;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Package: CL-PPCRE; Base: 10 -*- ;;; $Header: /usr/local/cvsrep/cl-ppcre/util.lisp,v 2002/12/20 10:10:44 edi Exp $ ;;; Utility functions and constants dealing with the hash-tables ;;; we use to encode character classes ;;; Hash-tables are treated like sets, i.e. a character C is a member of the ;;; hash-table H iff (GETHASH C H) is true. ;;; Copyright (c) 2002, Dr. Edmund Weitz. All rights reserved. ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ;;; provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESSED ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (in-package "CL-PPCRE") (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel) (unless (boundp '+regex-char-code-limit+) (defconstant +regex-char-code-limit+ char-code-limit "The upper exclusive bound on the char-codes of characters which can occur in character classes. Change this value BEFORE compiling CL-PPCRE if you don't need the full Unicode support of LW, ACL, or CLISP.")) (defun make-char-hash (test) (declare (optimize speed space)) "Returns a hash-table of all characters satisfying test." (loop with hash = (make-hash-table) for c of-type fixnum from 0 below +regex-char-code-limit+ for chr = (code-char c) if (and chr (funcall test chr)) do (setf (gethash chr hash) t) finally (return hash))) (declaim (inline word-char-p)) (defun word-char-p (chr) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0) #+:lispworks (hcl:fixnum-safety 0))) "Tests whether a character is a \"word\" character. In the ASCII charset this is equivalent to a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or _, i.e. the same as Perl's [\\w]." (or (alphanumericp chr) (char= chr #\_))) (unless (boundp '+whitespace-char-string+) (defconstant +whitespace-char-string+ (coerce '(#\Space #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Return #\Page) 'string) "A string of all characters which are considered to be whitespace. Same as Perl's [\\s].")) (defun whitespacep (chr) (declare (optimize speed space)) "Tests whether a character is whitespace, i.e. whether it would match [\\s] in Perl." (find chr +whitespace-char-string+ :test #'char=))) ;; the following DEFCONSTANT statements are wrapped with ;; (UNLESS (BOUNDP ...) ...) to make SBCL happy (unless (boundp '+digit-hash+) (defconstant +digit-hash+ (make-char-hash (lambda (chr) (char<= #\0 chr #\9))) "Hash-table containing the digits from 0 to 9.")) (unless (boundp '+word-char-hash+) (defconstant +word-char-hash+ (make-char-hash #'word-char-p) "Hash-table containing all \"word\" characters.")) (unless (boundp '+whitespace-char-hash+) (defconstant +whitespace-char-hash+ (make-char-hash #'whitespacep) "Hash-table containing all whitespace characters.")) (defun merge-hash (hash1 hash2) (declare (optimize speed space)) "Returns the \"sum\" of two hashes." (loop for chr being the hash-keys of hash2 do (setf (gethash chr hash1) t)) hash1) (defun merge-inverted-hash (hash1 hash2) (declare (optimize speed space)) "Returns the \"sum\" of hash1 and the \"inverse\" of hash2." (loop for c of-type fixnum from 0 below +regex-char-code-limit+ for chr = (code-char c) if (and chr (not (gethash chr hash2))) do (setf (gethash chr hash1) t)) hash1) (defun create-ranges-from-hash (hash &key downcasep) (declare (optimize speed space)) "Tries to identify up to three intervals (with respect to CHAR<) which together comprise HASH. Returns NIL if this is not possible. If DOWNCASEP is true it will treat the hash-table as if it represents both the lower-case and the upper-case variants of its members and will only return the respective lower-case intervals." ;; discard empty hash-tables (unless (plusp (hash-table-count hash)) (return-from create-ranges-from-hash nil)) (loop with min1 and min2 and min3 and max1 and max2 and max3 ;; loop through all characters in HASH, sorted by CHAR< for chr in (sort (loop for chr being the hash-keys of hash collect (if downcasep (char-downcase chr) chr)) #'char<) for code = (char-code chr) ;; MIN1, MAX1, etc. are _exclusive_ ;; bounds of the intervals identified so far do (cond ((not min1) ;; this will only happen once, for the first character (setq min1 (1- code) max1 (1+ code))) ((<= min1 code max1) ;; we're here as long as CHR fits into the first interval (setq min1 (min min1 (1- code)) max1 (max max1 (1+ code)))) ((not min2) ;; we need to open a second interval ;; this'll also happen only once (setq min2 (1- code) max2 (1+ code))) ((<= min2 code max2) ;; CHR fits into the second interval (setq min2 (min min2 (1- code)) max2 (max max2 (1+ code)))) ((not min3) ;; we need to open the third interval ;; happens only once (setq min3 (1- code) max3 (1+ code))) ((<= min3 code max3) ;; CHR fits into the third interval (setq min3 (min min3 (1- code)) max3 (max max3 (1+ code)))) (t ;; we're out of luck, CHR doesn't fit ;; into one of the three intervals (return nil))) ;; on success return all bounds ;; make them inclusive bounds before returning finally (return (values (code-char (1+ min1)) (code-char (1- max1)) (and min2 (code-char (1+ min2))) (and max2 (code-char (1- max2))) (and min3 (code-char (1+ min3))) (and max3 (code-char (1- max3)))))))