;;;;Roman Klochkov, monk@slavsoft.surgut.ru
;;;; Package definition for cffi-objects,
;;;; that is a CFFI add-on, supporting GLib/GObject/GDK/GTK and similar objects
;;;[ [[* Package definition *]]
(in-package #:cl-user)
We unexport all symbols before [[defpackage]], because
CFFI-objects will be a drop-in replacemant for CFFI and I don't
want to export by hand all symbols exported by CFFI.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(let ((p (find-package "CFFI-OBJECTS")))
(when p
(do-external-symbols (v p)
(unexport (list v) p)))))
(defpackage #:cffi-objects
(:use #:common-lisp #:cffi #+message-oo #:message-oo)
;; slots
;; freeable-base API
;; slots
;; methods
;; types
;; not for objects, but useful with cffi
;; for creating object models on top of C objects
;;; Now simply reexport all CFFI symbols.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(let ((cffi (find-package "CFFI"))
(cffi-objects (find-package "CFFI-OBJECTS")))
(do-external-symbols (v cffi)
(export (list v) cffi-objects))))
[[* Introduction *]]
This document describes CFFI-objects: library, that extends CFFI to support
structures, objects and reference parameters.
Other alternatives are Virgil and FSBV/cffi-libffi. Virgil tend to marshall all
data back and forth. There are no support for structures as pointers.
FSBV is obsoleted by cffi-libffi. Libffi I dislike, because it gives another
layer of indirection (so make it slower) without new features (no bit fields
in structures).
So I made my own library. It gives the opportunity for programmer to
say which structures should be return values and how to save every
particular structure -- as pointer or as a lisp value.
(defcstruct* foo (bar :int) (baz :int))
(defvar foo-as-ptr (make-instance 'foo :new-struct t))
(defvar foo-as-value (make-instance 'foo))
(defcfun foo-maker (struct foo))
(defcfun proceed-foo :void (param (struct foo :out t)))
(defcfun print-foo :void (param (struct foo)))
Here you can use either [[foo-as-ptr]] or [[foo-as-value]] in all functions.
[[Foo-as-ptr]] is faster, because it shouldn't convert values from Lisp to C
and back, but if foreign pointer is not considered stable (may be freed
by another c-function) or you don't want to control, when you need
to free foreign pointer, you should use [[foo-as-value]].