Up to end of line (modulo possible ]) is date (multiple-value-bind (date char) (read-until (list 10 (char-code #\])) stream) ;; If char is #\] here, we have no log. Else, the log is the ;; following lines starting with a space. The line after the ;; log starts with #\]. We should remove the space in front of ;; each line. We need bit-by-bit quality, since the log is used ;; for hashing later. (dformat "~&Date terminated by ~A." char) (let ((log (when (/= char (char-code #\])) (loop for line = (read-binary-line stream) until (= (elt line 0) (char-code #\])) do (dformat "~&Got line ~S." line) do (when (or (zerop (length line)) (/= (elt line 0) 32)) (error "Malformed log line ~S." line)) collect (bytes-to-string (subseq line 1)) finally (unread-line stream (subseq line 1)))))) ;discard #\] (make-patchinfo :date (bytes-to-string date) :name (bytes-to-string name) :author (bytes-to-string author) :log log :inverted inverted))))) (defun write-patchinfo (patchinfo stream) "Write PATCHINFO to STREAM." (write-char #\[ stream) (write-line (patchinfo-name patchinfo) stream) (write-string (patchinfo-author patchinfo) stream) (write-string (if (patchinfo-inverted patchinfo) "*-" "**") stream) (write-string (patchinfo-date patchinfo) stream) (when (patchinfo-log patchinfo) (terpri stream) (dolist (log (patchinfo-log patchinfo)) (write-char #\Space stream) (write-line log stream))) (write-string "] " stream)) (defun invert-patchinfo (patchinfo) "Make a copy of PATCHINFO with the inverted flag toggled." (let ((copy (copy-patchinfo patchinfo))) (setf (patchinfo-inverted copy) (not (patchinfo-inverted copy))) copy)) (defmethod print-object ((patchinfo patchinfo) stream) (if *print-readably* (call-next-method) (format stream "~A ~A (~A)" (patchinfo-date patchinfo) (patchinfo-name patchinfo) (patchinfo-author patchinfo))))