This is cl-darcs, a darcs client written in Common Lisp. I started writing it because the original client requires GHC (the Glasgow Haskell Compiler), which is not available on all platforms. cl-darcs is currently in a very early state of development. * Usage At the REPL: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-darcs) (darcs:get-repo "http://path/to/repo" "/local/non-existent/directory/") Or if you want to select which patches to apply: (darcs:get-repo "http://path/to/repo" "/local/repo-dir/" :query t) To pull new patches from a repo (the address from the remote repo is optional, as it defaults to where you got the tree from): (darcs:pull "/local/repo-dir/") or (darcs:pull "/local/repo-dir/" "http://path/to/repo") cl-darcs currently doesn't try to merge changes in your local tree with patches you pull; you have to do that manually if you want to edit files. For now, you need an external tool to find the local changes, e.g: diff -x _darcs -ru _darcs/pristine/ . * Configuration cl-darcs can use an HTTP proxy: (setf darcs:*http-proxy* "") * Known bugs and misfeatures Above all, cl-darcs is currently a read-only client. There is no support for generating diffs or committing patches. Some combinations of merger patches are not properly handled. You should be able to get a tree with a real darcs client, and then use cl-darcs for pulling new patches. Repositories can be fetched only from local files and HTTP. Tags are not faithfully reproduced. Checkpoints are not used. * Compatibility I primarily develop cl-darcs on CLISP, but try to keep it working on SBCL as well. Users of non-Unix systems probably need to change MAKE-TEMP-FILE-NAME in util.lisp. * Dependencies - split-sequence: - Portable AllegroServe: - trivial-gray-streams: - Ironclad: - CL-FAD: - For CLISP, you need SB-SHA1: All of these are ASDF-INSTALLable. * License cl-darcs is covered by the GPL, like the original darcs client. ifstar.lisp and inflate.lisp were borrowed from Franz Inc, and are public domain and LLGPL, respectively. * Links Project page: Mailing list: The original darcs: Local variables: mode: outline End: