(in-package :asdf) (defclass iri (component) ((schema :initform nil) (authority :initform nil) (path :initform nil) (query :initform nil) (fragment :initform nil))) (defclass mvn (iri) ((group-id :initform nil) (artifact-id :initform nil))) #+nil (defmethod find-component ((component iri) path) component) ;;; We interpret compilation to ensure that load-op will succeed (defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (c mvn)) (maybe-parse-mvn c) (abcl-asdf:satisfy c)) (defmethod perform ((operation load-op) (c mvn)) (maybe-parse-mvn c) (java:add-to-classpath (abcl-asdf:as-classpath (abcl-asdf:satisfy c)))) ;;; A Maven URI has the form "mvn:group-id/artifact-id/version" ;;; ;;; Currently we "stuff" the group-id/artifact-id into the 'name' and ;;; use the component 'version' for the version string. (defun maybe-parse-mvn (component) (with-slots (asdf::name asdf::group-id asdf::artifact-id asdf::version asdf::schema asdf::path) component (when (null asdf::artifact-id) (let ((slash (search "/" name))) (unless (and (integerp slash) asdf::version) (error "Failed to construct a mvn reference from name '~A' and version '~A'" asdf::name asdf::version)) (setf asdf::group-id (subseq asdf::name 0 slash) asdf::artifact-id (subseq asdf::name (1+ slash)) asdf::schema "mvn" asdf::path (format nil "~A/~A" asdf::name asdf::version)))))) (defmethod source-file-type ((component iri) (system system)) nil) (defmethod component-relative-pathname ((component iri)) nil) (in-package #:abcl-asdf) (defun satisfy (mvn-component) "Resolve all runtime dependencies of MVN-COMPONENT. Returns a string in JVM CLASSPATH format as entries delimited by classpath separator string." (with-slots (asdf::group-id asdf::artifact-id asdf::version) mvn-component (resolve-dependencies asdf::group-id asdf::artifact-id asdf::version))) (defun as-classpath (classpath) "Break apart the JVM CLASSPATH string into a list of its consituents." ;;; XXX Maybe doesn't work under Windows? (split-string classpath ":")) (defun split-string (string split-char) (loop :for i = 0 :then (1+ j) :as j = (position split-char string :test #'string-equal :start i) :collect (subseq string i j) :while j))