#+TITLE: Notes on Packaging ABCL for Distribution * ABCL-AIO The standard ABCL build process as described in the ~build.xml~ file and executed by the Ant build tool results in two archive artifacts: ~abcl.jar~ and ~abcl-contrib.jar~. ~abcl.jar~ contains all the Java and Common Lisp code necessary that constitute the ANSI conforming implementation runtime, plus the latest stable ASDF. The ~abcl-contrib.jar~ (aka "contrib") artifact contains additional Common Lisp-only code that extends the implementation in useful manners. At some point in the future, We create two separate jar artifacts in order to: 1. Place an upper bound of size and complexity of ~abcl.jar~ regardless of what we package in ~abcl-contrib.jar~. Having a restricted core ANSI implementation plus ASDF enables us to: 1.1. More easily bootstrap ABCL when porting to JVM runtimes other than the OpenJDK (Davlik, CLR, …) 1.2. Subsequently use ASDF to package ABCL extension components. 2. Clearly mark which parts of the code-base are covered under GPLv2+classpath from those that may have other licensing terms. By making the loading of the "abcl-contrib" a dynamic, user-initiated, operation, we maintain our license compliance. Providing, but not shipping, ABCL-AIO, defers possible infringement to the User who redistributes the resulting jar artifact. Users often want to simply package both artifacts in a single jar for deployment convenience. abcl-1.5.0 introduced the build machinery to create such an "all-in-one" artifact via the [[https://github.com/armedbear/abcl/blob/master/build.xml#L517][~abcl-aio.jar~]] target. Upon invoking the ~abcl-aio.jar~ target #+begin_src shell ant -f build.xml abcl-aio.jar #+end_src the resulting artifact contains both the core implementation and the ABCL contrib which may be run as usual via #+begin_src shell java -jar dist/abcl-aio.jar #+end_src * ASDF-JAR contrib The ASDF-JAR contrib provides a mechanism for package ASDF systems and their recursive dependencies in a jar archive. An example of using this to package the CL-PPCRE system from Quicklisp: #+begin_src lisp ;; (require :abcl-contrib) (require :quicklisp-abcl) (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) (require :asdf-jar) (asdf-jar:package :cl-ppcre) #+end_src results in a jar archive at something like ~#P"/var/tmp/cl-ppcre-all-2.1.1.jar"~. This jar archive may be loaded in a version of the implementation via #+begin_src lisp (require :abcl-contrib) (require :asdf-jar) (setf *load-verbose* t) ;; so we can verify where the load is coming from (asdf-jar:add-to-asdf #P"/var/tmp/cl-ppcre-all-2.1.1.jar") (asdf:load-system :cl-ppcre) #+end_src =asdf-jar= uses all items declared in the ASDF definitions so it won't work well for: 1. An ASDF system which depends on artifacts that are not declared as existing on the file-system via an explicit reference within the ASDF source reference mechanism. 2. Libraries such as CFFI which depend on items to be have been make available via an operating system packaging mechanism. * Implementation Status Ideally, we would like allow the AIO mechanism to include additional ASDF systems in the single jar artifact. Currently one can hack this together by: 1. Manually extracting the ~abcl-aio.jar~ artifact to a file-system. 2. Placing the necessary ASDF systems in the resulting "contrib" directory. 3. Recreating the single archive from the file-system contents. * TODO Future directions Obviously, we could provide more convenience in packaging ABCL applications as single archives . Rather than mucking around in the Ant build system, I would rather that we add the necessary machinery =ABCL-BUILD= contrib as it will make customization much easier for those who know Common Lisp. Patches towards easier use are gratefully solicited. * Colophon #+begin_example Mark Created: <2019-11-25 Mon> Revised: <2023-06-12 Mon 09:09> #+end_example