;;;; #| (parse-namestring "./foo") evaluates to #p"foo", instead of #p"./foo". Most Lisp implementation evaluate to #p"./foo", but I don't think this is in the standard. ABCL supports current directory in paths though, using make-pathname: (make-pathname :directory '(:relative ".") :name "foo") => #P"./foo". So it is only parse-namestring that would need to be modified. |# (prove:plan 1) (prove:is (pathname-directory (parse-namestring "./foo")) '(:relative ".") "Whether the namestring of current directory explicitly roundtrips") ;; (describe #p"./foo") #| ABCL #P"foo" is an object of type PATHNAME: HOST NIL DEVICE NIL DIRECTORY NIL NAME "foo" TYPE NIL VERSION NIL ; No value ; |# #| SBCL #P"./foo" [pathname] HOST = # DIRECTORY = (:RELATIVE ".") NAME = "foo" VERSION = :NEWEST ; No value |# #| CCL P"./foo" Type: PATHNAME Class: # TYPE: (PATHNAME . #) %PATHNAME-DIRECTORY: (:RELATIVE ".") %PATHNAME-NAME: "foo" %PATHNAME-TYPE: NIL %PHYSICAL-PATHNAME-VERSION: :NEWEST %PHYSICAL-PATHNAME-DEVICE: NIL |# #| ECL # -------------------- A pathname. Namestring: "foo" Host: NIL Device: NIL Directory: (:RELATIVE) Name: "foo" Type: NIL Version: :NEWEST |# (prove:finalize)